12:08am Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Eklipse, nuh-uh! Lookie at Kestrelheart's! Besides, with all the epic long posts I do, I think I have my fair share of short ones in stock, at the moment. But I don't plan on doing any more short ones. I will just have to get over my writers block. Fullmoon, why would I have one of those? Jk Though, I am kinda offended. I raised enough tu to buy the egg, hatch the natural pet, and buy the Gold and Silver dye kit. Some people on Res have to keep the tu flowing. Though, I'm dead broke now. I still have to make 4 more million to get the two name tags...I really want Irona to switch with Alell....
Just call me Siri.
12:27am Aug 7 2010 (last edited on 12:56am Aug 7 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
::Lp:: Also, I'm making Patchpelt's post at the moment. It's quite long.
EDIT Mistsoul was about to reply to Windprint when Eaglestar called for a meeting. Happily, Mistsoul called out the new apprentice names, and the old one, in rejoice to the clan’s well being. Kind of, she thought. The prey was still much too low, for any cats liking. Nonetheless, there wasn’t anything more she could do for the clan. All the prey seemed to have either vanished or was already killed for their starving bellies. With a wicked thought, Mistsoul called to her companion. Telling her companion the idea, the reply came quickly and full of disdain. Absolutely not! Are you as mad as a badger! You know what happened there! Dipping her head, Mistsoul trotted off so she was hidden from view, for she had learned a while ago that the warriors were uneasy with her too often distant eyes. I don’t know any other way, she pleaded helplessly. No, Mistsoul! You can not go back to that barn. You should know that by now. Evil resides there, and have the brain of a mouse and stay far from there. With a huff, Mistsoul compromised, I’ll be quick. No cat or twoleg will know what hit them. Please, Mistsoul, I’m begging you. Do not go. Rolling her honey eyes, Mistsoul decided to obey for once in her life and stay put. If my clan dies because of this, I will never forgive you. I would never forgive myself if I had left you go kill yourself. Not knowing what to say to that, Mistsoul quieted as she felt her companion leave her. Ever since the day Cougarclaw had gone to StarClan, the tawny she-cat had been watching out for her. Mistsoul had been with Silverthaw and the other loners at the barn when a band of Hawkmask’s warriors attacked. At their lives, both Silverthaw and Cougarclaw, Mistsoul had gotten away. That day and all the events lead her to the tribe where she learned more than she ever had at IceClan. Sworn to secrecy, Mistsoul could tell only little bits of her story, but never about what she learned or that Cougarclaw watched over her. Padding out from the brush, the silver she-cat mumbled, “Why is life so hard.” At around sun high, Redpaw pranced around camp. Feeling limber from the previous days training, all he could think about was fighting. After pushing Bluepaw’s face into the dirt he had gotten bored though. It was no fun winning every time. With a cautious glance around, the sooty red tom snuck out of camp. Loping around and between bushes, he acted like a lone tom, leader of his clan, protecting his boarders. “I will always win!” he declared defiantly. ::Meanwhile:: Patchpelt stumbled again. Her paws were swollen because she had tripped in a rabbit hole, which made her clumsy. Hating the feeling of tresp*censored*ing into another’s territory, she could only hope that the TreeClan warriors didn’t find them. OoC: Since I made the Graypaw oopie, I guess they haven’t had a vision of where to go. So that means that her conversation with Firpaw and Twigstripe never happened. Anyway, back to the post. BiC Tail fluffed with embarr*censored*ment, she thought again, why am I a mentor? Shadowpaw needs better than this. Spotting a dense about of foliage, which was a blessing in this naked undergrowth, the calico she-cat went straight for it. Wiggling underneath some bracken ferns, she waited for all of them to join her before asking, “Has anyone else had a vision, something to help us?” Patchpelt wouldn’t admit that she had no clue as the where they were heading. It was hard enough to leave the clan with a destination, but if she admitted not knowing, what would the other cats do.
Just call me Siri.
11:39am Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 779
OOC; Wont be on today. It's my birthday and I feel old.))
12:28pm Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Happy birthday Electro!! X3 Rainfeather looked forward staring into the TreeClan territory, "No... I haven't had one since I left..." she admitted, then moved her tail over the gras.s, "I am sure if anyone did have one they would tell you," she meowed, trying to as.sure Patchpelt, "Besides, we are about half way through the TreeClan territory, it won't be long until we get out of this place to go see somewhere else..." Maybe... If we survive through TreeClan territory.. she added to herself silently. She lifted her head, then scented the air. TreeClan cats' smell drew closer and close... "Patchpelt.. "Rainfeather whispered, "We need to hide there is a patrol near us..."
8:00pm Aug 7 2010
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Posts: 1,771
~!Happy Birthday Electro!~ OoC: I hope that yo have a great birthday, and all of your wishes come true! =D BiC Swallowing hard, Patchpelt turned quickly before any of the other cats could see her emerald eyes widen. “Um,” she mewed helplessly. “I don’t know where to go.” Claws digging into the frozen soil beneath her paws, Patchpelt felt her neck fur rise up in alarm. Now that Rainfeather mentioned it, she too could smell the patrol coming. Opening her mouth, Patchpelt inhaled deeply, and prayed to StarClan that they would either be familiar or wouldn’t notice her band. Spicy, almost like huckle berries mixed with chervil leaves, the calico she-cat scented Twigstripe. Thank you, StarClan!…I hope. There were other cats with her, but Patchpelt knew that nothing rash would happen if every cat behaved. Looking back, she whispered, “I can smell Twigstripe. I know her from Gatherings, we just need to behave.” With a flick of her tail, she signaled a come on and off she went. “We mean no harm!” Patchpelt yowled a little too loudly, and felt her tail fluff with nerves.
Just call me Siri.
2:10pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Happy (late) Birthday Electro!)) Shadowpaw had watched the other cats who were on the journey enviously, though not one to hold grudges or think bad about any cat, he wished the dreams and helpfulness of the others came as easily to him. He felt completely useless, and it was all thanks to Lostkit and Starclan. I'm not the right cat for this! My faith, no matter how strong it was, has diminished till I want to claw the ears off any Starclan cat I can. He thought miserably, swerving around to miss a thorn bush. His paw still caught one of the tendrils and sent him stumbling, and as he glared back at the plant he could have swore the ob ject was laughing at him. Flicking his long, thin tail in anger, mostly directed towards himself, Shadowpaw leap forward so he was padding beside Patchpelt. He turned his abnormal glare towards the sky, and hoped his eyes did not show the anger and bitter resentment in them. Though he figured they did. His blue eyes always seemed to be a portal to his soul, and his feelings shined out of them. First you took my brother Silentheart, though I might not have known him the way mother speaks of her adopted son makes me feel just as close to him. Then you took my little brother Lostkit. He would have been a better warrior then a Starclan kit who annoys the fur right out of my skin. Then my sister. His eyes watered up at the thought of Midnightpaw, and he bowed his head and stopped his walking for a second, as if the very thought of his sister sucked the last of his strength from his tired limbs. Not wanting to seem odd, he started forwards again, ears dropped and eyes still moist. How can I have faith in cats who keep killing all of those I love? He silently snarled at Lostkit, and received no answer. I might as well turn back around and die with my clan mates. He mused bitterly, whiskers bristling. Instead of cats who think those bunch of starry murders will save us. He took one look at Patchpelt and felt a sudden shame almost sweep him off of his paws. She believes so strongly, makes me almost want to believe. Almost. Suddenly thought the others stopped, making him bump into Rainfeather. Other clan cats, just what we needed. He thought bitterly, and flattened himself to the ground, claws digging into the unforgiving dirt. -- Padding back into the camp with a dejected look on his face, Silentheart felt a stab of guilt for not catching a single morsel for the clan no matter how hard he'd looked. Though he did not regret coming back, he felt guilty that he was eating prey of cats who would only get one chance. Scowling, he decided he could wait another day or so before he'd grab a small piece of kill. Glancing around camp, he itched to claw at the newest cats to the clan, not feeling as thought they had a reason to be there besides eat their kill and make the others suffer more. The tom, Starpaw, is not bigger then a kit, and looks as weak as one. He'll never make a warrior who could support himself. He sneered slightly, then let it drop. He had no right to judge what Eaglestar did or who she chose to enter the clan. Finally turning on his paws, cold green eyes dragging away from the newest additions, Silentheart looked for a certain cat in particular. Searching, he finally found Mistsoul and padded over, tail raised in greeting. He at once noticed her eyes had a lost look to them, as if what she was seeing, hearing, was turning inwards to her mind. He was about to walk away, not wanting to interrupt her thoughts when she seemed to shake out of it. "Why is life so hard." He heard her muttered and flinched, hating that there was nothing he could do to comfort her. "If it was not hard we'd turn into kitty-pets." He meowed softly, padding from the shadows. "Is everything alright?" He asked cautiously. -- Falconwing paced back and forth in front of the apprentices den, her normally light green eyes dark with worry, and pelt bristling slightly. She could not find Littlepaw, the only kit she knew was still around at the moment. With Patchpelt missing she knew Shadowpaw was with her and alright. And Midnightpaw was dead. The very thought of her beautiful daughter laying cold on the ground made her stiffen and have to swallow a pained yowl of grief. All of her kits seemed to be gone, to places she could never reach. She decided to distract herself by quickly organizing patrols. Though the role as deputy was still new and odd, she was getting used to ordering cats about and being looked up too. It helped to detract her mind and she was proud Eaglestar had looked to her to lead below her. A least I know I'm good for something, but clearly being a queen is not one of them. She flinched at the thoughts. Finishing patrols for the rest of the day, she padded around to find Redpaw. Hearing yowling outside of camp she quickened her pace in worry, her paws almost flying over the ground. Huffing in delight as she noticed it was her red apprentice talking to himself, she sat back to watch as he lead his own 'clan' to defeat their 'enemies.' A small purr of amusement, not something she was expecting on such a gloomy day, p*censored*ed though her throat. She grinned and with a expert twitch of her paws jumped from the shadows to land lightly on his back the roll off, whirling around to face him with wicked eyes. "Playing warrior are we?" She meowed lightly.

5:07pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Rainfeather let her neck fur rise, Patchpelt may be friends with this TreeClan cat, but that doesn't mean we will get off so easily if there are other warriors with her.. Rainfeather thought her white and black tail swaying back and fourth. Rainfeather fixed her piercing ice blue eyes on the bushes ahead of her where she scented Twigstripe might be. Please let there be no other warriors with her! Rainfeather pleaded in her mind.
6:19pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 779
Thank you all and I promie I will have a post up soon ut as of late I've had serious writers block))
11:19am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Bump
9:52am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; That fix it Electro ? X3 Bic; Thistlestorm padded over to Blackfeather, "Want to go hunting? " he asked, "We should try to get something fro this fresh-kill pile...." he added, then beaconed her with his black spotted dark grey tail.
9:57am Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,148
[could I join? I'm literate and active]
2:20pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; That would be cool, East? What do you think?
2:42pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackfeather felt her ears go hot and was thankful she had fur. "O-of course Thistlestorm." she smiled at him and followed. Fireeyes watched the duo pad away and chuckled at the timid she cat. She was the only she cat that knew Fireeyes real side. His none womenizing side.
3:51pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Oh my electro...... bic; Thistlestorm looked around the snow covered sand, "Can you scent anything?" he asked his nose straining itself to find some prey scent. (Fail ((
4:43pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 779
Shoosh Eklipse shoosh.))) BIC; Blackfeather scented the air and got down stalking towards some fern. Bringing some strength into her haunches she pounced and a sqawcked was heard from the fern. She padded back with a chikadee in her jaws and she smiled happily.
4:44pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Can I join or are you too far into the RP?]
7:20pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; East!! *Yells* Answer these People!! *Throws pine cone* Thistlestorm's eye twitched, Did she really just kill a bird?!!?!?! he panicked inside his mind, His green gaze looked a little crazy and stared at the she-cat. In front of me.....? His mind focused on the bird in her jaws, The clan needs prey but did she have to catch a bird in front of me? "Poor...b-bird..." he murmured, his heart ached, "Poor... pooor little bird...." he lifted his gaze from his paws and looked at Blackfeather again, hopefulness in her eyes. Thistlestorm scented mouse and then pounced, lightly on the creature, "You could have caught this!!" "Can I have that?" not waiting for an answer, he grabbed the bird from her mouth, dropped the mouse he caught at her feet, and pushed snow and dirt over the bird. "He could have lived!! But?? nooooo... he didn't have to die..." he meowed, the last part a whisper, then shoved his face into the ground, and let out a loud yowl.
7:21pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; detneth? didn't you already join this rp?
7:22pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((You've actually already joined this one a few weeks ago Detneth106, and apparently forgot about it (: Your cats were Robin and Phantasme.))
7:35pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Oh yeah...I think I missed them on the first page. Should I just make a new intro for them?]