1:15pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 1:17pm Aug 12 2010)
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Doublle post!!)
1:15pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 779
Nordricks not part of the clan yet and I've been planning to kill a few of my cats or have them runaway. SPOILER yay))
3:33pm Aug 12 2010
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OoC: Thank you, Electro. ^.^ I wasn't sure about Nordick. Oh, no! You gave away some spoilers! =O ::pretends she didn't read that:: What? Cats running away, a few dying? I don't have a clue~
Just call me Siri.
6:10pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 779
Fireeyes padded into the woods scenting for any prey he might catch unsuspecting their near death. While he padded he heard his brother snarling and battling with another cat. And from the cent it was a tom. Padding to the noise he stopped and watched in shock at the tom that ressembled closely to Crimsonfang but much more broader. He watched the tom bat at his brother and snarl his eyes gleaming with menace and murder. The tom pinned Timberfur to the ground grinned and took into Timberfur's throat. Fireeyes yowled and launched himself at the tom. Grabbing on his scruff and pulling him off of his brother the two went into a furious t*censored*le of fur fangs and claws. But alas Fireeyes fell and received the same death as his brother. The tom growled and padded away with a slight limp. Heading to the bushes as he sensed more cats heading towards the scene. Blackwolf ran along the forest floor. He had heard the sound of three cats fighting and hoped he hadn't been too late. Padding into the scene Blackwolf could only stare at the scene with his eyes as wide as the new moon. There laying before him were Timberfur and Fireeyes the two brothers that meant so much to his friend Goldwing being grown up with the two toms. He only thought how he was to bring this to the clan and especially Echovoice. Timberfur's mate. Carrying Timberfur he looked at Fireeyes' body and headed back to camp with Timberfur's body. When he got back he placed him in the middle and went to Goldwing, "Go find Fireeyes body near the Caveclan border and bring him back. I have to inform Eaglestar.", with that he went find Eaglestar and Falconwing. Hawkmask watched in horror at the new dead cat in the center. Timberfur was like a brother to her and she knew he was close to Echovoice. Heading to find the queen and try to comfort her with the news Blackwolf had brought back. ((OOC; Ooooooooooooooooooh))
6:18pm Aug 12 2010
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ooc; I love the Idea of the Clan moving siri! X3 It is a great Idea, and I am sure East doesn't mind. And ELECTRO!*slaps* Who is going to mentor Featherkit now?!!?!?! *explodes* XD Lol, he would be the best for her :D. Who shall mentor the savage kit now? Wow... That has been the first explosion in a while..........Oh and Siri again, uh, When do you think Emeraldrain should have her kits?
7:08pm Aug 12 2010
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OOC; *Shrinks* I'm sorry. I just needed to make room. Please don't pimp slap me.)))
11:27am Aug 13 2010
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ooc; Grrrrr..... >( ((Oh, and det, would you like a mentor for Willowpaw? I can offer Thistlestorm...)) Poisonpaw called into the warriors den, "I am going hunting!!" to her mentor, he shouldn't mind... she thought, then padded out of the snowy camp, her white and black fur plastered to her body from the rain before, she padded a long way away from the camp to find a faint two leg smell. "What the...?" she tracked the scent down as quietly as she could, hoping that the thing would not be there. She lifted her green gaze to see huge scars on the earth, , the dirt under the snow and sand was dug up and there, in this m*censored*ive scratch was a hole in the middle of it. Poisonpaw dared herself to look into it, she looked down in the hole, expecting it to be shallow, but the hole was big, deep, and dark. Poisonpaw's jaws opened in a silent yowl, and she backed away slowly, a huge monster stood in front of her, and she didn't even noticed. The monster's unnatural yellow pelt shone and a huge thing came out of the top of it, it was open like a claw, waiting to grab the soil underneath, It moved toward her, the huge metal claw coming to grab her. Poisonpaw froze then pelted to the camp. "Sunflare!" Shatteredpaw heard Poisonpaw from the outside of the apprentice's den, she padded outside to see what was wrong with her sister. No, not sister.... Friend. Her limbs were sore from fighting practice with Berrypool, witch seemed to last forever. Yawning she limped over to her sister, "What's wrong?" she asked, she could smell the fear scent from her. Poisonpaw did nothing but stare as if she was reliving something horrifying. Brightleaf smelt the air, Poisonpaw had just rushed into the camp, but it is none of my buisness... she thought then padded over to the nursery, "Hello? Kits are you in here?" she asked, listening for the familiar little squeals. Rosekit padded out to her, "Hi!" she meowed, then looked up at Brightleaf, her little blue eyes sparkling, "I am going to be an apprentice soon, Like Cardinalpaw." she announced. Cardinalpaw awoke to Poisonpaw's yowl, Ravenfeather had trained him hard today, "Will it always be like this?" he muttered to himself, then padded up to Redpaw, "Hi," he meowed, to the older apprentice, "how are you doing?" he asked also trying not to let his drowsiness show, his white, ginger and black fur ruffled. His long tail dragged behind him. He gave his chest a little grooming and then sat down beside Redpaw. His tall body made him look almost as old as him.
12:59pm Aug 13 2010
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[Thanks Eklipse. I'm going to re-post my intro since it's on the second-last page. I also need a mentor for Whisperpaw.] Willowpaw nudged Whisperpaw gently. "I wonder what we're doing today!" she meowed excitedly.
Whisperpaw shrugged despondently and chewed a small morsel of mouse that they were sharing from. Whisperpaw sighed and rolled over, shaking his head to clear the fog of sleep. "Hunt, most likely. We need more prey." he meowed grumpily, dragging himself into a sitting position. Willowpaw snorted. "You hate hunting, don't you. I don't get it Whisperpaw." she mewed, purring. "But it might be because you're as slow as a lumbering badger when you hunt. I know you better than most." Whisperpaw looked at her indignantly. "I am not. Bet I'll catch more prey today than you will!" he exclaimed angrily. Hawkgaze lay by the fresh-kill pile, gnawing on a thin mouse in the warm sunshine. The prey has been running badly for a while now, he thought despondently, closing his eyes. And we'll have more cats to feed soon, since Emeraldrain is going to be kitting soon. Scree padded through the forest, stalking a small and thin rabbit. She could scent it, but unfortunately she had yet to see it. Her whiskers twitched when she heard cat voices. There's a large group of cats over there. Are they...the Clans? She wriggled through the undergrowth and up a tree, so she was looking down on the clearing.

5:04pm Aug 13 2010
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ooc; My other warrior is too young, she is about 13 moons, lol.... And willowpaw should know something about Thistlestorm, he has problems with seeing birds killed............Lol. "Willowpaw, Since you are so exited about hunting,"Thistlestorm meowed, "Why not come with me now, the Clan could use some fresh-kill." He ender, then padded to the outside of the camp entrance, "Coming?" he called to his apprentice then padded forward, knowing she would catch up in a moment of time. Nightpaw exited the camp, "Stupid dead herbs..." she muttered, then began scenting to find some more borage, just incase Emeraldrain has her kits. Then she came across a unfamiliar scent, "Uh..." she meowed, "Who are you?" she asked, her sightless blue eyes sparked with wonder, this cat was in a tree. Well I am not going up there to get it.....But, What if its stuck? "Do you need help?" she asked, then scented borage and broke, some off into her mouth. Then she set it down on the ground and sat in front of the tree, waiting for the strange cat to reply. She gave her jet black fur a couple of licks and looked up as if she could actually see the cat.
6:01pm Aug 13 2010
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Sunflare yawned widely as Poisonpaw poked her head into the den, announcing that she would go hunting. The golden warrior nodded and sat up, giving his fur a good shake, watching as his apprentices tail disappeared into the forest. I'm not sure if I should have let her go out alone, not will those monsters out there. He started to worry, but to hide it the young warrior bent his head down to lick his fur, making sure it was sleek and smooth before he stretched luxuriously, glad to feel his muscles, thought not as powerful as some, ripple. A sudden yowl made his head shoot up, fur prickling in dread. He'd know that voice from anywhere, particularly since it sounded so like when she had fallen from the tree. Leaping to his paws Sunflare was out of the warriors den and standing anxiously over his apprentice in a heart beat. Licking her ear soothingly he scented the air for any sign of pursuit. "What happened?" He asked softly, tail flicking in agitation. Panthergaze grumbled as he padded back into camp with no prey to offer, and after having hunted for what felt like moons his paws wanted to fall off. With a irritable twitch of his ears the white stripped tom entered the camp, not looking at any cat as he p*censored*ed. All he wanted to do was sleep. But another pelt brushed his own and he forced a small smile towards Starpaw. Instantly the older cat knew something was wrong by the dejected look in the tiny apprentices eyes. "Whats wrong?" He asked worriedly, flicking his tail over Starpaw's shoulder. The little cat shrugged, but Panthergaze only shot him a glare. "Alright, well." He paused, head lowered. "I don't feel like I belong. Thats all. Ever since we've been here no cats talks to me, everyone looks at me with sympathy, they all seem to think that i'll be nothing, and the worst part was that Eaglestar gave me a name, but no mentor. Does she think i'm not good enough for one of her warriors?" Panthergaze felt his fury boil under his skin, and he itched to rake his claws across the Iceclan leaders ears. "Don't listen to any of them Luoke!" He snarled, fur bristling as if he was facing a patrol of enemies, accidentally using Starpaw's old name. "Your as good, if not better then any of them." He looked down to face the smaller cats own, not surprised to find awe in his blue orbs. Many rouges had said Panthergaze looked like some spirit manifested for revenge when he was angry. "Just tell me who said what and I'll set the straight." What the tom did not expect was his adopted son to pressed his face into his fur like a kit to his mother. But since Starpaw never got to know his mother, Panthergaze allowed his and licked his head affectionately. "Thanks Alcarié" It was almost like using their birth names made them closer then any cat in the clan could hope to get to either of them.

10:56am Aug 14 2010 (last edited on 10:57am Aug 14 2010)
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OoC: I won't be very active from August 16 through the 21, my local fair is during this week and I have two animals. Thank you for understanding. Det, I could offer Mistsoul. I was saving her for Rosekit, Jadekit, or Featherkit, but Whisperpaw needs one before they do. What do you think? =3 Eklipse, um, as for Emeraldrain, would you mind holding off until Eaglestar's kits become apprentices? I think that should be good, but if that doesn't happen too soon, then I say whenever you want. Also, Eklipse, Redpaw isn't in the apprentice den.::giggles mischievously:: But you will see in a moment where he is. Twigstripe mewed solemnly, "Good, it's you, Patchpelt." Her orange ear flicked in surprise that the TreeClan deputy would be glad to see her. Pressing up against Rainfeather, Patchpelt could help but ask, "Are you no angry at me for crossing your boarders?" "Yes, dear StarClan, I am," she snapped, umber eyes flashing for a moment, "but I have something of yours that lead my patrol right to you." Utterly confused, Patchpelt flicked her tail back and forth, "What would that be?" "Firpaw," Twigstripe meowed. Patchpelt's eyes widened to what felt like the size of the full moon. "Redpaw!" she gasped as Firpaw pushed the other apprentice forward. Walking with his head high, unfazed by the other apprentice, Redpaw looked as arrogant as ever. "I knew you were up to something, and I couldn't let you have all the fun." OoC: That's all I can do, I have to go set up for Fair. D= Eklipse and Stray, you can use any of my characters if you would like. Not just today, but throughout the whole week I won't be very active. Just make sure that none of my she-cats get prego~ That wouldn't be good. xD
Just call me Siri.
11:31am Aug 14 2010 (last edited on 11:32am Aug 14 2010)
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ooc;And Stray, I believe that Eaglestar gave Starpaw Windprint as a mentor X3, Siri, That sounds good, When Eaglestar's kits are apprenticed, Emeraldrain's kits will have more room And I think me and Stray could split the characters X3.... Poisonpaw seen something like this: http://www.rentaltool.com/escavator.html But yellow. (Sorry about the font changes, I am trying to find one I like better than the usual one, I am getting tired of it ) Poisonpaw flattened her ears as if the moster was right infront of her, "It was a huge Monster! I have never seen it before...." she looked around, "It had a yellow pelt and a huge claw seemed to stick out of it, It was like this-" she held her arm slanted and kept her claws unsheathed, "And then it moved toward me and, I ran back to the camp," Poisonpaw gasped for some air then looked around, "That monster must be scaring away all our prey." Rainfeather bared her teeth in a snarl, "What are you doing here?" she hissed, "You could have got mauled by FireClan or CaveClan cats!" Looking at Twigstripe she meowed to her, "I am very sorry about that," she meowed, "It won't happen again." Looking at Redpaw, more sympathetically, she meowed, "You have came this far, you may as well come with, What do you say Patchpelt?" Its not like we can return to IceClan, just to be questioned on leaving again.. she thought, then beaconed the apprentice over to her with one sweep of her white tail. "Thank you for this, " she meowed again to Twigstripe, half wishing he had ended up in another more aggressive Clan. Then Rainfeather whipped her head around to the apprentice, "This is nothing to be proud of." she spat at him. ((Stray: Would you rp Redpaw? I can do Swiftdarkness, and would you like Mistsoul,(Maybe you could do patchpelt, she has the same font color as Rainfeather =], But if you want Twigstripe or Mistsoul more than that would be Okay too.)patchpelt, and or Twigstripe?))
1:40pm Aug 14 2010
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Eklipse: Yeah, Windprint is Starpaw's mentor now that have re-read the post. Sorry, about that. I'd gladly play Redpaw, and Patchpelt. Redpaw because he reminds me of a human character of mine and Patchpelt because I'v always liked her.)) Sunflare listened to Poisonpaw's words, fur prickling in fear and anger. Fear because he did not know who or what there monsters were or how to fight them. And anger because they were killing his clan mates. "You did the right thing by coming back here rather then try to fight it. Now that we might know what we're up against perhaps Eaglestar will send out a patrol to see if we can combat them." He meowed gruffly. Whatever Rainfeather, Patchpelt, Shadowpaw, and the others have set out to do I prey to Starclan that they will have it easier then we do. He nudged Poisonpaw to her feet. "Come on, perhaps you should see Fernseed and see about a herb tp calm you down." He mused gently. Falconwing padded back and forth in front of her den, fur on edge and green eyes wild with terror and something else, something sinister and progressive. Her fur was slightly matted, not the sleek, smooth coat she tended to care for so fully. She felt hollow and cold, useless even. Why Starclan, why have you forsaken us like this? She yowled silently, eyes brimming with frustration, confusion, grief, and insanity. She itched to claw through the forest and find her son, her apprentice just about hr whole life. Claws sinking into the ground, she snarled viciously at nothing, fangs gnashing into the air as if it were the throat of an enemy. "I can't do this." She whispered, voice hard and dangerous. "You stole everything from me! Everything!" Leaping back to her tiny paws, the she-cat and deputy stalked into the forest, leaping upon her hind claws and lashing out at a nearby tree, creating four gouges mixed with her blood. She did not care that one of her claws had been ripped free. The physical pain was a relief from the mental pain. "Then to rub sand in the wounds you made me deputy of a clan that is dying before my very eyes!" Crouching low to the ground, voice rising in panic and fury she glared at any moving ob ject, ready to lash and kill just for breathing the air tainted with clan blood. "What else will you steal from me? huh? My claws, my fangs? Me speed and strength that made me who I am!?" She laughed suddenly, the sound grating. She did not understand what was going on, what she was doing. The blackness that had set in over her mind in a haze since Midnightpaw's death was now covering everything, making it all black and red, every face that of a lost loved one come back to haunt her. The stress of not being able to save her clan mates when she was second in command had finally gotten to her head and little made sense. The ground suddenly rumbled below her feet and she hissed coldly."Is that you now Starclan? Have you finally heard me? Well guess what? I don't care anymore." Whipping around, she spotted something large, something shinning in the shadows of the tree's coming towards her at a alarming rate. Something in the front shined, almost like eyes. Was it snarling? She did not care, this Starclan cat, or the whole of Starclan, she just did not care, she would fight and she would die in battle. A new voice rang through her delicate ears, someone yowling for her to run, to move. Why did it sound so much like Midnightpaw? "Daughter?" She asked softly, looking away from the m*censored*ive creature coming towards her befuddled mind. "Daughter is that you?" Tears brimmed in her eyes and a small smile graced her matted muzzle. Skinny body heaving with the delight of hearing that soft voice drowned out her initial anger at the monster coming towards her, and it was to late. The snarling turned into a roar and as the small she-cat whipped around, a yowl of terror and fury on her lips, ready to defend her daughter, even if she did not know where she was, at the cost of her life. It was to late to dodge and a m*censored*ive clawed paw descended onto her much smaller, frail body, smashing her into the ground and one piercing claw ripped completely through her exposed back. A silent wail of pain made her maw open, but no sound emerged, only the scarlet drops of blood. Lifted from the ground, body impaled, she struggled until she slipped and fell a few crunching lengths onto the ground, everything nothing but black and red, pain, once more. The roaring was vanishing, but so was her life. Silentheart had been trying to hunt, though he'd only caught on scrawny mouse, to ease his anger at the whole situation at hand, or paw. Everyone was dying and with so many new cats and kits he was not sure how they would all survive. Suddenly the pungent smell of two-leg monster met his nose and he gagged slightly., Burying his prey under some moss, memorizing where he's left it, the copper fur cat descended deeper into the plains, searching for the scent to make sure now cat was nearby ready to be killed. What he saw thought when he was close enough made his heart splutter almost to a stop. His foster mother, his savior in the beginning of life, was standing only a few tail lengths from the approaching creature, lips curled back and eyes lost and crazed as she watched it approach. Does she think she can defeat it, just her? He thought in terror, racing towards her. "Falconwing!" He yowled in fear, voice high and scratchy. "Mother run, get away from it!" He was so close, almost able to see the crazed look in her eyes. But she stopped snarling and instead stood there, looking around as if in a daze. He continued to run, to yowl. But she started talking, eyes taking on a new light of sadness, yet delight. Was she whispering something? A prayer perhaps. Thats not going to help Falconwing, run! A wail ripped through his muzzle to match her own as the monsters paw fell with a sickening crunch onto his deputy, his mother of sorts. "No!" His pathetic wail was nothing compared to the monsters roaring, and tears soaked his face. It's paw lifted, Falconwing's limp body dangling the claw dug into her back and exiting her stomach. Silentheart had never seen so much blood in his life, never felt so lost and helpless then that moment. Her body slipped and struck the ground with another horrible crack. The monster vanished, as if knowing it's work there was done. Racing to her side, Silentheart licked the blood from her face helplessly, wailing like a lost kit the entire time and yowling at her to make up, voice choked with tears and pain. "I'll take you back to Fernseed, she'll fix you and you'll live Falconwing, you have to live!" Out of all the cats Silentheart would think would out live him it would have been her, the sweet she-cat that would not lift a claw towards her clan mates but would fight as fiercely as Lionclan to defend them all. But here she was, on the brink of death alone, the clan never knowing how she had tried to put a stop to their suffering and died doing it. Grabbing the scruff of her neck, the larger tom drug her back towards the clan camp, putting her down ever now and then to like the gapping wound that had pierced her body completely through, and making sure her heart was still beating, though it was so feeble, spluttering as if ready to give out at any moment. Finally, after what felt like moons, Silentheart drug her limp, bloody body to the camp entrance then slightly beyond, placing her gently to the ground. "Fernseed!" He yowled as if his life depended on it, fur that was not caked with her blood fluffed up. "Fernseed come quick!"

2:08pm Aug 14 2010 (last edited on 2:08pm Aug 14 2010)
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Okay, That will be good, I will be Twigstripe and Mistsoul, and Swiftdarkness.. That works out well X3. I will have one of my posts later, I have a thing to do.
2:20pm Aug 14 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Sounds good. But who plays Fernseed? Wasn't she a mix between Siri and East?))
2:43pm Aug 14 2010 (last edited on 2:50pm Aug 14 2010)
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ooc; Stray, Fernseed what about her? Should I be her or you? You can choose =] *Screams* Poor Falconwing, she would have been a great leader D; Poisonpaw stared at her mentor, "Right.." she meowed, then followed him to the medicine cat den, I am here too often... she complained in her mind, Then sat at the entrance. Waiting for for Fernseed to emerge and give her some odd tasting herb. Hearing yowling in the distance, Nightpaw tensed her mussels and Ran toward the horrified noise, "I am coming!" she yowled and pelted toward the noise. Its in the camp! she ran towards it, the sickly scent of blood masked everything's scent, but Nightpaw could scent something behind it, running up to the cat she scented the fur and realized the scent, "Falconwing?!" she yowled, then padded around the cat, pushing her nose into her blood drenched fur. The faintest beat of her heart was there, Nightpaw raced to the medicine cat den for cobwebs, and tripped on a rock, but Nightpaw grabbed them up again and pelted to Falconwing. but then came back out and looked down at Falconwing as if she could actually see her. The heart beat was gone and she dropped the cob webs, at her feet. But the smell of Death was in the air, "I am so sorry..." she murmured, "I-I wasn't quick enough." She hung her head in sorrow, and her tail lay flat. "I have failed you" she whispered to Falconwing in her ear, "I am sorry." Swiftdarkness looked across the camp, "Falconwing?" he meowed then pelted across the clearing, his blue eyes clouded with sorrow, "How did this happen?" he asked, his vision clouded with the sight of his deputy soaked in blood, he looked over to the dark apprentice, "I was too late.." Nightpaw meowed. This death will be alot for the Clan to handle. He thought to himself. "Its not your fault," he meowed to her, but he could tell thats she would blame herself for this death. We are loosing cats Fast, he thought to himself, we have to leave. He told himself but he knew that would be even more painful for the Clan.
2:52pm Aug 14 2010
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ooc; Uh Fernseed was a mix between them both, but then East Let Siri take her over. But if you would really like to be her, I would let you, I have one more character than you so far (Twigstripe)
3:13pm Aug 14 2010
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((I guess I can play her if she's really needed. Starpaw is usually medicine cat so I have a little experience (: As for Falconwing and her death I just saw it coming due to her mental un-stability.)) Silentheart sat beside Falconwing's limp body, eyes looking at nothing and ears drooped as if it was his own fault. "I should have been quicker in getting her here." He whispered, picking up her blood soaked scruff and hauling her tiny body to lay in the center of camp. Laying down beside his foster mother he let a few more tears fall before the quiet warrior made sure he would cry no more, be strong for his clan. "What am I going to do without you?" He meowed brokenly, placing his head into her soaked fur. Finally his eyes met Swiftdarkness's and he hissed viciously. "It was all your fault!" He yowled, hackles raising. "What kind of mate were you to let her go out into the forest alone, when we knew there was danger out there, in a time when she was so weak?" He continued to shriek, blue eyes flashing with hostility. If the black tom took one step towards his fallen mother he'd claw his ears off. Fernseed lifted her head from the confines of her nest, heart heavy with sorrow at all the pain in the clan she could not stop. Sunflare and Poisonpaw, the apprentice looking scared and shaky, at the front of her den. Getting up swiftly, she shook off her depression and padded over, listening as Sunflare explained what had happened. Poor Poisonpaw, she always seems to be in my den. Sniffing the younger cat swiftly, she decided on what she needed to heal her shaken self. "Your young and strong Poisonpaw, so don't let the experience scare you to much." She meowed softly as she pawed through her herbs. Finally she found the ones she was looking for and scooped them up, ignoring the odd flavor in her mouth. She dropped a poppy seed and a mixture of Junpier berries and Chamomile at Poisonpaw's feet. "The two herbs are to calm your nerves and the seed is to help you sleep. Alright?" She meowed gently, pricking her ears as the wailing of cat from the clearing came to a new high. Bolting from her den, Fernseed could not believe what she was seeing. Nightpaw was sitting beside Swiftdarkness, looking lost and upset, Silentheart was standing not to far from a lump of fur, looking ready to shred Swiftdarkness, and the lump of fur looked oddly like their deputy, only smaller and encased with blood. With a yowl Fernseed ended up beside Falconwing, the deputy hardly recognizable. Washing blood from the fatal wound Fernseed gasped. No cat could puncture a wound that size, so it must have been a monster. Her heart clinched and she swallowed bile. Pushing Swiftdarkness from her apprentice, Fernseed licked Nightpaw's ear softly though she wanted to curl up in a corner and wail herself. "It was not your fault Nightpaw. A wound like that could not be cured, not even by Starclan."

5:20pm Aug 14 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Okay, I wonder who the new Deputy will be? And Stray, maybe do you want to see with East if we could have the Clan camp moved to a different spot because of the monsters like in the 2nd Warriors series? Swiftdarkness's ears flattened, "Who are you to say this is my fault?" he hissed back at Copperfire letting his anger over take him, "You bearly new her!" Why is the loner feeling such strong emotions towards Falconwing? he asked StarClan silently. Swiftdarkness looked at him, his dark blue eyes blazing with anger, but then sorrow took another painful stab into his heart, and he let the fur on his neck lower, "Why should we be fighting at a time like this?" he meowed, "Our Clan is starving, it is in the middle of leaf bare and the herbs and fresh-kill are low, we can't afford a fight." He looked at Copperfire, "Nothing can Bring her back, Copperfire," he meowed, but that still didn't as.sure himself , "All we can do is grieve and hope she will be happy in StarClan." The last of the words came out as painfll as they could be, loosing his mate tore him apart, Everything seems to be gone.. he thought, then padded up to Falconwing, to be with her before the medicine cats had to prepare her for the vigil. Poisonpaw nodded slowly, and ate the herbs, her body began to feel more heavy than ever and she lay down in her old nest and began to sleep. Nightpaw looked up at the sky, her sightless blue eyes clouded with pain, "I wasn't quick enough, I tripped over a rock!" she hissed, "I could have saved her..." she murmured, "She could have lived..." Her black fur bristled and then she padded back into the medicine cat den, she looked over her sleeping sister, then padded to her nest, and lay down, staring into the blackness of her vision wondering, What will we do?
5:21pm Aug 14 2010
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(( Oh, I just thought of Redpaw, his mentor is Dead! :S Oh no, who will take care of that thing now? ))