5:42pm Aug 14 2010
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((I'm not sure really, I keep thinking Rainfeather because she's one of the first characters that's stared in this RP. But thats just me. Eklipse: I think it would be a good idea, switching camps until the others get back then we move onto Siri's idea. Aww, I love poor Redpaw, he's so vicious XD perhaps one of the other warriors can penetrate his cold heart.)) Silentheart spat angrily as Swiftdarkness padded over, but he could see the true pain in the black warrior's eyes. His heart heaving still in shock the copper colored warrior padded towards his foster mother and lay down, ears flat in dejection and eyes brimming with emotion. "I'm sorry Swiftdarkness, I did not mean to blame you." He meowed softly, voice cracking. "But it's so hard to lose my mother a second time." He was not thinking about what he was saying, but the wind suddenly swept past his ears, sounding a lot like a startled gasp. He could care less though if Starclan recalled him yet again. The only cat he would truly miss would be Mistsoul. Her beautiful amber eyes and the sweetness she showed to every cat. Another picture flashed in his mind, a calico coat and emerald eyes shining with emotion. And Patchpelt. Though I gave her up to Cheetahwind and chose to pad after Mistsoul, she will always have a piece of my shattered heart. Looking up at the sky, he realized what he said and laughed bitterly, wondering if he would suddenly keel over to unknown reasons except to himself.

5:43pm Aug 14 2010
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((Page lag?))
6:25pm Aug 14 2010
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OoC: ... ::cries:: I don't know what to say, yet I have so much to. ::cries again for Falconwing, Silentheart, and Swiftdarkness:: No offense Eklipse, but I would have had Swiftdarkness more dramatic. He was devoted to his mate and kits, I honestly want to have him die now, but he has to hold on; for Shadowpaw, and Littlepaw the only kin left. ::cries for the poor kits who don't even know their mother is gone:: Also, Patchpelt is moody. Cheetahwind isn't there for her the way Silentheart was -is- so she's slowly turning from him, unless he becomes more active. ::sniffles:: Falconwing...
Just call me Siri.
8:17pm Aug 14 2010
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ooc; None taken Siri, I really didn't know how to play Swiftdarkness, I really liked him as a character so that is why I wanted to play him, but he isn't my character so I have no clue how to play him properly, But thanks for cluing me in =], It really helps! He is an intense character, lol, tis hard playing other's characters, I think Stray is better at it :3, Do you still want me to play him Siri? Brightleaf padded outside of the warriors den, the scent of blood awoke her, Just like it did in CaveClan... she thought, then padded over to the source of it. "Oh my...." she meowed, and that was all she could really say, her heart ached for cats that were close to her, but she new that she could not stay for the vigil, I didn't know her that well. she thought then padded back to the warriors den, sympathy tugging at her heart.
8:49pm Aug 14 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Of course! I had a really hard time playing Eaglestar, as a matter of fact. I know how it is playing other charries. Fun, but really intense. You and Stray are doing great! Oh, and Eklipse, you'll be getting an rmail from me. =3
Just call me Siri.
8:55pm Aug 14 2010
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ooc; Okay Siri! Thanks :)
10:16am Aug 15 2010
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ooc; Kay, lets see if I can make this work.... Swiftdarkness pushed his nose into his mates fur, "Please let this be a dream..." he murmured to StarClan but he knew it was true, the painful stab of sorrow was still stinging him, and he wanted nothing more to be with Falconwing, Even if It's in StarClan. he thought miserably, then began cleaning her fur, First my kits, now this!? he thought, What have I done wrong? Wanting to yowl out to StarClan he kept his mouth shut. "Falconwing, why did you leave me?" he asked her quietly, There is nothing here left here..... he thought, sadness overwhelming him, "I should have been there for you..." he meowed talking to his lifeless mate, "I could have died... with you... no. For you," He began stroking her fur, "But I didn't..." all of his emotions came out of his mouth at once, he pushed his head into his fur, "I am sorry." His world felt like it was tearing down around him, he felt like a new born kit that can't find it's mother, helpless, to himself and the cats close to him.
2:53pm Aug 15 2010
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4:36pm Aug 15 2010
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ooc; Bump :)
7:28pm Aug 15 2010
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ooc; Could we have Rainfeather and the others past TreeClan territory, if that is all right with everyone,?
8:30pm Aug 15 2010
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ooc; bump
10:20pm Aug 15 2010
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((Oh, oops.. I'm not active anymore.... -Cheetahwind glares at me-Where is patchpelt?))
11:12pm Aug 15 2010
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(( She is in TreeClan with Rainfeather Lostfoot, and blah blahh...............XD))
10:13am Aug 16 2010
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ooc; Blump
12:33pm Aug 16 2010
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Littlepaw sat beside Patchpelt (EpicfailXD))
2:52pm Aug 16 2010
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ooc; Fullmoon: Siri is busy with a fair thing, so me and Stray are rping her characters for her, just so you know... =] "Well we should be moving," meowed Rainfeather to Twigstripe, "Thank you for returning this apprentice to us," she meowed, fighting back the urge to call Redpaw a kit. Twigstripe looked at Tall white spotted warrior, "I will escort you to the end of this territory, along with Firepaw, then you may be on your journey."She meowed thoughtfully. TIME LAPSE=> ~({[--Out of TreeClan territory--]})~
5:01pm Aug 16 2010
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Patchpelt padded alongside the Treeclan warriors, tail flicking in worry and wonder as the edge of the clan boundaries truly emerged. What now? This is the first step of our journey and I feel about as ready for this as a kit. And now I have both Shadowpaw and Redpaw to look after. She forced herself not to glare half-heartedly at the red apprentice, wondering how much ruckus he had caused back at the camp. Finally the calico warrior quickened her pace, stopping only once to give Shadowpaw a comforting look, and quickly caught up to Rainfeather and Greypaw. "Where to now do you suppose?" She meowed lowly, ears pricking as a small mouse darted in front of her paws. Somehow she did not feel compelled to chase it, her heart beating to quickly and head spinning crazily. A low growl from her apprentice caused Patchpelt to look back, somewhat surprised to find Shadowpaw and Redpaw glaring at each other in anger, their pelt fluffed up and claws unsheathed in order to attack. "Enough!" She spat, her own emotions flooding out into anger at their behavior. Instantly she felt ashamed and flicked her tail for Shadowpaw to come walk beside her. Shadowpaw had been padding along, lost in thought and anger when Patchpelt's warm breath tickled his ear, murmuring how everything would be alright. He knew she meant it, because if any cat could make things right it was either his mentor of his mother. A sharp pang of longing shot through his small body at the thought of Falconwing and he wondered if Littlepaw felt the same. A low hiss of amusement sounded from the red apprentice walking beside him, and he glared hostilely at Redpaw, never having liked the boastful apprentice. "Always need a she-cat to purr you to sleep?" Redpaw asked snarlingly, lips curling up in a sneer. "Upset mama's not here to lick your fur clean or catch your prey." Shadowpaw hissed himself, feeling his claws unsheathe at his words. His mother would never embarr*censored* him like that, or would she coddle him like a kit. "Ha! As if your not attached to Falconwing's tail as well." He spat, not surprised to see surprise then fury flash through the larger toms eyes. Redpaw's own claws unsheathed. "Care to say that to my face?" The two toms were practically nose to nose, a hairs-breath from slicing the others ears off. At least until Patchpelt's uncharacteristic growl cut them short, and her green eyes blazed at them with annoyance. Shadowpaw felt like disappearing into the ground. He owed Patchpelt so much, and acting like a misbehaved kit was not way to replay her. Fernseed sighed as she curled up in her own nest, watching Nightpaw for a moment to make sure her apprentice really was alright. Her heart felt heavy and lost, and she wished her life was simpler then what it truly was. The death and the suffering was getting to her and her once soaring heat was becoming black and cold. Placing one paw under her nose, she prayed to Starclan once more that her clan would be alright before the peaceful blackness of sleep called her. Opening her eyes, Fernseed did not know where she was only that she was on a trail of sorts, worn away by many paws until nothing but dirt remained. On either side of her were brambles, their sharp thorns taunting her to try and p*censored* them. She blinked, wondering what this could all mean. Looking to the path ahead she was about to follow it when brambles slithered across the trail like deformed snakes, twining together until they created a barrier across the path, needle sharp thorns pointed towards her, tips scarlet with blood. She swallowed a wail of surprise and terror. Whipping around in the intention to go the other direction she was horrified to find not brambles this time, but bodies of cats, their forms disfigured and mouths opened in silent pleas. She could not p*censored* them. The medicine cat looked on at the pile, finding cats she knew and had loved. Leopardheart, Midnightpaw, Rosestar, Fallenwind, and so many others. She backed away as the pile seemed to swarm towards her, now all the cats eyes opened and watching her with accusing looks. Pain ebbed its way up her back, and Fernseed looked over her shoulder to find herself backed up against the brambles. Nowhere to go. Opening her maw to scream, pray, mewl like a kit she did not know. No sound emerged except a sigh that was not her own. Each cat in the bloodied heap opened and closed their mouths together, trying to speak. Finally Fallenwind spoke in a gurgled whisper, the others followed. Straining her ears, Fernseed finally got what they were whispering. "The blind see's a new path." They kept repeating it, creeping closer. Closing her eyes to try and dispel the dream she gasped. Everything looked the exact same except for one difference. There was a new trail to her left, leading to what looked like a beautiful clearing. Opening her green eyes to follow that trail it was gone. She attempted this feat over and over again, getting the same results. Closing her eyes, to try and see blackness she instead saw a new trail, a new path. She was startled away. Whipping around to try and find those bodies, ask them if that what they meant, she found herself once more in the medicine cats den. Her pelt smelt of death and blood and she set up shakily to try and clean it from her. Her back felt like someone had shredded it with claws, or with brambles. The dream seemed so real, so vivid. And it terrified her. The shape of Nightpaw reached her eyes and she smiled slightly, knowing that the dream some how connected to her apprentice. She will lead the clan to a new path. But what of me. Looking outside the den she shivered as cats still hung around the dead body of their deputy. I cannot stand to watch any more cats suffer and die. I just cannot. ((Was the dream alright Eklipse? Was that sort of how Siri wanted it?))

5:27pm Aug 16 2010
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Posts: 779
Lostfoot went between the two young males and glared. "Enough!! This is not the time to fight and there is Never a time to fight. Do I make myself clear?" he kept tall even with one paw miing he was still strong in heart. "Make better representatives of you're clan. Or starclan help me I will make you both be sorry for acting so improper. You're not kits anymore and you Shadowpaw are the oldest of the apprentices with us. You should act your age. Am I understood?" lashing his tail side to side he glared from one apprentice to the other. He was most definitely not proud of the two toms. Painfullpaw padded towards Swiftdarkness his ears down and his eyes with silent sadness for his mentors losses. Touching noses to the former deputy he let a few tears fall. He didn't like death and he didn't like losing those of his clan or any other clans. He thought all were equal on their part and he wished he could show some of the other cats that he was right and in hope of doing that peace would fall upon his and the other clans. Blackwolf sat beside his friends Goldwing and Crimsonfang. The clan was dieing and he didn't like it. He was an ambitious cat in his own way. Having lost his mother in a winter and lived to see his clanmates die around him. He growled and his eyes took a darkness unseen from any cat. Goldwing nudged him to calm down but he refused. It's all because Eaglestar is too kind. We need clan born cats and yet she takes in more cats from the twoleg place and outside forest. She needs to back down from leader and let a new cat take charge. A stronger male. One who isn't afraid to kill an enemy. Or let the outsiders know we are strong even without them. One day...ONE day...she will be given no choice but to back down. Growling a bit more he stalked back to the warriors den and layed down. ((Oooooooooooooooooooo)))
5:57pm Aug 16 2010
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ooc; Blackwolf has the temper hay? Electro, I was wondering if Blackwolf's brother could be a cat in FireClan named Wolfstrike? (Blackwolf would think he is dead X3 ) Stray, Yes, It was perfect! I couldn't have done better myself, Liek really =) Rainfeather padded beside Lostfoot. "That is right, now you don't want to be stuck with infected wounds, too," Rainfeather meowed, her neck fur lying flat, "I am just saying that Lostfoot could choose if he was to heal you or not.."Then Rainfeather padded away, "Redpaw, you better behave, " she sounded more soft, "We can't afford another cat to be heart, I know Lostfoot is a medicine cat, but he may not be able to find supplies for the wounds you or Shadowpaw get." She pointed out then changed her pace so she could catch up to Lostfoot who was limping rapidly, "Apprentices." she muttered. Nightpaw looked at Fernseed, "Are you all-right?" she asked wearily, the sound of her mentor waking up had startled her.
6:15pm Aug 16 2010
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Shadowpaw felt his ears droop at be reprimanded, shoulders slumping and tail dragging the ground. I don't even know why i'm on this stupid quest. Starclan have abandoned me and forced our clan to suffer. Lips curling back slightly, he jogged up so he was standing beside his mentor, far away form Redpaw and Lostfoot. Finally he sighed and have the limping tom a apologetic look. "Sorry Lostfoot, it won't happen again." He whispered, glad to feel Patchpelt give him a warm nudge to the shoulder, letting him him know she was proud. I'll show them all, I don't need Starclan to guide my paws all the time. He mused inwardly, glad no cat could read his thoughts. They would be horrified to find that he'd lost his path to Starclan. Fernseed jerked her head around when Nightpaw woke up and spoke, her green eyes searching her apprentices own foggy ones. "Nightpaw." She breathed, getting to her feet and padding over to sit beside her apprentice. "I have something very important to tell you, and you may be angry if you'd like." A lump got stuck in her throat, unsure how to go one. She's been thinking about this for some time, and now she felt it was her moment." I have received a dream from Starclan." She told her apprentice the dream, shivering slightly as she relived the pile of bodies through her story. Finishing she looked to see Nightpaw's reaction. "The dream meant you Nightpaw. Your the blind that will find a new path. It's your destiny. And..." She was forced to look away. "I know Mistsoul would love to return to her duties as Medicine cat. She may like Copperfire, but her heart lies here, in this den, with you. I will be leaving tomorrow night, after I give you your full name of course." She meowed hastily. "I would not miss that for the world." Looking at her paws, she unsheathed her short, bunt claws. "Mistsoul will finish your training, though you have little left to learn. So get a goods night sleep, we leave to the Moonpool early tomorrow morning."
