6:20pm Aug 16 2010
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ooc; I will post later X3
6:57pm Aug 16 2010
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Nightpaw was taken aback from the sudden speech from her mentor, "I-I..." she murmured, then sat up, and looked down, then at her mentor, her blue eyes clouded with sorrow. "Fernseed..." she meowed, but then turned away from what she would have said, "I know I can't make you change your decisions," she meowed, "But I know I can give you the support you need for them," Nightpaw continued, the moonlight making her black pelt glow like it was silver. "But what shall I tell the Clan?" she asked, They are going to question it, Loosing there medicine cat in a Time like this... she though, her pelt tingling, "I will always respect the choices you have made, and......." her voice trailed off, "I will be forever grateful that you gave me my full name... Thank you." Nightpaw felt even more confused than before, she new that she could trust Fernseed, but now, she got new everything, A new name, and Even a new mentor. She thought to herself, but it will never be the same, she thought, and All I can do is stand through it...
7:03pm Aug 16 2010
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ooc; Bump :D
7:53pm Aug 16 2010
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9:57pm Aug 16 2010
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ooc; Bump
11:02pm Aug 16 2010
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Eklipse: SURE!! 8D)) Lostfoot chuckled at Rainfeather and purred at her antics at looking at apprentices. He himself had had an apprentice and when they had learned enough he had left the clan the night his apprentice was named. Looking at Shadowpaw when he spoke he looked softly at the apprentice like a brother would to his younger brother. Being proud that this tom hadn't forgotten how to say sorry he nodded. "It's quiet alright."
10:56am Aug 17 2010
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1:28pm Aug 17 2010
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ooc; Bump
3:13pm Aug 17 2010
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((**Whines** Hellow? Anyone? Grrr.. Bump ))
5:47pm Aug 17 2010
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((If it's alright i'm going to add one more character to make up for the absence of Falconwing (though Falconwing is still one of my favorites of course). I'll add their bio momentarily.)) Shadowpaw jumped slightly when Lostfoot spoke to him, figuring he would be getting another lecture from the aggressive tom. Instead he gave the black apprentice a warm look, nearly causing him to fall off his paws. Never would have seen that one coming. He thought, feeling a warm smile creep over his features. "Wonderful!" He meowed happily, feeling a bit more light hearted that one cat, besides his mentor, did not look down on him. Redpaw snickered behind him, and clearly meowed a 'suck up' phrase. Shadowpaw held back a snarl of his own. I'll show him one day, when he leasts expects it. Fernseed nuzzled her apprentices cheek affectionately, taking comfort in knowing that Nightpaw was alright, at least semi, with her decision. "I would not miss your naming ceremony, it means almost as much to me as id does to you." She purred, then added back to her nest, heart soaring now that she knew things were heading the right direction, for once. "I will speak to Mistsoul tomorrow about everything, then after we're gone on our way to Moonpool she will approach Eaglestar on the subject." A flicker of doubt crossed her eyes. "And Nightpaw, many cats will not be happy about my decision, and some will say things, nasty things. Do not let them get to you, alright?" Curling up in her nest, she yawned widely, canines protruding. "Now sleep little one, tomorrow your journey begins." Starpaw limped towards the apprentices den, head hung low and savage words hissed from his tongue. Windpath had been nowhere in sight, so he truly wondered if his mentor even gave a mouse tail weather or not he was trained. Probably not, after all i'm just a crippled rouges son. To make his day worse Starpaw had stumbled over one of his unnaturally long back legs when trying to get through the camp, causing him to fall onto his muzzle and make his leg that much more sore. And the laughs only fueled his humiliation. At least Panthergaze was there to defend me, and help me along. He mused, curling up awkwardly in his nest, broken leg sticking straight out. Panthergaze watched from the corner of the camp as his adopted son limped into the apprentices den, ears flopping in dejection. The tom itched to go comfort him like he used to, but did not want his humiliation to worsen. Poor Starpaw, He looked up at the sky where stars began to flicker. Alright, if there is a Starclan, which i'm not to sure about, then help him on his path. Thats the least you can do for him. He thought coldly, jerking his head from the heavens, eyes burning with anger. Why do these cats worship the stars, their nothing but bugs of sorts in the sky, nothing more., They put way to much faith in them, when they should be looking to one another. He huffed. Something thought held him to the clan when moons before he would have fixed Starpaw's leg and bolted. He looked around, always watching for the connection. It never showed it's self, and he was not inclined to think further into the matter. Spotting Hawkmask the white tom trotted over, tail held high in greeting. "Good afternoon Hawkmask." He meowed lightly. "Eer, everything going alright?" He asked, a slight hesitation in starting a conversation clear. A large shadow flickered across the trail just outside the Iceclan camp entrance, slinking into the shadows only to appear a small distance to the right, ears pricked. A feral grin flashed across it's face, long canines flashing in the dimming light and sick satisfaction in it's amber eyes. Finally. It thought, blood red fur prickling irritatingly across it's thin neck and thick muscles flexing. Claws stained with the slightest hints of blood slid from their sheathes, digging forcefully into the ground and it readied it's self. Clan...clan killed..killed for what they've done to group. It's thoughts, muddled and unintelligent in clan cat standards made another sick grin flash across it's scarred muzzle. Soon..they die like Unnamed Ones. The blood red cat growled in feral manner, bushy tail sweeping the twigs from behind it into a mini twister.

6:07pm Aug 17 2010
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Desired Name: Does not have a name...(will be explained in history) Position: Rouge Family: They've been killed Mate: Deceased Crush: Nope Age: 36 Moons Additional Info Gender: She-cat Appearance: She is a large cat, much larger then the average clan cat with thick muscles running down her back legs, and a little less down her front legs. Her body is very long and lean, giving her a lithe appearance, with her back bone tending to be closer to the surface then the clan cats, making her very flexible. Her back legs are long and always tend to be in a crouching position, even when she walks. Her forelegs are not as long, but the paws are m*censored*ive with thick blacks pads and long claws that are slightly more barbed then average towards the back. Her tail is long as well, helping her with balance and very fluffy. The rouges fur is long and sleek, being more puffy around her neck, her ears, tail, and the back of her legs, giving them flares. The thing that freaks most cats out about her is her fur color, a stark red, like the color of freshly spilled blood. It is a bit darker around a few patches around her eyes and paws. All-in-all she was made to be able to jump great heights and distances, crouched, muscular back legs for the leaping, and powerful short front legs for the grabbing and holding onto. Her eyes are a cold amber. Personality: She does not really have a personality in truth, she does not know what happiness, sadness, hunger, loyalty, or anything of the sort really is. This is because of her history and the group she grew up in. If she feels something, say happiness, she get extremely confused and tries to work it out, but she does not succeed. She was loyal to her group, though she did not understand, nor does she still, know what loyalty is. This is a bit confusing, so as the RP goes on with her you'll see. History: This cat grew up in a group called the Unnamed, because none of them knew the meaning of names, and as many travelers who've met them called them this. It stuck. Well this group was not ruled by any cat, they worked as one, fought as one, and tended to die as one. It was almost telepathic, they knew when to launch a attack, who was betraying them, who killed what prey and so forth. They rarely spoke, and no one taught kits to speak, to think, only to do as instinct said. And thats what they did. Other cats hated them for their strangeness, their odd way of life and their lack of skills to communicate. One day a group attacked while she was away, slaughtering them all and leaving no one behind. She returned to find her group, and her mate, though she did not understand love, dead. A deep hole opened in her heart, and she had the urge to kill, but she did not understand why. One of those who attacked she found alive and snarled at him, he only said that his clan had succeeded. Clan. That word stuck in her head and she left the Unnamed grounds to find this clan. Though she did not know why, only that they had to die just as her group had done. Fore seasons she traveled, picking up words from other cats and teaching herself to speak, just barley. The cats also told her of clans, the first word she spoke, and pointed her in the right direction. Finally she reached the clan grounds, but she does not know that these clans had nothing to do with the attack on her people.

6:12pm Aug 17 2010
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Hawkmask purred at Panthergaze's hesitation. "Good afternoon Panthergaze. I'm quiet fine. Though the sudden are startling. It sometimes makes me wonder if Starclan is even real or if they did care. But other then that I'm alright. I'm sorry for how my clan mates acted towards Starpaw. Anyways how have you been?" smiling at Panthergaze she truly admired him for his determination to not separate from his son.
6:39pm Aug 17 2010
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Panthergaze blinked a few times in surprise, having figured the she-cat would meow something curt and stalk off, thats what everyone else always seemed to do. "Starpaw's a tough cat, inside at least. He'll handle it." He mused, a small grin lighting his normally closed off face. "I'm presuming these deaths do not normally occur so often, by the way cats act. If they all care for one another so much then why, I wonder, do they look to starry cats to protect themselves, not like Starclan are doing anything." He snapped his mouth shut, effectively biting his tongue. "Eer, I didn't mean it that way, knowing how touchy you all seem to be about this Starclan." He muttered quickly, wondering if she was going to snarl at him like Brightblaze had done. He tipped his head to the side, green eyes glittering as he watched the cats scamper around the camp. "I'm glad to hear your doing fine, don't want my first friend here to be to down over everything. Makes me feel helpless." He teased lightly, poking her shoulder with one paw. "I'm doing alright, thanks. A bit confused, but learning slowly."

6:59pm Aug 17 2010
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Posts: 779
Hawkmask nodded at his words hearing about Starclan she chuckled lightly. "It's alright...I've already lost my faith in them. You're right they're not doing anything. Some are touchy on the subject though." smiling him she purred at his playful nudge and did the same to him in return. "It's a good we see each other as friends. I wouldn't want you to be an enemy. You're a very nice tom. Nicest one I've probably met asides from Lostfoot. He hardly has a bad temper. It's good to hear you're alright. And the clan will take some time to make sense. Especially for a tom. You toms always have little patience. It's kinda funny." purring at the thought of the stereotype of males to females. "But it'll all make sense I hope."
9:17am Aug 18 2010
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ooc; East told scent my this on a diff web site because she couldn't reach it where she is now... Eaglestar leapt onto the high-ledge, " Cats of IceClan," she meowed, "Falconwing has died a tragic death, killed by one of the Twoleg monsters," she continued, "So in this time, we need a deputy, "Temporary one though, she added to herself, "I say these words before the body of Falconwing, so that her spirit may hear and approve my choice." Taking a deep breath Eaglestar meowed, "Rainfeather, will be the new deputy of IceClan." The cats fell silent, "But she has been missing for days along with Patchpelt, and some others!" a cat yowled, "I know, " meowed Eaglestar, "So I shall give Rainfeather 2 moons to get back here, then our temporary deputy will become our permanent deputy." She looked at the confused faces of her Clan. "Swiftdarkness will be the temporary deputy." Nightpaw sat down messily, as if some cat had pushed her down, My full name is tomorrow.. she thought, Then I will be a full medicine cat... she shook that off her Black fur like rain droplets, then settled into her soft moss nest, and let sleep take her. Windprint looked around the Camp, "Oh there you are, " he meowed to Starpaw, "We are going hunting with Cardinalpaw today, is that alright?" he asked not really waiting for an answer, "Come on lets see if we can get some food for the elders..." meowed Windprint, his black streaked fur well groomed.
11:11am Aug 18 2010 (last edited on 2:44pm Aug 18 2010)
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ooc; Stray, that cat is pretty savage X3 I like her :)
1:30pm Aug 18 2010
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OoC: I adore what you have done so far, <3 Thank you so much for playing my cats while I'm off at the Fair. ::sighs:: I'm so tired. I just got off stall duty to eat, but I decided I would read this instead. I have to go off now though, just wanted to tell you how much I love the plots changes. Everything is perfect! Oh, and I was quite surprised when Swiftdarkness became deputy. ::Woots:: Now I shall leave, ::poofs::
Just call me Siri.
2:59pm Aug 18 2010
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ooc; That sounds good Siri! Does everyone understand what Eagestar did? I just wanted to make sure, and yea........ ~^*Timelapse to the next day, DAWN*^~ Nightpaw awoke with a hollow feeling in her stomach, "This is for the best." she meowed quietly, then padded outside of the den, "Make this the right choice StarClan..." knowing that Fernseed would appear at any moment behind her, she sat in the warming dawn light, her black pelt groomed and shining. Her heart was full of courage, and it seemed to overwhelm her, but she sat tall, like a warrior of StarClan watching its old Clan win a battle for the right reasons. Her blue eyes looked amber/green in the light, and she couldn't help but feel the lightest stab of pain, I can't go back now. ::Note:: I am Changing Nightpaw's speaking color to Amber after she gets her medicine cat name.
4:01pm Aug 18 2010
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ooc; Bump
4:02pm Aug 18 2010
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