4:12pm Aug 18 2010
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Bump :0}}
5:42pm Aug 18 2010
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Panthergaze smiled slightly towards Hawkmask, eyes shining with mirth. "I would not use the word nice." He teased, flicking her shoulder with his long tail. "Toms are funny? Have you seen you she-cats." He purred, watching as Eaglestar padded towards Highrock. "Your hot and cold depending on what times of the day and more then willing to cuff some ears of things are not done the right way the first time." He mused, deciding the drop the whole Starclan subject in case any cat heard. He did not want Hawkmask to get into any sort of trouble. I'v never felt to at ease near any other cat, besides Starpaw of course, as I do Hawkmask. Flicking his ears as Eaglestar spoke, he tried to remember which cats were Swiftdarkness and Rainfeather. Who ever they are must be trust worthy considering their taking Falconwing's place. He'd met the deputy once or twice, and she was kind to him and Starpaw after they first entered the camp. It was sad to see her die. The unnamed cat padded left and right of the camp entrance, amber gaze falling on the cats inside the barrier then back to the sanctuary of the woods. Darkness good, thinking easier. She thought padding once more completely around the camp. She had found a small opening in the barrier, where the scent of many cats lingered to do their business. She curled her nose in distaste, long tail twitching back and forth. Soon, clan cats die. She knew it would be a tight squeeze for a cat her size to enter the small hole, but she could do it, then she'd find their leader and slit their throat, soaking the ground in their blood as they'd done to her group. Padding back into the forest, she payed little heed to the up-walkers and their contraptions, slinking right past while lost in her brutal thoughts. Fernseed shook sleep for her pelt, fur sticking up in anticipation and worry.Todays the day, and things will chance for the better. She nodded a greeting to Nightpaw before she padded around to find Mistsoul. "I wanted to ask you something." She meowed lowly, flicking her tail to lead the younger cat away from the other cats. Finally she sighed. "I want you to finish training Nightpaw after I give her her full name today." She quickly pushed one. "She will become full medicine cat today and i'm leaving to find a home among two-legs. Please do this for me Mistsoul, for Nightpaw and for the clan. I received a dream if it helps any." She quickly retold the dream, heart beating quickly at the thought. "I know you want to be a medicine cat again, no matter what you feel for Copperfire, and here's your chance." Her voice became urgent. "Will you do this Mistsoul, if it's not asking to much from you." Her voice caught in her throat as she waited for the other she-cats answer. Starpaw blinked in surprised as Windpath asked to train him, eyes stretching wide in wonder. "You mean you actually want to train me?" He asked, voice squeaking in delight. "Even thought i'm lame?" He nearly jumped in the air with a yowl of joy until he remembered his hurt leg. "Food for the elders, done." He limped into the forest as fast as he could, senses alert for any sign of prey. Another scent, cat scent with a tang of weirdness to it met his senses and he growled lowly. "Whats that?" He asked, then his mind changed elsewhere as his stomach gave a hungry squall. He tried to concentrate more on prey scent.

6:42pm Aug 18 2010
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((Bump, I will pst later..))
6:53pm Aug 18 2010
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Mistsoul looked at her Clanmate and noticed her sorrow, "I will do it.." she meowed, really more joyfull than she sounded, This will be amazing! Returning to a medicine cat! But What about Copperfire? she thought for a moment, then shook her head, "I will always remember you Fernseed, I will tell Eaglestar right after you leave, and I know she will understand." Sympathy and sadness mixed between her feelings, she looked at Fernseed sadly. Windprint smelt the air, "Oh!" he meowed, "That is a vole, you have to be very quiet to catch them," he meowed, "Try to set your paws down lightly and then pounce! But remember to avoid leaves, Cardinalpaw, you can try somewhere else." Cardinalpaw dipped his head then vanished.
10:58pm Aug 18 2010
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ooc; Bump
11:37pm Aug 18 2010
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Hawkmask purred at his comment and nudged his shoulder with her own. "A tom should be fearful when dealing with a she cats wrath if he knows what good for him. And if I shouldn't use the term nice then what term would you prefer? Respectful? Kind-hearted? Charming?" it was only until she had finished her sentence had she noticed what she said for the last one and felt her ears and cheeks go hot. Oh boy tell me I didn't just say that to him Tell me I didn't just say that. Especially to the most handsome tom I've ever met. Trying her best to hide her embar*censored*ment she smiled at him kindly and went to listen to what Eaglestar had to say. Shock hit her as she heard Rainfeather was deputy. "But she could be dead for all we know." she whispered. Even though she was shocked with the new deputy she accepted it. Shrugging it off she sighed. "Hello Hawkmask. How is this lovely she cat today?" she heard ,none other then Blackwolf speak, even if she was a nice she cat she didn't like Blackwolf one bit. What was bad was he wasn't the nicest of toms both romantically and normally and possibly worse the Fireeyes when it came to flirting with a she cat he liked. "Blackwolf go away. I'm not interested in your offer. Must I remind you this for the 30th time?" her ex pression showed no happiness what so ever only annoyance and pleading for a cat to come over and get her out of this mess. She had learned that when he wanted something he would not give up until it was his, and he would follow her once he saw her to the point of insanity. Which just by hearing his name made her very close to it. ((Why do I love to torture hawkmask so?))
8:51am Aug 19 2010
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ooc; Because you love her <3
12:44pm Aug 19 2010
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4:27pm Aug 19 2010
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ooc; Bump
5:07pm Aug 19 2010
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Eklipse get von msn. Please. I has important thing to talk to you about. It involves Nightpaw))))
6:26pm Aug 19 2010 (last edited on 8:00pm Aug 19 2010)
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Fernseed smiled tightly and licked Mistsoul's ear in thanks. "I will not forget this and i'm sure our ancestors will be proud to know you are back on their chosen path." He meowed cryptically, then padded off slowly to find Nightpaw. Poking her head into the den she instantly spotted her blind apprentice. Heart clinching tightly, she gave the den a once over, memorizing every detail. Get yourself together Fernseed! Stop acting like a kit. She sighed softly. "Come on Nightpaw, time to go." Ducking back from the den she gazed sadly over every cat in the clearing, mentally taking note of each ones characteristics. Mistsoul, kind and devoted. Eaglestar, strong and fierce. Hawkmask, sweet and loving. Swiftdarkness, brave yet gentle. And oh so many more. Please forgive me for this one day. Quickly scampering from the camp the medicine cat closed her eyes tightly to stop the sudden tears, and looked to the sky for any sort of guidance. There was none, as if Starclan knew she would not be in their service much longer. "I'm sorry." She whispered back towards the group of cats, ears dropping sadly. She made sure Nightpaw was behind her before her small paws carried her swiftly to the Moonpool, as if drawn to it's power. This is the last trip I will make here, so I must make it count. Entering the small trail that lead to the starry pool, she felt her paws slip into larger prints and could almost hear her ancestors whispering, telling her it would be alright. Yes, with Nightpaw medicine cat and Mistsoul helping, things will be fine. Looking into the Moonpool, she again had to bl ink back tears. "Nightpaw, please step forward." She spoke softly, yet with a fierceness that rivaled Lionclan. "I, Fernseed, medicine cat of Iceclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the way of a medicine cat, and with your help, she will serve her Clan for many moons.Nightpaw, do you promise to uphold the way of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan, and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" The words rang out gently as if a new born mother licking her kits, and as fierce as the strongest warrior protecting his clan at the same time. She listened for Nightpaw's confident 'yes'. Courage, strength, both you will need to become a medicine cat we will be proud of. She had thought of a name for many nights that would fit her apprentice, and finally one rang out loud and true. "Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Nightpaw from this moment you shall be known as Nightfall. StarClan honors your knowledge and certainty, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of Iceclan." The ceremony ended and she licked the top of Nightfell's head, a purr of delight rumbling in her throat. "Now speak with Starclan, and let them know you have earned this ti tle." She pointed her nose towards the Moonpool. Panthergaze grinned as she spoke of the fear she-cat should put in toms and nearly agreed with her. Listening as she gave off a list of names she could call him his heart leap at the charming comment. She really thinks I'm charming? A warm flush spread across his fur and he adverted his eyes in embarr*censored*ment. A first, but I like it. As she padded off to go listen to Eaglestar the white tom grinned slightly and watched. First time I really noticed, but she's really pretty. He continued to listen to Eaglestar himself, flicking his ears in bewilderment as she announced Rainfeather deputy. Isn't she gone though. Tipping his head to the side he tried to remember what Rainfeather looked like. At least until Blackwolf approached Hawkmask, a disturbing look on the other toms face. Getting to his large paws, hackles raised slightly, the large tom stalked over, head hight and tail twitching. He listened as Hawkmask practically told Blackwolf to bug off and Panthergaze smirked slightly. Tell him off yourself, that was I won't have to do it and gain more enemies. But as he watched the black cat did not go away and instead stayed there. Finally Panthergaze made a move, padding over and standing beside Hawkmask, so close their fur was almost touching. Curling his lips back from his fangs, the rouge turned warrior hissed slightly. "I believe she said to back off." He spat, keeping more hostile words to himself in case a fight unleashed.

7:28pm Aug 19 2010
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ooc; Stray: My fail typing fails again! I ment Nightfall, xD, I am sorry about that, I type to fast for myself.And Electrooo.....My msn isn't working *depression* Rmail me please!!
7:49pm Aug 19 2010
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Naw ok)) Hawkmask flushed at the closeness and Panthergazes help. But Blackwolf snarled. "If you don't mind we were having a nice chat without you now bugger off" tail lashing he glared threateningly at the tom.
Hawkmask got up and nodded to Panthergaze. "Come on. Lets not get into any fights. Let's go. Good bye Blackwolf." With that she smiled at Panthergaze and nodded for him to follow leaving Blackwolf there glaring at the white toms back and clawing the ground beneath him. "Thanks for saving me." she meowed when the two were far enough for the vicious tom to not hear. "I swear he gets worse everytime he asks."
8:12pm Aug 19 2010
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((Eklipse: Gah! I re-read the R-mail and it did say Nightfall, your typing is not fail this time, mine is ^^ I changed it.)) Panthergaze stood still for a moment, glaring hatefully at Blackwolf. "If I were you i'd back off." He spat, curling his lips from his fangs in warning. Without a backwards glance had stalked after Hawkmask, fur still prickling slightly. Sure he was a bit of a flirt at times, but if the she-cat said to back off he respected her wishes and bugged off. It was a respect thing. But Blackwolf clearly had little to no respect for Hawkmask and it made him want to rake his claws across the other toms muzzle. "It's no problem. Theres nothing worse then a forward tom, at least so I'v been told." He mused, trying to keep his claws sheathed. "If he tries something like that again, just let me know and i'll set him straight, one way or another." He flicked her shoulder with his tail kindly. "No ones gonna interrogate you like that while I'm alive."
8:45pm Aug 19 2010
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ooc; Okay Stray, I will post later onish, I have some things to talk about with Electro :)
9:15pm Aug 19 2010 (last edited on 9:21pm Aug 19 2010)
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ooc; I am going to confuze everyone now...... HAHA. Yea, I am changing my phrophesy cat.... to Brightleaf, instead of Rainfeather, she is needed..... Nightfall lapped up the icy water of the moon pool, it struck her and sleep flooded over her. "Nightfall!" A voice echoed through Nightfall's ears, "Hello?" she meowed, awakening from the sudden sleep, she was in a lush forest, with very tall trees hanging over and above her. "Nightfall," meowed The voice again, Nightfall looked around then followed the voice's scent, "I am coming.." she meowed as she padded through the forest, determined , She pushed herself behind a holly bush and looked to see a muscular black tom cat, with peircing amber eyes, "My name is Nightfang, Spiritfeather's mate.." Nightfang meowed, "I have come to tell you something very very important," Nightfall looked into the tom's amber eyes, "Come, sit here." he motioned her to sit beside him, Nightfall padded beside him, both black cats sat there, "What is it?" Nightfall's voice was calm and corageus. "Eagle, Rain, and Panther are in danger from the Night's Darkness, there he will strike for them..." Nightfang's voice grew intence, and the setting around them changed and Nightclaw was gone, only to leave Nightfall, alone, in darkness... "Nightfang?" she yowled, then in front of her, blood oozed out from darkness. "No!" she screeched then ran, only to find herself being splashed with a huge wave of it..... Nightfall awoke with a gasp the scent of the wave that covered her still soaked through her nose, Her dark vision melted back onto her. "Okay...." she meowed, 'Eagle, Rain, and Panther are in danger from the Night's Darkness, there he will strike for them...' Nightfall thought over Nightfang's message, then padded up to Fernseed.
9:25pm Aug 19 2010
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ooc; I want to switch them because I would kinda like Brightleaf to be the Feathertail of them all.... Lol
9:28pm Aug 19 2010
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(( Sorry about this quadruple post, I don't want anyone to be confused!! Rainfeather wasn't really good for the journey anyway, she would be better in the clan, making Swiftdarkness a warrior again, and Rainfeather the deputy...))
9:30pm Aug 19 2010
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Hawkmask purred at Panthergazes words. "Thanks. But I can protect myself sometimes. He's just...persistent." nudging his shouler playfully a bit to calm him down as she saw he was still bristling she purred. "Don't worry. You act like a worried queen right now." ((Ooc; Note to other rpers Eklipse and I will share Nightfang together. Ok? ok.)) As Nightfall was padding towards Fernseed and Mistsoul the scent of the autums breeze brushed into her nose. "Don't worry. I will help you if I am needed. And be warry. If the nights darkness finds out you know of his ambitions. He will not hesitate to kill you. But I will help you as best as I can." meowed the familiar voice of Nightfang. He was padding beside her and kept his tail across her shoulders in his attempt to let her know he was there and to comfort her from these news.
9:39pm Aug 19 2010
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Nightfall looked around Did Fernseed hear that?! she though panicked, How can you...? she hissed slightly, then padded with Fernseed back to the IceClan camp. Rainfeather stared at Eaglestar, shocked, her piercing ice blue eyes sparked, Deputy? she thought then padded up to Eaglestar and touched her nose, "I will do everything I can." she meowed to her leader, then padded away, feeling slightly light headed, she shook her head, No, You are not ambitious. She padded up to Hawkmask, "Can you lead a hunting patrol? Take two cats with you." she meowed to the brown warrior, then padded off.