3:29pm Aug 23 2010 (last edited on 3:41pm Aug 23 2010)
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Rainfeather looked at the cat, "What group? I have never killed a cat." she spat the the she cat, her eyes scanning her, I have never heard a cat with such accent, nor have I seen her at gatherings. Fear bolted through her, but rouges don't normally have accents.... She looked into the she-cats amber eyes, daring to make eye contact. Fear shot through Rainfeather constantly, I cannot let her into the camp... she thought, then sat sat down, claws still unsheathed. "If you wish talk to me, I will talk to you;" she meowed, "But if you wish to fight," Rainfeather's ice blue eyes glowed with intensity, and she held herself high, " I shall fight back." Windprint looked at Rainfeather, his black streaked fur still fluffed up, Rainfeather what are you doing? he asked her silently. His blue green eyes were glazed with fear and worry, Is this really a smart decision? Nightpaw looked strait in front of her paws, staring into space. "Fernseed is gone, and won't be coming back.." she meowed, then listened to the silver apprentice, "Thank you," she meowed, "Is there anything I can get for you?" she asked quietly, still regretting that she accepted Fernseed's decision to leave, But there is nothing I can do now... she thought, and sat down and looked outside, here eerie eyes clouded with sadness.
3:29pm Aug 23 2010
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ooc; sigh, Bump
3:55pm Aug 23 2010
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The scarlet she-cat flicked her ears backwards and hissed, not understanding exactly what this cat was meaning. Searching Rainfeather's eyes, the she-cat shivering slightly, having never seen such intelligence. She'd talked to cats before, but they were rouges or kittypets (though she did not know this) and were not exactly smart. But the clan cats, they have a fire in their eyes that send her heart sputtering. She did not like the feeling of wanting to run with her tail tucked between her legs, and had never experienced such a strong urge to do so. Fear, she'd never knew it existed. The unnamed ones fought tooth and claw, never backing down, never fearing the thought of dying or claws shredding their fur, never worrying over their group, at least until they were gone. The blood red cat took a step back, but thought better of it and sat down as well. She'd kill these cats, after she got some answers. "Unnamed, clan cats killed unnamed ones." She hissed, eyes slitted in aggression. "Why? Why you kill group that did nothing? We happy, then you come and take them all away." Lifting one claws paw, she flicked it towards the sky, as if pointing where her family had gone. "I talk now, fight and kill later." She mused curtly, fur bristling along her shoulders. "I not see you in fight, you not there long-claws?" She asked, tipping her head to the side but never letting her hate ridden eyes lighten. ((Since her words might be a little confusing, i'll post them again in better English. This is pretty much what she means: Cat: You clan cats are the ones who killed the unnamed ones. Why, why did you do it? We had done nothing to you to make you kill us. We were calm and decent, until you clan-cats came and killed us all. Well, for the moment I will talk, but afterwards I will kill you all for what you have done. But you, I did not see you in the battle between the clans and the unnamed ones. Were you not there Long-claws (nickname of sorts for Rainfeather).)) Starpaw looked over towards Nightfall, hating to see her look so hurt and lost. "No, i'm fine, don't really hurt that much anymore." He sniffed the wounds, glad the bleeding had stopped. "Fernseed made her choice for what she thought was the best, Nightfall. There was nothing you could have done to change her mind." He curled up in a more comfortable position, his own thoughts going towards his growing problems. "Nightfall, may I ask you a question, since I think you'd know this best." He paused and sighed, sort of wanting an answer and sort of trying to pull Nightfall from her thoughts. "Will I ever become a warrior?" He asked, looking down in shame. "Somehow I don't think so. I can't fight, my bones break way to easy and i'm not strong at all. And I can't hunt, heck I can't even run due to my long, thin back legs. I trip over them." He growled, fur flushing in shame. "I'm going to embarr*censored* my mentor and Panthergaze both. Sometimes I wish I'd died along with my mother and littermates!" He spat furiously, pulling moss from his nest. "Was it hard for you, training all the time thought you could not see? I mean medicine cat training, not warrior." He sighed and finally placed his head onto his paws. "I'm sorry Nightfall, I don't mean to mewl like a kit. It's just so hard." He looked up at the blind she-cat, meeting her eyes thought he knew she could not see him.

5:05pm Aug 23 2010
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Rainfeather's Neck fur bristled, This cat can not understand me well.... "Clan not killed Unnamed," she began awkwardly, "I called Rainfeather, I no killed cat before," she continued, "No cat in Clan killed unnamed." she hissed in defense, "I not die for reason I did not do." Rainfeather stood up, her lithe frame making her stand tall, like a warrior of StarClan, her white flecked silver fur was still standing on end, and she kept her claws unsheathed. Nightfall looked at Starpaw, "Poisonpaw is my sister, and our mother was a cat that brought many troubles to the Clans," she meowed, "Poisonpaw is one of the most disrespectful cats you may ever meet. She had made fun of me for my whole apprenticeship, and still does now, and other cats have pity on me, thinking I could do nothing, but live my life just to become an elder at a young age." she meowed, "But I have a very good memory, and a strong connection with StarClan, those are two keys to being a medicine cat." she finished, "You won't be an embarr*censored*ment to other cats, I know you will be a wonderful Medicine cat," Nightfall meowed, then stopped, What did you just say? She asked herself, "Oh dear.." she murmured and sat down. She stared into space, her blue eyes shocked, In her mind she was padding through StarClan, "I knew you would say the right thing," A familiar voice meowed, "You can visit us whenever you want..." Then Nightfall landed back into reality. Nightfall is a name that means you can fall into the minds of other cats, and into StarClan whenever you want...
6:38pm Aug 23 2010
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The blood red cat growled lowly, finally letting her claws sink back into her paws, fur her eyes stayed slitted and her fur bristling. "They say you killed unnamed. Loners tell me you are clan, and clan killed unnamed." She stopped and looked down, confusion clouding her mind. "Why I feel you speak truth? Don't understand." Shifting her weight, she sniffed the air dramatically. She was right, these cats smelled slightly different from the ones who killed her family, more earthy compared to the tang of the attackers. But these were the only clans she knew of, so they had to be the attackers, right? Looking at her m*censored*ive paws the red cat let her shoulders droop in defeat. "I listen to..." She paused, trying to remember the word she had learned for this feeling. "Heart." Thumping her chest with one paw, she gave Rainfeather a look, not knowing why she stopped attacking, why she did not want to. I don't understand, I want them to hurt for hurting me. But something says their not the ones who done it, thought their the only clan I knew of. She scowled, again tearing clumps out of the cold ground. "It says you not kill unnamed." Something else tugged at her normally cold heart, making her want to enter the camp so like the one she lost she nearly bolted past Rainfeather and into the clearing. "You know why they killed Unnamed? The other clan?" She asked, taking and curious, not hostile step forward. Starpaw listened to Nightfall's story, itching to get up and comfort her in some way. In a way she reminded him of his mother, though she was not as weak as the she-cat that had birth him. But her last words made him stare, mouth hanging open slightly. "Me? Medicine cat?" He'd never really thought of it, sitting in a den all day, helping those that were hurt, like himself. Yet there was little glory in this position, little recognition from what he knew. Shaking his head, he finally let his muzzle shut with a click. "Oh dear...?" He asked, voice wavering. "Does that mean you don't want me to be medicine cat?" He sighed and closed his eyes, trying to let sleep over come him. "Don't answer that, I know the answer. It's the same as just about everything else." Darkness over came him as he entered the dream realm. "No." He whispered softly, answering his own words even in sleep.

7:06pm Aug 23 2010
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Rainfeather looked at the she-cat, beginning to feel slightly more comfortably with talking like that to her, she meowed, "I not know why they killed unnamed..." Rainfeather meowed, "I know there are other clans." she meowed, and shot a glance to Windprint to stay calm, "This is the Clan of Ice, " she meowed, "IceClan." She looked at the she cat, "There are other Clans. Clan of Fire, Fireclan, Clan of Cave, Caveclan, and Clan of Tree, TreeClan." she finished, her fur still bristling, "Other Clans live around here. " She meowed, "Maybe they who killed unnamed..." I still don't know what or who unnamed is. she thought, her ice blue eyes clear and cold, like a pale blue fire, they burned. "Clan cats here All like this, not like little one you hurt." she meowed, "Clan cats know how to fight, " Rainfeather dragged her gaze to Windprint, who seemed to be panicking, "And well, we fight." She silently gave Windprint a signal, If she attacks, yowl as loud as you can.. the signal motioned. Windprint flicked his tail witch Rainfeather knew that he understood, and Rainfeather knew that the cat would not figure it out... maybe. Nightfall looked at the apprentice, anger flaring inside of her, "It is your destiny..." she spoke too quietly for him to hear, "and I hope you realize it soon." Still feeling lost, she meowed louder to Starpaw, "It is your choice, you are young, and it is not harm to me to say yes, but it is to say no." She padded up to him and gave his head a lick, "Now sleep, " she meowed more forceful, "The walker of the Stars shall come here to learn the ways of the leaves, and then from there he shall live fully..." she meowed, then padded away, knowing she had just made a prophesy.
7:20pm Aug 23 2010
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The she-cat tipped her head to the side, thinking on what this cat had said. If there were other clans then she would find them, and she would destroy as many of them as possible before she fell herself. "What a name?" She asked curiously. "You say you Rainfeather, what that mean?" Looking over at Windprint, she hissed lightly, but made no move to attack. In fact she had no intention to attack any cat, she wanted to learn from them. They were smart, very smart, and she wanted to learn from them. To talk, to understand what she was feeling inside. What a name actually meant. She'd been asked her name many times, but she did not know what a name actually was, more less if she had one. "I not fight, not hurt any cat." He meowed calmly, looking back at Rainfeather. "You smart, me not. I learn from...Iceclan?" She struggled with the Iceclan part, trying to remember if that's what she called this clan. Starpaw thought he was hearing Nightfall speak, but he found himself in closed in darkness, trying to swim through it to where he knew the medicine cats voice was coming from. Other voices joined her's in perfect harmony, saying the same thing over and over until it was stuck in his mind and he found himself murmuring it in his sleep. "Walker of Stars." He whispered the verse, taking some comfort in it, though he did not know why. ((Fail for Starpaw.))

9:52pm Aug 23 2010
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ooc; Siri, Would you take over Eaglestar? Rainfeather looked at the she cat in surprise, "It what you call cats, " she meowed, "When you talk to them, you say there name and they know you talking to them." Rainfeather meowed, "When kits are born, mother cat gives them name so that she tell them apart. Name is big part of cats life in Clans." she meowed, then sat back down, "I am warrior named Rainfeather, He" Rainfeather pointed with her tail to Windprint, "He called Windprint." Looking at the she cat, curiosity grew inside her, Where could this cat have come from to not know what names are? "What is unnamed?" she asked, hopeing this question wouldn't provoke a fight. Nightfall looked at Starpaw, he seemed to be drifting off to sleep, Good. she thought then padded, around to the outside of the den. Starpaw is the only cat in this clan that knows my new name... Nightfall padded into Eaglestar's den, "Eaglestar?" she meowed, then padded into her den, "I have received my new medicine cat name..."
10:24pm Aug 23 2010
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((WAHH! Pllease tell me what's happening... D'':
12:32am Aug 24 2010
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OoC: Ah! I have so much to catch up on, and my computer has another virus ::screams at it:: I am going to read the posts from my dad's lap top. Oh, and I think that either you or Stray would be just fine with Eaglestar, really, but I could take her if you would like.
Just call me Siri.
2:24pm Aug 24 2010
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ooc; I don't want to do Eaglestar, I won't do her properly........ Stray you want to? :> I don't know....... If someone wants to swap out Eaglestar with another leader with the same amount of lives, that might be good. I really don't know what to do with East's characters: => Raveneyes-> Emeraldrain's mate =>Berrypool->Shatterpaw's mentor =>Kesteralheart (Not suppost to be deceased) =>Blazewing =>Ravenfeather-> Cardinalpaw's mentor =>Graypaw-> Emeraldrain's apprentice =>Windkeeper-> Elder =>Tigerfang-> Elder =>Echovoice->Queen =>Larkkit (Not to be deceased.) => Hawkstar-> Leader of CaveClan.
3:45pm Aug 24 2010
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OoC: ::woots:: I had this guy fix my computer, now there is no more virus. My internet is also way faster, pretty amazing! I'll play Hawkstar, if you guys are ok with that. I already play another leader so I don't know if that's really fair in all. As for Windkeeper and Tigerfang, we could have them pa.ss on, but have it done long ago so that there isn't more grief in the clan.
Just call me Siri.
4:43pm Aug 24 2010
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OoC: Thats good to hear Siri ^^ virus's always seem to ruin the fun of everything. I'v had two deputies so far, so i'm not sure it would be fair for me to play Eaglestar either. But I would not mind to play her if no one else wants to do it. But only if no one else wants to play her. Also, I'd play Ravenfeather and Berrypool, that way the apprentice's can keep their mentors.
7:12pm Aug 24 2010 (last edited on 10:57am Aug 25 2010)
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ooc; Okay good Idea Siri**crosses them off the list**, And Stray, I think you would be good For Eaglestar :), I can Take Kesteralheart, and Echovoice, if that is alright. => Eaglestar Now played by Stray (?) => Raveneyes-> Emeraldrain's mate =>Berrypool->Shatterpaw's mentor Now played by Stray. =>Kesteralheart (Not suppost to be deceased)=> Now played by eklipse =>Blazewing, => We could also have her p*censored* on, she wasn't in any relationships... =>Ravenfeather-> Cardinalpaw's mentor Now played by Stray. =>Graypaw-> Emeraldrain's apprentice =>Windkeeper-> Elder Deceased. =>Tigerfang-> Elder Deceased. =>Echovoice->Queen=> Now played by eklipse =>Larkkit (Not to be deceased.) => Hawkstar-> Leader of CaveClan. Now played by Siri
8:49pm Aug 24 2010
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((Could somebody tell me stuff that I could jump into?))
11:04am Aug 25 2010
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ooc; Full:Well east just quit res so that is what we are doing there...The Prophesy cats are out of TreeClan territory, Rainfeather is the new deputy, and Rainfeather and windprint are talking to a Rouge outside the camp...(They don't need help X3 ) Nightfall is sitting outside the medicine cat den after taking care of Starpaw. (He got attacked by a cat), and yea, Hawkmask is going hunting with Panthergaze. Fanconwing died. I think that almost covers it.... Wait, Fernseed left to go live with the twolegs, and Mistsoul is helping out Nightfall in her extra training, we just left Gentlepaw as an apprentice, we didn't want to power play her... :) Yea but that is it!.
1:30pm Aug 25 2010
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I wont mind being raveneyes.))
3:07pm Aug 25 2010
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ooc; Kay Electro! => Eaglestar Now played by Stray (?) => Raveneyes-> Emeraldrain's mate, Now played by Electro =>Berrypool->Shatterpaw's mentor Now played by Stray. =>Kesteralheart (Not suppost to be deceased)=> Now played by eklipse =>Blazewing, => We could also have her p*censored* on, she wasn't in any relationships... =>Ravenfeather-> Cardinalpaw's mentor Now played by Stray. =>Graypaw-> Emeraldrain's apprentice =>Windkeeper-> Elder Deceased. =>Tigerfang-> Elder Deceased. =>Echovoice->Queen=> Now played by eklipse =>Larkkit (Not to be deceased.) => Hawkstar-> Leader of CaveClan. Now played by Siri
5:38pm Aug 25 2010
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((Oh, I would like it if Gentlepaw became Gentlemist.)) Littlepaw trekked beside Patchpelt. "We do know where we're going, Right?"
6:21pm Aug 25 2010
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ooc; Right.... Sirieh? You okay with tthat?