7:14pm Aug 25 2010
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: Well, I guess I can play Eaglestar. She is a lot like another character of mine thats not in this RP, so perhaps I can keep her in character. Hopefully. BiC: Padding back and forth through her den, claws scrapping the ground in anger and grief, Eaglestar had kept herself away from her warriors since the naming of her new deputy long enough so that she knew no sharp words would flow freely from her mouth. It felt as if everything that had happened, all those cats who had died, was her fault. She was not strong enough to protect them, she was leading her clan to their demise and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Closing her eyes to stop the few tears that were threatening to fall, the albino she-cat finally padded from her den, keeping her head held high as if she knew everything was going to be fine. In truth nothing seemed to be going well and she wanted nothing more then to curl up in her nest and wail like a kit. She pricked her ears, suddenly wanting her own kits at the moment with a surprising intensity that almost swept her off her paws. If any cat dared threaten her kits, any enemy looked at them wrong, they would face her wrath and she, Eaglestar leader of Iceclan, would shred them into bits. Padding into the nursery. her hard eyes softened the slightest at the sight of her three balls of fluff. "How is everything this morning kittens?" She asked soothingly, curling up in a vacant nest to be as close to them as she possibly could. Her kits would not look down on her for the deaths of her clan mates, though she knew her warriors did not either, but the three of them saw her as larger then life, if only for the moment. And she would be content with that. At least for these few seconds she'd let the troubles concerning the clan drift from her mind to be with what truly mattered. I wish you were here Redstorm, to see how strong out kit's are growing. The scarlet she-cat tipped her head to the side, eyes now shining with a burning curiosity. "Mother not give us name. But we know when talked to." She meowed, slightly defensive for her group. "You called Rainfeather? And he Windprint?" She asked, looking from one cat to the other. It was all so new, that each cat had their own word specifically for them. A name. "What I called?" She asked, suddenly wanting her own word, something to make her known to this world and not just a piece of fur and claws. "You give me name?" But she had asked something about her group and the she-cat got even more confused. These cats did not know the unnamed? It was startling to realize the world was much larger then it seemed. "Unnamed a group of cats. Live together, eat together, protect each other. That what Unnamed do. But clan came, killed Unnamed, killed family and mate." She looked down, hating the suddenly wrenching in her heart, not knowing why it was doing that but it hurt and she wanted it to stop. "Why I hurt when speaking of mate?" She asked, poking her chest over her heart, eyes clouding with worry. "I hurt often, but I not know why. Not outside hurt, but inside hurt." She poked herself again, meeting Rainfeather's eyes. "You smart Rainfeather, all Iceclan cat's smart?" A idea suddenly popped into her head and she took a step forward, small grin tugging on her lips. The feeling was foreign, having not smiled a lot in her life. "You teach me? Teach me about feelings, and clan? You give me name?" She last question came out slightly sad, forcing her to close her eyes and drop her head. "I sorry I hurt little cat, but I scared and sad, angry. You forgive me?"

7:15pm Aug 25 2010
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OoC: Page lag?
1:01am Aug 26 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Real life is being a...not so nice. I'm reading another of the Warrior books so that I might be inspired to Rp again. I'm really sorry about this not posting. Epic posts though, I love the dynamics.
Just call me Siri.
9:52am Aug 26 2010 (last edited on 9:53am Aug 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Tis okay Siri! Post when you can, or when you want. Stray do you want Rainfeather to name her right now? I suppose you would have a Specific name you want for her? And also, I was wondering if When Featherkit became an apprentice, her mentor would be Blackwolf? Rosekit looked up at Eaglestar, "Hi!" she meowed and padded up to her mother rubbing her face on Eaglestar's soft tan colored fur, her mother's voice soothed her and she just felt like falling asleep. Then a noise sounded from the back of the den, Featherkit was probably up to something, "Eaglestar's here, Featherkit!" meowed Rosekit, not really wanting to talk to her sister. "Hi.." grumbled Featherkit as she padded out from the shadows, "Move," she spat at Rosekit, but Rosekit didn't move, I don't need to why should I? she Looked at her sister's tan and white spotted pelt, her eyes blaze with a red fire, then she sat down, "When are we going to be apprentices again?" she asked her voice ruff, "Yea! I want to be with Cardinalpaw in the apprentice's den." Rainfeather looked at the unnamed she cat, then she finaly dipped her head, "Yes, All of IceClan's cats smart like me." she meowed, "And, you are sorry of what you have done to little cat, his name Starpaw, " Rainfeather felt like she was betting to let a badger in the clan or not, this cat was from a unnamed, And they didn't need to talk to communicate with eachother."Yes, I teach you." she meowed, "If you sorry to Little cat you hurt," she meowed, "Then why not come with me and say sorry to him now?" Rainfeather could tell that all the curiosity was hurting this she cat, "I bring you to see him, but promise, You must harm no cat." Rainfeather meowed, "Stay here with Windprint, he not harm you if you not harm him..." she Ran into the camp making swift turns around the cats, "Nightpaw?" she asked when she seen the black apprentice standing outside of the medicine cat den, "Nightfall now," She announced, "Oh thats great!" Rainfeather congratulated her. "Is Starpaw awake?" Rainfeather asked, Nightfall shook her head, "I am afraid not, but, if this is important, I can wake him..." Rainfeather thought for a long moment, then gave a small nod to the medicine cat, "Yes, wake him please." Rainfeather meowed, "I will be right back.." she meowed, then ran back out to where Windprint was standing, "Rainfeather Can I talk to you?" Rainfeather looked at the cat go on , "Don't ever do that again." he hissed then padded away. "Right," meowed Rainfeather, "Lets go.." "Starpaw," Nightfall's voice was gentle, "Wake up, Rainfeather is coming to see you.." her voice was louder, confusion still grabbed Nightfall, Who or what is Rainfeather going to bring To Starpaw? she asked silently, He can't handle much stress... Then she padded to the outside of the den Waiting for Rainfeather to arrive with something. Brightleaf looked around, she smelt the air, "There is a thinderpath ahead." she meowed, some of her neck fur beginning to rise in anxiety, "But I can't see anything of it, " she continued, "It must be really really big..." Her pale silver fur was standing on end, How long is this going to go? she asked herself silently, Then continued padding onward, her small paws bruised by all the walking, I have never been through so much walking in my life! She kept her ears pricked at all times, hoping for the best, when the worse was close to come.
1:23pm Aug 26 2010 (last edited on 2:27pm Aug 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: =D Featherkit, Rosekit, Larkkit, and Jadekit are getting named?! ::dances:: Edit I would totally take over Larkkit. =) I've always been attached to her, oddly enough. Though, I always mix her up with Rosekit! ::giggles at her silliness:: I'm going to edit her bio and add it to my list. Then I have a lot of editing to do to the master list. But I'm feeling better, found out I was cranky because of an ear infection, so I shall post. Though, it will take some time. I love, love, love where this Rp is going. Finally moving along again. =)
Just call me Siri.
3:02pm Aug 26 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Hey, this roleplay's been going on for a while now, and I was wondering if I could possibly join? I've been searching for a literate Warriors roleplay for... well, a while now. This one seems pretty decent. Of course, if you're full or too far into the plot, then that's fine. :) Only problem is I'll be away for the next few day - until Sunday - so any replies by me will be late (unless I have Internet access where I'm going on holiday). Again, I'm perfectly all right with it if I'm not accepted. But you guys actually make big posts. I finally have competition. <:3
5:08pm Aug 26 2010 (last edited on 6:23am Aug 27 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: I was actually just wondering when the four kit's needed to be apprenticed, as well as Shatteredpaw and Poisonpaw. Thats my main flaw when playing leaders, when everyone needed to be named >.> but i'll try. If it's alright i'll name the kit's as apprentices now, though if the mentors are not who you wanted i'll change them. Siri: Take your time (: the RP is doing really well now and hopefully will keep that way. Eklipse: I'd love to have her called Scarlethaze. Suits her I think. Wolfeira: I believe it would be fine, but it's not up to me at all. Siri and Eklipse run things ^^ BiC: The unnamed she-cat pricked her ears as Rainfeather walked off, her eyes watching the other cat walk off in wonder. Was she going to bring other cats to run her off, kill her? Trying to keep her pelt from bristling, she looked over at the smaller tom that was left behind, having hear little to nothing from him. He seems afraid, wonder why? Looking down at her m*censored*ive paws, the red cat felt her fur suddenly flush in shame. Is it me? These smart cats scare me, because they know so much more then I do. Does my stupidity scare them? Suddenly feeling like some sort of brute, she really wanted to apologize to the tiny tom she had injured earlier. As Rainfeather padded back out, she listened as Windprint hissed at her, and knew that it was her that scared him. Ears drooped in shame, she padded swiftly after Rainfeather, keeping close in case it was some sort of trap. Starpaw groaned slightly as some cat poked his side, waking him from a comfortable poppy seed induced sleep. What could be the problem? He questioned himself, yawning widely. Getting up with a slight huff, a throb of pain shooting through his twice injured limb, the small cat limped after Nightfall, surprised how comfortable he actually was around the blind cat after their confrontation when he'd first arrived. Blinking his eyes blearily, a red shape entered his vision and alarm sent every hair on his pelt bristling. "Nightfall, that's..." He stopped short as cold, unintelligent eyes met his own and he took a shaking step back. The large she-cat that had attacked him padded slowly over, flicking her long tail to show she meant no harm. As she stopped a few tail lengths in front of him Starpaw shrunk closer to the ground. "I sorry small one." Her voice was rough and cool, but the sincerity was there. "I not know you not kill Unnamed. Rainfeather set me right." Looking up, he swallowed thickly, trying to find the right words. Unnamed, whats that? "It's alright, I..I was not hurt that bad." She flared her nostrils, unconvinced, then turned to look at Rainfeather. "I not harm no cat again, unless they harm me. Okay?" She meowed softly, eyes scanning the clearing in awe. Eaglestar looked down at her kits, giving each of them a lick on the head. She chose to ignore Featherkit's hostility, hoping that her mentor would knock some sense into her thick head. "Actually, I think your old enough now." She was surprised how hard the words were to say. It was like she was giving her kits to some other cat. She licked each of them vigorously, knowing it would be the last timer she would be allowed to do so with out them getting annoyed. Sighing sadly, the cream colored she-cat padded out to high-rock and jumped up top, looking over her clan quickly. Their all so skinny, look so dead. She closed her eyes and swiftly prayed to Starclan that they would help them somehow. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath Highrock for a clan meeting." She stopped and waited patiently, hoping her choices for mentors would be the right ones. "Today we preform one of the most important ceremonies in clan life, giving kit's their apprentice names and help them on their way to becoming great warriors." She beckoned with her tail for her four kit's to step forward. "From this moment on, until they have gain her warriors name, these kits will be known as Jadepaw, Larkpaw, Rosepaw, and Featherpaw." She stopped to let a small shiver p*censored* down her spine. this was breaking her heart, giving her kits away to someone else. But she knew it had to be done. "Swiftdarkness, you are ready to take on a apprentice. You have shown yourself to be a loyal and caring warrior and i'm sure you will p*censored* this on to your new apprentice Jadepaw." She waited for them to touch noses before going on. "Windprint, you are ready for a apprentice as well. You have shown you are a gentle, yet faithful cat and I'm sure you will p*censored* this on to your new apprentice Larkpaw." Again she waited. "Copperfire, you are ready to take on your first apprentice as a clan cat. You might have been born a rouge but you have proven yourself a warrior. You will now mentor Rosepaw." She met the fire colored toms eyes, not surprised to see surprise, and something else in his blue eyes. "Blackwolf, you are ready to take on a apprentice. You have proven yourself fierce yet courageous, may you p*censored* this on to your new apprentice Featherpaw." She listened as the clan called her daughters names, looking up at the sky to keep from wailing. Silentheart listened as Eaglestar called a clan meeting, paws feeling heavy and heart clinching in sorrow. One of the main reasons he'd returned was now to far gone yet again for him to call back. He should have known that Mistsoul could never stop herself from being a medicine cat, no matter how much he tried to show he loved her. First his mother and father, then Patchpelt, and now Mistsoul. He wanted anymore to go back and stop form making the decision to come back, to stop this pain in his heart that could not seem to be quenched. As Eaglestar spoke the new mentors, he payed little attention, focusing mainly on his red paws. How he hated that color, red where he used to see brown. Suddenly his name was called and he looked up in surprise as Rosepaw padded over, indicating that he was now a mentor. He looked up in surprise, meeting Ealgestar's eyes. She chose him as a mentor, though she thought he was born a rouge? Teaching Rosepaw's nose with his own, the world suddenly seemed to be less bleak. He had a purpose now, besides mopping after unattainable cats. I might as well give up in that department, have no luck. But I can mentor Rosepaw to the best of my abilities.

5:30pm Aug 26 2010 (last edited on 7:58pm Aug 27 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Stray, you don't give yourself enough credit. I believe that Eklipse and you are running this thing. Any who, I don't think this is right, but correct me where I am wrong... Would you mind rmailing them too me too? If that's not too much. Leader: Eaglestar - Stray Lives Left: Five Deputy: Rainfeather - Eklipse Medicine Cat: Nightfall - Eklipse / Mistsoul - Siri Medicine Cat Apprentice: Gentlepaw - Fullmoon Warriors: - Raveneyes - Electro
- Swiftdarkness - Siri (Apprentice - Jadepaw)
- Thistlestorm - Eklipse (Apprentice - Larkpaw)
- Berrypool (Stella) - Stray (Apprentice - Shatteredpaw)
- Kestrelheart - Eklipse (Apprentice - Bluepaw)
- Cheetahwind (Gillian) - Fullmoon (Apprentice - Littlepaw)
- Grayheart - Fullmoon
- Sunflare - Stray (Apprentice - Poisonpaw)
- Patchpelt - Siri (Apprentice - Shadowpaw)
- Dreamfur - Fullmoon
- Mintleaf - Fullmoon
- Copperfire - Stray (Apprentice - Rosepaw)
- Crimsonfang - Electro
- Ravenfeather - Stray (Apprentice - Cardinalpaw)
- Brightleaf - Eklipse
- Lostfoot - Electro
- Hawkmask - Electro
- Windprint - Eklipse (Apprentice - Starpaw)
- Panthergazw (Alcarié) - Stray
- Blackwolf - Electro (Apprentice - Featherpaw)
- Swanpelt - Wolf
- Goldwing - Electro
Apprentices: - Shadowpaw - Stray
- Littlepaw - Fullmoon
- Shatteredpaw - Eklipse
- Poisonpaw -Eklipse
- Bluepaw - Full
- Graypaw - East
- Redpaw - Siri (Needs mentor)
- Painfulpaw - Electro
- Cardinalpaw -Eklipse
- Starpaw (Luoke) - Stray
- Featherpaw - Eklipse
- Larkpaw - Siri
- Rosepaw - Eklipse
- Jadepaw - Fullmoon
Queens: - Echovoice - Eklipse
- Emeraldrain - Eklipse (Apprentice - Graypaw)
Kits: - Snowkit - Electro
Loners: Elders: 1. Thistlefur - Wolf Additional: - TreeClan
- Leader, Lonestar
- Deputy, Twigstripe (Apprentice - Firpaw)
- FireClan
- Leader, Phoenixstar
- Deputy, Riverbreeze
- CaveClan:
- Leader, Hawkstar
- Deputy, Rockdust
Just call me Siri.
5:50pm Aug 26 2010 (last edited on 5:58pm Aug 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Thanks guys. :) I'll start off with my two Warriors characters, and mebbe I'll play a kit if one is born and can go for spare? :3 Desired Name: Swanpelt Position: Warrior Family: PARENTS: Pebblefoot (M, deceased) & Thistlefur (F, Elder) Mate: None
Crush: None
Age: Adult (approx. 36 human years)
Gender: Male Personality: Fair, wise, cool-headed, but slightly detatched and solitary, he would prefer to be alone or observe from afar than get caught up in ugly Clan-business. Despite this slightly cold exterior, Swanpelt is, genuinely, a gentle Clancat. Around kits, he is mellow and affectionate, never too happy to let them clamber over him for a harmless tussle and will respond with equal playfulness. To apprentices, he is the dominant figure, firm, yet kind and rewarding - although will not hesitate to carry out a gruesome punishment if they disobey his orders or are disrespectful. To his fellow warriors, deputies of other clans and leaders, he sees them as his equals and treats them all with blanaced respect - not only as fellow Clanmates, but also honourable cats with dignified pasts and personalities. He prefers to listen to their words than share his own hints and tips, but when given the chance, is happy to share his knowledge. To elders, he treats with a fundamental respect, tinted with a slight mix of awkwardness and admiration. Secretly, however, Swanpelt is doubtful of his abilities and frequetly asks his mother for advice regarding certain matters.
Appearance: Just like this little cat I found. No collar, though. His tail is shorthaired just like his torso, and his figure is thickset but muscled. His eyes are also a moderate blue instead of in the photograph, and although he's not deaf, does have hearing not quite as sharp as another cat's. This image is not mine; credit must go to the original photographer.
Desired Name: Thistlefur Position: Elder Family: PARENTS: Willowsong (M, deceased) & Reedwhisper (F, deceased) OFFSPRING: Swanpelt (M, Warrior) & three other kits that perished before their naming ceremony Mate: Pebblefoot (M, deceased) Crush: Not anymore Age: Elder (approx. 70 human years) Gender: Female
Personality: Calm, wise, intelligent, albeit a little eccentric. Age has made her a little bizzare in the head and she does have occas-sional fits of particularly strong "enthusiasm". However, she has a good memory, and knows plenty of tricks and secrets to know her way about, and is quite well-known for being a cunning fishing-cat. Numerous times, when a reckless young warrior, she would gain prey in the most startling of ways, even once trying her luck in opposing territories before she was eventaully stopped. She pas-ses her mellow traits and cool judgement onto her son, Swanpelt, who laps up her gentle words of wisdom with eagerness. Thistlefur is particularly proud of her only living son. Appearance: Again, I decided to try and match her to a random kitty picture to visualise her a little easier. And again, all credit must go to the original photographer. OOC: As a final notice, I won't be able to make a story-post until Sunday. So you guys can continue, and I'll leap in as soon as I'm ready. :)

8:02pm Aug 26 2010 (last edited on 8:26pm Aug 26 2010)
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Posts: 779
GRAH!! TOO MUCH HAPPENIN!! And awww poor Snowkit such a loner. Also Painfullpaw I don't think he has a mentor and timberfur and fireeyes are dead.))) Snowkit purred watching his old nusery friends enter another den. But sad that he would be alone. "Mom...when will I get to be an apprentice?" he asked as he looked outside again. Twitching his ear he looked at the four apprentices with their mentors. But only Blackwolf gave him the chills. Something seemed off with the tom. Blackwolf purred as Featherkit became his apprentice. Padding up to her he touched noses with the little she cat and smiled. "Get some rest and by sunrise I'll take you to travel and understand the borders and territory." Padding about Goldwing purred at her old friend Blackwolf and nudged him. "I hope you help her become a good warrior." she added playfully. The tom purred and nudged her back. "Oh be quiet I'm better then you." he remarked and went into the warriors den leaving a purring Goldwing. Hawkmask padded back into the clearing and dropped her fresh kill only consisting a mouse. Lowering her head she padded about and noticed Starpaw. "Starpaw! How are you doing?" she padded up to him her eyes a bit worried. She knew he was strong but even a hit from a strong creature could be vital to any cat. She wrapped her tail around her paws a bit and sat next to him. Painfullpaw even padded up to join the two cats.
10:26pm Aug 26 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Cheetahwind huffed and chuffed around camp, acting like a elder. He grumbled at the apprentices, grumled when he was sent on patrol, grumbled when people said he grumbled. In truth,he was very worried about Patchpelt. He suddenly had a great idea. "Hey, Grayheart? I wanna tell you something." Grayheart grumled something about grumpy old git, then said, "What?" Cheetahwind glowed. "****Patchpelt*******Worried,so********back********" Grayheart's ears were pricked. He chuckled.
11:02pm Aug 26 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Siri and Stray? I think we are all running this, xD Stray, you make me laugh 'does my stupidity scare them?'Haha.. I love it =], and Stray, Unfortunately, Brightleaf is one of my prophesy cats now :<, So... Yea, Sorry about that... And just to save typing, Shatteredpaw-> Shatteredrose, Poisonpaw-> Poisonheart. Hehe... Love naming cats.. Rainfeather Looked at Starpaw, "Yes, cats know that, Starpaw is just spooked." she meowed, then whispered to Starpaw, "She won't hurt you if you don't hurt her, kay?" (Fail that is all I got, I will post later... I don't have time now.))
11:10pm Aug 26 2010 (last edited on 8:02pm Aug 27 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Electro, I think Snowkit being the only kit is a good thing at the moment, for the clan. But I can't wait until Echovoice and Emeraldrain have their kits, but hopefully not too soon. That would be bad news with the cold and famine. I shall post now! ::about time, Siri says to self:: I have my bio's updated on the first page. =) Different format, but I like it better. ::Journey:: With a sharp glance at Redpaw, who was lashing his tail as he padded along with the group, Patchpelt moved closer to Shadowpaw. My apprentice, she thought wistfully. And I’m not doing enough for him. Her eyes a gentle emerald, Patchpelt blinked down at him, only a little smaller than she is. The taunting between the two tom-cat apprentices’ was wearing on every cat’s patience. Patchpelt would catch a glimpse of longing, for home she guessed, in Shadowpaw’s eyes. A deep, almost non-existent, soft purr rumbled from the pit of her belly. Patchpelt knew that Redpaw couldn’t possibly hear the sound, nor would he understand its meaning, but Shadowpaw would hear it and understand. Physical comfort would draw too much attention and cause another hissing match, so this was nearly just as good. “Shadowpaw,” Patchpelt purred, “if you are not too tired when we stop, I could teach you a new attack move.” The great leap. Just thinking about the astonishing move made her fur tingle with anticipation. Rainfeather had snuck her out of camp, at moon high, to teach it to her before the group left. The knowledge was burning in her, she wanted to teach it to her apprentice. I want to teach him everything! Yet Patchpelt understood that some learning can’t be taught, it has to come from personal experience. Glancing back, Patchpelt saw the dense forest retreating like a lumbering badger; only it wasn’t a badger but what she learned to call home. Brow furrowed for a moment, she longed to tuck her tail and run back to the comfort, but Patchpelt wouldn’t. She was strong enough to fight for the better of her clan. When Littlepaw asked if she knew where she was going, all Patchpelt could do was flicker her tail over the little apprentices’ ear and reply, “StarClan knows.” After some time pa.sses, the pard reaches a point where Brightleaf mews something about a Thunderpath. Opening her mouth, telling Shadowpaw to test it too, Patchpelt inhales. Whiskers’ flattening with distaste at the smell, Patchpelt agrees with Brightleaf, “It is strong. Not far off, I think we should cross it and find shelter for a rest. Maybe the prey hasn’t been scared off and we can all have a plump robin!” Hoping the bribe of fat food encourages the others, like it does herself, Patchpelt sets off in a brisk pace. Rolling his eyes at Patchpelt, Redpaw bounds after the dense she-cat as the others lumber along as well. He couldn’t believe he decided to come. At least I found them. Now I’m not alone, he thought. Umber eyes taking in all the scenery, he feels like he should remember something, but its just out of reach. ::Clan:: -Took Larkpaw's post out for editing. New post is on next page.- Missing the whole confusion, Mistsoul loudly calls out each kits name. I am so proud! I feel as though my own kits have been named! With an extra bounce in her step, Mistsoul prances over to Silentheart. “Congratulations, Copperfire,” she purrs his name as if it is some inside secret between the two of them, and, in a way, it is. Rubbing her cheek along his, she meowed, “Train her well because I am going to watch every paw-step. Soon Nightfall won’t need me anymore, and I will become a normal warrior.” Again, she thought to herself, with only a hint of sadness. I won’t dwell on that, I will enjoy this last experience as a medicine cat for my clan. “So,” she chirps a little too loudly, “I will be picking up all my learning from you.” Sweet, golden eyes shimmering with mischief and hidden mysteries, Mistsoul turns tail, and pads back to the medicine cat den. I am not sad that I didn’t get one of Eaglestar’s kits. I am not sad that I won’t be this clan’s medicine cat, like I should have been. I will not be sad. When a single, wet, chilling tear fell down her silver cheek, Mistsoul gasped, shocked by the slippery escape. Elusive she-cat that she was, Mistsoul, who was never solidly in one clan, dashed into the safety of the medicine cat den to hide from her inner turmoil. Glancing at Starpaw, who was also had the misfortune of never being quite accepted, sleeping in the temporary moss bed, Mistsoul couldn’t help but press her muzzle to his cheek. The gaping wounds on his shoulder reminded her of Patchpelt’s attack; they looked like angry yowling mouths. Blinking back the odd image, Mistsoul went to get chervil leaves. They will sting if mashed and pressed to the wound, but if I hold it in my mouth the juice can flow freely onto the wound without the shocking sting. Taking two into her mouth, Mistsoul walks over to Starpaw as she chews the leaves into a pulp. I wonder why Eaglestar chose such a name for you. When drool dribbled out one corner of her maw, Mistsoul leaned over the wound, and squeezed the juice out of her maw by pressing her tongue to the top of her mouth. Satisfied that enough juice slipped into the wounds, Mistsoul spat the mushy leaves into the discard pile for used or too old herbs. Staring blankly at the empty den where Fernseed had slept almost every night, Mistsoul didn’t think she had enough courage to go take over the space. Leaving the mossy, Fernseed-scented bed for Nightfall, Mistsoul curled next to Starpaw. He was a bit cold, so that would be her excuse in the morning. It’s no different than sleeping in the warriors den, she told herself. Her silver-pelted back rested lightly against his as she closed her honey eyes and prayed to StarClan, Courgarclaw, to bring sleep quickly.
Just call me Siri.
3:11am Aug 27 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I think it would probably be wisest if I waited 'till I came back from my holiday before posting. It'd be a bit weird if I posted once and waited about three days 'till could post again. xD So, until then, I'll just read over the stuff you guys have written and try work out what's happening. c:
6:31am Aug 27 2010
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: Sorry about that Eklipse, got a bit confused on the prophecy cats (not hard to confuse me either) so how does Windprint sounds a a mentor to Larkpaw? I don't like running things that are not mine, makes me feel all ick. Much prefer to be told what to do (: but I guess i'll try. Will post when I get home from school
9:41am Aug 27 2010
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ooc; Stray....? Windprint is Starpaw's mentor! xD I would do the exact same thing If I was playing Eaglestar! *Giggles* Yea......Since you are berrypool and Sunflare, the mentor of Shatteredpaw and Poisonpaw do you want them to have there last apprentice as.sessment? Siri's epic posts are back!! Siri, and Stary: I would say Thistlestorm could be Larkpaw's mentor...? Since it was brightleaf, but she is on the journey, and then it was windprint who has an apprentice........ So would Thistlestorm work? He can be gentle......X3 And Siri again! Spiritfeather is an elder that Electro took over from East quite some time ago. Just wanted you to know. =] ~Clans~ Rosepaw looked at Copperfire, "What are we going to do?" she bounced excitedly, "This came up so unexpected!" Her cream flecked red pelt shimmered, and then she noticed Featherkit walking into her the apprentice's den, Wow... Blackwolf is her mentor? I would have never though that he would be a mentor... at all... Oh well. Her problem! She Bounced around her new mentor, "Can we try hunting?" she asked "I love hunting!" then she sat down, slowly calming herself. Featherpaw touched noses with blackwolf, Why does it have to be my mentor that is icky? and old? she asked herself then sat there in the awkwardness of silence. Then Blackwolf said what he had to say and Featherkit gave a slight nodd when Goldenwing came, and Featherpaw darted back to the apprentice's den, finding her new nest and falling into it. Emeraldrain licked his head comfort, "Well I am not sure, " she confessed, "But you won't be alone for long in this den.." she finished looking at Echovoice, "I will be having my kits soon." she continued, "And you get to play with allot of new friends, I will have new kits, and Echovoice will have more too." she finished, her Emerald gaze bright and Cherrie. Echovoice nodded in agreement, "Yes," she meowed, and brushed her pelt up against Snowkit's, still feeling a very very deep loss because of Timberfur. "And you get to be the older one in the group too.... So you get to boss them around!" she pointed out giving him a little more glory, "And then some day, they will be watching you be apprenticed and saying the exact same question that you just asked Emeraldrain." She sat down, "Its true," she meowed, "And you can even help us decide the names..." added Emeraldrain. Nightfall came into her den, she padded past Mistsoul to Sleep in Fernseed's old nest, But do I dare sleep? she asked wondering If Nightfang could hear her. Would another horrible dream haunt me? she asked then didn't wait for an answer, she just closed her blue eyes and slept. Poisonpaw cheered along with the other cats for the apprentice naming ceremony, kind of happy that they were out of the nursery, So I don't have to Change there bedding anymore... she thought, but now they are in my den! I forgot about that... she thought then selected a Vole from the fresh-kill pile and padded away to the outside of the apprentice's den, to Eat her vole alone in the snow. "Berrypool," Shatteredpaw meowed, "I caught a shrew." she announced, and dropped it on the Fresh-kill pile. Then looked up at her mentor hopefully. Rainfeather looked around the clearing to make sure no cat really notice Her and the unnamed cat. "I can name you now," she meowed, then gathered her breath, then She whispered this fast:"I Rainfeather deputy of IceClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this cat, she will train hard to lear the ways of your noble code, and I commend her and warrior in her turn. By the powers of StarClan I give you your name, " She breathed in, i said it fast, so it would men not to much for her... she thought, then looked at the red she-cat Scarlet. she thought , "Scarlethaze will be your name." ~Journey~ Brightleaf looked at the suroundings, and could see the faint black smudge of the thunderpath, "There..." she meowed, "I see it." She looked around, "The forest Stopped at the end of TreeClan territory, " she meowed, "But it starts up again around the thunderpath..." Intrest grabbed Brightleaf as the gournying cats stared ahead, What will we see? she wondered, Will StarClan watch over us even if we go there? That question froze Brightleaf's train of thought, They must have to... She as.sured herself, but was that really true? Kestralheart glanced at Patchpelt, "A nice juicy bird sounds great right now, " he meowed, his gaze fixed on the land ahead, "I can't wait till we get there..." His mouth began to water, I haven't had a decent meal for moons.. he thought to himself, We probably look less than skeletons. That was the part that scared him, if IceClan was so weak, then would they survive this journey? StarClan really did pick the fittest, he reminded himself, all the journeying cats were more stronger than the Cats back in IceClan, Did StarClan do that on purpose? he asked, then shook his head and continued walking.
4:31pm Aug 27 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Bump))
4:49pm Aug 27 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Oh, cool. c: Turns out I have access to the Internet, after all... I don't think I have much time on this computer right now. Sorry to be a pain, but could anyone let me know who's where and what's happening? <:3 I doubt I can read through all of this and understand fully what's going on.... Sorry again. xD
5:47pm Aug 27 2010
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: -Smacks head- Gah! And Starpaw's my own cat, how could I forget. Thank you so much for choosing a mentor for Larkpaw Eklipse, don't want to make a fool out of myself even more. Thistlestorm it is! BiC: Silentheart was about to ask his new apprentice if she would like to explore the forest and the best places to hunt when Mistsoul approached him. The familiar ache in his heart returned and it took every ounce of will-power not to turn tail and bolt away from her, her and what perhaps could have been. Instead he dropped his head so he was staring at the camp floor as she spoke, not wanting her to see the battle raging in his eyes. I care for her, I really do. She's gentle and kind, everything that i'm not. At times I just can't help myself to stare at her and her flawless beauty, for Starclan's sake I nearly trip over my paws because i'm not watching where i'm going! Flinching slightly as she spoke his supposed name, Silentheart swallowed a lump in his throat. He wanted little more then to be called his birth name and be himself again. I need to concentrate on Rosepaw now, not a unattainable she-cat. Sure she says she'll be a warrior again, but i'v heard that once haven't I. As she finished speak he finally looked up and nodded curtly, getting to his paws and padding towards the camp entrance. "Yeah, I'll see what I can teach you." He meowed, slightly cold. "Come on Rosepaw, let's go for a small hunting practice" His voice was lighter as he spoke to his new apprentice, letting her know his sharp words and attitude were not because of her. Actually he was delighted to have a apprentice, to have a purpose in clan life now. Looking over his shoulder as Mistsoul padded into the Medicine Cats den, he really hoped he had not gone to far with her. I'm sorry Mistsoul, but I think it's for the best we go our separate ways for a bit. Stopping to wait for Rosepaw, he started off as his apprentice caught up. Slinking easily through the forest, senses on alert for two-leg monsters, he finally spotted their first destination. "This is called the Old Oak." He flicked his tail towards a towering oak tree, flinching at how plain it looked compared to the snow white ground. "During New Leaf, and even sometime around now, this is the best place to find and catch squirrels, but you'd better know how to climb." Smiling slightly he started off again, stopping twice more to show her other good hunting spots or just places that she needed to know. Halting beside the lake at the edge of their territory, he looked into the water. "We do not hunt fish, but their possible to catch. But you tend to find good herbs around here if asked, and voles enjoy this area as well. Alright, any questions or things you've heard of but I did not show you?" He asked softly. Shadowpaw felt himself relax more then he thought possible on the journey as he listened to Patchpelt's soothing voice, glad his mentor understood him better then any cat, besides his mother. A new training move, really! He was nearly bristling in excitement, a new bounce to his step., But I cannot help but wonder what she will think if she finds out that my faith in our warrior ancestors is non-existent? He asked himself, shame stabbing at his chest. Would she still accept me as a apprentice? He sighed slightly, looking back once to glare evilly at Redpaw. He really hated that rouge's son. About to say something to his mentor, he nearly ran into her as she stopped along with the rest of the patrol. "What is it?" He whispered, looking out from behind her back. The Thunderpath loomed ahead of them and he shivered slightly, wondering what would happen to a cat that got under their m*censored*ive paws. "We have to cross it?" He meowed lowly, trying to keep the terror from his voice. Berrypool watched as the newest kit's were named, a small smile on her face. At least until she noticed Eaglestar's eyes, so lost and sad. She lost her mate, now her kits. Poor Eaglestar. She was about to go to try and comfort their leader who tried to hide her emotions as to not look weak, but Berrypool knew better. I'm glad I don't have kits, nor do I want any. Seeing Shatteredpaw she smiled again. Well, I guess Shatteredpaw can almost be considered my daughter. Suddenly another pelt brushed her own in greeting and she dipped her head towards Sunflare as the orange tom watched her. "I was wondering, Poisonpaw and Shatteredpaw are old enough to become warriors, and skilled enough as well. Should we give them their final test?" He asked, voice soft and gentle. He was one of the most feminine toms Berrypool had ever meet and at times she wanted to laugh at his odd personality and antic's. He'd be a good friend for a she-cat, he tends to think like them. Seeing Sunflare's slightly hurt look, she realized he thought she was calling him dumb by grinning like a fool. "Oh, yes! They will make fine warriors. Shall we fetch them." Without another word the orange cat bounded to his paws with a meow of delight and bolted towards his apprentice. About to go find her own, Berrypool rolled her eyes slightly as Shatteredpaw padded over. Speak of the apprentice and she will appear. Watching as the small she-cat dropped a shrew at her paws, Berrypool could not help but purr in delight. It was the largest piece of prey she'd seen a over a moon and the pride she felt in her apprentice almost made her paws flutter. "Excellent job Shatteredpaw! And I'v got some news for you, it's time for your final *censored*essment. Meet me at the entrance in a few moments along with Poisonpaw." Without a second though she headed for the camp entrance. Sunflare padded over towards Poisonpaw, hoping that she would be excited over the new news. Sitting down beside her, he wondered how many cats could actually do that without getting their ears clawed off. In a way he'd hoped he created a small bond of friendship between the two of them and he would not be just another chip of ice on her shoulder. "It's time for your final *censored*essment. You might be a warrior by moon high." He stood back up, stretching in the sun, hoping to warm his pelt. "Meet me and Berrypool at the camp entrance in a few moments." Without another words he padded off after Berrypool, who just disappeared into the forest. The blood red she-cat, now called Scarlethaze, tipped her head to the side slightly as Rainfeather rushed through the ceremony, trying to pick p on any of the words. Very few made sense at all and she thought about asking to to repeat it. Then she thought the better of it, not wanting to make the only link between her own intelligence get annoyed. "I called Scarlethaze now?" A thrill like nothing she'd experienced since her mate had asked her to become it, surged through her and she nearly yowled with joy. "I have name now! I no longer Unnamed." She meet Rainfeather's eyes joyfully, and kneaded the ground with her long claws. "Thank you Rainfeather, mean lot to me. I have something to make me known now." She stopped and pondered something quickly. "Can you tell me what feeling in chest is?" Light and fluttery, make me want to yowl to sky." She might as well start somewhere with what she wanted to know. OoC: The answer to Scarlethaze's question would be happiness, in case that was hard to pick up on.

5:52pm Aug 27 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Wolfeira, I will send you an Rmail. =) Eklipse, my posts are only half as epic as Stray's and yours. x3 Stray, I'm fine with Brightleaf being Larkpaw's mentor. She can be patient enough. =) Though, if you want to edit it, Thistlestorm would be just as good. =) You're doing just fine with Eaglestar, by the way. Now you know how I felt playing "almost leader" with Leopardheart. So stressful. ::post is coming after I rmail Wolfeira::
Just call me Siri.