6:28pm Aug 27 2010
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OoC: Aww thanks Siri, but your posts are the most epic - grin- I can almost feel what your character is feeling through your words. I'll change the apprentice ceremony to Thistlestorm, that way she can become a warrior the same time as her littermates. Playing Eaglestar is a bit stressful, but endearing at the same time. The way East played her made her seem so emotionless on the outside, fearless and strong, but so heart broken and lost on the inside. So that how I'm trying to portray her. -Waits for Siri's post-
6:29pm Aug 27 2010
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: Yet again, the page lag reveals it's self >.>
6:52pm Aug 27 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Agreed, I will post later, Lol, I have to do stuff.........................
8:08pm Aug 27 2010
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Reaching through a void of darkness, Larkpaw felt the air pressure around her upturned face change as Thistlestorm's presence drew closer. Their noses touched in a perfect display of mentor accepting his apprentice, and an apprentice's silent promise to be the greatest. Only, something was missing with her moment. Oh, that's right, I'm blind. The though was sluggish. Pulling back, Larkpaw blinked twice as if her stormy gray orbs were really taking in every color, shade, ray of light. "I will preform to the greatest of my abilities," she whispered softly for her mentors ears only. I won't be prefect, she wanted to add, but couldn't seem to open her maw to say it. OoC: More is coming, but I have to eat.
Just call me Siri.
8:39pm Aug 27 2010 (last edited on 9:14am Aug 29 2010)
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ooc; Sorry about this Fail :< I am depressed, I am watching something I want to be at >( Rosepaw just stood there dazed, "So much to remember..." she though. "Okay, no questions!" she meowed, then padded up to her mentor. "There will be allot to learn," she meowed, "But I need to know it all right?" Brightleaf nodded, "Yea, I know, this is my first time..." she looked around the group, "Who has crossed before? " she asked, "Maybe you can tell us when to go..." Shatteredpaw looked at her mentor "Thats great!" she squealed, then cleared her voice realizing she sounded like a kit. Poisonpaw looked at her mentor, "Right, Kay!" she meowed, then began to prepare herself. Rainfeather suppressed a mrrow of laughter. "That is called happiness, " she explained, "or Joy!" EDIT: I will just do a new post that one Fails >(
12:25am Aug 28 2010
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::Journey:: The stench of bitter breath from the monsters was repulsing, and Patchpelt could hardly open her maw to reply. Before the group, about two fox-lengths, was lying a stripe of black moulted stone, the perfect running path for monsters. Only this one was unlike any she had ever seen or heard of. As an apprentice, Eaglestar brought her to a rough, dirt path, cautioning that monsters often traveled down it. That path had only been about four bounds wide. The shimmering one before her looked to be impa.ssable. That has to be at least fifteen bounds! Shaking, Patchpelt felt like an annoying fly hovering over a sweaty warrior, about to get lashed at with an angry tail only this thunderpath would throw a monster at her. The choking fumes made her gage, but Patchpelt battled on, "I remember the elders telling stories of these once." Pausing to lick her lips for they were suddenly dry, Patchpelt thought she heard thunder approaching even though the sky was clear, but Patchpelt continued, "They said it was best to run across when no roar was-" As if drawn by her voice, a monster pelted past them. Foul winds gusted up, battering Patchpelt, as the monster spat little pebbles up from the thunderpath because of its high speeds. Closing her eyes to prevent the tiny, gritty rocks from damaging them, Patchpelt cautiously stood up from her instinctive crouch. "Uh, I don't know if this is possible." She squeaked, emerald eyes wide as they watched the monster disappear into the distance. "Don't be silly," Redpaw spat grumpily. "Are you as dense as a badger or what?" Rose to the filthy air, the ginger-red tom walks away with his tail high. Looking over his shoulder once to yowl, "Hurry up and follow! Or do you want to be crow food." Why do I remember this? Staring off into the black hole that is safely under the thunderpath, Redpaw knew that it would take them to the far end. But how do I know? Screeching, yowling is everywhere. Tense with fear, the salty taste of blood flooded his mouth. "Mommy!" The twisted, rage-filled howl of father was coming closer. Redpaw stood over his littler siblings, shaking, but protective. "You must go to a better place, Red of Dawn, don't stop for anything!" Tears welled up in his umber eyes, "Come with me before daddy gets here!" The most beautiful she-cat Redpaw had ever seen turned to him, the sweetest smile curling her lips, but her head was shaking. The shadow was looming. Pain. Lots of pain would come, and death. Blinded by the river coming from his eyes, Redpaw bit into Blue Cresent Moon's nape, and pushed Gray as Night forward. Struggling himself to turn on his mother, Redpaw dropped his sister to look back and see the demon of his kin rip into the tender flesh of his mother.
Blinking, Redpaw sat shivering. Looking around him to see if the others noticed his odd space-out. In an uncharacteristic small mew he told the group, "This leads to the other side. No worries about monsters...but rats sometimes live in there." ::Camp:: A sense of duty flooded Swiftdarkness as his name was called to be Jadepaw's mentor. This is the perfect distraction for me. Even though he knew that Falconwing and his deceased kits would never leave his mind, or the fact that two of his still living kits were missing. With that new, more dangerous monster is around they... He wouldn't think like that. Never. Pressing his deep brown nose to Jadepaw's light-pink one, Swiftdarkness prayed to StarClan that he would do better with Jadepaw than he had with Grayheart. Even though the tom was a cat of IceClan, a strong warrior, Swiftdarkness never trusted him the same since his attack on Patchpelt. Where did I go wrong? he always wondered. "Jadepaw," he whispered in his thick as honey, deep meow, "Let's start with a territory loop, what do you think? Sound good?" His dark shadow felt heavier than normal, as if his guilt over not protecting his kits and mate was slowing him down. Or is it my age? Shaking his head, Swiftdarkness knew that he had plenty of moons to go before thinking about becoming an elder. Besides, I've only had one apprentice, well now two, I can do more for my clan than that. Stopping outside of the camp entrance and exist, Swiftdarkness heard Copperfire and Rosepaw talking away, but they soon became distant. He is oddly familiar, yet unrecognizable. A good tom though, he thought to himself. Grinning down at the tawny pelt of his apprentice, Swiftdarkness trotted off to the Basking Rocks. The stale scent of IceClan cats permitted the area, but it was too far gone to register who sat beneath the rocks. Flicking a tail to the crumbled ends he informed, "This is Basking Rock, over there is where you can climb up and sun yourself. But you are an apprentice and any slack like sun basking will result in long hours practicing." He blinked with good nature at the end so that the little she-cat wouldn't fear his teasing last comment. "Prey like to hide here in the greenleaf as well, so come for a quick catch if an elder is grumbling." If the prey come back, he thought. But it would, it always did. So why is this season so hard? Twolegs. The words was bitter on his mind. Shaking his head to clear it of any other foul thoughts, Swiftdarkness motioned for Jadepaw to follow again. "If we hurry, we might get to Fourtrees before nightfall." Peering up into the ever empty darkness, Larkpaw wondered what Thistlestorm was thinking. His presence wasn't overwhelming like some cats. When angry, scare, or overly excited, cats will often make the air seem to sizzle. Cautioning Larkpaw that there is too much movement, and she is better off sitting still. Though, her mentor, she didn't even know what color he was, didn't give off anything. Is he neutral about getting me as an apprentice? I will be hard to teach, I know that, but will he refuse? No, he already touched noses with me. Blinking, she curled her creamy off-white tail around her murky-brown paws. Larkpaw remembered her pelt color from her sight early on as a kit. Eaglestar's, Rosepaw's, Jadepaw's, and Featherpaw's also come to mind, but other cats are misty. Mistsoul... Larkpaw purred at the thought of the silver she-cat who had often watched over her and her sisters while Eaglestar was being leader. I could never forget her, or Patchpelt. Coming back to focus, Larkpaw tipped her head back, wondering just how tall her mentor was. "Will we be looking at the territory also? Like the other apprentices?" Anticipation bubbled in her belly like the stream Eaglestar brought her to so that she could drink. It was a soothing place for her, giving her sensory overload so that she could forget her loss of sight and relish in her acute sense of hearing, smell, tasting, and feeling. Excitement made her rush out in a purr, "Will you teach me to hunt?"
Just call me Siri.
12:26am Aug 28 2010
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OoC: I couldn't remember what Bluepaw's and Graypaw's real names were. I hope I didn't mess them up too badly. I will edit when Fullmoon corrects me. Oh, and who is playing Graypaw? Isn't he back at the camp?
Just call me Siri.
6:09pm Aug 28 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Knowone camed hem.... >I have to post Later. >( Stupid... stuff...
7:17am Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 7:28am Aug 29 2010)
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OOC: I'm back. I will finally post now. c: The low chirruping of crickets roused Swanpelt from his sleep - and his dream. His luxurious visioning of himself, as a young apprentice, hunting an enormously fat mouse faded away until he almost found himself wishing he could sleep longer just to find out if he'd caught it. His blue eyes opened slowly, sleepy but expressionless - although in his heart a deep, gaping disappointment gnawed at him, as well as the hunger that still lingered in his gut. It was the same disappointment as a kit watching the butterfly he'd been stalking finally flutter lazily away beyond paw-reach, and the same hunger that had refused to leave since StarClan knows when. He cast a regretful glance at the sky, and the sun above, and felt lonelier than ever in the small den he'd fashioned a few hours before just after leaving camp, right beside the Basking Rocks. The busy bustling and the hunger that hung over the camp like an ominous cloud had forced Swanpelt to search for his own answers in an unsuccessful protest of isolation. Sitting up as awkwardly as an elder - or, rather, the elder, his own mother Thistlefur - he yawned broadly and drew a newly-licked paw over his face a few times, before standing and stretching. He wasn't a particularly old cat, but he wasn't the youngest warrior either, and stretching seemed to emphasise the stiffness in his limbs to an almost uncomfortable extent. He sat there for a while and continued washing, exposed to the sun, until he remembered something desperately important. The warrior ceremony. The thought struck his head like a cold raindrop and his gut like a sinking stone, going deeper and deeper until it sat at the bottom of his belly as stubborn and smug as any cat. He froze in mid-lick, curled in on himself to clean the base of his tail, his heart hammering like a trapped bird's. Guilt, embarras-sment and anger all clashed together like a trio of raving magpies, and he sat up again, furiously glaring in the direction of the camp a while away. Fury not directed at the newly-appointed warriors or their mentors, but at himself for failing his Clan. Again. Yet his rage didn't show. He peered angrily for a few moments more, then closed his eyes slowly, opening them to reveal twin blue moons, serene and sad again. With a sigh he stood, crept out of his den, and streaked across the sand towards the camp, a white dash illuminated by the sun's watchful gaze, oblivious to everything around him. No time to stop and hunt. That would seem like trying to provide his Clan with an excuse for missing such an important tradition. He wouldn't find anything, anyway. Better to be honest than hopeless. Besides, he wanted to congratulate the newest members that would be sleeping in the warriors' den from now on, and apologise for his absence.

9:43am Aug 29 2010
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ooc; I though It would be more interesting if IceClan's camp wasn't in the middle of the desert, under it, and what I mean by that, is that we could have a giant crack in the ground of the floor of the desert where IceClan lives on the cliffs and caves inside it, there would be a large path going upwards to get to the surface of the desert. And the crack could be more shallow, and the main Camp could be on the ground of it, and the den's could be on the side cliffs and caves of it. If you guys don't like my Idea that is okay, but tell me what you think about it please! Siri: Electro;'s Character Spiritfeather, is also a elder, :3 I just wanted you to know.. Brightleaf nodded, "Yea, I know, this is my first time..." she looked around the group, "Who has crossed before? " she asked, "Maybe you can tell us when to go..." Then once She listened to Redpaw she turned to him, "Okay, well tell us when then...." she meowed, the horrible fumes of the thunderpath stuck inside her nose. Rosepaw just stood there dazed, "So much to remember..." she though. "Okay, no questions!" she meowed, then padded up to her mentor. "There will be allot to learn," she meowed, "But I need to know it all right?" She asked her white tail swaying back and fourth. Shatteredpaw looked at her mentor "Thats great!" she squealed, then cleared her voice realizing she sounded like a kit. "When does the As.sessment start?" she asked, then padded over to her mentor. Poisonpaw looked at her mentor, "Right, Kay!" she meowed, then began to prepare herself. "Okay, maybe if I can..." she murmured, looking at the fresh-kill insight, she quickly dashed over, grabbing Shatteredpaw's vole and devouring it. It tasted wrong. Not like the other fresh-kill she had eaten when she was newly apprenticed. "I won't be for a long time.." she reminded herself. Then dashed over to Sunflare, "Right," she meowed, "I am ready!" she meowed, This is your Warrior as,sessment, Do well! Don't fail... she turned to see Shatteredpaw running toward her, "Come on!" she hissed at her sister Friend, Shatteredpaw say neatly next to her and looked at her mentor. Rainfeather suppressed a mrrow of laughter. "That is called happiness, " she explained, "or Joy! It is a good feeling," she meowed, One that IceClan hasn't experienced for a long time... she thought then looked into Scarlethaze's amber eyes, "What would you like to learn now?" There is allot she doesn't know about us... Rainfeather thought then sat down giving her black flecked chest a couple of licks. Thistlestorm looked at his apprentice, "Yea, " he meowed, "We could do that." Then he looked down at his apprentice, "Right. Lets go." he meowed, and began padding out of the camp. "Okay, so this..." he pointed with his tail, "Is the training hollow, " he continued, "We will come here for battle training some days." he padded onward, "This is one of the best hunting grounds," he meowed, "For mice, you have to have soft quiet footsteps, " he meowed," and for rabits you have to be silent so that it can't hear you." Quickly scanning over his apprentice, he meowed, "Show me how you would stalk a mouse."
10:01am Aug 29 2010
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Slinking forward just barely, not enough that he did not feel the comforting presence of his mentor, Shadowpaw gave the black hole Redpaw had pointed out a curious sniff. It was dark and dank, the smell reminding him of hopelessness and death. It sort of remind me of Iceclan before we left. He flinched slightly, guiltily wondering if his clan was fairing any better then before. It up to us now, normal cats with the fear of death hanging over our heads like black clouds, to save our clan. Not stary warriors who do nothing but sit up in the stars and watch us suffer. Lips curling back in the slightest, Shadowpaw tried to peer into the gloomy darkness a bit harder hoping to see the other side. Nothing. Sighing angrily, he padded back to stand in the back of the patrol, the spot he felt apprentices needed to stay. Perhaps Redpaw was good for something. He looked over at the red apprentice, and blinked in confusion at the look in Redpaw's eyes. Was it hurt? Anger? Fear and raw pain? He was unsure, but he was not about to ask. If it was one thing he had learned about the cold apprentice, it was to never try and start a conversation with him. It would only result in his ears being clawed off. Noticing the other warriors were not following Redpaw, Shadowpaw decided to take the matter into his own young paws and followed Redpaw into the darkness. The air almost immediately cooled around him, forcing his fur to prickle in the slightest of fears. It almost felt as if some unknown beast was lurking right behind him, breathing it's rank breadth right over his neck. He itched to turn and bolt back out and cower behind his mentor. I wont always have Patchpelt to hide behind, so I might as well suck up my fear and keep padding on. The roughness of the two-leg created ground made his tender pads burn, and the tiny pieces of grit found it's way into the raw places of his paws. If he hated two-legs with a fiery p*censored*ion before, it only multiplied now. He hissed lightly as a cobweb stuck to his ear, and no matter how many times he tried to flick it off the offending piece of matter did not budge. Finally he stopped, sat down, and gently clawed the web from his fur, muttering the whole while. "Mouse-dung!" He spat at he accidentally clipped the tender flesh of his ears with his claws. Finally the cob-web relinquished his ear and he looked up to try and find Redpaw. Only the red apprentice was nowhere in sight. "Hey!" He squeaked indignantly, the fear of being left alone in this tunnel making him sound shrill. He bolted to his paws and desperately tried to scent out Redpaw, only truing up with the smell of darkness and decay. Something slithered past his paws, and Shadowpaw yowled in terror and surprise, taking off as if a two-leg monster was roaring right at his paws. Light suddenly entered his vision in front of him and Shadowpaw flung himself at it, not stopping even when the tunnel gave was to gr*censored* and bushes. Heart racing and tail trembling, the black apprentice stared wide eyed at the Thunderpath and the blasted tunnel underneath if it. "I would have rather taken on the Thunderpath then go into that hole." He whispered to no one, turning to desperately lick the stench of the place from his fur.

10:30am Aug 29 2010
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OoC: I really like the camp idea Eklipse, it's different but would probably be a lot easier to live in. BiC: Silentheart chuckled slightly at Rosepaw's enthusiasm, wishing he could share it. I don't think i'v been truly happy since before my death. That thought sent shivers of fear and anguish through him, remembering the pain of his wounds as they festered, the guilt at having not been able to really help either Fallenwind or Blackstorm, or the sadness at having left Leopardheart and Patchpelt. He jerked himself from the memory and tried to concentrate on his apprentice. "Yes, it is a lot to remember, but you'll do fine. My head was spinning the first time I learned everything from my mentor, or second mentor should I say Leopardheart." He snapped his jaws shut, a sense of self-loathing shooting through his heart. For Starclan's sake! At this rate every cat in the clan is going to know I was Silentheart. He really hoped his mother and father would be as forging as they had been. Be careful my son. A whisper of a voice floated through his ears. To many already know. He looked away. "Eer, never mind." He bit out quickly, trying to remember her earlier questions. "If an enemy clan was attacking and one patrol of enemies was at the Old Oak, another at the Sunning Rocks, and the last at The Lakes edge you'd want to know where all of them were right. Then your leader gives you a place to spy on them at, and another order for a patrol of our own to retaliate at the Snake Stones you'd have to know where those are or you could end up right in enemy claws." He mused, his voice rumbling into a purr. "But it gets easier, promise. Now lets head back to camp, shall we. And if you come upon any prey then i'll show you how to stalk it." But by the way things are heading, we won't find any prey. His stomach rumbled in displeasure. Scarlethaze looked from Rainfeather then back to herself, eyes shining in wonder. "Unnamed spoke of happiness. Said it was myth. Say we cats feel nothing but hunger. They not right." He voice rose in pitch, surprised and delighted at this new realization. "So can feel, Scarlethaze can feel." Looking up to the sky, she wondered if her family was watching, learning that they to could feel. The familiar ache in her chest returned, the same she felt when thinking of the unnamed. She believed Rainfeather called it pain. "No more questions tonight. Rainfeather have other cats to worry about. This stupid cat learn more later. Then I not be stupid anymore." She smiled slightly, starting to like the feeling. She looked around camp, unsure what to do next. She was not part of the clan, at least not yet. Though Rainfeather seemed to accept her, she doubted any of the others would. Sighing slightly, she bounded back off into the forest, intent of the scent of prey. Berrypool waited patiently beside Sunflare, heart racing in accomplishment. Soon her apprentice would become a warrior, then she could concentrate more on taking care, and feeding, her clan. As the two apprentices padded out, she tried to stifle a purr of amusement as Sunflare bounced to his paws. I think he's about as excited as the apprentices. She waited for them to fully approached before she looked into the forest and back. "You might become warriors tonight, depending on how well you do during your *censored*essment." She stopped and motion for Sunflare to continue. "Your *censored*ignment is to try and catch as much prey as you can. Me and Berrypool will watch you silently, *censored*essing on how well you do. If you meet our standards we will tell Eaglestar that we believe you are ready." He stopped and Berrypool continued. "This will be hard, harder then most *censored*essments before you considering there is so little prey. But it is not just about how much prey you catch, but also your techniques. We will be watching though you will no know when or where or which of us will be watching." Sunflare continued for her. "Be careful a well." He warned. "Go." Him and Berrypool slunk into the shadows of the tree's, their eyes the last think to disappear into the darkness. With quick nods, they decided they would each follow the others apprentice, and they slunk after them with silent paws.

12:28pm Aug 29 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: The new camp sounds like a great idea. :) I'll be fine with that design. The white cat flew across the sand as if he were being pursued by a pack of ravenous dogs. His paws kicked up little explosions of sand with each bound, each leap sending him closer to the camp. The ground was almost scorching his pads by now, so he slowed down, but only by a little amount; it would double his shamefulness if he arrived out of breath and barely able to even talk. However much he knew he deserved humiliation, killing oneself for a ceremony that was probably over by now seemed reckless even for the noblest of warriors. Even if he didn't strain himself half to death with the speed he was pelting at, he would probably overheat in the day's sun. "Curse this," he hissed under his breath when he finally drew up to the camp's entrance (OOC: have no idea what it looks like right now), and Swanpelt silently slipped inside. After slowing down near the mouth of the entrance, he lowered his head to pant and catch his breath, before rising it again to look around him. "Anyone here?" he asked aloud, sniffing the air for any close scents at the same time. OOC: Not sure if anyone is in camp right now. xD

3:29pm Aug 29 2010
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Posts: 779
Hawkmask padded towards the white tom. "Yes some of us are here. Is there something wrong?" she asked her clanmate. Her fur bristled slightly at the thought of trouble now. She didn't want more death at this time seeings as they were losing too many cats and fast. Painfullpaw raced towards the camp at the sound of dogs in the distance in hopes of protecting the camp before the dogs made it in. Standing on edge he managed to find the dogs and jumped in front of them and curled his lips back in a silent hiss, fur standing at attention. Lashing an clawed paw at one of the dogs muzzles he stood his ground for his clan. Snowkit padded towards the elders den in hopes that Thistlefur was up. He poked his head inside of the elders den taking a look to see if the she cat was up and in hopes of giving her some company. "T-thistlefur? A-are you up?" he asked his ginger head peering in a bit. His unnusually small body for a kit his age easily hidden by the wall and overhanging ivy. (This is how I imagine the elders den would look like. O_o) ((OOC; Oh my. I feel like I should work on my writing a bit. I'm surrounded by amzing writers. <8))))
4:18pm Aug 29 2010
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OoC: I'm kinda confused about the new camp idea. It sounds awesome! But I can't seem to wrap my mind around the layout...? Mine sending me an rmail, Eklipse? ::giggles:: I think it would be great though! ^.^ Electro, I thought that Spiritfeather pas.sed on, am I wrong? ::will post later::
Just call me Siri.
4:22pm Aug 29 2010
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Posts: 779
Yes. Spiritfeather died. She was old. And she was like...my warriors character ever so I kinda feel bad. But she was old))
4:32pm Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 4:33pm Aug 29 2010)
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ooc; Okay! Lets Wait for the other votes.....X3, And Yeah Siri, I will send you rmail. Rosepaw looked at him, "Second mentor...?" Then she shook her head, None of my business. she thought. "Okay that wounds really good," she meowed, "I want to catch something for Eaglestar." Rainfeather gave her a curt nod and padded away, Tireing day.. she thought and padded off to her den, and tried to get a quick sleep. Featherpaw came out of the apprentice's den, her small paws tired, Whatever. she thought and padded up to her mentor, "Kay." she meowed, "We are going to train right?" She was a little angry that her mentor waited for such a later time to train, but she did admire him. Shatteredpaw and Poisonpaw ran off in separate directions, Poisonpaw wondered if Shatteredpaw would do as well as she would, Oh well. she thought and dashed off toward her favorite hunting grounds, she stopped to scent the air. Twoleg scent was beginning to seep into the air permanently. Shaking her head she padded softly toward the single group of tree's. Scenting the air for any life, she continued to the bushes. A soft hiss came from behind her, not from a cat, but a Snake, Finally! she thought then turned and leaped onto the thin long body of the snake, "Now your my prey." she meowed, then buried it. Shatteredpaw looked around, I bet Poisonpaw is having more luck then me. she thought then padded forward, letting her paws softly hit the ground, She scented the air. Then seen a small vole scuttling around in the snow, There! Get it! she thought, then slowly crouched and padded closer and sprang at the animal, Making it her prey. She buried it, then padded onward. There was gra.ss in front of her. "Perfect." she muttered, then crouched in the gras.s, there was a mouse there... She pounced landing on top of it. She struggled to catch it, and it pelted toward its hole, "No!" she hissed then leaped onto it, killing it with her wait. "Not how I hoped to get it, but okay." she meowed, pretty sure Berrypool was laughing at her. Poisonpaw came back to the camp with her catches, a snake 2 tiny voles, and a mouse. "Shatteredpaw back yet?" she asked silently, but new there would be no answer. She sat her prey down, and sat beside it, then shatteredpaw came down the path to the camp, She limped towards Poisonpaw. Setting down her prey she looked at her, her light blue eyes shining, she had a desert lizard, a mouse, and three voles. "You got more than me?" Poisonpaw asked, jealousy flaring in her stomach. "Sure." she meowed, "I upset a vole nest so.." Flattening her ears to her head, and faced the other direction, her Black striped white fur flat.
5:31pm Aug 29 2010
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Sunflare padded into the camp after Shatteredpaw, surprised that she had done so well. "Your apprentice really is something, she caught pretty much every vole that had bolted from a nest." He mused to Berrypool as the she-cat padded in. The pride that shined in her eyes made him bristle slightly. "How'd Poisonpaw do?" He asked, looking down with a grin at his apprentices own catch. Though not as much prey, hers will feed a few more cats with it's sheer size. His fur puffed out with pride. "She did really well, I was impressed how easily she killed the snake, sneaking up on it and knowing how to kill the slippery beast." She got to her paws and started off towards Eaglestar's den. Sunflare looked back at the two apprentices, eyes shining. "You two did very well!" He praised. "The clan will eat better then it has been." He sat down and waited for Berrypool to return with Eaglestar's decision. Slinking into the leaders den, Berrypool was glad that Eaglestar seemed to be in a bit lighter mood, her pink tongue lapping at her creamy fur in earnest. The leaders red eyes scanned Berrypool for just a moment before she sat up straight and called out a greeting. "What is going on Berrypool?" She asked, voice strong yet calm. The younger she-cat felt much more at ease to know her leader was back from her depression. "Well, me and Sunflare have *censored*ess Poisonpaw and Shattered paw and have decided that they are more then ready for their warrior names. "Eaglestar's ears pricked in surprise and she padded to the front of her den to look at the two apprentice's catches. "They have trained hard and we both believe it's time for their full names. "Berrypool's meow was a bit sterner, wanting nothing more then to see her apprentice finally gain her warriors name. "Hey, where are you going?" She yowled as Eaglestar bounded from the den and up to high rock. Her fur prickled in delight as Eaglestar's strong voice rang out. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath high-rock for a clan meeting!" She yowled loudly, beckoning Poisonpaw and Shatteredpaw to the high-rock. "We have new warriors to name! Iceclan is still strong even in these hard times and this only proves this more!" She smiled gently down at the two apprentices, glad that even through Shatteredpaw's injury and Poisonpaw's sharp temper the sister were gaining their full names and becoming a true part of Iceclan. "Sunflare, are you satisfied that Poisonpaw is ready to become a warrior?" She asked to tom. "She is." Was his firm reply. "I Eaglestar of Iceclan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice.She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn." She turned her eyes to Poisonpaw. "Poisonpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?" She was glad to hear no waver in the apprentices voice, instead there was only strength. "I do." Eaglestar smiled gently, having picked out a name for the prickly apprentice early on. "Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name. Poisonpaw, from now on, you will be known as Poisonheart. Iceclan welcomes you as a full warrior." She waited for the clans voices, calling the new warrior by her name, to stop before she continued. "One more apprentice needs to be named tonight. Berrypool, are you satisfied that Shatteredpaw is ready to become a warrior." The was no hesitation on Berrypool's part. "I do." Eaglestar nodded in acknowledgment. "I, Eaglestar of Iceclan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn." Her cold red eyes landed on Shatteredpaw. "Shatteredpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan even at the cost of your life?" Shatteredpaw's meow was less abrupt but her voice held no fear. "I do." Eaglestar nodded again. "Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior's name. "Shatteredpaw, from this moment on your will be known as Shatteredrose. Iceclan welcomes you as a full warrior." She watched as the clan surrounded the new warriors, Sunflare sure to be the first to congratulate Poisonheart on her accomplishment. She chuckled. Sunflare had never been close to any cat, never really having a friend or knowing what companionship meant. She supposed that's why he put up with Poisonheart's prickly side for so long and with such ease, he was glad to have some cat to talk to, to help on their way. She jumped from her perch to join in with the others.

6:04pm Aug 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,771
OoC: Uh-oh, I think that Swiftdarkness was Painfullpaw's mentor, but now he's Jadepaw's....oopies. That was my fault for not keeping up with the Master Cat List, I feel stupid now. I'm so sorry Electro.
Just call me Siri.
6:11pm Aug 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 779
OOC; shasdjklsklfh really? O_o When did Painfullpaw get a mentor? Er no worries. I forgot as well. >.>;;;))