6:19pm Aug 29 2010
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Heading through the camp entrance after taking Jadepaw to the Fourtrees, Swiftdarkness perked his ears when he heard Eaglestar calling a meeting. Glancing at Jadepaw, the ebony was mrrowed delightfully when she sat tiredly beside him to listen. The news was something wonderful for a change. Poisonpaw and Shatteredpaw were to be named. As the group of gathered cats tensed with excitement and anticipation, Swiftdarkness shivered at the odd names, beautiful but strongly meaningful. Yowling his happiness, Swiftdarkness called out their new names, “Shatteredrose! Poisonheart!” After a wave of cats congratulated the two she-cats, he also pressed his nose to their cheeks, murmuring praise and comfort for the daunting task of watching the clan tonight. With a mighty yawn, Swiftdarkness padded to the cramped warrior quarters for some rest. He was feeling his moons, Jadepaw’s guide around the territory, and his extra patrols. A good night’s sleep is all I need to be ready for my training to being with Jadepaw tomorrow. Curling up in his nest Swiftdarkness was clocked with sleep in moments. Larkpaw nodded blissfully in the direction of her mentor. Crouching low, until her belly fur tickled the snow-damp ground, Larkpaw trained her ears forward, and her tail straight up in alert. Cautiously stepping forward, whispers skimming the ground for any sticks that might snap or rocks that could trip, Larkpaw let her paws down as lightly as she could, one after the other. “How is this?” she asked, hoping her mentor did’t hear the tremor of fear in her voice. The little calico she-cat had practiced long and hard while all the other kittens had played. Larkpaw didn’t know how she would take criticism because this was the best she could do. Without her eyes, she knew that she could never become a true fighter. When Thistlestorm had told her where places were, she had nodded placidly, but inside she was terrified. Memorizing the camp had been easy with her minimal memories of what she saw, but a whole forest? I can never be left alone, she thought strongly.
Just call me Siri.
6:19pm Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 6:20pm Aug 29 2010)
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OoC: Electro:Thank you for understanding. Ask Stray to get you a new mentor for him, maybe?
Just call me Siri.
6:38pm Aug 29 2010
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OoC: I gave Painfullpaw's mentor to someone else. Well crap! It's not your fault Siri, theres just so many cats ^^ How does Swanpelt sounds as Painfullpaw's new mentor? There are not a lot of cat's without a apprentice that are not played by the same player, unless you want one of your own cats to mentor Painfullpaw Electro?
6:44pm Aug 29 2010
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OoC: I guess there are a lot of kitties. =/ That's why I need to keep up on the Master Cat List! ::tisk-tisk's herself:: I will update Painfullpaw's mentor this time, when Electro and Wolf chose. ::Journey:: Redpaw observed Patchpelt’s frightened look as she gazed at the looming hole. It wasn’t fun to travel through, but it beat getting smashed by the monsters above. When Shadowpaw’s yowl resonated through the hole, Redpaw curled his lip nervously. I guess I do remember traveling through there now… And it had not been a good first time. Though, any time you are running for your life and the life of those you are protecting, it is hard to enjoy anything. With an impatient sigh, Redpaw grumbled, “If I go in first, Patchpelt, all you have to do is keep close to my tail and you’ll get out just fine.” Thinking about it Redpaw realized what a plan that was. “Actually, since we can all hear that Shadowpaw made it to the end, why not form a line like that?” Not waiting for a reply, the ginger tom slipped into the tunnel. Darkness closed around him, stale odors flooded his nose, a complete silence settled around him until Redpaw heard rasping breathes and a thundering heart beat. About to tuck tail and run back, Redpaw felt Patchpelt’s presence behind him. Comforted, he instantly degraded himself and lurched away from her. “Wait!” she cried out in a commanding yowl that seemed to break the spell that had surrounded Redpaw. Memories that he hadn’t realized were playing in his mind stopped, and he stood still until she caught up. He could hear the other cats now, shuffling along behind Patchpelt. In a sweetly, soft purred, she meowed, “We’re ready now.” Taking a deep breath, Redpaw cringed expecting to take in the poisonings of the rotten air, but was flooded with lavender instead. Relaxing like he never had before the ginger tom continued through the tunnel steadily. Blinded momentarily, Redpaw backed into the tunnel only to stumble into Patchpelt who yowled something like, Mouse-brain! More clearly, Patchpelt mewed, “We made it across alive! Shadowpaw, I’m so proud of you! You went through first, and all alone at that.” Trotting over to her apprentice, Patchpelt licked the top of his head a few times, not caring about the look Redpaw gave her. “Oh, no,” she gasped when she spotted his torn ear, “Does that hurt? Does Lostfoot need to look at it?”
Just call me Siri.
7:45pm Aug 29 2010
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Shadowpaw growled in slight annoyance and jerked his head away from Patchpelt, rubbing one paw across his slightly torn ear. He was actually about to poke his nose back into the cursed hole to see if the others were alright when Redpaw had appeared as if an apparition. It has scared about three seasons off off his life, though he hated to admit it, and he did not want any cat around him to hear his thundering heart. The black apprentice wanted to be strong and courageous like his father, not a whimpering kit who yowled out in fear because something rubbed past his foot. It could have been a stone for Starclan sake! "My ears fine." He grumbled slightly, drawing a wet paw over his ear a second time. "It just got a cobweb on it and scratched it." He refused to admit that he had been a fool and blindly ran his claws across the sensitive skin of his ear. "Can we just get away from the Thunderpath, please?" He added, not wanting to sound like Redpaw, angry and hostile.
8:12pm Aug 29 2010
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Posts: 779
Any cat is good for Painfullpaw. I really dont mind.))))
9:26pm Aug 29 2010
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ooc; >>Smiles proudly<< I am happy naow <3... And Siri:: Do you want to have Emeraldrain's kits soon? I kinda wanted her to have them during the gathering..... >) Spoiler. Oh, and she could have 2 kits, One of them will be mine, and (This is for everyone) 2 more that other people could name and play. So the Idea of the camp is Confirmed then? BIC; "Good." meowed Thistlestorm, "I bet you are doing awesome compared to your sisters..." he continued, "Lets start walking back to camp." He padded beside the little tortis-shell apprentice, keeping a steady eye on her, making sure that nothing bad happens. Poisonheart padded to the entrance of the camp, Time for my vigil... she thought, knowing it would be long, cold and tiring. Suppressing a early shiver, she sat down, Shatteredrose on the other side of the entrance. >>Journeying Cats<< Brightleaf came out of the inclosed Area, she shook her pale white pelt, and padded up to Patchpelt, "What do you think we should do now?" she asked, looking at the other cats with the same worried feeling. "It is still early," Meowed Kesteralheart giving his pelt a shake, "I think we could go on." "I hope we don't run into to many twolegs..." Brightleaf murmured, "They have caused enough trouble already." Her pelt fluffed up for warmth, she began padding onward, What will we Find StarClan? And will you be with us where we go? she thought in distress, her warrior ancestors seemed so distant from her, and she felt lost and alone. Will we find groups of cats out there? she asked them, but knew that they could not, or would not answer her silent plea for answers to there journey. ((Fail post.....))
9:51pm Aug 29 2010
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OoC: Eklipse, well, I'm not Emeraldrain, so I don't know when the kits should come. ;D But I would love to have one! Could I see a picture of her again? And her mate, Ravenfeather(?)? I'm going to a sleepover at Tahira and Dancingdarklings house, so I won't be posting, sorry.
Just call me Siri.
10:39pm Aug 29 2010
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Jadepaw smiled happily. She was going to be a warrior some day. She looked to the warriors den, where Swiftdarkness had dissapeared. Swiftdarkness was one of the ones who didn't feel Jadepaw's jewel sharp tongue."I can't wait to be a warrior!" She said to herself. "Jadefur, the mighty warrior!"
10:46pm Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 10:47pm Aug 29 2010)
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((guess what happened to me today? The car broke down, and I almost wet myself. XD And if you don't mind, I'd like to be one of the kits...))
11:00pm Aug 29 2010 (last edited on 11:01pm Aug 29 2010)
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Posts: 779
Raven eyes Siri. XD lol too many ravens in the clan. Also. I drew a picture of him once so I can lend you a link for him. Ekllipse will have to send you a picture of emeraldrain. XD http://zombiekitty3.deviantart.com/art/raveneyes-103439123 Tadaaa RAVENEYES!!!! I am unusually hyper. X3 vWEEEEEEEE!! Do not mind me. Just ignore this post.)))
2:27am Aug 30 2010 (last edited on 2:28am Aug 30 2010)
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OOC: Ohmai. So many posts. xD It's k though. I wouldn't have a problem with it if Swanpelt gets an apprentice. :3 If nobody else really wants to claim him, then I'll be happy to. But I'm not bothered too much if someone really does want to be Painfullpaw's mentor. ^^
Swanpelt felt relieved as Hawkmask approached him. Somehow, finding that the camp wasn't too empty relieved him. "No, nothing's wrong," he began to explain, his belly churning. "I just realized that I'd missed the warrior ceremonies. I-" He stopped in mid-sentence as the apprentices, along with their mentors, came rushing in. He stared, impressed, at their successful catch - several rodents and even a snake! Swanpelt approached them and sniffed the legless reptile with caution, as if expecting it to suddenly burst into life and wrap itself around his neck. Satisfied, he backed away again, simply pas-sing the others a respectful nod before turning back to Hawkmask. However, a yowl from the leader distracted him, and as tradition decreed, the white warrior seated himself before Eaglestar. When he heard that IceClan was about to receive new warriors, his ears perked a little straighter than usual. As the correct words were said, Swanpelt didn't dare move as the apprentices swore their "I dos", and when they were finally renamed he stood up and yowled out their new titles. After that, he padded up to both newly-appointed warriors, perked up his tail in a good-natured greeting, and murmured: "Good luck on your vigil." Then, without another word, he turned and made his way towards the warriros' den, where he found his patch of moss, curled up, and fell back asleep, this time in his own nest.
Thistlefur: A dark figure stirred in the darkness of the den. A pair of pale blue eyes flickered open and peered curiously at the little ginger kit poking its head in the den entrance. Against the veil of foliage that drooped across it, he was almost inscruitable, a soft little face peeking between the ivy leaves like a chick anticipating its first flight. The figure gave a huge yawn, once-sharp teeth a little yellowed, and she let out a good-natured purr. "Come on in, Snowkit," she warmly offered. "I've got all the time I can spare for some company. Although," The elder paused, cocking her head to one side. "It's nighttime already. Shouldn't you be asleep in the nursery?"

9:36am Aug 30 2010
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ooc; Okay Siri, Here is Emeraldrain:  Other colors: Paws are white, and so is her chest and she has a black tipped tail. <3 I love her! And Fullmoon, That is great! 1st kit> me 2nd kit> Siri 3rd kit> Fullmoon bic;
Emeraldrain Looked around the inside of the nursery, the rock walls were so calming... And Echovoice was outside, drinking water from the small spring in the camp. Her tail quivered at the fact that she could have her kits at any moment. Curing up in her nest, she felt the warm moss under her fur, then she closed her eyes. Echovoice awoke to a yowl, "Where...?" she looked around, Oh... I fell asleep in the camp.. she reminded herself, her fur bristling at the fact that is cat woke her up. She drowsily sat up, her fur felt like pine needles, heavily hanging off her fur. The yowl sounded again, but much quieter... She ran toward the noise, then she began to recognize the voice. "I am coming Emeraldrain!" she meowed, and steadily walked up to the nursery. "The k-kits..." she murmured, clearly in pain. "Right, I will get the medicine cats, and Raveneyes..?" she meowed, finding it hard to run around the camp with a huge stomach. She ran out of the nursery, and to the medicine cat den, "Mistsoul, Nightfall!" she called, "Its Emeraldrain, she is having her kits!" At that moment, both of the medicine cats were awake, and she padded back to the nursery, "Thistlestorm!" she called as she seen the Black spotted tom pad through the camp, "Get Raveneyes to come to the nursery, Fast!" she began padding back to her den her fur quivering. Nightfall awoke to the alert, "Kay," she meowed, panic starting to set in, "Mistsoul I have never helped a cat have kits!" she fretted, "Please help!" I have never done this before! What Kind of medicine cat am I? Thistlestorm padded back through the warriors den where he had woken up, "Raveneyes." he prodded at his friend, "Wake up," but he still didn't move, "Emeraldrain is having her kits." Thistlestorm knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep through that, then he padded out of his den. Poisonheart gave a nod of thanks to the warrior that congratulated her, A long night ahead of me I guess... she thought. In the mourning, Shatteredrose looked around the camp as she and Poisonheart padded back from the vigil. "Hello?" she asked, but no cats seemed to be anywhere, but the nursery.
1:09pm Aug 30 2010
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Posts: 779
Raveneyes looked up wide eyed and got up quickly and made his way to his mate. "Emeralldrain?" he asked his voice slightly worried for her and the kits. He had heard of queens giving birth and either they died or some of the kits. But he knew Emeraldrain was a strong she cat and hoped the kits would make it. Snowkit shook his head. "I-I couldn't sleep." he mewed a bit shy to admit of his disability. Hearing a yowl he jumped and looked outside. Tilting his head he looked about to see cats around the nursery. "Why are there so many cats around the nursery?" looking back in he turned to Thistlefur. Hawkmask looked into the nursery (Well TRIED to) the best she could. Giving up she sat down and waited till she could get a better look at the kits.Looking about she noticed little Snowkit's head popping out of the elders den. Padding towards him shaking her head she picked him up. "Come on Snowkit. Emeraldrain is giving birth to your new littermates." she mewed between his scruff. Nodding to the elder she padded towards the nursery. Snowkit trembled a bit with both excitement and fear. When he was set down he rushed and pawed his small body through the cats till he made it to the nursery. Padding towards his adoptive mother he purred. "Mom is it true? Are there kits coming? Are they girls? Are they boys? Are they both? THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!" he mewed and jumped a it his fur stand on attention. Only to be calmed by Raveneyes as the older tom purred at the younger toms excitment.
1:10pm Aug 30 2010
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((Could my kit be named Rainkit (Rainpaw Rainfall)?))
1:18pm Aug 30 2010
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Gentleheart(If she may become a med cat.) looked at the the in-kitting-queen. "I think we leave her, unless she has problems..." She said slowly.
2:09pm Aug 30 2010 (last edited on 2:09pm Aug 30 2010)
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ooc; Sure, Whatever yeh want Fulmoon. Just get a bio for it... :) Electro: 'Are they both?' Lol you make me laugh. Nightfall looked at Gentleheart, "She needs help!" she meowed, "The kits will come soon..." she turned to Emeraldrain, then Raveneyes, "Bring her some water filled moss from the spring outside, that should help her cool down, she seems a little hot." Please let this work! Name: Flyingkit Position:Kit Gender: Female Family: Emeraldrain and her siblings...? Personality: Can be quite an aggressive she cat, her small size makes her a target for most of the cats, but she knows how to act when she has to, if she wants. Once you have befriended this cat, you may find it hard brak off her friendship... Looks:
2:34pm Aug 30 2010
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Posts: 779
Raveneyes nodded and went to get some water while Snowkit was purring and watching as his siblings were born. Raveneyes padded back in quickly with a moss ball soaked in water and lent it to Emeraldrain. He trembled a bit in excitement and worry. W-will I make a good father? Will the kits like me? Will they die? What about Emeraldrain will she make it? What if both? What if they both died? I'd never be happy. She'd be gone from my life. The one thing that matters most to me. I'd be completely dead inside. PLEASE Starclan let them live. "You're doing wonderfully Nightfall. Just keep helping her." meowed Nightfang inside her head. He purred in rea$$urance to the young Medicine cat. His demeanor showed calmness and determination to help her and the kits to his spirit like ability. Snowkit watched and watched his small body trembling greatly in happiness but he stopped when he caught the scent of the autumns breeze knowing it was Leaf-bare he was confused and tilted his head to the side at the unknown presence. His confusion showing more dominant. He looked around for the cat the scent belonged to. Who has that scent? I never smelt it before. What smell is that? I recognize it but I just can't put it to it's name. Who does it belong too? He looked around still bit couldn't find the owner to this strange scent.
3:45pm Aug 30 2010
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Nightfall reacted with a jolt to Nightfang, Okay, what next? she asked still worried for the queen. "Here, emeraldrain, Drink." she meowed, giving the queen the moss from Raveneyes, and helping her stay steady. Rainfeather awoke from her nest, most of the warriors were outside, Hmmm... she thought then padded down the track to her clan mates, "Whats happening?" she asked hawkmask.
3:57pm Aug 30 2010
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Hawkmask nodded to the Deputy "Emeraldrain is giving birth." she mewed her ears twitched slightly.