4:39pm Aug 30 2010 (last edited on 4:42pm Aug 30 2010)
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Name:Sunkit(Sunpaw, Sunrise) Position:Kit Gender: Female Family: Emeraldrain and her siblings Personality:Sweet and caring, insults roll off her like a stone. She's alway seems to have a radiant glow, and she gets stressed only when someone else is in danger.
4:39pm Aug 30 2010
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4:54pm Aug 30 2010
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OoC: Just curious Eklipse, but if Echovoice has more then one kit may I play one please? I hove not played a kit since Shadowpaw ^^ BiC: Starpaw yawned stiffly as he sat up, blinking sleep from his bleary eyes. Looking around, about to ask Nightfall for another poppy seed due to the irritating throb in his shoulder, he was slightly surprised to find that neither medicine cat nor Mistsoul was in the den. Suddenly the gloomy blackness seemed more intense and the shadows of leaves from herbs seemed to be twitching almost like living beings. He stifled a squeak and limped from the den, shaking his fur flat. The commotion from the nursery drew his attention and he strained to look over so many cats heads. He cursed his tiny size yet again. "Panthergaze?" He asked his adoptive father, padding up to join the large black tom. Green eyes sparkled with curiosity as he watched the other cat reactions to the news of new kits. "What going on?" Starpaw meowed, again trying to see something, anything. Panthergaze purred in amusement. "Emeraldrain is having her kits. But form the commotion you'd think some cat was dying. Why don't they give her some space and let nature take its course?" The tiny silver tom scowled slightly, about to tell him that without the medicine cats something could go wrong and the she-cat and her kits could die. Before he could utter a word Panthergaze was already up and padding towards Hawkmask. Rolling his eyes, Starpaw decided his really did not like this moony, calmer Panthergaze. What happened to the tough rouge he'd known? Oh, I remember now, he went and found his soft side for some clan cats. Or might I be more particular, one cat. He huffed and pushed his way through the other cats, hissing as fur brushed past his wounds. Finally reaching the nursery entrance, he poked his small head inside to see how things were moving along. Something called to him about this situation, made him curious and eager to see what the medicine cats could do to ease the she-cats discomfort. He remembered Fernseed giving him something when he was stressed and in pain, making him fearful and hard to work with. He racked his brain, trying to remember what the former medicine cat had given him. Thyme! That was it. But he did not want to say anything that would make him look stupid. What if it hurt the kits or something? Then again the kits would not be in her long enough to really gain the effects of the calming plants. At least he did not think so. "Do you think Thyme would perhaps calm Emeraldrain down a bit?" He asked no cat in particular, more muttering to himself. "Might make things go a bit smoother." He shrugged and watched the medicine cat work. Panthergaze blinked as Starpaw walked over, flinching slightly at the gapping, puss-ing wound in his shoulder. Again with him being hurt, I worry about him becoming a warrior if he's so easily injured. He shook himself form his thoughts, not wanting them to run wild in case he spoke something aloud and angered the much smaller cat. He knew Starpaw was prickly about that. He as listened to Starpaw's words, he payed little attention, instead watching as other cats padded by to see what was going on in the nursery. His eyes drifted to Rainfeather and Hawkmask talking, wondering what the two she-cat were speaking about. Probably Emeraldrain. It's like they've never seen a cat have kit's before. He licked one paw. How do they think they go here? He answered Starpaw's question quickly and padded to where Hawkmask was standing. "Are you clan cats always in such a buzz when a cat gives birth?" He asked curiously, innocently. It was not that he was weirded out by it or anything, it was just odd that they all got their tail in a knot because of it.

4:59pm Aug 30 2010
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"Should we give her Borage after, or is that only when she's having a hard time producing milk?" Gentleheart asked. "Or what about chamomile?" Gentleheart concentrated on what herb she could give, when- "I think I see one!"
5:07pm Aug 30 2010
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OoC: Ekipse, actually, I have too many cats. As much as I want to play this kitten, I have to pa.ss. =( So sorry, This is a hard time for the clan. A two kitten litter is way more realistic. I hope you understand.
Just call me Siri.
5:10pm Aug 30 2010
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((Hey siri, like my banner? Xp))
5:21pm Aug 30 2010
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6:36pm Aug 30 2010
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6:48pm Aug 30 2010
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Hawkmask looked at Panthergaze and purred in amusement. "Well the toms I'm not so sure but the she cats would like to see the cute bundles when they appear. But not all cats are as happy and excited to see the new kits of a clan." she mewed sitting down and licked her paw brushing it over her head. "Me though. I'm here because I like kits alot. They're cute. Unless...of course you think otherwise." she looked at Panthergaze her eyes posture calm and collective.
7:02pm Aug 30 2010
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Panthergaze sat down and curled his fluffy trail over his paws, watching the nursery intently. Tipping he head to the side so he could look at the she-cat from the corners of his green eyes when she spoke, he smiled wearily. "Some might not be to happy about kits sure. It's the middle of leaf-bare, theres not even enough prey for those already living here, and the impending threat of two-legs and their monster hang heavily over our heads." He sighed slightly. "Me, I like kits well enough. Don't mind to watch them, perhaps play around with them a bit, but in the end when they get on my nerves I like to be able to send them back to their mothers." He flicked a paw slightly, indicating his point. "Then again never been around any long enough to really get to know what their like, loners don't particularly like toms coming around their kits." He smirked slightly. "Then Luo, er I mean Starpaw," He mentally cursed the screw-up, "came and I was suddenly a father of sorts." He knew his eyes had softened like they always did when he thought of his crippled charge. "You ever had any kits Hawkmask?" He asked curiously.

7:19pm Aug 30 2010
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ooc; Of course Stray! =] And I am Fine with it Siri, It is understandable. And for those who don't know , Flyingkit will be Echovoice's kit :)..... Rainfeather gave a curt nod to Hawkmask, then sat outside the nursery. Nightfall, looked back scenting for theme, "Gentleheart, do you have any theme? Mix it with some borage... maybe..." she thought it over, "Yes, that would work Better." Nightfall padded to the back of Emeraldrain's head and sat down, "Okay, you are doing fine..." she meowed, trying to sooth the gently she cat, giving her the herb mix. "Okay," she meowed, steadying her voice, "Gentleheart, maybe you can help with the kits, once she bears them, then begin licking them to keep them warm..." She felt the she cats stomach and large ripple p*censored*ed through her mussels. "Good, there is your first kit.." she meowed, then Emeraldrain let out a large hufff then the second kit came, both mewling for there mother's help. "Now, you might want to start giving them milk.." she meowed, moving the kits with her muzzle towards her mother's milk. Emeraldrain felt exhausted, "Thank you Gentleheart and Nightfall," she meowed.
7:26pm Aug 30 2010
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Sunkit, as soon as she came out, gave the most unearthly wail. "Aurrouwaghhh!" She yowled. Gentleheart looked at the kit suspicously. "Are they supposed to do that?" She asked. Sunkit then started suckling, snuggling next to her sister.
7:27pm Aug 30 2010
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((By the way, sunkit's eyes are like a sunrise, yellow and then orange by the irises.))
7:48pm Aug 30 2010
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Hawkmask shook her head in a slight chuckle but her eyes showed sadness. "I did once. But they were born dead. My mate died before they were even born. We were from separate clans. My mate was from Caveclan. He was foolish and we were young and naive. I never knew of his death till the next gathering. Blackfeather told me. I was so distraught...but I know he would want me to be happy. I miss him. But I know we'll meet again someday." she mewed. Tears fell but she managed to keep herself strong. Raveneyes purred and licked Emeraldrain between the ears lovingly. "They're beautiful." he mewed his voice a bit choked. He shed a few tears of joy and purred loudly. "Just like you." he mewed quietly for Emeraldrain to hear. But Snowkit was purring and waving his tail a bit his eyes wide and his body trembling. "They're so cute! Mom look at them! They're as small as me!" he meowed and he was very right.
8:06pm Aug 30 2010
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"Okay, out." Gentleheart said to all the other cats. "Let them have some togethertime." She then pushed everyone else, then leave the nursery herself.
8:59pm Aug 30 2010
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Posts: 779
9:16pm Aug 30 2010 (last edited on 9:43pm Aug 30 2010)
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::Journey:: "That's a good idea, Kestrelheart." Patchpelt chirped enthusiastically. "The sun is still high, and I can smell prey everywhere!" All around her, Patchpelt caught whiffs of mice, birds, and voles. The stench of the thunderpath dulled in comparison to the scent of prey as she starved organs rumbled with need. Her mouth watered, but Patchpelt scanned the area before dispatching the cats. Kissing the horizon as far as she could see was a forest, it would take the rest of the day to get there, but a lone tree stood mid-point. Scarce saplings sprouted here and there, but brush was plentiful in the open field. Plenty of room for hidden mouse dens and rabbit holes. Flicking her tail in the direction of the lone, tall tree, Patchpelt meowed, "Let's split off in small groups to find prey, and eat our fill. Then meet over at that tree." Looking around her, Patchpelt was silently pairing cats up. "We can find shelter there tonight, and continue to that forest tomorrow." Redpaw, always the difficult one, argued, "Why not stay together? It would be safer, and I don't want to get paired off with some mouse-brained partner." His cinnamon colored back-fur stood on end at the thought of being sent off, alone, with Shadowpaw. I think I would bite my own paw off before doing that. Aiming a hard stare at the black tom, Redpaw sneered at him sulking. What's his problem? Pouting like a scolded kit when he has everything! Bitter jealousy grew in this thoughts like spreading crowfood. A courageous warrior for a father and the most beautiful, strong she-cat I have ever seen as a mother, then Patchpelt as his mentor! I should scar him just for that. Instead, Redpaw sat down hard and with his arrogant head held high, and an almost deadly look shimmering in his eyes. "Redpaw, I'm no badger-minded she-cat," Patchpelt hissed, "I didn't even think about setting you and Shadowpaw together, so stop glaring at him." Ears flattening to her skull, Patchpelt almost wished she had ordered him back to camp when she had had the chance. Instead, I have to deal with this, she thought as she looked between the two. "Although, I will suggest Shadowpaw and I as a pair, Kestrelheart and Redpaw," she hoped that with some time alone with another tom Redpaw would calm down, "Brightleaf and Littlepaw, then Lostfoot, you can go with whatever group you please." The taste of prey was so heavy of her tongue that Patchpelt could hardly think straight anymore. Deciding that the her group had enough sense in them to stay alive and safe, the calico pushed Shadowpaw forward, away from the cursed thunderpath, and out into the open field. "I will teach you that new attack move, but only after we have our share of prey." At that Patchpelt went into hunter mode, and even though she was not the clans best hunter the mice seemed to just jump into her paws. Taking ravished bites, Patchpelt keep one eye on Shadowpaw, even in the haze of hunger. This prey is so delicious, she thought, if only we could bring some back to our clan. ::Meanwhile, back at Camp:: The elusive, silver she-cat sat at the beside the nursery trying, but failing, to not simmer with frustration. To her, it seemed as though every cat in the forest had awoken to watch Emeraldrain. Poor she-cat, Mistsoul sympathized, it is her first kitting and she can hardly breath. As Nightfall and Gentleheart did their best not to be scared out of their pelts, the two new medicine cats seemed to know a bit too much about being a medicine cat. Not all she-cats need to have borage, the kits just need to suckle for a moment and the milk will come naturally, and camomile gives laboring she-cats another set of side-aches. Ears swiveling to the side, Mistsoul sighed. The two would learn these things soon enough. Why did I even bother getting out of my -err Starpaw's nest? I could still be sleeping. When she heard Gentleheart order everycat out, except Raveneyes, she genuinely grinned. They have some sense, she thought. Glancing in, she noted the two wiggling bundles of fur looked to be a healthy size, and a no sign of Emeraldrain going into shock. Her silent vigil done, Mistsoul padded slowly, softly, back to the medicine cat den. I'm not needed here, she mused. They learned so much from Fernseed that I'm not necessary... Yet she couldn't leave. It wasn't in her heart. Pa.ssing Panthergaze, Mistsoul heard him murmur to Hawkmask, "Are you clan cats always in such a buzz when a cat gives birth?" To her own amusement, Mistsoul found herself nodding to his question behind Hawkmask's back. Honey-gold eyes shinning with humor, she faded into the medicine den. Looking at the empty nest that should have held a certain small, silver tom, Mistsoul cocked her head to the side, wondering where he was off to. Then a flash of him came to her mind, he had gone to help the medicine cats with Emeraldrain. And he had been wise too. Shaking her head, Mistsoul curled into the back corner of his nest and closed her eyes in mock sleep.
Just call me Siri.
10:27pm Aug 30 2010
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Gentlepaw came beside Nightfall and awkwardly sifted her paws. "Um, you know what Mistsoul said about um, making a bond? Well we haven't really been trying. So..." Gentleheart hid her enbara'ssment. "Why dont we go do something together? We need some herbs so.. If you'd like to come..."
6:39am Aug 31 2010
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Swanpelt: The commotion otuside didn't wake the tom too badly, although he did open an eye when he heard the frantic scuffling of cats traversing in and out of the nursery. Guessing the cause without much effort, he continued to lie awake, motionlessly listening to the sounds only a few pawsteps away. He was pleased, of course - but saw it as unneccessary to go and pester the new mother, when rest and silence would be much better appreciated. When the ruckus quietened down, he slowly closed his eye again and fell back asleep, this time actually hoping he wouldn't be too distrubed again. Thistlefur: The elder gave a small, high-pitched chuckle as the youngster was practically dragged from her den, relishing the newfound peace but secretly amused by his inquisitiveness. After p*censored*ing the warrior a nod in return, she curled up and fell asleep again, apparentlly unaware of the birthing proceeding in the nursery. Yet, despite her obnoxious attitude, she was all too conscious of the noise errupting from the other side of camp.

9:30am Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 9:31am Aug 31 2010)
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ooc; You guys should check out this: http://neikoish.deviantart.com/art/CREATE-A-CAT-Flash-Game-166489725 And um yea, I am changing Flyingkit to Duskkit.... :)(Male) , And Siri: Does Redpaw still need an mentor? I could spare Kesteralheart... Name: Duskkit Position:Kit Gender: Family: Emeraldrain, Raveneyes and Sunkit. Mate: No Crush: When he is older Personality: Loves doing things that break the rules, pressuring Snowkit is one of them, but he can have a soft side, its just hidden... Looks: (Exept with dark blue eyes and light blue around the irises,) http://fr.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1eqwjt&s=4 Bic; Emeraldrain looked at Snowkit, "Yea." she meowed, "Pretty soon you can play with them too." Turning to Raveneyes, she meowed, "This one, the tabby one.. Could be called Sunkit.." and she looked at the white cream spotted one, "He can be called Duskkit.." Duskkit looked up at her with dark dark blue eyes, and lighter blue flashes inside them. Looking away she meowed, "Where do you suppose he got those eyes from?" Nightfall listened to Gentleheart then gave her a gratefull nod, " I would love to!" she meowed, her sightless blue eyes unusually bright. She padded beside the other medicine cat apprentice and felt the snow under her black legs, It is getting higher.. she thought, Oh and If you are listening Nightfang, You should give me a full conversation instead of being all starclan-y. >>Journeying cats<< Kesteralheart rolled his eyes, so I get this one? he thought bitterly, "Right," he meowed, "Well lets go.." he continued, padding beside the grumpy apprentice Maybe.... Try to get to know him Mouse-brain!He thought at himself. Brightleaf trotted up to Littlepaw, "Hi!" she meowed enthusiastically, "Let go before the other groups catch it all." padding side by side with this apprentice, they padded to a little forest. "Maybe something will be in there.."