10:34am Aug 31 2010
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Raveneyes chuckled and looked at the kits. He was a bit speechless at the scraps now his happiness was in more power looking at Emeraldrain he purred. "I love the names. You deserve some rest after all. That looked stressful." he mewed his knowledge at giving birth had a level 0 intelligence. Snowkit purred as he watched them and layed down in front of their backs to make sure the cold wouldn't get at them. All he new was there was a new responsibility for his siblings being the oldest. Nightfang chuckled a bit. "Very well then Nightfall. Some of these days we can have a friendly get together." he mewed and purred at her antics to his starclan-y, as she so called it, ways.
10:35am Aug 31 2010
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12:26pm Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 12:29pm Aug 31 2010)
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OoC: OoO I love the Create-A-CAt thing, Eklipse. I've been playing on it for like an hour. I think I should post, but I want to make Patchpelt. I already did Swiftdarkness, he was easy, and Mistsoul. ::dances:: So much fun! Oh, and Eklipse, what gender is Duskkit?... Ah, never mind I just read the male part. ::giggles::
Just call me Siri.
1:01pm Aug 31 2010
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Nodding vigorously to her mentor, Larkpaw followed close. The ends of her fur tingled with the awareness of his presence. Her long whiskers twitched and wiggled as the brushed leaves and branches. Her paws were light and airy, just above the ground, so she could seemingly float over rocks. She had put in a lot of practice for this, Larkpaw had vowed that she would never be a burden on her clan. But how will I hunt if I can't see my prey? How will I fight if I can't for-see my attackers movements? They were questions she didn't know the answer to, and she doubted that any cat did. Dipping her head in respect to Thistlestorm when they entered camp, Larkpaw paused. Opening her mouth she scented blood, instantly worried she was about to lurch into action when Gentleheart and Nightfall padded by her gossiping about Emeraldrain's kits. Oh, nothing to worry about, she thought. Though, it was actually exciting! But she didn't bother going to congratulate the new mother, why bother when I can't even see the kits. Besides, she's most likely very tired. "Thank you for teaching me today, Thistlestorm." She chirped, then trotted over to the apprentice den. Heavy with the scent of Shatteredrose and Poisonheart, Larkpaw curled up in Shatteredrose's old nest. It was forever vacant, so why not take it. It saves the clan extra moss for the warriors and elders. Oh, and Emeraldrain will need new bedding tomorrow. Closing her eyes out of habit, Larkpaw smiled as her mind created the colors for the new kits. I hope I get to bring in her bedding, it would make me feel like I'm helping the clan in such a time of need. Finally drifting into sleep, Larkpaw purred as she thought up different possibilities for the new arrivals.
Just call me Siri.
1:19pm Aug 31 2010
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Starpaw watched for a few moments longer as the cats dispersed form the nursery, chatting away like a bunch of old pigeons. Watching the kit's intently, he hoped that they would have a much safer, happier kit-hood then he ever had. They both looked strong and healthy, a good sign that made him purr slightly. Deciding to leave the new mother and father, the tiny grey cat limped towards the medicine cats den, breathing in the air that smelt of leaves and stale cat scent. He curled his nose up slightly. Limping again towards his nest, he was surprised to find Mistsoul curled up in it, asleep. Amusement flickering through his eyes, he curled up beside her, taking in some comfort from her presence. Though he did not know Mistsoul that well, he enjoyed her company and the calm demeanor of the older cat. It reminded him of his mother, though he had few memories of her. "You can't fool me Mistsoul, I know your awake." He whispered to the other cat, having noticed the slight changes in her breathing patterns. "Did Nightfall and Gentleheart do well during their first kitting duty?" He asked softly. "They seemed a little jumpy." Panthergaze gave Hawkmask a sympathetic look, licking her ear gently in comfort. "I'm sorry to hear that." He whispered, thinking. What if something happened to Starpaw? He looked to the fragile tom as a kit and would be devastated that he'd not protected him. Was that how Hawkmask felt? He shook the thoughts away, getting up to stretch as the others cats began to go about their duties once more. "I didn't mean to bring it up, had I known it would hurt you to speak of it." He apologized, a small smile on his muzzle. Looking over, he twitched his whiskers in surprise to see Starpaw trot right back into the medicine cats den as if it was his own. From what he knew the apprentice was not that fond of the medicine cats den, wanting to seem strong in front of the other clan cats. So why did he seem to suddenly like it ehre? It was a question he was not about to ask, so he padded off towards the warriors den with a soft good-night to Hawkmask. Shadowpaw glared right back at Redpaw, wondering, not for the first time, what he had done to instigate such a hatred from the red apprentice. But if Redpaw kept it up, Shadowpaw would gladly show him a fight. Instead Patchpelt interrupted them, rebuking Redpaw for his behavior. I don't always need your help Patchpelt. He mentally growled, but was secretly pleased to have some cat that did not look at him like a weakest link. As Patchpelt padded off, the small cat followed, ears pricking in delight to hear that he was going to show him a new move. Crouching low, as Patchpelt was doing to catch some prey, he was surprised at how easily the prey seemed to flow right into his paws. Guilt gnawed at his insides and he wondered how the rest of the clan was fairing. He put the through to the back of his mind and ate his catch, waiting for Patchpelt to finish so they could train.

1:20pm Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 1:23pm Aug 31 2010)
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Sunkit opened one bleary eye, then another. "Mewrl?" She asked the first person she saw, Raveneyes. She shook herself, and became all poofy like. Gentleheart smiled greatfully at Nightfall. "Great. I was thinking looking near the wood twoleg cabin. It has lots of herbs growing on it, and it's abandoned this time of year."
2:11pm Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 2:20pm Aug 31 2010)
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ooc; Wow Siri, You are happy, xD. I enjoyed that game too, it took me a while to find out how to get them into imgs! grr... Computer stiff, :/ I am not good at it. Electro:: Featherpaw wants To be trained now. xD Bic; Nightfall scowled at Nightfang in her head, Fine...... she thought/spat, then continued walking. "Do you remember the herbs we need?" she asked, "I think we need some parsley, even though we won't be needing that, and some honey.." The cold air seeped through Nightfall's black pelt, making her shiver with the cold branches as the bushes around her. I can't believe that we are going to have 2 litters of kits in Leafbare. she thought, having pity on Emeraldrain and Echovoice, it was a very unfortunate time for them. "Right, that would work." she continued, realizing that the real world was better to pay attention to then some StarClan warrior. Sad feelings rippled through Nightfall, I know we didn't deliver Emeraldrain's kits as naturally as we could, I know it. I failed. Just like Blackfang. Her heart felt like it was slowly tearing, and she had failed at everything, But I will try harder....To do what my mother didn't. "No need to thank me," he meowed, Then padded off, clearly Larkpaw was tired. Right, I can get a rest too now. he thought to himself and padded to the warriors den. Settling into his nest, he noticed Shatteredrose sleeping soundly in her nest, her dark ginger tabby fur was ruffled, but he didn't blame her. She had to stay up in the cool leaf bare night with Poisonheart, witch was sleeping in Emeraldrain's nest. He shook his head, I can't sleep now, but I can try. Knowing that he would Fail sleeping, he just lay in his limbs, exhausted because of lost energy, and prey. "Thank you Raveneyes," meowed Emeraldrain, "Now Snowkit," she meowed, "These kits won't be playing for a while now," she continued, "So Why don't you go outside and play with Cardinalpaw?" suggesting the oddly colored apprentice made her think of the friendship that he and Snowkit had, They are good friends, such a shame that Cardinalpaw is an apprentice before Snowkit. Shaking her head, and checking over Sunkit and Duskkit, she wrapped her tail around them and set her head on the moss, and closed her emerald eyes, letting the depth of sleep cover her. Cardinalpaw wrapped his tail around his paws, All of the cats are looking at the new kits.. he thought then padded beside the nursery, But Emeraldrain is sleeping.. he remembered hearing Raveneyes tell her to. Looking around the rocky camp, he stared into the warriors den hoping that Ravenfeather would come out to Teach him or someone would give him something to do. Half asleep he stared ahead, waiting, his crimson eyes dull, and he was very very thin. I can still train though. he thought, letting his pride take control of him, I can still hunt and fight... Felling dizzy, he still sat there, his head cocked to one side, and his paw supporting him from falling over. Duskkit looked around his mother was sleeping, and he just wanted to curl up into her fur, but then noticed another cat, the same size of him, Taking his first clumsy steps, he padded toward the ginger tom cat with a white tail (Snowkit) and Stared at him. His deep blue eyes flashed evilly and he wondered all of the things that he could do with this other tom. Padding back to his mother, he curled up into her warm brown fur and fell asleep. (( I think I will have Duskkit talking, Because in the real warrior series, they begin to talk right after they are born, not necessarily literate but. Yea.))
3:32pm Aug 31 2010
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Snowkit looked wide eyed at Duskkit. "M-" he almost mewed but remembered what his dad said to her. His eyes wide with excitement padded outside and went over to Cardinalpaw tail in the air in greeting. "Hi! Wanna play?" he asked tilting his head to the side. Sitting down in front of him looking up. Hawkmask purred slightly. "It's alright. You didn't know." she mewed and nodded to him when he had padded to the warriors den saying good night as well. She sat there for a bit watching as Snowkit padded towards Cardinalpaw. They're good friends. It wont surprise me if they spend a lot of training together when Snowkit joins the apprentices. Tilting her head she padded up to Snowkit. "Snowkit? How old are you anyway?" she asked not knowing the age of the adopted kit. Snowkit looked up and purred. "I'm 4 moons old." he mewed happily obviously oblivious to the shock on Hawkmask's face. For a four moon old kit he was very small.
3:42pm Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 3:43pm Aug 31 2010)
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"I think we should get cough-herbs and stuff,because.." She jerked her head to the nursery. "Follow my voice, okay?" Sunkit stared at where Snowkit had dissapeared. "Moowen (Moo-en) Snowekat."
5:17pm Aug 31 2010
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ooc; Electro!!!!! Featherpaw has already asked Blackwolf is she can train!!!!!!!! Cardinalpaw clued back into reality, "Wow.." he meowed, his voice was strained, "Uh..." the picture of Snowkit became blurry to clear, "Hi!" he meowed, the began padding around, "I will play!!!" meowed Cardinalkit, His tall frame made him an huge appoint for the kit, But I will lose, my skin is sticking to my ribs.. Cardinalpaw was right though, he was very very slim for his age, and he could barley lift a rabbit with ought getting tired. "Yea, I know where we are going," Nightfall pointed out, "Just warn me when there is a prairie dog hole..." I don't want to repeat that again. she thought remembering the memory of Poisonheart laughing at her because of her paw being stuck in the ground., and being left there for 2 days...
5:46pm Aug 31 2010
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I was thinking on what he would teach her. NYAH!!)) Blackwolf padded towards the training hollow and looked at his apprentice. "Now today we are going to learn some fighting training. Theres some points to remember when fighting. Number one: Know the enemies weak points and strong points. Some are fast and some are strong. Number two: Don't kill unless necessary. And number three...it's my special when I fight and I would you to keep it in mind. Never show mercy your enemies. If you do they'll think you're weak. And know you're not weak. We'll start with how to fight a strong warrior seeings as most of the warriors are strong rather then swift. My trick to beating a stronger warrior is catching them off guard but keeping yourself unpredictable. That ways when the attack comes it's too late for them to react." looking at Featherpaw he smirked. "Understand?" he looked around and "I want you to try pulling a move first seeings as you are quite the fighter with you're siblings." he got low to the ground acting like an enemy. "Attack me as if I was an enemy."
6:48pm Aug 31 2010
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ooc; That just made me happy. By the way Featherpaw is kinda..... different.. Featherpaw looked at her mentor, Once he crouched near the ground she let out an instant hiss. Think of it... Act as if this is who killed Redstorm.. She hurled herself at him, remembering to keep her long claws sheathed, her red eyes blazed with a dark fire of anger. She launched herself into the air, her ears flattened against her head, as she leaped far and long, the unsuspecting jump would surly catch the enemy off guard. She landed on his back, lashing out her paws at his back. Her anger began to die away when she noticed a big black bird flying in the sky, getting distracted, she ran off Blackwolf before he could stop her and leaped onto the Crow, killing it in one bite. Then she set it on the ground, unsure of how her dark mentor would react to her distractedness. The fire in her eyes turned to the normal red, and her cream, black leopard spotted pelt was quivering. Mouse brain! This is fighting practice!
7:00pm Aug 31 2010
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Blackwolf twirled around when Featherpaw jumped off and went from confussion to surprise then pleased. "Well done Featherpaw. With skill like your's you'll be a warrior before your own sisters. And that attack and the catch you made you're already better then those weaker sisters you have." he praised not mad at all but pleased to see he got an apprentice with the best skill he had ever seen. "Go drop that off at the fresh kill pile and then come back. We still need some training to do."
7:26pm Aug 31 2010
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"Good." They carried along silently, Gentleheart sometimes poking Nightfall in the right direction. "We're there." She looked at the twoleg house, and selected a few herbs, to test Nightfall's herb recognision. "What are these?" She asked, wafting the three herb-mix under her blind friend's nose.
7:50pm Aug 31 2010
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((.....................I.Am.Gong.To.Cry! I made this really huge post, and when I posted it, it said access denied, and I dont think it came through!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHH))
8:34pm Aug 31 2010
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Littlepaw trekked after Shadowpaw and Patchpelt. She then put her nose to the air, and her ears swiveled. She heard a rustle noise in the the distance, so she followed it. The noise led her to a bush, which shook. Littlepaw saw a tail sticking out of the bush. It was round, like a rabbit's, but wasn't poofy, and it was brown with darker markings on it. Littlepaw wasn't sure whether to pounce or not, but all of a sudden, the bush parted and out came a giant cat, much like Littlepaw herself, but much, much bigger, and it had tufts on it's ears. Littlepaw stared at the creature, amazed and scared. "Who are you, you little longtail?" Longtail? Why is this strange cat calling me a warrior? She looked down at her paws, at which were rapped up by her tail. Oh. "W-w-what are y-you?" Littlepaw squeaked. "I'm a Lynx!" Said the large cat. "Y-uo don't e-eat things like me, r-right?" "Oh, no!" Said the lynx, shaking her head, "I only eat rabbits and an accasional bird or two." At hearing this, Littlepaw's fear was forgotten. "Oh. Well, my names littlepaw. Whats yours?" The cat smiled, and it looked quite entrancing, all those teeth. "The name's Lilac, and I know every ruddy stick and stone in this bloody place." She sighed. "Quite boring, seeing as I've never met another lynx." Littlepaw twitched her tail. "Come and meet some of my friends then!" Lilac followed while Littlepaw trekked towards where Patchpelt and Shadowpaw were. When she got to them, she said, "I'd like you to meet Lilac! Don't worry, she's friendly!"
8:55pm Aug 31 2010
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Lostfoot looked over and jumped 6 feet in the air with a yowl of surprise. Speechless the tom looked like he was about to have a heart attack. T-that things huge! H-how do we know it wont eat us? By starclan I'm going to have a heartattack if she attacks. He thought obviously scared.
9:09pm Aug 31 2010
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"Don't be alarmed, little longtail!" Lilac said. "I won't eat you! I might accidentally sit down on you, but I won't try to hurt you!" She sized Lostfoot up. "You much begger than this one, seems to me your older?"
9:28pm Aug 31 2010
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Lostfoot could only nod still shaken by the sudden height differences. "Ahem Y-yes. Littlepaw is younger then I." he meowed. Still scared of the she cat.
12:22am Sep 1 2010 (last edited on 12:22am Sep 1 2010)
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With her honey colored eyes still hidden beneath closed lids, Mistsoul grinned. Starpaw was a sharp tom, she could give him that. "I believe they did fine," she purred out softly. "I would have stepped in had they gone too far, but every kitting is a scary-joy." Shivering slightly, Mistsoul remembered contacting Fernseed through a dream state when Falconwing was kitting. It had been a difficult one, and a kit was in StarClan before the first breath. Dismissively flicking her tail at the thought, Mistsoul rolled over to face Starpaw. The slight-built, silver tom looked as though he could be kin, but that wasn't possible. All of my family has gone to StarClan now. It saddened her heart to think that she was the last, but her father and mother deserved to be together. Inhaling for a big sigh, Mistsoul savored the scent of lilacs, that was her scent, and crushed berries, that she a.ssociated with Starpaw now. She realized that the two scents smelt delightful together. "How is your shoulder?" she questioned lightly. Peering at the wounds through the darkness she curled her lip in distaste. With a wince, Mistsoul grumbled, "Not good at all." Trotting into the herbs, berries, and leaves den the silver she-cat appeared again in a flash with three marigold leaves in her maw. Chewing them avidly, Mistsoul scrunched her face in a silly way as if it was something sour. When the leaves had turned thick and creamy she became a serious medicine cat again and spat the paste onto his wounds. Honey eyes watching his face her any pain, she mewed, "It will sting a bit, but this should fight the infection. Be sure to rub that in, I don't want to cause you more pain than necessary." I guess I didn't put that other juice on soon enough to prevent the infection, but this marigold should do the trick. "I'm sure you can train," Mistsoul mewed, "but sleep first." Fidgeting slightly, Mistsoul impishly looked at her fore-toes. "I hope you don't mind me resting in your nest...I just don't know where else to go." Meanwhile, Swiftdarkness awoke with a yawn large enough to compete with Lionclan. Stretching out his forepaws, he gathered his paws beneath himself, and stood to arch his back. There was very little light in the warriors den, which meant that it was still late but dawn was coming. Deciding to take this extra time for scouting out prey spots, Swiftdarkness hoped to find an occupied vole hole to teach Jadepaw how to flush them out. With a wicked smile, the ebony tom remembered his fox flushing experience. What a mouse-brained, young tom I was, he thought with a chuckle to himself. But I did it without even getting a scar. Feeling the days of his youth flood back to him because of his remembrance, Swiftdarkness trotted out of camp alone to spot any prey dens. Even though it was unlikely for him to find any. ::Journey:: Eating her fill, Patchpelt felt like a glutton. Her clan was most likely still starving because of prey loose and she just ate her fill. No, I won't feel guilty about this. I need energy to find this new place and get back to my clan. Then we can save every cat! Pleased with the thought, Patchpelt was just turning to start Shadowpaw's lesson when she spotted the biggest cat she had ever seen. The thing was hovering over Littlepaw, and instinct kicked in. A feral hiss pa.ssed between her lips as they curled back in a snarl. Short, ivory claws extended out in a display of aggression, yet her emerald eyes where even more frightening with their will to protect shinning out. "Get away from her!" she spat, as she leapt in front of Shadowpaw and closer to Littlepaw. Swiping at the great brown cat, Patchpelt almost didn't hear Littlepaw. Don't worry, she's friendly? Slinking back, Patchpelt relaxed, but only a bit. Her fangs were hidden again but her claws stayed out. "Lilac are you? What do you want with us, if you're not going to eat us, though don't get me wrong, I'm plenty happy you aren't."
Just call me Siri.