6:48pm Sep 2 2010
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oc; I agree Stary, They are cute <3 I don't know what to post right now, so I will wait for other peoples...
6:50pm Sep 2 2010
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OoC: Oh my. ::hides from sugar-high Eklispse:: Lol, just kidding! I've had plenty of those moments. And thank you for the compliment, all of you. I really love this Rp and I tend to be very emotional in it. I've found out that I am an aggressive typer, so don't get offended if I say something insulting because I probably don't even realized I'm doing it since I'm so into my charries minds. Any who, I'm going to post now. ^.^ ::giggles:: Isn't Redpaw such a jerk. ::Redpaw glares:: =P BiC ::Journey:: Silenced by Kestrelheart's snapping comeback, Redpaw sullenly padded behind him. When they got to the lone tall tree his fur bristled as he looked at the tallest cat he had ever seen. "Wow," was all he managed to say, as his umber eyes shone with wonder. His little pink tongue licked his upper lip before he straighted to full height and yowled, "I'm Redpaw! Who are you? And...and do you think I could grow that tall?" Stuttering the last part, Redpaw flushed under his ginger coat. I'm acting like an awestruck kit...but that's exactly what I feel like. Digging his ivory claws into the yielding soil, Redpaw's big, fluffy tail twitched back and forth as curiosity lighted his usually glum face. ::Camp:: About to give up, Swiftdarkness's head shot up at the heady aroma of prey reached his sensitive nostrils. Loping in the direction he paused before breaking through the brush. His right forepaw hovered over the ground as his tail leveled with the ground. His long ebony whiskers flared out when he peeked his nose through to spy a juicy, plumb squirrel. Nibbling away at the tender buds that it had found, only StarClan knows how it found the only greenery in the whole forest. Taking a testing step forward he froze like the ice around him, but the squirrel was oblivious as it munched away on the buds. Stalking two steps closer, Swiftdarkness loomed only a leap away from the mouth-watering catch. His soul nearly broke when it hoped forward, but to his relief it only went to the next bud. Pausing to calm his heart rate, Swiftdarkness settled himself to the jump. Crouching low, his tail stretched out for balance, Swiftdarkness held still, then in a burst of blurring motion he snatched the shocked squirrel, and ended it's life quickly and painlessly. "Thank you, StarClan," he mewed, tears of relief burning in his eyes. This will feed Eaglestar and Emeraldrain. The two cats he thought needed it most in this time of need. Running back to camp, Swiftdarkness put to memory the spot so that he could come back later with Jadepaw. He prayed to StarClan that they would lead another squirrel or a group of mice to that spot for more food. Trotting into camp, his mouth salivating with the catch, Swiftdarkness dropped it in front of Eaglestar's den and called out, "Eaglestar? I brought you some fresh kill. I was thinking you could share with Emeraldrain."
Just call me Siri.
6:50pm Sep 2 2010 (last edited on 6:51pm Sep 2 2010)
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ooc; EDIT:: Oh now I can post
6:51pm Sep 2 2010
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OoC: Oh wow, it took me so long to type that I didn't even see Stray's post! Then again I was talking on the phone so I got distracted. Stray, you are so right! But that's all Mistsoul wants. Kits. Oh, how she and Patchpelt love them <3
Just call me Siri.
7:14pm Sep 2 2010
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ooc; I strongly agree Siri! Redpaw is a jerk!>>Laughs at Redpaw<< Hahahahahhahah! Shortey. I am really tall so If I say something like that, You know why xD. Yea... I will post as well.. >>Journeying Cats<< Kesteralheart let out a purr of amusement, First time I have seen him friendly. Padding over to the huge cat he looked up at her, quickly scanning her beige fur. "Uh.... Hi?" he meowed, still confused at the facts that there was a huge cat traveling with the others, and it hadn't eaten them. "I am sorry, But who are you?" he asked, half looking at Patchpelt with confused amber eyes. Scanning over the she-cat he noticed her claws were unsheathed, Shouldn't we be threatened by that? and the cat didn't have a tail ether... How could this huge cat be so stable with ought one? Kesteralheart dipped his black spotted grey head, still wondering and thinking about this new comer. Interesting how this cat lives... Kesteralheart thought, still not leaving his gaze on something other than the huge cat. Feeling his ginger and grey fur rise, he kept it in check, just so that the she cat would not take it as a challenge. Slightly relaxing he pressed his shoulders onto the tree, not paying attention to Redpaw who was pretty eager to meet the new cat. I will let her explain herself to him instead of me. he thought, still curious about why the cat is living here and why she would even agree to come with the Clan cats. >> In the Clan<< Waking to the rumble of hunger in her soft tan belly, Emeraldrain opened her eyes, to notice her little kits sleeping soundly in her winter thick fur. They were quite interesting, looking different, but yet, not so different to her and Raveneyes. Emeraldrain lifted her head a little higher to see Rainfeather padding outside the camp, She still bugs me. she thought, remembering when Rainfeather had nearly scarred her face for life when EmeraldPaw had shocked her by snapping a twig. Shaking the memory softly from her fur, she let her deep green gaze rest on her little kits, Soon they will be apprentice's, then they will be warriors, maybe even leaders... Thinking that over made her heart scream for the future to come no closer. But her kits were here, now, she may as well treasure the time with them when they are small. Cardinalpaw made a clumsy leap onto Snowkit, slapping him over,making him tumble into the snow. "Now you are truly a snow kit." he meowed to his friend good-heartedly, having his stomach feel like it was eating him alive made him Wonder what is will be like a moon from now. Distracting himself from thoughts he padded up to Snowkit, his scarlet eyes wide with worry.
8:06pm Sep 2 2010
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ooc; Bump =].
8:07pm Sep 2 2010
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-Traveling- A loud rastling emitted from the bushed, and Lilac sniffed the air. Her eyes grew as big as saucers. "RUNN!!!!" She roared, leaping onto her hind legs, making her look quite big and scary. Littlepaw stayed rooted in the spot. "GO!!" Lilac yelled again. Once Littlepaw was moving, and so was everyone else, Lilac started running. "They're net-carriers. They're tall, stand on two feet, and wear strange decorations on their only patch of fur. they throw nets at you, then they take you away, forever..." She panted. "Go all the way to the meeting place, then I'll deal with them." They ran for seemingly forever, till they were at the meeting place.At the moment they stopped, Littlepaw heard strange noises.Nothing like she had every heard a twoleg make before. Lilac turned around to face them. She yowled and growled, baring her teeth. But the twolegs kept yelling. Littlepaw and the others had hidden behind a tree. Littlepaw peeked out, and saw that Lilac was captured inwhat looked like a giant, brown spiderweb. She shivered. Were they like spiders? Were they going to wrap her up and eat her later? Littlepaw was scared at the thought. When they were gone, Littlepaw yelled at her friends. "We HAVE to go help her!!and if you guys don't, I'll save her myself!" Littlepaw choked. "I want to save her life. What if they eat her? I bet if she was regular sized, we'd go in a heartbeat."
10:00pm Sep 2 2010
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ooc; I love littlepaw! <3 She sounded so Cute in that post. brightleaf looked at Littlepaw, she had so much sudden feelings for helping this cat, "I will help you." meowed Brightleaf timidly, letting out a huff as if she regretted that decision. "I couldn't live with myself if I had said no," she confessed, although, it was true, guilt was one of Brightleaf's weaknesses, and she could not live her whole life knowing that she didn't try to save a cat from being caught in a spider-web. I will be daring today, I need to be. she thought and took a step forward, summoning up all her courage, "Okay, Littlepaw lets go we have to hurry, Before its to late!" she hissed, then bolted down the gra.ss area, toward the two-legs with the spider-web.
2:15am Sep 3 2010
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OoC: I went to a Yoga cla.ss and now that I'm back I read Stray's post; and the others. But now I will incorporate what she whispered to him in a post. BiC ::Journey:: As the large cat yowled at the group to run, Redpaw froze. The scene created a flashback to when his mother screamed for him to run as her mate, his father, began to murder her. Fear created a dis-function with his mind and none of his body would respond. A numbness surrounded him as chaos erupted. The new twoleggers with their new weapons trooped closer. Hoisting their brown colored mesh up, they threw them in Lilacs direction. Oh, that's right, Littlepaw said her name was Lilac, he slow mind numbly imputed. The brown ma.ss turned into an intricate web much like a spiders, but on a larger scale. Though, when it hit the ground surrounding Lilac, it was obviously stronger, thick as bramble weeds. Hidden in the taller gra.ss Redpaw's size was his savior because it hid him from the twoleggers gaze. Umber eyes dullen, Redpaw heard the cat cry out, but only stood back like a coward. Like at these warriors. They are all cowards, running. Always running. Patience, young one. A shivering breeze shifted through his thick winter pelt and Redpaw closed his eyes. Savoring the sound of the whisper. "I know this voice," he barely breathed. Scenting the wind, Redpaw felt a smile spread across his face as he recognized Falconwing. Things are hard and will get more difficult in the future. Oh, how I know, he thought. Life had never been easy. Keep your clan mates close, and Starclan closer and it will all work out no matter what you lose. But do we have to lose Lilac? he wondered. No. His mind sped-up as time seemed to slow. Falconwing is the strongest, most brave warrior of any cat. She wouldn't let this be. With a warriors hiss, Redpaw leapt out of his hiding. Slashing at the net, the ginger tom screeched at the two-legs, daring them to come closer. A streak of black, then ginger, then calico pa.ssed him and Redpaw knew that not all cats were cowards. I pray to you, Falconwing, that we will come out of this, he thought because praying to her was more believable than a clan of dead cats in the night sky. OoC: Oh, the irony of his last thought. What an evil person I am. BiC ::Camp:: Trotting happily up to the apprentice den, Swiftdarkness couldn't wait to take Jadepaw out to the hunting spot he had found. If we could just bring back three more of those squirrels it would feed a lot of the clan! "Jadepaw!" He called, "Wake up! More of your training is happening today." With good nature he yowled, "Don't make me up a spider on your pelt!" That last comment had often gotten Grayheart out of the den faster than a fleeing badger. Even though they had both known he wouldn't do it.
Just call me Siri.
2:33am Sep 3 2010 (last edited on 2:33am Sep 3 2010)
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OoC: I didn't want to post Mistsoul with the rest because I didn't want Falconwing and her to mix. Same color and all. =) BiC Mistsoul's large golden eyes peered at Starpaw with new hope. "You really think he would teach me?" she asked in amazement. Realizing that Starpaw didn't even know what tom they were talking about, Mistsoul shook her head rapidly. "Never mind," she mewed quickly, "That is not a question for you to answer, I need to gather the courage to ask him." Just saying it out loud gave her more hope. Then, as he spoke of his mother, Mistsoul's eyes welled up with more tears. I remind him of his mother? she thought, bewildered by the knowledge. Pushing back her curiosity, Mistsoul noted the hurt it brought the little gray tom to speak of his mother. She must have pa.ssed on when he was young, she concluded. "Perhaps one day you'll have kits, and they'll be lucky as well. Don't let this trivial thinking that your neither warrior nor medicine cat stop you from doing what you want most. Which ever side you chose." Her heart filling over with the comfort this little tom gave her, Mistsoul closed her eyes and savored the moment. Then, in a whisper, purred, "Such wise words for some cat so young." Knowing how toms often turned defensive if their tears were noted, Mistsoul merely padded closer. Hoping she wasn't pushing their easy friendship too far, she curled around him. A silent purr rumbling deep in the pit of her belly. Her thin, silver tail wrapped around him, as she pressed her light pink nose to his unwounded shoulder giving quiet comfort. Enough words, she thought, sometimes all I need is to be held. But I think he needs this more than I do. Warmth flowed from her, and Mistsoul couldn't believe what StarClan had done. Already this scrawny little, light-gray tom had burrowed into her heart, deep into her heart. If this is what having a kit feels like, I need to talk with Silentheart. We need to work things out, once and for all.
Just call me Siri.
12:06pm Sep 3 2010
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As soon as she heard her mentors voice, Jadepaw shot out of bed. "What are we going to do today?" She asked happily. Littlepaw looked at her team. She smiled. They believe in me. I'm not a coward. I'm the leader of my own pack. I'm giong to fight for my friends. I'm not going to let her die! That's the spirit! Said a voice on the breeze. Littlepaw did a leap fit for a TigerClan cat, and jumped onto one of Lilacs captures, ripping at the twolegs back. (Ouch!) The twoleg yowled, nd ran away. Littlepaw felt a sudden jolt of pain, like a cat had stuck it's claw there, and kept it there. She looked back, and saw a strange claw attached to a small, black stick. But she still ran painflly to her new friend. She tore at the ropes with ferocity. "Thank you, Littlepaw. Thank you, friends." Lilac murmered. The other cats faught, while she cut the net. Once the hole was big enough, Lilac wriggled through. "Climb on my back, your leg is injured." Littlepaw did so. "She's free!" She yelled joyusly. "Let's go!" She then winced at the pain from the strange twoleg claw.
5:23pm Sep 3 2010
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ooc; Kay. Well Yea, I will post now. Bic; >>Journeing<< Brightleaf leaped onto the twoleg claws sheathed ripping at its smooth fur, then it took its spider-web stick and slammed it onto her, leaving a sharp pain in her spine. Getting up to hit it again she turned face to face with it, and it had something in its mouth, fast as a bolt of Lightning something shot out of it. Brightleaf screeched then began to run, but that was followed by a sharp pain in her thigh, her vision became fuzzy and she could bearaly make out the image of the weird yellow pine-cone shaped thing (tranquilizer) in her leg. Darkness flooded over her vision and she began to sway as the twolegs fled, "Help.." she murmured pain still striking her, "Please...." then she fell to the ground, pale fur still sticking up, then laid flat, with the yellow thing still in her leg, her amber eyes closed. ooc; She isn't dead xD Just so you guys know... Bic; Waking up, Brightleaf saw a very small star in the sky, it was there with no other stars.. Standing up she felt a horrible gash on her spine, and her leg pricked at her where the Twoleg thing was. Her wounds were cleaned and still raw, but no blood flowed through them. Looking around the only thing she saw was the light star, and dark black tree's and bushes. Am I dead!?! she panicked, "Please StarClan I can't be! I have to help them!" she screeched, looking around but only a dark cat came to her and padded around her circling her like a vulture. Some type of force held her down and she couldn't tell what was happening, all of the sudden Blue eyes shawn and she seen the the cats actual color was close to black. It showed it shining white teeth then disappeared, into the dark mist. Brightleaf stood up, there was wounds on her anymore, then she was hit to the ground by that cat, it put its paw where her throat was and then stared at her strait in the eyes as she struggled to breath. The pain of her wounds stabbing her, and bleeding. "What I am going to do will not harm you, if you do not get in the way," his words were smooth and deep, " So leave the Eagle, Rain, and Panther, and then you might be safe." Kesteralheart looked padded up to Brightleaf, "She has a gash here," he meowed, mainly to Lostfoot, pointing to her back, "And this..." he pointed at with is tail, "Should probably be taken out.." Looking at the former CaveClan medicine cat, he padded up to him, "I can help find herbs if you would like." he offered. ooc; My post Fails again...... I will make a better one later.
7:42pm Sep 3 2010 (last edited on 12:46am Sep 4 2010)
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OoC: Oh, what does that mean, "So leave the Eagle, Rain, and Panther, and then you might be safe. o3o Dun-dun-dun! I'm installing a new game, then I will post. ^.^ EDIT: So I guess after who knows how many hours I have to quit this stupid installation! I hate Zoo Tycoon sooo much right now, honesty! ::growls:: I'm to frustrated to post at the moment, but I will sometime when I'm calmer.
Just call me Siri.
1:04pm Sep 4 2010
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sdfkjakghdfujghaeufhbq sorry for not posting. I was taking a break. I will post sometime tomorrow. Stuff happening today.V Making pumpkin cookies. X3))
2:28pm Sep 4 2010
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Journey Fear making his black fur stand on end, Shadowpaw ripped his claws free from the two-legs paw that had grabbed his scruff painfully, leaving red trails running down it's fur less appendage. It howled and let go of his lose neck fur, and Shadowpaw landed on the ground with a huff as the air rushed from his lungs. He had never known two-legs were so large or scary, with their bodies covered in odd weaved gr*censored* and fur only located on the top of their oddly shaped heads. Gasping in a breath, the apprentice streaked off after Lilac and his sister, tail fluffed out behind him. Following Lilac, which was not that hard considering her size, Shadowpaw nearly gasped as his noticed for the first time his sister was on her back. Putting a bit more speed into his throbbing limbs, the black cat quickly caught up with the two, and scanned his sister of any injuries. He'd blame himself if something had happen to Littlepaw. He'd already failed Midnightpaw, so losing Littlepaw was not an option. She they reached the others, he swiftly looked for any missing cats or serious injuries. Though he could do nothing to help if they were hurt, it felt better to know they had made it out. At least this time, but what about next? He shivered at the thought. Padding over slowly to see how Brightleaf, who apparently was the most hurt, Shadowpaw listened intently to Lostfoot. Camp Curling up closer to Mistsoul, Starpaw could not help but wonder if there was something he could do to help her, besides knock some sense into Copperfire. He does not need to make this any harder on her then it already is. Lips curling back just slightly, Starpaw watched the entrance to the den to wait for Nightfall and the other medicine cat. He really hoped nothing had happened to them while they were out. Poor Mistsoul had enough to worry about. He was unsure why she had such a strong pull on him, making him feel like a sheltered kit once more, but the feeling was good and he wanted nothing to happen to take her away as the fox had done his mother. He buried his face into her warm fur, trying to push those thoughts to the back of his mind. She thinks I'm wise, but she does not know the truth. I'm world smart, having seen more of it then the clan cats and I know things that a cat my age probably should not. I cannot help it though. Another scent reached his nose and he growled lowly, lifting his head to glare in annoyance at the orange tom at the entrance. Padding form the warriors den. Silentheart stretched in the weak morning sun to get ready for the day. But something had been bugging him for a bit and he wanted to get it out. Sighing, trying to think of what to say, he decided to get Rosepaw up and ready first. Poking his nose into the apprentices den he looked around for his own apprentice. He was still beyond surprised Eaglestar had given him his own apprentice, her thinking he was nothing more then a different clan traitor. "Rosepaw." He murmured into the murkiness of the den. "Rosepaw time to get up. We're going to do some hunting practice today." At least I hope we can even find any prey. Padding from the den he looked helplessly at the medicine cats den, heart giving a lurch. Slinking over, mouth suddenly dry he looked in, slightly surprised to see Starpaw giving him a evil look while he was curled up beside Mistsoul. He thought about leaving then and trying to confront her when the suddenly prickly tom was not around. What did I do to anger him so much? Shaking the thoughts from his head, Silentheart gave Starpaw a equally hard glare. OoC: Not the best posts, but i'll work on them when I'm in a better, not so depressed, mood.

7:18pm Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 7:20pm Sep 4 2010)
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OoC: If you ever want to talk, Stray, send me an Rmail. I'm not good at giving advise, but I'm a good listener. BiC ::Camp:: "I thought, I might teach you how to find prey." Swiftdarkness meowed to his tabby apprentice. "I know where this lush spot is and I think there might be some prey there." Padding by the medicine den, Swiftdarkness spied Mistsoul sound asleep with Starpaw watching over her. Poor she-cat, he thought, she has no real spot in the clan. Pushing the thought away, Swiftdarkness trotted on without hesitating to see if Jadepaw was following. Having left the camp behind, Swiftdarkness was relentless in his speed. He kept a brisk pace as he meandered through the brush, purposely avoiding the green spot that would hopefully hold prey. The quicker I get muscle on this apprentice the faster she'll be able to defend herself. Shivering at the thought of a weak, un-endured apprentice, Swiftdarkness knew that Jadepaw must be getting tired because his breathing was becoming more rapid.As he slowed, the ebony tom turned and aimed for the spot he had in mind. Finally he meowed to her, "Rest, but show me your hunting crouch." Larkpaw sighed as the departure of Jadepaw awoke her and Copperfire calling for Rosepaw soon followed. With a mighty yawn the slight, calico she-cat stretched out her forepaws, delighted in the feel of sore limbs. I wonder if Thistlestorm will have me travel farther and faster today. Just the thought of running through the forest made Larkpaw's adrenaline rush. Running blind was fun around camp, but in the forest, where new branches feel and sprouts grew, it was impossible to memorize. I could fall over something so simple and make a foul of myself. "But I won't." The tone was final, Larkpaw would practice at night if she had to, but she would never make a foul of herself in front of the other apprentices. Knowing that apprentices' only ate after feeding the elders, Larkpaw decided that she would go talk with the clan's only elder and see if she needed any moss. Or has a new story, Larkpaw's inner thoughts cried delightfully. No! I need to work. Not be told kit stories. "Thistlefur," her soft mew echoed into the old, musky smelling den she had memorized as the elders den. "Do you need anything? Moss or prey?"
Just call me Siri.
7:43pm Sep 4 2010
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::Journey:: Watching the fight happen, Patchpelt did what she could to help but it was just so fast. When Lilac was freed, the group dashed away, and effectively left Patchpelt in the dust. With a light cough, the calico she-cat noticed Redpaw fending off one of the last two-legs who wasn't running away with the others. Bounding over, she slashed the peltless creature until it left Redpaw be. The second he hit the ground, Redpaw fled. Looking just to his right he was comforted by the sight of Patchpelt running with him. The pair sprinted to the retreating form of Lilac, because she was the easiest to see. Gasping for breath, Redpaw hung his head, and closed his tired eyes. "I think we should find a safe place to rest," Patchpelt huffed. "After Lostfoot has a look at every cat." Looking himself over, Redpaw was relieved to see that he didn't have anything serious. A few light scratches decorated his back, but they were minor. Peering over at Patchpelt he winced as he noticed her scars for the first time. Five mean, pink scars slashed through her orange patch and onto the white fur. Long healed, they still held a grusome story he imagined. What happened to her? he wondered. Though, other than that, he didn't see anything wrong with the she-cat. "I'm not wounded," he announced to not cat in particular. Then, to his surprise, he added, "So I can find some herbs if you tell me what they look like." Happily shocked, Patchpelt mewed, "That's...great!...Redpaw." Looking over at Lilac, and an unmoving Littlepaw, Patchpelt asked, "Is she going to be ok? And where is Brightleaf?"
Just call me Siri.
10:24am Sep 5 2010
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ooc; Siri, It was a prophesy that Nightfall got when she was at the moonstone for her medicine cat name... xD Me and Electro are working on it.. I love insane aquarium Have any of you guys played it? You will be addicted. 0-0 Not even joking, it is so fun! Electro> ppffffchhh.. Pumpkin cookies. Why not penguins? Just Jokes. Anyway, >>Featherpaw. >>Clan<< Rosepaw rose from her nest, her white feet felt like stones that she had been walking on for ages. "Coming.." she meowed, enthusiastically, then she padded outside of the apprentice's den and looked for Copperfire. "Hai!" she meowed, slowly becoming more awake, "I can't wait till I catch my first thing... Even though I have no clue what it will be." she meowed, making random sense. Then she shook her fur to fluff it up a bit, because of the cool early sun it was harder for her to keep warm. Then her fur fluffed up in all angles, and she looked like a red and cream splotch in the snow. Thistlestorm padded through the camp, Where is Larkpaw? he asked, knowing it was probably bad to loose his first apprentice on the second day of training. Running over to thee apprentice's den at a steady pace, he halted right at the entrance, "Larkpaw?" he called, then waited for another couple of minuets, getting impatient, he padded around to see is she was visiting the new kits, but she wasn't. Finally Thistlestorm found her talking to Thistlefur. "Larkpaw, I thought we could gather some moss for the nursery and the elders den." he meowed, padding up to her, his dark grey spotted fur ruffled. "I can also teach you a trick, to holding the moss." he meowed, remembering the times that his mentor, Redstorm(Yea... just came up with that. :/ ), had kept him hauling moss for the whole day of his new apprenticeship. I am not going yo do that to her. he thought. Windprint padded around the camp, his fur was fluffed up, and he still couldn't believe he didn't have his winter coat. And I have nothing to do really, because Starpaw is hurt, I have to wait at least another week till he is better. he thought then padded up to the warriors den, then turned away, denying the thought of sleeping again. He sat underneath a bush, and watched the cats in the camp, his silvery blue eyes were clouded, How much longer will we be able to keep this up? <<Journieing>> Kesteralheart padded up to Patchpelt, "She is over there," he meowed, pointing with his tail farther down the hill. "Something... weird... happened." he meowed, "The two-leg shot her with some yellow pine cone, then she just fell over." explaining it, it reminded Kesteralheart how much the yellow thing disturbed him. It had an odd scent to, knowing that, and that is was shot out of a hollow stick by a twoleg, it was probably bad that it was still stuck in her leg. Shaking the bad feelings from his grey and orange fur, he padded over to Brightleaf, tho was lying on her side, and he looked at the red blood trickling out of her soft pale silver fur. One strait odd looking wound was leaking out blood quickly on the back of her neck, and a very thin line came out from where the two-leg thing was. Counting she had a scratch on her stomach fur, and a deep wound on her neck. Feeling Sympathetic for her, he padded over to her and began to clean her wounds, After all that could have been me. he thought as he licked the red liquid away. But is was not use, it kept coming. He dragged Brightleaf up to where the other cats were resting, a sharp flame of pain shot through his neck mussels. Then he padded over to Littlepaw, "What you did was very brave." he meowed, "I think I would have ran away if that happened, and no other cat would help me fight." he confessed.
12:45pm Sep 5 2010
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How the bloody ...blip do you make a penguin?)) Blackwolf nodded to the smaller she cat and thought of what else he could teach her. "Now...seeings as you're good at putting them off guard. Try to make a cat lose their blance. This can be done in a series of ways. I want you to try putting me off balance." he mewed again getting ready. "Now!" he hissed as he raced towards her acting like her enemy. Journey)) Lostfoot sniffed the wound after pulling the pine cone out and looked at Shadowpaw. "Can you go and find me some cobweb while you Redpaw can go find me some marigold. We need to stop any infection and bleeding if she begins to bleed." he mewed.
2:02pm Sep 5 2010
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OoC: I'm confused, Eklipse. Lol~ I have no idea what you were talking about with Nightfall and stuff. But I think I will understand later, or something. BiC ::Journey:: Desperate to get relief from the sight of blood, Redpaw dashed away. Marigold? he thought, those are the orange flowers...I hope. Shaking his head, the ginger apprentice scowled. Of course it is. Though he was no medicine cat, he wasn't dense enough not to know a few of the common plants used, and marigold was often picked by apprentices' if they medicine cat was too busy. "Like right now," he meowed to himself. The sight of Brightleaf lying on her side, blood seeping from wounds, flashed through his mind again. Redpaw trembled uncontrollably for a few heart beats, imagining it was his sweet, tabby mother instead. The shaking increased as the memory of looking back took complete control of him, and Redpaw was forced by his own mind to watch his father rip into his mother. Umber eyes wide, Redpaw come to when he scented fear only to realized it was himself. Licking a forepaw, he ran it over his face two, three time before letting out a shaky sigh. Embarras.sed that he had let his emotions run wild, Redpaw scowled. The tangy-sweet smell of a lone marigold flower teased his nostrils. After sneezing four times, Redpaw grasped the stem and pulled the flower free. Wait, did he need to leaves or the flower? Not wanting to come back with the wrong part of the plant and be called a mouse-brain, Redpaw snatched two leaves just in case. Trotting back, he followed his scent, and went straight to Lostfoot. Spitting the flower and leaves at his feet, the ginger tom meowed proudly, "I found it for you." As he pointedly kept his gaze away from Brightleaf. ::Camp:: Larkpaw jumped. "Oh, you scared the fur off of me, Thistlestorm! Sneaking up so silently," the calico apprentice gasped. Then with a delightful smile, she asked, "Will you teach me how to do that too?" Padding up beside the deep gray tom, Larkpaw easily folllowed him to the entrance. "Did you say that there is trick to carrying moss?" she teased. I thought it was simple, find a clomp and drag it back to whatever den needed it. I guess I'm still simple thinking like a kit. But it was only her second day, so Larkpaw decided that it was probably normal. "How will I find moss though?" she purred softly, almost to herself. The black oblivion that surrounded her was frightening now that the camp was behind them. She had no clue where she was besides in IceClan territory. I imagine I could get back, but only if there is a scent trail. Since Larkpaw was thinking so hard, she didn't notice a branch lying on the ground, and she whacked her forepaw on it. The world spun around her in such a dizzying display as her face fell to the snowy-slush covered ground that she couldn't tell what was up or down. With a cough, Larkpaw spat out some muddy slush and shook it from her fur. Cold, melting snow trickled in her ear and froze her nose, which was wrinkled in embarra.ssment. What am I going to do. I can't even think and walk at the same time unless I want to face plant into the ground every time. For once Larkpaw was glad to be blind, she didn't have to look into accusing, disappointed eyes.
Just call me Siri.