4:17pm Sep 5 2010 (last edited on 4:18pm Sep 5 2010)
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ooc; Its okay Siri, When you were gone I had Nightfall have a dream, and it had a little bit of prophesy in it . I really hope that didn't confuse you more.. I have a talent for it xD .. Electro> Well how do you make a pumpkin? > Okay, the thing in Brightleaf's leg is a tranquilizer xD >>Camp>> Fear struck Featherpaw as her huge mentor came plummeting toward her, gathering all her power, she rolled out of the way then spun and kicked at his side, hoping that it would affect him, or at least nock him over, but her kick did hit him perfectly, but it scent her flying into a snow drift, making her cold and wet. "Grr.. Why always me?" she asked herself. Thistlestorm padded by his apprentice, listening intently to what she had to say. "I can teach you how to cary more moss than just having it in your mouth," he meowed, but the thought of his apprentice being blind still made him wonder if he was a good enough mentor for her. "I think you can follow the paths," he meowed, " in the winter at least; there should be on coming out of the camp leading toward this pool of water and spring." he continued as he looked ahead at him, still moss seemed not to be bothered by the chill of the winter weather. Once they padded close enough to the tree, he meowed, "Okay, now, move your paw like this..." he meowed, then moved Larkpaw's paw in a certain way, that made a hook, "Then unsheathe your claws and hit the moss like that," he continued, "That is how you get the dry moss with ought getting the dirt of wet moss underneath." he explained, then sat down to watch how his tortoise-shell apprenitce did. Once she got enough moss of the tree, then he would show her the proper way to cary it. Cardinalpaw sat outside the warriors den, Waiting for his mentor to emerge from the darkness. Please be Ravenfeather.... Pleeeease! he thought still wanting to train even though he felt drowsy, dizzy and gross. Licking his black and white body fur, he waved his long light red tail back and fourth is anxiety. <<< Kesteralheart looked at Redpaw, he looked a little spooked. But Why? he asked himself, but knew the stubborn apprentice wouldn't give the answer to the whole of StarClan. Padding over to Lostfoot who was working quickly on Brightleaf, he meowed, "She has something in her leg.." he meowed, trying not to state the obvious or embera.ss the medicine cat for not noticing. The look of it still made his fur stand on end, and he turned away. Noticing how quick work of her wounds Lostfoot made, he wondered if Fernseed or her apprentices would be the same. Sitting down to Watch the past medicine cat at work, he wondered if him and Brightleaf could have known eachother before they came to IceClan.
4:18pm Sep 5 2010
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ooc; Bump, I think page lag
7:19pm Sep 5 2010
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OoC: I understood the tranquilizer, but other than that I have no clue. o3o But that's ok. I'll figure it out sometime soon when my blondness hides. BiC To her complete shock, Thistlestorm didn't even comment on her tumble. If fact, he just kept walking, clearly expecting her to get up on her own and follow. I didn't embarr*censored* him with being so awkward? But soon they were at a tree that had moss covering the bottom of its large trunk. As Thistlestorm moved her paw in the motion she was supposed to use, Larkpaw let everything else leave her mind. Memorizing the motion as she completed it in the air; once, twice, three times. Comforted that her mind had the motion ingrained in her muscles, Larkpaw placed her paw out into space. Reaching and reaching, until the solid strength of the tree was under her paw. Settling a bit closer, the calico apprentice swiped at the soft, slightly soggy, moss. There was a wet slashing sound and a splat as the moss fell before her. I did it! I got a clump of moss! Trembling with excitement at finally succeeding in something, Larkpaw lifted her head to where Thistlestorm's warm presence was, "I did it!" Turning back, Larkpaw felt with her paw for another section that she could tear into. Finding a nice long strip, she unsheathed her claws again, and raked it down. This time wasn't as good as her first, getting some bark, but it was still satisfying. Repeating this process twice more, Larkpaw felt her pile of moss. It was much larger than she expected. "Will you help me carry this back?" she mewed softly, hoping it wasn't offending to ask her mentor to help her with apprentice chores. "Because I don't think I could carry all of this. It's almost as big as a fox pelt!" Larkpaw exaggerated the last bit, but truly didn't think she could carry it all at once.
Just call me Siri.
8:25pm Sep 5 2010
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Thistlestorm suppressed a meow of laughter. "Now, what I am going to teach you know is how to cary it back." he meowed, "Grab some on your mouth and put in on this stump," he guided Larkpaw toward it, "Then outstretch your neck untill you feel the moss under your throat, then tuck your chin in with the moss underneath it. Then grab some moss in your mouth," he explained, "we may look funny, yes, but we are also carrying allot more than when you just cary the moss in your jaws." ((quote:^^: Bluestar's prophesy, that is where the moss trick is from<)) Tucking the moss under his neck and grabbed the rest of Larkpaw's moss in his mouth, he began padding back to camp with her. "It is more productive." he meowed with the mouthful of moss muffling his meow. "That was the very first thing Redstorm taught me." he confessed, remembering how disappointed he had been when the other apprentice's had explored and he got to collect moss. Once they got back to camp, Thistlestorm dropped the moss in front of the elder's den, then turned to Larkpaw and meowed, "You can take that to the nursery," he told her, "And you can also visit the new kits, I am sure Emeraldrain won't mind your company. " Then he sat down and gave his fur a couple of licks to get the extra moss off. "And if you are not too tired, you can change Thistlefur's bedding." Remembering he added, "And also, take the old moss and bury it outside the camp," he looked at his apprentice, It is her second day though, he thought, I should help her. "I can help you with some of it too, just call for me and I will come help."
10:51pm Sep 5 2010
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Doing just as she was told, Larkpaw tucked the moss under her chin and grabbed the rest in her mouth. Movement around her told Larkpaw that Thistlestorm was, in fact, taking the leftover moss. Tail sticking straight out for balance, Larkpaw trotted after Thistlestorm mrrowing with laughter at his muffled speaking but her giggles were just as muffled. The temperature around her minutely changed and Larkpaw knew that they were approuching the entrance to camp. Shivering as they trotted through the bramble entrance, Larkpaw scented all the cats around her. Family, her mind purred delightfully. Following the warm, fresh trail that Thistlestorm created Larkpaw knew that they were heading for the elders den. There was a soft thump as he dropped his load of moss, but she decided to hold hers tight. I don't know how I would pick all this up again without the stump. So, with her mouth dry, Larkpaw nodded to him. Muffled by her moss, Larkpaw mewed, "I'll do it right away, Thistlestorm!" As she turned to go, Larkpaw heard him say she could ask for help. Fur bristling she wondered for not the first time, does he not think I can do this on my own? If I can't do something so simple, how am I ever to be a warrior. Shaking her head, Larkpaw knew she would do her best not to ask for help. I will prove myself to him, she promised silently. Giving a warning yowl, Larkpaw padded into the queens den. Tail pressed to the wall Larkpaw followed it to an empty corner. Dropping her moss there, Larkpaw sighed as her chin finally got relief from the tuck. Turning to the soft murmuring and purrs, Larkpaw mewed, "Hello Emeraldrain." Wondering what colors the kits where Larkpaw didn't even bother asking. She couldn't imagine what the adorable bundles of fur looked like, if only I could just get a peek at them. "What did you name them? Oh, and would you mind moving the kits so I can replace the moss?" she asked, the first question was way more excited than the second.
Just call me Siri.
11:28pm Sep 5 2010
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"No, Duskkit." Emeraldrain hissed at Duskkit who was hitting his sister. "Oh, hello Larkpaw!" she meowed, turning her attention to the soft apprentice. "I named the she-kit Sunkit and the tom Duskit." she meowed pushing the little bundles of fur away from the nest Larkpaw was removing. "Thank you for coming to do this, I was afraid it wouldn't be done." she meowed, I wonder why Eaglestar chose Thistlestorm for her mentor. Interest pricked at her as she moved over. Emeraldrain watched Duskkit pad over to Larkpaw, his Wide dark blue eyes flickered with interest. "Hi" he meowed, as he sat down beside her, his ginger spotted white pelt fluffed up. "Duskkit, don't bother Larkpaw," Emeraldrain scolded, "She is busy." Turning to Larkpaw she meowed, "I hope you don't mind Duskkit, he is very energetic.." she meowed her green eyes still bright and joyful. As Duskkit stomped back to his mother, he seemed to be interested in what Larkpaw was doing, but Emeraldrain couldn't tell for sure. "Larkpaw," meowed Duskkit from where Emeraldrain was standing, "Can you play with me later?" he asked, "No!" Blurted out Emeraldrain, "I don't want you to catch Green cough like Leopardheart and Redstorm.." The word 'Redstorm' came off awkward, I shouldn't have said that in front of Larkpaw. Mouse brain! she scolded herself. "I am sorry Larkpaw.." she murmured, "I-I wasn't thinking.."
10:49am Sep 6 2010
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ooc; Bump
11:02am Sep 6 2010 (last edited on 11:03am Sep 6 2010)
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OOC: Ergh, I'm so sorry to be an inconvenience at this time (and that this note is late), but I think I've got to leave the roleplay. Not because of any attitude problems or anything, you guys have been incredibly freindly and welcome and I'm pleased that we had a nice enough interaction while it lasted. But school just started again for another year - which is going to be a pretty important one ahead of me - and I really don't think I'll be able to keep up with the mas-sive posts in between my login times. So, just pretend that Swan and Thistle never existed. <:3 I'm sorry to be a nuisance, and I'm incredibly garateful for all the support and effort you've shown me, Siri. But I just can't keep up with it all.
11:06am Sep 6 2010
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ooc; Its Okay! It has happened Lots to us <:/, It is hard to stick to it.. Trust me, But I enjoyed you playing for the time that you did.
2:00pm Sep 6 2010
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ooc; Bump
7:08pm Sep 6 2010
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8:46pm Sep 6 2010
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Sunkit looked at her mother, her wide eyes roung. "Why can't we go outside?" She asked. "I'm strong enough!" She stuck out her chest. (Naww, what a cute image!) Littlepaw moaned. "Can you please... pull the sharpstick out of my leg?" She asked through gritted teeth. She hoped they'd hurry up and put combwebs on her wound. She strapped herself to Lilac, knowing she probably wouldn't be able to move for a while, as it went to the bone.
8:47pm Sep 6 2010
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((By the way, this is Lilac: ))
1:10am Sep 7 2010
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OoC: Aww, we scared away another. ='( I enjoyed the little bit of time we spent together, Wolfeira. Oh, Eklipse, I didn't know that the kits advanced so quickly in the warrior books. Still surprises me, so Larkpaw will explain my awe. ::giggles:: ::Camp:: Larkpaw's ears swiveled to the two kits in amazement. They are already talking and moving about? Pushing the moss away, towards the entrance, Larkpaw replaced it with the newer moss. It was still a bit damp from the snow and rain, but with the heat in the den it would soon be dry and comforting. When Emeraldrain mentioned her father, Redstorm, a pinch of longing entered her heart. Though, he was one of the only cats she remembered clearly since he had died so soon after the birth of her and her litter-mates. Redstorm's fierce, brooding stare and strong frame was forever imprinted in her mind. "Don't worry," she mewed softly to Emeraldrain, "It doesn't hurt that much anymore." No, it doesn't and that's what makes it hurt the worst. How could a kit forget about her father? Because he hadn't been there for her first expedition, her apprenticeship, or much of anything. But I was lucky enough to know who my father was, most kits don't. Realizing that she had spaced out in her solemn thoughts, Larkpaw forced a smile. Turning her head in the direction of Sunkit, for the sweet mew must be a she-kit, Larkpaw chuckled. They will be a pawful. "I'm sure that you mother will let you out soon enough," she mewed. "And when she does, I will be there to play with both you, Duskkit, and you, Sunkit." Then with a dip of her head in the warm direction of Emeraldrain, Larkpaw trotted out of the den, pushing the dirty moss with her. Tucking what she could under her chin, Larkpaw went about in discarding it. Done with her chores, Larkpaw felt jealousy heavy her paws. Both Jadepaw and Rosepaw had gotten to go out training while she was stuck cleaning dens. Although, Larkpaw realized, she didn't mind the task. It was nice chatting and gossiping with the older cats. Deciding to tell her mentor she was done, and with no help at all!, Larkpaw flared her nostrils to catch his mucky scent. Quickly finding him, she lowered into a crouch. With light, airy paws, Larkpaw snuck forward. An almost nonexistent wave in the air tingled her flared whiskers, telling her that she was close to his twitching tail. By the way the air pressure surrounded her, Larkpaw knew he was also lying on his side, full out. Tensing her haunches, Larkpaw grinned as she held taunt for a moment, then, in a burst of speed, pounced. Her gentle paws swatting at Thistlestorm's tummy as she cried, "I've finished!" ::Journey:: Patchpelt watched as Redpaw turned three pelt colors lighter when Littlepaw asked any cat to pull the spike out of her leg. With a last quizzical look at Redpaw, Patchpelt noticed that Lostfoot was busy with Brightleaf. "I'll do it," she mewed, unaffected by the unusual sight. Not daring to put her maw anywhere near the brightly colored poker, Patchpelt grasped it awkwardly in her two forepaws. With a quick tug, the thing came out. "Better?" "I can't take this." Looking over her shoulder, Patchpelt grinned as she saw the queasy look Redpaw's face held. He has a weak stomach? she wondered. The ginger apprentice had his eyes closed and was swaying slightly, obviously trying not to be sick. What cat would have thought. Wishing she could comfort him in his time of need, Patchpelt merely sat there with a sympathetic gaze. If she ever tried to cuddle him, she could only guess the injuries she would receive. Suddenly nerves, Patchpelt's emerald eyes scanned for Shadowpaw, and for one heart stopping moment she couldn't find him. But to her relief, the calico tom was sitting close to Littlepaw, who was cuddled up to Lilac. I guess she was kind enough to carry her out, but we would have never been in trouble had she not been with us. Pushing her thoughts back, Patchpelt looked Littlepaw over. Nothing too serious. "I really don't feel comfortable in the open, when we can let's move." With a glance to Brightleaf, she added, "I could carry Littlepaw if you, Lilac, wouldn't mind carrying Brightleaf." By the tingle in her back fur, Patchpelt knew that the sooner they were in the woods again the better.
Just call me Siri.
4:10pm Sep 7 2010 (last edited on 4:11pm Sep 7 2010)
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"I think that would be better." Said Lilac. "I am the only one who can hold Brightleaf's weight." Littlepaw discuragedly slipped off Lilacs back. Her leg was completely wrapped in cobweb, especially the spot were she was sticked. It looked kind of like a cast. Littlepaw went over to Patchpelt, waiting for her to bend down.
5:43pm Sep 7 2010
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ooc; Nether did I Siri. xD My righting gets a little... Life you could say? Because I let it live, mwaahahah! Tis my creation. My righting had a mind of its own. >) >>Camp>> Emeraldrain looked into the blind she cat's eyes, she dipped her head, knowing what it feels like to loose a parent, I lost both. she reminded herself, but that probably wasn't a good Idea to bring tears forward to her eyes. "Well," Emeraldrain breathed in "Thank you Larkpaw." she meowed, then sat down on the new moss and watched her kits play. ''You know," she meowed to her kits once Larkpaw left. "I will only allow you to go outside when you are old enough." Duskkit's dark blue eyes blazed, and the lighter blue in the middle seemed to be hidden. "Why?" Duskkit moaned angerly, his light fur fluffed up. "In 1 moon, then you will be able to.." meowed Emeraldrain. Then silenced both kits before they could argue. Thistlestorm's eyes widened, his apprentice's loud call had stunned him, but just for a few seconds. Hiding his embarra.ssment he Turned quickly, his bright green eyes sparked and he came up from behind Larkpaw, "So It is fighting practice you want next?" he meowed, half purring. Then he hit her sides with his paws quickly, and lightly, trying to make her confused to where he was. <<Journey<< Kesteralheart looked at Brightleaf one last time before the group of cats began moving again. Strange how that happened to Both Littlepaw and Brightleaf, What are they putting in those things? he asked himself. But then he remembered that no cat has really understood the twolegs, and they probably never would. Padding up to Patchpelt, who was carrying Littlepaw, he meowed, "I can take Littlepaw... If she is to heavy for you." Then he realized that saying that may offend Patchpelt, being small, she may think that he thinks she can not do it on her own. Not knowing what to do, he just slowed his pace to move away from her.
6:35pm Sep 7 2010
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Journey Watching his smaller sister like a hawk, Shadowpaw watched over Patchpelt's shoulder the entire time she was trying to get the stick thing out. His fur was fluffed up, both from adrenaline and fear and the black tom was ready to bolt off to find herbs if they were needed. Once the ob ject was out, Shadowpaw gave the wound a quizzical sniff before backing away to let Patchpelt place Littlepaw on her back. Sitting still while watching the other cats work, the tom felt useless and slightly stupid for not knowing what to do next. The slight scent of anxiety reached his nose and Shadowpaw glanced around to see where it was coming from. Redpaw? I can't believe it but something has finally upset that blasted apprentice. His happiness soon diminished into guilt and self-loathing. Now was not the time to be glad for others pain, but the time to help. Though he wanted little to nothing to to with the prickly red cat, but seeing that no one else was willing to do anything Shadowpaw padded uneasily over, watching Redpaw's paws to see if his was about to strike out. That would be like Redpaw, to maul a cat for wanting to help. Rolling his blue eyes, Shadowpaw gave the other apprentice a friendly shove with his nose. "Hey. We're heading towards the nearest wooded area." He meowed, trying to keep the unfriendly edge from his voice. "Oh, and what you did to help my sister in the battle with thew two-legs was amazing. I won't forget it." Smiling slightly, he realized he meant every word. Redpaw had charged amidst the two-legs pretty much ahead of every cat, showing no fear but only determination. Camp Silentheart sighed sadly as Mistsoul did not even look at him and gave the tiny silver tom a defeated look. Maybe she really does hate me now? He thought in depression, copper ears drooping. Then again it's my fault, I never should have been so tough on her earlier. Padding over towards his apprentice, he tried, but failed, to put on a lighter look. "Ready for some hunting practice?" He asked, tipping his heads towards the forest beyond. Without waiting for a reply Silentheart dashed off towards the Ancient Oak, hoping something would be there for them to catch. Scenting the air he scowled, finding nothing. "Well," He began anyway. "Mice tend to be our main food supply, so let's start with a hunting crouch." He dropped reflexively into the stooped crouch, walking slowly forward as he was taught. I wish you could guide me on this Leopardheart, you were the one after all to teach me this. Remembering his mentor brought back all the old pangs of losing everyone. Fallenwind, Leopardheart, Falconwing, Patchpelt to Cheetahwind, and now Mistsoul because of my own selfishness. Am I destined to lose everyone? Shaking these perturbing thoughts from his head, Silentheart sat back up and motioned for Rosepaw to copy him. "Remember to keep your rump down and tail still but slightly elevated off the ground. Don't want you to disturb leaves."

9:03pm Sep 7 2010
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ooc; >>Claps<< Shadowpaw and Redpaw almost like eachother!! >>Camp>> Rosepaw looked up at her mentor, her stomach growling at her, she ignored it, still knowing it wouldn't properly be fed in a while. Getting to her little white paws, she padded up beside him. "Yes, I am ready for Hunting!" she meowed happily. After Copperfire demonstrated the hunting crouch to Rosepaw, Rosepaw crouched onto the ground and began to crawl forward, every mussel tensed to do the right movement. Feeling the soft but cold snow under her stomach, she lifted it so it was about a pebble length above it. Lifting her tail up she kept it strait so that it wouldn't move any frost bitten gra.ss. Help me learn StarClan! I know you will! she Silently prayed. Setting down each paw like it was meant to land in that spot, she stood up, happy of her work. I think I did it right.. she thought as she padded back up to Copperfire. "Was that good?" she asked him, hopeful to get a good enough answer so that she would not have to attempt it again. Cardinalpaw looked inside of the warriors den "Ravenfeather?" he asked his voice weary and dry. If we go out of the camp for Training, I hope that we can stop by a pool of water for a drink. His tong felt dry, and he felt small and brittle like gra.ss in leaf bare. Waving his long white striped ginger tail, he called again, almost sure that his mentor was sleeping or uncontous. "Ravenfeather?"
12:45am Sep 8 2010
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OoC: Fullmoon, um, Swiftdarkness is on pause 'cause Jadepaw is taking a while to show his her hunting crouch. ::giggles:: Mind replying to the post? If you missed it, it's on page 146 near the bottom. I hope I'm not rushing you or anything, because sometimes I just have to take a break from certain characters. Well, now I'm babbling. ::shuts-up:: I shall post! ^.^ BiC ::Journey:: Cats hovering about, Patchpelt was about ready to swipe at anything. Being out in the open is making me more jumpy than I thought. At Littlepaw's gentle gaze, Patchpelt knelt and helped her onto her back. The extra weight made the twinge in her shoulder more pronounced, but she could handle it. "I can take Littlepaw... If she is to heavy for you." When Kestrelheart's caring words registered in her mind, Patchpelt scrunched up her nose in distaste. Does he think I'm so weak that I can't carry a small, injured apprentice, she thought in outrage. A snarl on her lips, Patchpelt turned her heated, emerald gaze to his but stopped short of yowling at him. He doesn't deserve my anger, he was trying to be helpful. So Patchpelt took a calming breath and forced her eyes to be less hostile. "I'm doing just fine, Kestrelheart." Patchpelt mewed stiffly. Wincing at the hidden venom, she added more softly, "I really do appreciate the offer. When I get tired, I'll let you know." Like right now? her shoulder begged, though she did her best to ignore it. Meanwhile, Redpaw wallowed in his past. The sights before him were too close to what had happened and now he couldn't shove the fearful thoughts back. Umber eyes stricken, Redpaw jumped, only a little, when Shadowpaw appeared beside him. When did he get there? He's as silent as the night. There was a pause and Redpaw realized that he might be expecting an answer. Searching his mind, Redpaw couldn't seem to remember what Shadowpaw had said to him. But by his gaze he would guess they were moving. Looking around, Redpaw lurched to his paws, the others had already begun moving. He could clearing see Lilac's retreating back, burdened by Brightleaf. They were heading to the trees. "Oh, and what you did to help my sister in the battle with thew two-legs was amazing. I won't forget it." Shocked, Redpaw stared openly at Shadowpaw. He tasted the words for hidden malice, but could only find honesty. "You really mean that?" he asked with a hungry look in his eyes; wanting so badly to be accepted and respected. Flinching at vulnerability, Redpaw's open face became a mask of arrogance. "Of course you shouldn't!" Redpaw spat as he bristled. "Your kit sister shouldn't be here, she could have gotten us killed! Or kidnapped by those two-legs!" Grasping desperately to rebuild his defenses, Redpaw sneered at Shadowpaw before stalking off. I'm trembling. Redpaw looked down at his paws and saw them quaking. He wanted to turn back and apologize to Shadowpaw but that would be weak. I am strong. Stronger than any of them, he told himself. Yet he knew it was a lie. One that was quickly falling away, and he was scared to see what would be left when he finally admitted he was...weak. "No," he growled. "I don't need friends, they are a weakness. I don't need a family, they are lies. I don't need a mother, they are foolish! I don't need a mentor, I am strong enough already. I don't need a clan, they won't accept me." But I want these things, all of them. I want a friend, I want a family, I want a clan, a mentor, but most importantly, I want a mother. The shaking increased to the point were Redpaw couldn't walk. Stopping, the ginger tom was gasping for air. His eyes burned. Am I going to cry? he wondered, but forced the thought away and kept walking. ::Camp:: Larkpaw shrieked like a kit when Thistlestorm came at her from seemingly bother sides. "You're so fast!" she exclaimed excitedly. Head turning from side to side, Larkpaw jumped to the right, and quickly rolled. Bumping into the barrier that protected the camp from open forest, Larkpaw leapt to her paws again. Whiskers flared, she waited. The air was tense around her making it hard to use temperature differences, so she focused on her sense of smell and hearing. The slightest crunch of snowy-sand told her that Thistlestorm was to the right. Her head turned to stare right at him but she didn't know that. Tasting the air, Larkpaw jumped because his scent was thickest straight ahead. Pivoting in the air, Larkpaw reached for his left side. The slightest tickle of fur told her how close she was to calculating correctly. Tail spinning for balance, Larkpaw rolled again on the slick snow to bounce back on her paws. Breathing heavily, the calico apprentice shivered with delight. "Did I almost get you?" Meanwhile, Mistsoul awoke slowly. Warmth was all around her and all she wanted to do was fall back into the oblivion of sweet slumber. But duty called, what duty? her mind teased. Irked, silver she-cat stretched grumpily. Though, when her paw struck something warm and tender she let out a squeak and jumped up. Bright honey eyes wide, Mistsoul peered down at Starpaw. While the little tom looked calm and orderly, Mistsoul noted her fur sticking out in all directions for both sleep and agitation. "I'm sorry," she mewed quickly, "I didn't hurt you did I?" Slipping from the nest, instantly missing the warmth, Mistsoul sat before Starpaw. Shaking her fur to get a few moss clumps out, she began licking her chest fur, then her back fur, and ended with swiping her paw across her face. A little more orderly, Mistsoul wiggled around with sudden energy. "Does your shoulder hurt?" she questioned gently, "because if it doesn't, I would like to have company getting marigold. Since it's for you, I thought you might as well come with me. Stretch the limbs." Quickly shutting her maw, Mistsoul fidgeted at her babbling like an elder. I feel odd, she thought. As if some cat had been watching me. And not Starpaw, for she was sure to be fine with that. But who else?
Just call me Siri.
4:29pm Sep 8 2010
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OoC: I would not use the word 'friends' exactly, Shadowpaw still loathes Redpaw XD But Siri, the end of Redpaw's post was so sad, I swear i'm crying. One day I will be able to put some emotion into my posts, but for now I will enjoy yours. BiC: Journey Shadowpaw watched Redpaw stalk off with a open mouth, blue eyes burning with fury. "Well..well see if I ever try to help you again you worthless piece of fox-dung!" He spat, unsheathing his claws and sinking them deep into the ground. How can a cat be so..so.. inconsiderate! Hissing, he bolted into a run to try and catch up with Patchpelt and his sister. He was not a cat to dislike another and hated the burning feeling it gave, but Redpaw was the one cat who had been able to crawl up under his pelt between his shoulder blades and die. So, wanting to be the better of the two he had decided to try and condole the other apprentice only to end up with a earful. See if I try to help anyone again. Looking up at the sky, eyes still swimming with fur,y the black apprentice wished his mother was there, knowing full well she was the only cat able to see thorough Redpaw's viciousness. Camp Starpaw blinked open bleary eyes as Mistsoul moved around in her nest, knocking him from one of the more comfortable sleeps in his life time. Curling his nose deeper into his thin tail, the apprentice watched as Mistsoul gave her pelt a quick watching, wondering if she would want something from him. Does your shoulder hurt?" she questioned gently, "because if it doesn't, I would like to have company getting marigold. Since it's for you, I thought you might as well come with me. Stretch the limbs." Getting to his tiny paws, Starpaw flexed his wretched shoulder experimentally, glad when only a slight twinge ran up the limb. "I think I can manage." He meowed lightly, feeling wonderful for some unknown reason. "It will be good to get out of this den, though something about it is quite compelling." Limping in small circles, he made sure the leg would not give out. It seemed stable enough. "Shall we go?" Eaglestar looked from her den, red eyes scanning the clearing below. Every cat was skinny to the point bones were showing and there was no kill on the pile, making her own stomach twinge in longing for some kill. "Starclan why are you doing this?" She asked, not expecting a response and not getting one. Leaping from her perch, she moved around the camp and spoke to a few of the cats, making sure everything was as alright with them as it could be. For some reason she did not feel like a leader anymore, more of a lost cat trying to find her place among the others. She wished for the days when she everything was somuch simpler as a warrior running alongside her own clan mates. Starting from the camp, she paused and searched for Rainfeather. Theres something I need to do. Silentheart watched as his apprentice preformed the hunting crouch very well, better then himself at that age without any sort of practice. They are clearly the daughters of Eaglestar. He thought with pride, glad to be trusted to train one of them. "Your doing very well, amazing really. But you need to watch your rump, it tends to swing from side to side a little much when you slink forward. Your ears are also a little to high, make sure their a little more flat. Your paw work is really well thought, but you need to learn not to favor your left foreleg, it's making you slightly off. Try again." Knowing she would not be happy with this he consoled her. "You will probably be working on perfecting this move for moons to come, so you might as well get used to it."
