5:32pm Sep 8 2010 (last edited on 5:37pm Sep 8 2010)
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((Ooh, you know what would be awsome? If Littlepaw and Redpaw became friends!)) Littlepaw had seen Shadowpaw and Redpaw's talk. She felt bad for Redpaw. He was alone. Littlepaw had her friends, Shadowpaw, but Redpaw was almost always alone. She wished she could go over and talk to him, but she couldn't walk, and besides, Redpaw would just push her away. But she was stubborn. She would make him break his shell.
5:34pm Sep 8 2010
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5:35pm Sep 8 2010
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ooc; Lots of reading today! xD Oh well I don't Mind. >Jaw drops< Redpaw! That was mean! >( Poor Shadowpaw >Hugs< And Stray> Your posts are filled with emotion! No lies. Compared to mine, yours are gold and mine are dirt. Like actually! :) I love reading your posts! bic; <<Journeying<< Kesteralheart looked at Patchpelt in shock How did I not offend her? he thought utterly confused. Then when he slowed his pace, he realized the pretty she -cats efforts to not snarl or hiss at him. Thankful that she didn't, Kesteralheart padded beside Lostfoot. "Hi.." he meowed, his heart stiff, and his mind distracted. I can't imagine what is happening at home. he thought, And how they are suffering while we stuff ourselves. >>Camp>> Thistlestorm's black flecked grey fur was ruffled, and he stood up, then padded toward Larkpaw "What was that?" he asked, bright green eyes flaring. "Literaly! " he hissed, "I didn't know a new apprentice could do such a great job!" He meowed, purring showing right through his meow. Let alone a Blind apprentice! he added silently, happy he didn't add that, Larkapw would probably not appreciate it. Padding up to her he gave her a lick on her colorful head. "That was great." he meowed, "I guess you are ready for fighting practice? Well we can't do it now.... or again." he added, "I don't want you more exhausted then you really are," he continued, "So you should get some rest." Then he Added, "But first.." he padded into the bushes, "Eat this. the elder's are fed, and same with the other cats. You deserve it." Then he dug up a normal non starved mouse and dropped it in front of her. Nightfall padded into the medicine cat den, her eyes sharp, and her fur slicked to her body. "Hi Starpaw, Hi Mistsoul." she meowed with a mouthful of herbs When she came to the herb store, she dropped them onto the ground in separate piles, then removed the crinkly sounding leaves and twigs from the old stock. Moving her paws accurately, she could imagine what she was doing, because Larkwing showed her this den in a dream. Feeling utterly alone, she wanted to yowl to StarClan for help, But they won't listen... she thought, her bad mood kind-of taking over her mind. Looking up at Copperfire, a fiery look in her crystal colored eyes, Rosepaw slunk back down. The snow was still chilling her soft cream colored belly as she moved. Keeping her black ears flattened to her head, she padded forward ever so slowly. Concentrating on making her rump still while she moved, she kept her eyes looking forward. Then, a chipmunk darted in front of her, then stopped. "Copperfire!" she hissed quietly, panicing "What do I do?" Rainfeather awoke from her next, Filled with sand.. she thought, then padded outside of the warriors den. Her White spotted silver fur was ruffled, and her Ice blue eyes were coated with sleep. Looking around at all the thin cats, she couldn't help but wondering, what her naturally skinny frame would look like in this state she and the Clan were in. Padding around the softer snow ground, she found herself looking into the deep water pool outside of the Medicine cat den. She took a painful deep breath and stared at herself in the water, refusing to believe what the water reflected. I look like a cat made out of bones.. she thought, turning away from her no longer pretty reflection. Padding over to the bottom of the high rock, she looked up at the place they called home. "At least we have shelter.." she meowed, her voice abnormally scratchy. Her heart was filled with sorrow, as she looked at Emeraldrain padding out from the queens den, thin as well. I wish I could help, she thought her long legs trembling, But I can't, I won't ever be able to do anything until I join StarClan.... she stared across the camp, If I go to StarClan. Bringing back the painful memories of being judged because of Iceheart's crimes to a brutal measure. Letting a tear drop from her eye, she let if fall, like the Clan was, falling into the twolegs new territory.
5:36pm Sep 8 2010
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ooc; I didn't realize My post was that big! Yay! I feel like a beastly tank! X3
5:40pm Sep 8 2010
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Jadepaw's nose twitched. She was great at hunting poses. "What are we hunting though? Mice, or birds?" This was a very important question. She knew if they were hunting mice, she would have to keep her weight of her toes. With birds, she just had to be quiet.
7:19pm Sep 8 2010
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OoC: ::gasps at what Stray and Eklispe say:: You two write just as well! I find that there are some points of improvement for myself, and you guys as well. But, in my opinion, we are the best warrior cat posters on Res! ::prances around with her buddies:: I love reading both of your posts, well everyones posts, they are captivating. Fullmoon, I wouldn't mind the idea, but Redpaw is nasty, so have Littlepaw tread lightly. I like him mean, but he might have a breakthrough someday. BiC ::Camp:: Swiftdarkness's sapphire eyes blinked in surprise when Jadepaw questioned him so quickly. He had thought their run would have his apprentice out of breath, but obviously he had *censored*umed wrongly. The tabby she-cat was in better shape than any apprentice he had ever had or seen. "Well," he mewed, "I think you should use your nose. See what you smell." Since she was so keen already, Swiftdarkness wondered how many times Eaglestar had brought her kits out. Or they are just bred warriors. Being that Redstorm was their father, Swiftdarkness couldn't doubt that. So if he pushed her to learn on her own, Swiftdarkness knew that her apprenticeship would be short. Self-learned lessons are the ones most valued. He knew this from experience. OoC: I hope you guys understand how much I appreciate the compliments. I love this role play so much. It was my very first one. <3 Oh, and Eklipse, you are becoming a beastly poster! It's so amazing! BiC ::Camp:: Overwhelmed by the praise, Larkpaw couldn't believe it either. She had flounced around like a cat with sight and nearly caught her mentor. Trembling in the aftermath of adrenaline, Larkpaw sniffed the air to find he had brought out a mouse by the scent of it. Her tummy gave an unusual roll so she politely declined, "All the new things have my stomach upset, why don't we share?" Before her mentor could protest, Larkpaw took a tiny nibble and hoped that the grimace didn't show on her face. "What I really want to do is tell you how I see," she confined. Her forepaws did a happy prance as she stared into the emptiness. "It's almost worth the loss of my sight because I can feel so many more things than you can. Oh, and the smells!" Closing her eyes, Larkpaw inhaled as she raised her nose to the sky wishing that the sun was out, but since she couldn't feel it warming her cheeks she guessed it was behind some more clouds. "I can tell that you are still standing because the heat isn't warming to ground yet, and the temperature isn't increasing from mutual distribution." Though she was calmly informing Thistlestorm, Larkpaw was fairly leaping like a kit inside. I only get to talk to Mistsoul like this, but now Thistlestrom doesn't mind. Or so she hoped. Larkpaw didn't want to bore him. "That's how I pinpointed you when I was in the air, it was like being drawn to a warmer nest on a cold night." Continuing, Larkpaw chirped excitedly, "Then I could also feel the movement of your retreat to the side on my whiskers." Her pale eyes were shimmering with delight as she asked, "Does that make sense? Can I get even better?" Mistsoul had taught her a lot in the nights that she kit-sat her and her sisters. While the others slept, Larkpaw chatted away with Mistsoul and the medicine cat had answered so many questions. Mistsoul even went so far as the try out some techniques with her like the one she just preformed with Thistlestorm, though Larkpaw doubted she would be able to do that again any time soon. She was exhausted! ::Journey:: When Kestrelheart retreated from her grumpiness, Patchpelt almost felt petty. Why do I get so angry at other cats commenting on my size, or *censored*ume they are. It's not fair for them. With a sigh, Patchpelt released all of her selfish frustrations. She wasn't supposed to be like this, the clan needs me to do what StarClan has sent me out to do. Not yowl over thoughtful offers. Deciding to stop thinking about it too hard, since it would only make her angrier, Patchpelt meowed to Littlepaw, "You feeling better? How is that spot on your leg? Did the stinger injure it really bad?" When Shadowpaw appeared near her, Patchpelt had to hold down a yelp of surprise. He can be so quiet. But her normally somber apprentice seemed to be loathing with held in frustration. She knew what was the cause before even bothering to ask. Redpaw. The ginger apprentice could have sent even Leopardheart into a fit. Her chest tightened at the thought of her father figure. Before she realized it, Patchpelt whispered, "I miss Leopardheart." A ways back from all the others, Redpaw lagged not only physically but mentally as well. All he wanted to do was turn tail and sprint back to the starving clan. His mind was beyond exhaustion because of the bombardment of memories and his paws were swollen from the continuous walking. Though, he would rather bite off his tongue than ask any of the cats to stop for him to rest. "Better to just deal with it anyway," he grumbled. "It will only make me a better warrior." His ambition was almost frightening in his quest to become to most fierce warrior of all the clans, but Redpaw knew it was good to have goals. It kept a cat alive, unlike love. That would only destroy you from the inside out, slowly rotting you out. He would never fall for that. ::Camp:: Her features softened even more when Nightfall came into the den with a mouthful of herbs. Mistsoul hoped that Starpaw and herself would be just as prosperous. Leaf-bare was now full blown and any type of cough could start to ravage the clan. Her mood increased even more when Starpaw favored his injury only slightly. "Wonderful," Mistsoul mewed full-heartedly. "We won't go too far, just in case." As she left the den, Mistsoul felt a jab of disappointment at not seeing Silentheart. She hadn't seen the tom in what felt like moons, and the two of them had much to talk about. He must be busy with his apprentice though. Nodding her head in agreement to her thoughts, Mistsoul trotted over to the queens den to peek in. Emeraldrain looked delightedly overwhelmed by her kits, so she didn't encroach. Looking back at Starpaw, she mewed, "I couldn't seem to stop myself, I had to see what they looked like." And see that they were healthy. Able to focus on her task now, Mistsoul lead the way out of the camp. Scenting the snow leaden air, the silver she-cat blushed when she remembered the time her and Silentheart had cuddled together in the first snowfall. Glancing over at Starpaw, she hoped the apprentice didn't see the stain in her cheeks.
Just call me Siri.
7:35pm Sep 8 2010
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"Ermm.." Jadepaw sniffed the air. "A whole mix! But I think I'll stick to hunting the birds today. "Jadepaw was quite a good tree climber, so if it flew into a tree, she could attempt to get it. She sniffed the air again. A bird! She followed the scent, slowly but surely. There was beaks in the trail, but she always managed to pick it up again. Soon, she saw an enourmouse bird, with a strange red thing attached to it's chin. She had no idea what it was, but it was big, and a bird, so.. She pounced.She landed squarely on the bird. It squacked, and it's tail poofed into a bunch of shades of red and brown. Jadepaw bit down on the neck, hard. "Now, to get this thing back.. I certainly can't bury it!" A little while later, Jadepaw showed up in front of her mentor. "Erm, what's this?" She asked, setting it down in front of her mentor. TRAVELING Littlepaw smiled. "I think I might be able to, with the cobweb wrapped the way it is. You know, we should make these for cats with broken legs." She got of Patchpelt, tested her feet, walked a bit, and said, "I'll be able to do it."
8:39pm Sep 8 2010 (last edited on 8:39pm Sep 8 2010)
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::Camp:: Swiftdarkness stared in awe. Not only was his apprentice more endured than he, but she had the nose that any cat would envy. Jadepaw had trotted right by his little clearing with bits of lasting greenery and found a fat bird. One that he had never seen before either. It was large and colorful. In all my warrior life, I have never seen such a big bird besides the pale honey colored ones that live on two-leg farms. "I don't know what it's called, Jadepaw." He mewed sadly, wishing that he had all the answers for his apprentice, but he knew that he wasn't perfect. "But I'm sure it will feed much of the clan." More than my scrawny squirrel, he thought jealously. He squashed the feeling because it didn't sit well with him at all. Jadepaw was going to be a wonderful provider for the clan and Swiftdarkness would be proud in the fact that he had been her mentor. "Let's get that back to camp though," he mewed. "Then you can tell us all about how you caught this beast that is nearly three times your size!" A grin on his face, Swiftdarkness helped Jadepaw carry the burden back to camp. ::Journey:: Patchpelt's mouth dropped out as she was about to protest, but Littlepaw slide off so fast she could only gasp! Fearful that the little she-cat would hurt her leg further, Patchpelt stood close. But when Littlepaw declared it fine enough to walk on, Patchpelt nodded. Though, she was paler than normal. Fear tightened her belly as she walked close to the apprentice, in case her leg gave out. "I was just wondering if it hurt at all, I didn't mean that you had to walk Littlepaw." Patchpelt began, "If it hurts at all again, just tell me or Kestrelheart, and we will give you a ride." The tree line was closing in on them, and Patchpelt felt like yowling for joy. They were going to be out of the open! Looking back she noted that Redpaw lagged, but she knew better than to ask if he needed any a.ssistance. "We are almost there!" The calico warrior encouraged.
Just call me Siri.
9:33pm Sep 8 2010
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Jadepaw felt quite happy. Her mentor was happy, and this would probably fill the bellies of possibly four or more warriors. She hoped no one thought she was showing off, she'd hate it if that happened... Her heart beat wildly. What would they say? Would Eaglestar be happy? Would they maybe let her go to a gathering? Then she thought of her siblings. I hope they don't think ill of me. She though. What if they don't like me anymore because they think I'm better than them? TRAVELING Littlepaw looked at Patchpelt. "Where it went in still stings a lot, but I don't think I loose that much blood, since the bondage is tight." She then looked ahead. No more forest! "I-I think I need to go. This isn't my journey." Lilac shuffled her paws. "Besides, I don't think any of you want me, except Littlepaw." Lilacs ead sagged. It was probably true. She couldn't leave untill brightleaf got off her.
9:46pm Sep 8 2010
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ooc; East thinmks people should tell her what happenned so she can get back into the roleplay :) Life has been good and everyhing so I'll be back, but ONLY for this RP and chatting. I missed all of you. Except eklipse and ELectro with the good reason that I see them everyday ;P
9:52pm Sep 8 2010
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OoC: EASTIE! ::tackle-glomp-hugs!:: I missed you too~ I about fainted when I saw your Icon. I missed seeing it, which means talking with you. <3
Just call me Siri.
9:59pm Sep 8 2010
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ooc; More tank posts to read! >Smiles< I love this! Siri: Thank you for the complements! <:D I appreciate it! I like the beastly posting, It is more fun! And this is my first rp as well! <3 I love it!! And I agree with Patchpelt, I miss Leopardheart too.. bic. >>Camp>> Thistlestorm looked at his apprentice, "I never thought it would be like that." he meowed, "I guess that is what Nightfall feels as well, being born blind." he pointed out as he took a bite of the soft, not stringy fresh-kill. "But yes, " he continued, "That makes perfect sense, I would love to experience what you feel every day." Waving his tail back in fourth, he pushed the mouse to Larkpaw with one large black paw. I would love to hear more, Larkpaw will be a fabulous warrior for IceClan, and one of the most complicated to understand. Thistlestorm knew what he was thinking was true. "You will be an amazing warrior." he meowed, repeating his thoughts, "But I think after you finish the rest of your fresh-kill, you should rest for a bit. I will to," he continued, "Then once you want to train again come wake me." Then he began padding away, "Have a good rest!" he called to her, then plunged into the warm darkness of the warriors den. Nightfall nodded to Mistsoul, who sounded as she was leaving the medicine cat den. Feeling emotionally and physically tired, she padded to her nest and sat her face to looking outward of the den, where she cold feel the cool leaf-bare breeze blowing from. Her eyes were unusually cold, and so was her heart. Feeling as she didn't belong in the medicine cat den with-ought Fernseed. Longing toward her past mentor made her want to follow her and tell her to come back. But it had been a few days since she had left, and she would probably be living in a warm, heated twoleg nest. Tempting as it was, Nightfall still looked as if she was actually a part of the cold hearted winter, and she still needed to be there for her Clan. No. I am a mistake. she reminded herself. Being the daughter of the FireClan medicine cat named Snowdarkness, made her feel uncomfortable. Shaking off those feelings, she rested her head on her nest, the knowing of her and Poisonheart's birth still haunting her. Shatteredrose padded outside of her new den, and looked around in the clearing for something to do. She had already been a part of a hunting patrol, and they caught nothing but a single vole. Sitting on the near side of the den, she dug into the cool winter ground and began grooming herself. Her ginger and white fur hadn't been cleaned for what it seemed like days. After she finished cleaning her fur, Shatteredrose padded into the clearing of her home. "Would anyone want to go hunting?" she called, hoping for an answer. <<Journey<< Kesteralheart looked behind the group of cats as the tall leafless tree's closed in on them. "Well then," he meowed, "I wouldn't mind resting for a moment." Padding onward to a hazel bush, he covered his nose with his tail, keeping his amber eyes open. Looking at the group of cats as they stopped walking for a rest.
10:05pm Sep 8 2010
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((Just to throw it out there, I'm on for thirty more minutes.))
10:58pm Sep 8 2010
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ooc; -is tackle-glomp-hugg'd- dah! :D I miss my before school routine of getting up, changed eaten, brush air/teeth then go on res and check for new posts, So... what has happenned?
12:08am Sep 9 2010
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OoC: A lot. I think...I can't remember. Does this mean Eastie wants Larkpaw back? I've grown even more fond of her now. =3 But she was yours so I would gladly giver her back to you, if that's what you would like.
Just call me Siri.
8:17am Sep 9 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Yesplease. And Kestrelheart and Jade/Blazewing
4:56pm Sep 9 2010
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: Welcome back East, it's great to see you again! Now things can go back to normal, us all being one big (dysfunctional of course) family XD Oh, and you can have Eaglestar and Berrypool back, me being leader just did not feel right. BiC: Camp Silentheart felt his body stiffen, blue eyes watching the chipmunk as if it were some sort of life line, Then again it possibly could be to the starving clan. His paws itched to slink up and sink into the prey's warm flesh, but he shook the feeling off. This would be Rosepaw's catch. "First of all don't panic. You'll be more likely to mess up." The red tom keenly watched the prey animal, checking the wind, and check quickly to see if there were any close escape routes for it to go. Seeing none to close, he instructed Rosepaw. "Alright, use the hunters crouch I just showed you, you demonstrated it well so it should be effective." He whispered, tail tip twitching as the little animal looked around. "Stay down wind of it so it does not know your coming, and when you get about a tail length or so from it pounce on it as if it were a leaf. Bite it behind the head swiftly, don't want it to suffer." Instructions finished, he sat and waited to see how well she would do. Starpaw followed after Mistsoul, heart soaring to know he would be doing something productive for the clan. Noticing though that the she-cat bolted to the nursery, he could not help but purr softly at her affectionate look when she returned. "I couldn't seem to stop myself, I had to see what they looked like." The smaller cat chuckled and started towards the camp entrance. "You really seem to like kits, it's quite admirable." He mused, sniffing the air. "But if your a medicine cat you can have any right?" He could remember Nightfall speaking about something like that. Trying to remember what Mistsoul had put on his wound, he was slightly surprised to see a small clump of it not far from the camp. Padding over, he gave then a sniff then sneezed loudly, the sound reverberating in the chilled air. "So if you became a medicine cat again you'd be losing something you'd love, kits. Tread carefully." Whispering the last part, he sort of hoped she would not hear. Flicking his ears from where he was sitting grooming his wind ruffled fur, Sunflare looked up as Shatteredrose asked if anyone would like to hunt. I'v not hunted with anyone since Poisonheart became warrior. Then again no one really seems to know I exist so I tend to hunt by myself. It would be nice not to be alone. Padding over to the newest warrior, he smiled cheerily. Then again I really don't care that i'm not that noticed, it's just who I am. Stopping short of the she-cat, he looked around once to make sure no one else had taken up her offer. "If you'd like I could hunt with you. Unless theres someone else you'd rather hunt with that is." He meowed awkwardly, tail flicking self consciously.

8:52pm Sep 9 2010
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ooc; East>> Cradinalpaw is Ravenfeather's apprentice right? Right. Lool, so You should train 'em! And Lilac>A lynx< has been nice to journey cats..... and and and and Littlepaw (?) and Brightheart were shot with tranquilizers..(random subject change! ) Rainfeather missed you east! xD She likes being deputy! Kesteralheart is yours! I was playing him for you as well as Echovoice! she was funn.... didn't have her kits yet, but Emeraldrain did! Sunkit>fullmoon< and Duskkit >me!< Featherpaw>mentor Blackwolf. Larkpaw>Thistlestorm. Rosepaw>Copperfire. Jadepaw>Swiftdarkness. Shatteredrose and Poisonheart are warriors. and all of the clan is hungry! Did I miss anything Siri or Stray!?!?! :< To mutch typinnnnng. Wow. No it wasn't. anyway. I will post now! bic; >>Camp>> Rosepaw's fur was standing on end. What do I do What do I do What do I do!?!?!? she panicked in her mind. Slowly backing away her tail touched Copperfire. She looked up and he was talking to her... She just didn't hear. Flicking her vision back to the furry brown creature she stared at it, her crystal eyes exploding. Her cream flecked red colored fur was fluffed up, and she padded forward slowly, mussels tense. You can do this! she encouraged herself. Accurately putting her paws down, she kept her tail strait behind her. A dark shape was ahead of her, but she didn't care to take notice. Close enough to the prey she launched herself at the mouse swiftly, her white paws ahead of her. She landed awkwardly on the snow, killing the prey with her outstretched claws, but hitting her paw wrong and a shooting pain shot through her. Then she skidded toward the shape she payed no attention to. Her crystal colored eyes were shocked, and fear stabbed her like a thorn. Rosepaw flattened her black ears to her dark red fur on her head , and closed her eyes, bracing herself. A sharp prod hit her, and she had no other reflex then to open her eyes. There were several stabbing pains in her back and arms. She squinted then fully opened her eyes to see she had slipped on a plank of Ice. Of course, covered by snow. She untangled herself and leaped down from the bush something stuck in her pelt, but she didn't pay attention to it. Padding forward, she stepped over a rose bush branch, and carefully set her paws down on the Ice. A terrifying crack sounded below her and she set her other paw down, steadying herself for running. A bolt of pain shot through her paw and she flinched backward, and fell so she was sitting down. Shocked, Rosepaw tried to step forward as the ice broke into small shattered pieces. "No!" she yowled and unsheathed her claws as she ran forward but the Ice broke fast and she fell into a crack between it. Ice cold water streamed through her fur, soaking her. "Copperfire!" she screeched as she tried to swim forward. The rose branch she had avoided was on the ice a tail length away from her. Wadding through the water, she let her claws break through the ice to get to the big branch. "Come here please!!" she meowed desperately. Clamping onto it, she breathed quickly, the water was freezing her fur, and the only thing holding up her small body was a rose bush branch that had thorns that were breaking through her skin every time she breathed. "Copperfire!" she yowled again. A dark red rose, the same color of her fur was hanging off the branch, it caught her sight for a second, giving her hope, but then Rosepaw realized that she was sinking... Shatteredrose's eyes lit up in delight, "No! I will hunt with you Sunflare!" she meowed, still feeling a bit weird that she is going hunting with her friends mentor. Flicking her dumb paw, she began padding to the trail towards the camp entrance. "I hope we get something!" she meowed, completely positive to her hunger and the fact that her ribs were showing through her fur.
12:23am Sep 10 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I think you got it all, Eklipse! ::giggles:: You can be so silly sometimes, makes me wish I was part of the pow-wow you, East, and Electro have together. ::sniffles as her train of thought drifts:: Larkpaw is being a very good apprentice. I will miss having Thistlestorm as a mentor, but hey, someday I might get another character. But too many cats as it is, for my handful, so I shall have to wait until...::don-don-don:: Another plot twisty happens. >I was wondering< Could we time lapse about two moons? That would give Emeraldrain's kits time to really grow and move around. Then, on the Journey, Lilac could have guided the other cats out of the forest. I don't know why, but I'm feeling so antsy. All I know is I want them to move faster and actually get back to the clan before it's too late!~ What do you guys think?
Just call me Siri.
4:13pm Sep 10 2010
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Posts: 779
Eklipse you also missed the new prophecy you and I made. XD Sorry I haven't been oon in a while been busy and I'M SICK TODAY MEH!!! DX< And lol Pow-wow! XD)) Lostfoot added the marigold and cobweb to Brightleaf then to Littlepaw. Scared he had done something wrong he sighed. I hope this is alright. He thought and waited. Looking at both the apprentices e mewed "Thank you. You both did very well. And for that you helped two cats." he nodded to both and looked at the two she cats. ((OOC; FAIL ELECTRO!! AND EASTIE!!!!!!! :glomps: Hiiiiiii. And also EASTY and EKLIPSE we have to have a meeting some day. :serious electro is serious: Maybe over the weekend? This time my house. I has stuff needing to be said.) Blackwolf fell face first into the snow and mrrowed in laughter. "Wonderful Featherpaw!" He praised and got up. "Excelent work. Though we may have to work on you're balance a bit. But that shall be for another time. For now I think we've done enough." he mewed. His eyes shone on the apprentice and he purred at her determination. "You are an excellent apprenctice." he added at last. Snowkit padded up to his sister. "Hi Sunkit!" he mewed is eyes wide and happy. "How are you? By the way I'm Snowkit I'm you brother." he purred and sat down beside his little sister. He had still thought of that smell and recognized it was the autumns breeze he smelt. He decided he would ask one of the medicine cats later on. Hawkmask padded about the snow laden ground and watched as a few snowflakes fell. It was her favorite season. Leafbare was so beautiful to her. She sighed and sat down on the ground in a small opening with trees and a small fir needle tree in the center. She had always came here when it had been snowing. Taking her fears and sadness away. "I miss you all...Smallpine. I have fallen for someone...and I hope you aren't angry with me." she mewed. Felling the presence of Smallpine beside her she heard his small purr of approval. "As long as you're happy. I'm happy." he whispered and fadded. ((OOC; HAHAAA!! I has come up with a name for her mate. SMALLPINE was his name. o3o I'm happy and I think I'm making her a bit too emo,. O_o)