8:18pm Nov 30 2009
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Cheetahpaw had trickles of sweat dripping down his face. They weren't going to punish him? No! They'll be here sooner or later!
8:30pm Nov 30 2009
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After sleeping the rest of the day away, Cougarclaw got out of the Medicine den. I wonder when the medicine cats will be back, I hope it’s soon. I think I need them, looking at her cuts, yeah. These wouldn’t be good if they got infected. Muttering to herself, “Eaglestar must be busy, she didn’t come to talk to me.” Walking over to the Apprentices den, Cougarclaw peeked in and scented Cheetahpaws fear. Hmm, so Eaglestar didn’t come to talk to him either. Flicking her tail for him to follow, she turned around and grunted at the pain in her side. Looking at Cheetahpaw and seeing his worry she straightened and made herself show no pain. “You have left me twice today, without my permission.” She said without delay, “That is breaking the warriors’ code, twice. An apprentice is to follow his or her mentor with no question. I have yet to talk to Eaglestar but I think she would agree with my punishment.” Prolonging his fear by holding it out for one more moment, “You will feed, clean, and do as the elders order you. In this you will learn to respect the word of your superior and follow orders to the paw step. You may go to bed now, you’ll have a long day ahead of you for Windkeeper is a very creative elder.” (((I have to go eat. Be back soon I hope!)))
Just call me Siri.
8:55pm Nov 30 2009
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((Woahh... I ,issed alot XD, EAGELSTAR NEEDS A MATE XD)) (earlier) Eaglestar herard Cheetahpaw talking about the badger and organized a patrol to com,e with, Tigerfang and her apprentice, Ptachpaw, Ivynose, Dovefire, and Raveneyes.
8:55pm Nov 30 2009 (last edited on 6:01pm Dec 1 2009)
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Rainfreather walked up to Eaglestar. "How are we today?" she asked politely. Looking up at her Bright eyes.
9:00pm Nov 30 2009
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Cheetahpaw silently lugged his little butt over to the elder's den. himself towards the elder's den. He sighed, and popped his head in. "Windkeeper?" He asked. "Do you need anything?" ((Wow... playing a punished aprentice is the most boringest thing on the face of the planet. All my char gets to do is; one: Feed the elder's two;pick ticks off the elders. three;Listen to the elder's complaining.
9:01pm Nov 30 2009
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9:04pm Nov 30 2009
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(lol that is funneh!) "Cheetapaw" RainFeather meowed "What are you doing today? I just got board of watching everyone soo.."
9:06pm Nov 30 2009
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"oh, I just disobayed my mentor and now I have to follow the elder's every whim." "Caring for the elder's." Mumbled Cheetahpaw.
9:48pm Nov 30 2009 (last edited on 9:50pm Nov 30 2009)
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(((eklipse, O.o Eaglestar is a girl...Lol! And East would you like me to have Leopardheart cancel that patrol he had planned? Also, fullmoon, I thought you had another apprentice named Graypaw? Play with him/her too~ Or create another character. That's what I do. *juggles 6 characters at times* X3 ))) Cougarclaw, in no way feeling up to a patrol headed toward the Medicine den once again. Grunting as she lay down she thought, I’ll just rest my eyes till they come for me. I know that Fernseed will fix me right up and Mistpaw will be sure that I don’t have to eat any of the fowl tasting herbs. Drifting into a fitful sleep, Cougarclaw awoke in a sweat. Oh StarClan, this isn’t good. And just when she thought that she would have to suffer a bit longer, Fernseed and Mistpaw came rushing in. “Oh, thank you for coming when you did. I don’t know- “Hush!” ordered Fernseed, “You’re burning up! Just hold tight Cougarclaw and save your energy. You’re fighting an infection.” Looking into the little cave where all the herbs, leaves, cob webs and berries were held Fernseed called to out, “Mistpaw, could you go and find some more chervil leaves for me? Also I need a mouth-full more of lavender.” Taking what was left of the lavender; Fernseed went to Cougarclaw and placed before her. “Eat it. This will help with the fever that you’ve gotten.” How did this happen? I was only gone for about a day with Mistpaw. Oh, well. At least I know what to do. Rummaging through the little herb den again, Fernseed found some marigold leaves. I guess that Mistpaw doesn’t have to go get some chervil leaves. It’s a good test though. Chewing the leaves into a paste, the medicine cat spat it onto the wounds. Seeing Cougarclaw twitch she remembered that this stings, “Sorry I forgot to warn you but this will sting. The sting tells us that it’s working, no sting means no infection.” Rubbing the paste over the largest parts of her wounds Fernseed looked to see that Cougarclaw ate all of her lavender. Good, it’s all gone. I won’t have to worry about a fever or chills now. Mistpaw, accompanied by Leopardheart, dashed about the forest looking for chervil leaves. Where were they again? I wish I could remember and I’m not about to ask Leopardheart either. I don’t want to look like I don’t know what I’m doing. Finally remembering what they looked like, Mistpaw went for a same open meadow like spot in the forest where a lot of sun got to. I remember now! They are little leaves that grow off of a stem to even more leaves and they love the sun! How could I have forgotten! Biting a mouthful off, she meowed to Leopardheart, “Would you carry these so that I could get the lavender? And why do you have to follow me?” P*censored*ing the leaves off, Leopardheart replied, “There was a badger in the forest. We think it’s long gone but better safe than sorry. And that’s what got to Cougarclaw by the way.” Nodding the apprentice went further into the meadow sniffing for the sweet smelling flower. I’ll grab more than necessary because bare-leaf is coming and they will be gone soon. Finding the flower she grabbed as much as she could and the pair ran back to camp. The apprentice got praise for finding everything so fast and Leopardheart left the medicine cats to do their job. (((It’s night right? I can’t tell the days apart in this, oops.))) (((Ps. I like the comic fullmoon.)))
Just call me Siri.
9:54pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 2,842
((yes please siri))
9:55pm Nov 30 2009
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Graypaw yawned. He couldn't sleep. He padded over to the medicene den to ask if he could have something to help him sleep. He froze. Cougarclaw was in there, looking like a sweaty prune. "Ummm...... can I have something to help me sleep?" Graypaw's ears went red. You do that all the time, dummy! I'm surprised Eaglestar hasn't renamed you Awkwardpaw!
10:09pm Nov 30 2009
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Mistpaw glanced at Fernseed, who flicked her tail in a ‘go ahead type of way’, so Mistpaw mewed, “Hold on. I’ll go get something for you.” Hmm, this isn’t the first time he’s come so maybe something besides poppy seeds. Looking through the shelves and rummaging through her mind, Mistpaw found something. Trotting over to Graypaw, who hardly came over to anyone besides his mentor, and said, “Here take this.” Giving him some Coltsfoot and Watermint, knowing that the combination would sooth him to sleep better than just poppy seeds, she instructed him to chew thoroughly and swallow. When he looked at it as though it would eat him the little she-cat said, “It’s really quite taste. Go on before Fernpaw gives you something yucky!” ((( I have to go do some homework. This was fun, night!)))
Just call me Siri.
10:15pm Nov 30 2009
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Graypaw gulped down the seeds reluctantly. "T-T-Thank." He managed to stutter before hurrying away.
4:09pm Dec 1 2009 (last edited on 6:40pm Dec 1 2009)
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Fallenwind padded back into camp with two mice hanging from his jaws. Placing them on the freh-kill pile, he glanced around the camp, hoping to see Silentpaw, he needed to talk to the apprentie. Not seeing him he sighed. Wonder how Eaglestar's doing? Last time I got to talk to her she was having odd dreams. Padding into the leaders den, he dipped his head in greeting. "I was just wondering how you were Eaglestar." He mumbled, looking towards the ground. Falconwing scowled while curling up in her nest, her stomach feeling queezy. Grummbling, she lay down and tucked her nose under her tail, itching to sleep a little befoe going on a patrol. Opening er eyes when her nest creaked, she figured she'd see Swiftdarkness, instead it was Silentpaw. Whats wrong with him? She thought worridly. "Is everything alright Silentpaw?" She asked, and he looked down. "I just had a dream, and was wondering if I could lay down with you for a bit." He mumbled, looking embarased. Im not sure if he's allowed in here, but no other cat is here. "Sure Silentpaw." Se purred, noving over to let her foster kit curl u beside her like he was a kit again. Laying her head down, she almost instantly fell asleep.

6:05pm Dec 1 2009
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RainFreather Raised her head, The mourning light shot through her eyes. She sighed and got up form the warm ground, wondering if she could help out today. Here ice blue eyes shone As she looked forward at the half-awake camp.
6:40pm Dec 1 2009 (last edited on 6:53pm Dec 1 2009)
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(((Um, may I ask who's Rainfeather? Sorry eklipse but I don't remember her, I'll add her to the list. (= Just hoping to get a bio so I know what she looks like.))) (((East, who should be Graypaw's mentor?))) After a fitful night sleeping, Patchpaw felt more exhausted than before she went to sleep. If you can call that sleep! What dreams you have given me, StarClan. I don’t understand them, nor should I have them, I’m no medicine cat. Remembering the dream Patchpaw shivered, I hope that it would never come true. Shaking her head, as if to rid the images from her mind, she walked out into the sun light and stretched. I wonder where Silentpaw is?
Just call me Siri.
6:46pm Dec 1 2009
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((Rainfeather is perdy, eklipse showed me a pic at skewl! XD. Ummm... I dunno siri... how about.... Falconwing! Falconwing or Fallenwind, would be good I think, and eklipse you need to introduce Redstorm)) "I am good Fallenwind, thank you for asking.The clan is thriving and we are alll healthy, and will soon have three moreapprentices" ((Birdkit, Ravenkit, and Duskkit need mentors, so if you have a suggestion just say it, although I'm guessing Rainfeather would want eiether Birdkit, or Ravenkit))
6:46pm Dec 1 2009
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((Rainfeather is perdy, eklipse showed me a pic at skewl! XD. Ummm... I dunno siri... how about.... Falconwing! Falconwing or Fallenwind, would be good I think, and eklipse you need to introduce Redstorm)) "I am good Fallenwind, thank you for asking.The clan is thriving and we are alll healthy, and will soon have three moreapprentices" ((Birdkit, Ravenkit, and Duskkit need mentors, so if you have a suggestion just say it, although I'm guessing Rainfeather would want eiether Birdkit, or Ravenkit))
6:49pm Dec 1 2009
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(((Double post, oopsy East. And thank you. I think that Fallenwind, being deputy and Falconwing will be having kits in the spring but Eaglestar is the leader. So you can choose.)))
Just call me Siri.
7:03pm Dec 1 2009
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Posts: 2,842
((Fallenwind should do eet! I think deputys and leaders should have apprentices, so lieak yeahh....)) Tigerfang spent all day training with Kestrelpaw, and Eaglestar took Patchpaw out hunting. The day was quiet and, to be honest, quite boring. Patrols went smoothly, huntingg patrols brought back lots of food. It was simple to see, the clan was thriving, get over their former leaders death, heailng after the rogue attack, and Echosong leaving. They had a new Medicine Cat and a new apprentice for her, and Silentpaw and Patchpaw were well on their way to becoming good warriors.