3:13pm Sep 12 2010
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3:16pm Sep 12 2010
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Painfullpaw tapped her tail once indicating he ment yes and wobbled a bit as he tried to balance on his sprained paw he was slightly scratched and some might indicate infection if he didn't get looked at. His left eye was closed and he feared to open it.
3:38pm Sep 12 2010
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((What happened to Jadepaw's turkey? *Eyebrow wiggle*))
4:07pm Sep 12 2010
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8:14pm Sep 12 2010
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OoC: I just noticed I have not replied for a while >.> But onto a few larger issues. Something things have come up between my family which are steadily getting worse as time progresses. It's left me to be the adult (though i'm only freakin 16) and am now in charge of a 10 year old sister, trying to keep the family from killing each other (which in the case of one of them thats literal), and other crap. So I have little of a real life, more less time for a internet one. For the next few months (or month depending) I'm taking a break from pretty much everything other then feeding my pets. I'v grown quite attached to this RP, the people, and the cats in it and would like to someday return after things calm down quite a bit. Whoever can take over my characters and play them how they want. Here's all of mine to make it a little less difficult to figure out who's who. Silentheart (Copperfire)* Shadowpaw* - Shadowkeeper Sunflare Scarlethaze Panthergaze* Starpaw* - Starwalker If it's got a astrix (*) beside the name I'd rather him not die, if thats possible. Otherwise you can play then as you want. They can chose a mate, have kits, be named a warrior, whatever. I'm not to picky. The name beside the apprentice is what i'd like their warrior name to be if their created a warrior/medicine cat while i'm gone. It will be another few days before I truly break away from everything, so if you see me around, or I post a small OoC that's why. It's been a lot of fun, and truly the highlight of the past few weeks to get on here and RP, so with that I will take my main leave and hope to come back and start again. Is it just me, or did that sound really sappy >.>

12:03am Sep 13 2010
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OoC: Oh, Stray, I'm sad to hear about this. If you get a chance to come online, I can totally talk with you. I'm willing to listen or give advise. That's must be so hard on you. That's a lot to be put on you, pressure and responsibility. I will pray for you and your family, I hope that something happens for the better for you. I will miss you very much. You were very inspiring to me, and I am sad that you won't be here. I hope that life treats you better enough that you can come back. And you are anything but sappy, I am really sad over here. I almost want to cry, but the hope that you will come back keeps me from it.
Just call me Siri.
2:26pm Sep 13 2010
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((Hopefully your life gets better, Stray. :) I feel bad for you.))
2:29pm Sep 13 2010 (last edited on 2:32pm Sep 13 2010)
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OoC: What is going on. o.o My computer is glitching.
Just call me Siri.
2:35pm Sep 13 2010
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OoC: I talked with Stray so I will be taking over Silentheart. I hope that everyone is ok with that. ::misses Stray already:: Oh, I was wondering if I could also play Starpaw. ::Camp:: Swiftdarkness stretched as he lumbered out of his nest. It had been two moons, nearly three now, since his kits had gone missing. Bare-leaf was hard on their backs. Snow was everywhere and prey was hibernating. This should have made the ebony warrior doubt that his kits were still alive but a spark in his heart told him otherwise. They are strong, they have to be alive. His winter coat wasn’t as thick as other years, but it was buffering a bit of the chilling bite in the air. There was a half frozen mouse in the kill pile. Since the snow had fallen thick upon the ground, the new monsters had retreated to the thunderpath. He hadn’t seen them move in over a moon. Swiftdarkness was more than grateful for that. Sitting before the apprentice den, Swiftdarkness looked at his matted fur with displeasure. He hated to be in such a hideous state, but the clumped fur was better at keeping the cold out. So he left it be. Swiftdarkness felt his stomach cramp with hunger pangs and dreamed of the strange bird Jadepaw had brought in. It had been delicious, but more importantly, it had fed many of the cats. Hoping that he and his apprentice, well mostly his marvelous apprentice, might find some food, Swiftdarkness called out, “Jadepaw, it’s time to wake up!” Swiftdarkness knew that she probably wanted to learn to fight, but with the clan starving he didn’t want to waste any time not hunting. Besides, I don’t have the energy anymore. Waking up, Mistsoul smiled with her eyes closed. She had adapted a motherly affection for Starpaw, and she loved to wake with his warmth tucked under her chin. His wounds were mostly healed, just pink scar tissue remained. Not wanting to wake him, but knowing that if she left now he would awake shivering, Mistsoul just rested there; her thoughts wandered. Suddenly shivers attacked her. Jerking back so that she didn’t disturb Starpaw, Mistsoul quickly got to her paws. Hoping that the cold wouldn’t wake him, Mistsoul left as she reached out to her compainion. What’s wrong, my friend? It’s one of the little ones, the rose one; she fell into a pool of ice water. A deep chill has settled into her bones. Fear for Rosepaw’s life coursed through Mistsoul. She was so close to all of Eaglestar’s kits that if one died, she knew that the feeling in her heart would echo that of a mothers. Sprinting into the deepest part of the medicine cat den, Mistsoul was glad that Nightfall had known well enough to put Rosepaw here. “Rosepaw,” her cooed, “don’t give up. I’m here with you now, and I won’t leave.” Noting Nightfall’s absence, Mistsoul hoped that the medicine cat had gone to get Eaglestar. Curling around the rose apprentice, Mistsoul felt the heat leave her body. So cold, she thought. But it would take much more than a chill to make her leave. Pressing her nose to Rosepaw’s cheek, Mistsoul purred comfortingly. I want kits but to be a medicine cat again would be more than worth losing kits. Tears prickled her honey eyes as she realized the truth. I can’t be anything but what StarClan has made me. A medicine cat. Licking Rosepaw’s cheek to stimulate the blood flow, Mistsoul finally understood what Fernseed had tried to tell her. The clan is your family. They are all your kits, as the thoughts filled her mind Mistsoul felt peace. Though, turmoil was waiting in the background, she knew now what she was. Still rasping lovingly, Mistsoul continued to lick Rosepaw’s cheeks, “Rest will bring you strength, Rosepaw, so sleep. I will be here when you wake.”
Just call me Siri.
2:37pm Sep 13 2010 (last edited on 3:07pm Sep 14 2010)
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Just call me Siri.
3:29pm Sep 13 2010 (last edited on 3:34pm Sep 13 2010)
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403 Access Denied!
You are not allowed here, sorry.
I hate seeing that.
Just call me Siri.
5:44pm Sep 13 2010
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ooc; I know right? Literally, that 403 really makes me angry when that happens. Stray> I am sorry to hear that. I know things can get very tuff in life, and having a computer is the way is tikkin annoying. I really hope that things clear up though. I will be praying for you. and Thank you for giving us that notice. As for your cats, I can take over one or two of em. It is fun playing other people's cats... Just sayin. :D And Siri:: I could play Panthergaze, and maybe Scarlethaze. If no one else would like those characters. bic;; Nightfall scented Painfulpaw, "Oh!" she meowed, just picking up traces of puss. "Well come into my den, and I will help." she meowed, then padded into the medicine cat den, watching her steps. Ahh! Mistsoul come here! she thought, all her herb training seemed to be disappearing now that she was a full medicine cat. Padding into the den she realized that Mistsoul was already there, helping out the dark red apprentice. Something is still wrong with her! I did everything I could... But.... Pain shot into her side as she heard Rosepaw's little white claws shaking the moss around her. "Mistsoul, I don't know what to do!" she hissed, "I.. I can't figure out what is wrong with Rosepaw, even though I a try to warm her nothing is working!" she meowed, panicking, letting out a long frustrated hiss. I don't care if Painfulpaw see's me like this! she thought then paced in circles. "I need help!" she murmured sadly. I have failed to heal Rosepaw, and it mayt have coasted something major! she scolded herself, and padded back to where Mistsoul was. Her black fur standing on end, she kept her face to where the faint breathing of Rosepaw was, Her sky blue eyes saddened. Rosepaw looked up to see Mistsoul, her honey eyes worried. Rosepaw shivered, "hi." she meowed, trying to keep her voice from vibrating in the sight of the framiliar she cat. "I can't......." Rosepaw's crystal colored eyes were wide with shock. "too cold.." Letting out a breath some more cold pain shot into her, "I am sorry.." she meowed, Copperfire might get in trouble for this! It is all my fault! she thought letting her cream spotted rose fur rise for warmth. It did nothing. Rosepaw's quick stab of coldness had caught her off guard, and she felt pain where ever the cold was. Everywhere. StarClan help me! she pleaded. Looking at Nightfall, she noticed the dark medicine cat's eyes were wide with shock. What? Why is she staring at me like this? she wondered, then pulled her thoughts back on track as another cool jolt hit her. ooc; Wow, I just realized that all me characters always get some type of odd, different injury. :/ I don't know if I should keep doing that! xD Too much strange stuff happening with my cats. ......
7:42pm Sep 13 2010
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OoC: I know I said it before in the r-mail Siri, but thanks again (: it's good to know there are nice people in the world. And of course you can play Starpaw, he's actually quite a bit of fun. Eklipse: Thank you so much, it really does mean a lot. I'd be glad to let you play those characters, though Scarlethaze tends to be a bit of a challenge.
8:24pm Sep 13 2010
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OoC; Stray; Can I take over Shadowpaw until you come back? Becase.. I want to play someone/spmething that will remind me of your amazingly awesome beast posts! I just come back and your gone. I will miss you so much!
9:40pm Sep 13 2010
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ooc; Stray: No problem! I love being kind to people, even though I don't technically know them. Lol (But I would love to meet them in real life =) ) >Smiles< xD And I agree, Scarlethaze would be quite a challenge, but I think I could make her work... So, East::> When is Echovoice havin' her kittens? hehe. I don't want to have one. >shrugs< I Have way to much characters! But I believe Stray wanted one... So you should hold one for her! bic;; Rainfeather knew that Eaglestar was under a huge amount of stress, I just want to make sure she is okay, and tell her what has happened. she reminded herself. Calling for a warning before she padded into the den, Rainfeather looked at her leader with glowing Ice blue eyes in the darkness. "I was just curious as to how you were doing...." she meowed, trying not to say the wrong things. "Rosepaw was hunting today," she meowed "Copperfire says she almost caught a chipmunk."she meowed, trying to lighten the leader's behavior, but she knew the story about Rosepaw wouldn't bring joy to Eaglestar. "She didn't catch it, because she slipped on Ice, caught herself up in a rose bush.... then she cracked the ice she was slipping on, and nearly drownded. But she was holding onto a rose branch." Rainfeather finished, "She is doing well now!" she continued, trying to sound joyfull " she is going to see The medicine cats right now." ooc; Reapet for Easteh! =]
11:38pm Sep 13 2010
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Eaglestar did her best to smile at her caring deputy, "Thanks Raineather. I'm glad to know my daughters are doing wll Although I wish Rosepaw was better." Her smile was feeble and her voice was weak, "Have you eaten yet today Rainfeather?" she asked, feeling the intense pain in her stomach she felt all the time because she would refuse to eat. No one could suffer but her, she ould lose lives but the others would be gone for good, "Make sure you do, you have been a great deputy" Like many other blind cats, Larkpaw could see in her dreams,usually the norm, her chasing a butterfly or playing with her sisters, her dream this night were dark and treacherous. Se was running, from what? She didn't know, her pelt was flattened against her back from the wind, her large opal eyes, wide and scared. She ran as fast as her small body and short legs could move her and tried to get away from the dark beast behind her. Awoken by the growl of another cat sleeping, telling her to shut up she walked out of the den and went to visit Rosepaw in the medicine den.
3:20pm Sep 14 2010 (last edited on 3:22pm Sep 14 2010)
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::Journey:: Patchpelt was tired of walking, tired of searching, and tired of hearing nothing from StarClan. Though, the group has traveled far under the guidance of Lilac. Snow started falling about two nights ago, but prey was still out and about. So Patchpelt had to give StarClan credit. We may be tired from travels, but we are well fed. As a matter of fact, the whole group had put on enough weight to actually look like they would all make it through this journey. "Let's rest," Patchpelt mewed, her paws felt heavy and sore. Curling up under a bush, so that she didn't nap in the snow, the calico warrior looked over at Kestrelheart, who had been grumpy lately. Maybe I should take Redpaw back from him, she thought, but Patchpelt knew she wouldn't do it. Even if it was a bit unfair, she had to look after Shadowpaw. If she had to look after both of them, it would be like trying to convince Hawkstar and Lonestar that they were friends. That would never happen, she glumly thought to herself. Closing her emerald eyes, Patchpelt dozed into a fitful dream. I’m dreaming, she thought. The feeling of floating filled her, yet she welcomed it because it must be StarClan telling her something. “Patchpelt,” a familiar voice filler her ears and made her want to cry with longing. Leopardheart, her mind called back. “When the world ends and water begins, keep going. Find what was lost to you. Find it.” He rasped. Leopardheart appeared before her and she longed to rub her cheek against his. Something in the back of her mind called to her, something important, something she should see, but couldn’t remember.
“What was lost?” she called out to him.
Hot white sand was beneath her paws, and Patchpelt jumped in surprise. The taste of salt was in the air and the roaring of strange water filled the air, but she was expecting that now. Patchpelt had dreamed of this place many nights, though with each one it felt more real. “Hurry Patchpelt,” Leopardheart encouraged, “Find what was lost.”
Blinking awake, Patchpelt winced. Rasping with a suddenly dry mouth, she asked to any cat, “Is that sand in my eyes?” OoC: Woot! Her post finally works! I don't know what's different, but whatever. Anyway, I was hoping that another cat might have a dream that also guides them. =)
Just call me Siri.
3:45pm Sep 14 2010
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OoC: Oh, Eklipse, I like it that your cats get hurt, makes them real. Invinsable cats that heal quickly without a single scratch are really bothersome to me, but this has been a really good Role play because I don't see much of that. I know that I happen to do that a bit, but no one is perfect. At least mind are either bad hunters or bad fighters; in Patchpelt's case, both! xD ::Camp:: Mistsoul continued to purr and comfort Rosepaw, and when she spoke Mistsoul wanted to yowl for joy. Thank you, StarClan, she has a chance! The trauma of chills normal renders the cat speechless, so talking was good. Her honey eyes soft, Mistsoul purred, "It's going to be alright. I'm here for you, sleep little rose." Hoping that the nickname from kit-hood would help sooth Rosepaw, Mistsoul continued to groom her. Her own body heat was starting to become steadily warmer, which meant that Rosepaw was sustaining body heat as well, but Mistsoul would stay snuggled just in case. "Nightfall," she meowed calmly, though inside she was worried about the medicine cat's feeling, "don't worry. You are not alone, Fernseed left Gentleheart with you. Scent her out, and tell her that she is needed for Painfulpaw." Rubbing her chin on the crown of Rosepaw's head, Mistsoul purred, "I have this little one under control, but if you can't seem to find Gentleheart, I will help you in any way I can." Hoping that what she said helped calm Nightfall's inner thoughts, Mistsoul hoped that the she-cat didn't take anything too personally. It was stressful to take care of such a large clan. I can understand now why Fernseed left with two fully trained medicine cats to care for the clan. It almost wasn't enough as it was. It's not natural. Mrrowing at her companion, Mistsoul closed her eyes to rest with Rosepaw. Spoken like a true warrior. You haven't the slightest idea how much work we go through as medicine cats. Mistsoul felt Cougarclaw shift uncomfortably because of her thoughtless comment and it made her grin. Don't worry you old she-cat, I don't take much personally. Thank StarClan for that, or I would hve offened you by now. With that true comment, Mistsoul drifted into a light sleep. Although, in the back of her mind, Mistsoul knew that when she awoke, she would have to confront Silentheart; about more than just Rosepaw.
Just call me Siri.
5:18pm Sep 14 2010
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ooc; Siri:> Thanks ! Lol, I will make Rosepaw a uneque one.... that is for sure.......... I have alot of more injuries I want to put my cats through. Just a heads up! xD If anyone needs a unique injury, they should rmail me! :P bic; >>Camp>> Dipped her head Rainfeather meowed, "Thank you Eaglestar." she meowed, then padded out of her den. Her white spotted silver fur was fluffed up trying to sheild her skinny body away from the leaf bare wind. Padding toward the fresh-kill pile, she picked up a mouse and began to tear it in two. It didn't last long. Rainfeather was still craving more, But I couldn't. she reminded herself, padding away from the fresh-kill pile. Poking her pretty head into the warriors den, she called, "Crimsonfang!" Hoping that the scarlet colored cat would answer. I may as well replace the fresh-kill I have eaten! she thought. <<Journey<< Letting out a terrible screech, Brightleaf opened her bright yellow eyes, her claws were unsheathed, and something she had been dreaming she was drowning. Looking around, she slightly relaxed her pale black striped fur. That was terrible! she thought fearing the next time she falls asleep. Looking at her body, there were horrible scratches on her shoulder, "Where did I..." then Brightleaf remembered the battle with the twolegs. "Oh." she meowed, "And how did I get here?" she asked hoping for some cat to answer her. >>Camp>> Rosepaw's crystal eyes began fading, then another chill shot up from her tail to her nose. Feeling startled, she listened to Mistsoul. "It's going to be alright. I'm here for you, sleep little rose." Rosepaw's fur began to lie flat, she let her eyes begin to fade into sleep once more, Mistsoul was warming her slowly. That was what counts. Letting her body heat return steadily to her, she laid her small head onto the moss bedding. Closing her crystal colored eyes slowly, she began to think of her, and Featherkit in the nursery. We used to be friends... she thought, then remembered Larkpaw and Jadepaw, all peacefully sleeping together. Nightfall padded quickly out of the den. "Gentleheart!" she called, Great StarClan! Where could she be? she asked herself, then began to pad around the clearing. "Gentleheart?" she called, "Come to the medicine cat's den!" she finished, hoping that the quiet apprentice could hear her and come to help her. Go back to the den.... Maybe she heard. meowed Nightfang in her head. "Fine.." she meowed in frustration, then padded back into the den. "Mistsoul, she didn't respond.... but she could have heard me.." sitting down she scented Painfulpaw, "Could you wait for a sec?" she meowed to him. ooc; >Claps< I can't wait to read the post about Mistsoul and Silentheart talking to Eachother! It will be so dramatic! xD
6:06pm Sep 14 2010
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::Camp:: When Nightfall came back with news that Gentleheart wasn't around, Mistsoul awoke from her light sleep, and began to worry. Where could she have gone? I thought they were to stay together since Nightfall can't see the wounds, but only smell them. Gazing down at the now slumbering Rosepaw, Mistsoul thought quickly for a moment. "Nightfall," she began, "you should never tell a cat in need to wait, so come here and provide Rosepaw with some heat." Mistsoul knew it was a low blow because Nightfall wasn't the one at fault, she could only do so much, but the thought of a hurting cat having to wait was too much. Leaving Nightfall with the responsibility of warming Rosepaw, Mistsoul then spotted Larkpaw. A loving feeling swelled inside of her, and Mistsoul mewed in greeting. "I'm sure Rosepaw would enjoy your company, she is cold right now, and I would love for you to comfort her," Mistsoul meowed. "It would mean a lot to me if you could curl up with Rosepaw and Nightfall, and Rosepaw too, I'm sure." Touching her pink nose to Larkpaw's, Mistsoul trotted out to see what Painfulpaw needed. At the sight of the ebony apprentice, Mistsoul gasped. He sat so still and silently that she could have mistaken him for a rock, but life was there in his expressive eyes. "Oh, what happened." Mistsoul mewed, but it was a statement because all the cats in the clan knew that this tom didn't speak. Quickly nudging him into the warmer den, Mistsoul went about gathering certain leaves and berries. Filling the silent air with chat, Mistsoul plainly mewed, "Looks like a mild sprain, so you won't be able to train much these next three days." Looking back at his cuts, she added two more days in her mind. His left eye was a main concern for her, but Mistsoul made sure that none of her nerves were noticeable. "I have some celandine for your eye, though it is not weak it may be blurry at the moment." With gentle pressure, Mistsoul applied the mushed up yellow flower petals. After patting on some marigold juice, for the scratches, Mistsoul admitted that it was all she could do for the apprentice. "Stay right there," she mewed sternly. Loping off, Mistsoul found the mouse she had saved for herself and Starpaw. Picking it up she headed back and placed it before Painfulpaw. Going into the herb, leaves, and berries den, Mistsoul came back out with two poppy seeds and a lavender head. Placing them down by the mouse, Mistsoul nudged Painfulpaw over to the empty moss bed, that she and Starpaw had been sleeping in. "You will eat this mouse and those two poppy seeds, then sleep with the lavender under your chin." She informed sternly. Mistsoul knew what she expected of her wounded patients, and that was full respect and compliance. "Now eat and rest." Having meowed what she needed to, Mistsoul licked the ebony apprentice’s ear, and trotted off to find some prey. Nightfall may rest with Rosepaw and Larkpaw, StarClan knows she needs it.
Just call me Siri.