6:08pm Sep 14 2010 (last edited on 5:45pm Sep 15 2010)
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ooc; THREE THOUSANDth PAGE!!! xD I couldn't help myself! And yes, I did edit that(^^) to make it look pretty! =) the 3000th page deserves it!
6:08pm Sep 14 2010
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ooc; Bump?
6:12pm Sep 14 2010
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OoC: Lol Eklipse! This is amazing! ::dances:: Oh, and the Access denied doesn't like Patchpelt's post...again.
Just call me Siri.
6:15pm Sep 14 2010
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ooc; >Stabs access denied with very sharp pencil< GRRR!! That really sucks! Hopefully it will work soon! I will pst later! xD
7:30pm Sep 14 2010
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<<Camp<< Nightfall hung her head, I should have known that! she spat at herself in her mind. Switching positions with Mistsoul, she lay down beside Rosepaw, feeling her cool body against her's. Nightfall's ebony pelt was stinging with emberas.ment, she had been lectured in front of one of her pertinence! Oh yea, You are defiantly a full medicine cat! she thought to herself. Setting her black head on Rosepaw's legs, she almost let her blue eyes close. But I shouldn't rest. she told herself, all the stresses of being a blind medicine cat flooding back to her. Feeling a deep sadness of the secrets no cat knew about her and Poisonheart, she shivered at the fact of a cat like Blackwolf finding out. My secret can never come out! she stated, but Poisonheart didn't even know. A tear ran down her cheek and hit the moss. Wanting to scream to StarClan, Nightfall held in her feelings. I want to let this secret free! she thought to herself, and shifted uncomfortably. Poisonheart would tell all the Clan cats, and Nightfall didn't know if Nightfall would even believe her after that. Being abandoned by her only real sister would be horrible. She felt like hiding her face into the moss under her chin. This secret was tearing at her heart, and soon she would have nothing left but her sadness. "I need to tell someone!" she spat then realized that she had meowed that out loud.... She opened her eyes in shock. Tears ran down her face. "Oh....." she meowed then knew that every cat could have heard that."I am sorry..." she murmured. Not knowing what to do, she turned and bolted out of the medicine cat den. ooc; Just for clarification, Nightfall did not just leave the clan. She didn't. xD
8:01pm Sep 14 2010
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((Oh, you know what, I think she should tell Gentleheart, just cause' that'll 'Help' The bond.))
8:07pm Sep 14 2010
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((Oh, and let's say that Gentleheart came to camp, and she wouldn't tell anyone why she was late. I just can't muster the brainpower to make a post right now. XD))
8:17pm Sep 14 2010
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Nightfang listened to Nightfall. HE noticed she was stressed and he was willing to help her. Does something bother you Nightfall? You should know you can trust me. I'm here don't forget that. He mewed in her head like a father would to his kits if they were stressed and wanted someone to talk to. She was like a daughter to him and he was proud to be able to help her the est he could.
8:26pm Sep 14 2010
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ooc; That would work Fullmoon! xD You should make Gentleheart find Nightfall! xD I am being lazy.
8:45pm Sep 14 2010 (last edited on 8:45pm Sep 14 2010)
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Gentleheart padded over to Nightfall. "Are you okay? Or do you not want to talk about it?" Sher whispered gently.
9:11pm Sep 14 2010
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Larkpaw nosed her way into the medicine den after her brief meeting with Mistsoul, "Rosepaw?" she called lightly, "Rosepaw, its me Larkpaw." The tiny mottled she cat walked in and inhaled deeply, she loved the smell of the medicine den but could never gve up her life as a warrior to be one. Padding over to her sister she ay down beside her and cuddled up close, "I miss you." she said simply, "I see you everyday, but we don't tlak anymore and we never get to play." Her opal eyes filled up with tears as she licked her sisters cheek, "Get better. Because we already lost dad, and we can't lose you or one of our sisters, because we're all mom has. And mom is already sad enough" Her voice was thick with tears, "You can't leave us." Eaglestar lay down in her nearly empty den. The rock floor was barely covered with moss, because it was more important for her warriors to be comfortable then her. They were the ones hunting while she watched over this pitifl excuse for a clan. Her jutting hip bones bruised her and made her sleep rather uncomfortable, so she decided to go to the medicine den for a quick visit. With every step she took she could feel the pain of her bones in her paws, back and sides. "What in the name of StarClan did we do to deserve this?" she asked as quietly as she could. Feeling as frail as ever shelept down from the ledge of her den and didn'tland on her feet. Herpaws slipped as he was bout to jump which caused her to slip and land on her back. She let out a screech of pain as everything faded to black.
9:15pm Sep 14 2010
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ooc; >Hugg's fullmoon's mini post<< I love it! bic; Nightfall sighed at the StarClan cat that was even trying to get answer's from. Later. she Thought firmly to him even though she really wanted to tell some cat. Then all of the sudden a quiet voice sounded behind her. "Are you okay? Or do you not want to talk about it?" Pricking her ears, Nightfall recognized her friend Gentleheart. "Yes," she meowed, "I do want to talk about it...." she meowed, then turned from the darkness witch matched her pelt. Taking a huge breath she faced her friend with courage, Nightfang you better be listening."Gentleheart, Shatteredrose is not my sister." she meowed, "Jayflight and Blackclaw, a TreeClan warrior, are Shatteredrose's parents. Not mine and Poisonheart's." she choked out. Taking another deep breath she meowed, "My real mother is Blackfang, the cat who nearly destroyed all the Clan's with her pack of foxes...." Turning to the shadows, she waved her tail, "Snowdarkness.." she meowed choking out the name, "Is my father............" turning back to Gentleheart shaking, she meowed, "Snowdarkness was a mad medicine cat.... he Killed many of his Clanmates, and also killed Pheonixstar....... Fireclan has a new leader now.... " she meowed, her heart pounding like she was reliving this in real life, "he fed her death berries and............" she let out a long painful hiss. "he killed them for fun....... Both of my parents are murderers.... and dead... and Snowdarkness was also a medicine cat." Facing Gentleheart she spat with tears running down her face, "I am a mistake."
9:26pm Sep 14 2010
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OoC; -shivers- I don't think I'd want to be in this clan, where the leaer falls, screeching loses a life and no one comes to help. lmbo
9:42pm Sep 14 2010
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Rosepaw looked over at Larkpaw, her tiny sister was sad. "I-I won't.." she meowed, then shivered again. Staring at her calico sister with wide Crystal eyes, she meowed, "I couldn't........." she meowed, then snuggled up closer to her. Redstorm had left a painful tear in her heart after his death. "I fell int-to a ice puddle... and almost drowned.." she meowed, brining the subject of her mistake back. "Copperfire saved me.." she meowed with light emotion in her eyes. Still feeling the effects of almost freezing in her body she shut her eyes tightly and curled up more in her moss blanket. Rainfeather's ear's pricked, "Right Crimsonfang can wait." she meowed as she heard her leader's yowl. Spinning around she noticed a white and cream shape in the snow. Rushing to her leader's side she looked down at her. "No." she meowed, "No another life gone...." she meowed, then ran her paw down Eaglestar's arm. "Wake up soon..." she meowed, then pelted to the medicine cat den, skidding to a hault, she meowed to Mistsoul, "Eaglestar has fallen off of Highrock." then she realized both Larkpaw and Rosepaw were in this den. Oh no! she thought in her mind. I would be horified if Pheonixstar died!s she thought then backed out of the den. Running back to Eaglestar's side, she realized that other cat's were beginning to notice. Keeping her ice blue gaze on her leader she hoped she would wake up soon..... For the good of her clan. Rainfeather panicked, as she watched this happen. Eaglestar had to wake up. Knowing that, Rainfeather sat beside her leader, sadness streaming through her young body. This can't be happening! One step closer to me being a leader! shaking away the terrifying thought, she looked up to the sky. "Gathering starts really soon..." Rosepaw's ears pricked, " Nooo..." she meowed, shivering, No Eaglestar! You can't..... she shivered again, "please keep her safe.." meowed Rosepaw her eyes clouded and shed small tears. Her little white paws worked on the moss in front of her as pain shook her. Dread flooded through her as well and she thought I can't have this happen. then she realized that Eaglestar was the leader, But how many lives does she have left?
9:43pm Sep 14 2010
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ooc; WE POSTED AT THE SAME TIME! Yeesh! Look up there is your post! xd Lowle!
9:57pm Sep 14 2010
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ooc; My yelling scarred you guys away.... Oh well!
10:05pm Sep 14 2010
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OoC; -Intense Music-DUDE! -punts guy playing the music- uch better BiC; Eaglestar was surrounded by her former clanmates, Leopardheart, Falconwing, and Fallenwind. "Let me back!" she yowled loudly, but Tigerfang looked at her sadly, "Eaglestar, when you go back you only have 2 more lives. Be careful" The creamy leader turned her crimson eyes on her, "I know" she nearly hissed at the elder before softening her voice, "I know" and she left StarClan. Eaglestar opened her dark eyes and looked at Rainfeather, "Thank you for ebing here." she whispered, "Thank you Rainfeather." before standing up, slowly, but surely. Once she was on all four paws she shook her pelt off and limped the rest of the way to the medicine den,w where she greeted both her kits with rough licks to the head, "How are two of my beautiful daughters today?" and she saw the worriedness in their eyes, Don't worry, I'm fine." She said, more trying to convince herself than her kits.
10:14pm Sep 14 2010
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A tear trickled down Gentleheart's cheek. She ignored it. "You are not them," She said. "Even if you have their blood in you, you are no killer." She nuzzled her blind friend. "I don't think you should tell anyone, because they may... Think differently." She knew this had been a burden to her friend for a while. She was now slightly afraid of him, but she still trusted her.
10:50pm Sep 14 2010
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OOC: Eastie is proud to say that in exactly two months, form this day, this rp will be one year old. I sartted it then not expecting such a great turn out on my first ever rp! Congratulations to all of us who have kept this going! Especially those of you while I was gone, lest try and make it a full year!
8:01am Sep 15 2010
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OoC; El Bumpo