8:29am Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 108
I'd love to join if it's still open for everyone. Desired Name: Petalspirit Position: Warrior Family: Sister/ Darkfire Mate: -open- Crush: N/A Age: (not needed) Additional Info: She has the teensiest bit of a anger management issue. Gender: Female Appearance: Black she-cat with icy blue eyes that always look gentle. also her paws are all white with a tiny stripe of ginger ontop of them. Personality: Very kind and sweet, but don't tick her off. Just don't.
In soviet russia, car drives you :D
12:19pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
yayyy!!!! celebration TIME!
12:20pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((I tink you can join, but you might not be able to keep up. If you don't, sorry.))
2:27pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 2:37pm Sep 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Fullmoon, East said two more months...and be nice! You took a nice long break without telling us, had me worried. Recreater6000, do you have any role playing experience? We are a pretty literate group. We like to have no less than five line posts, per character, yet we understand writers block. ::goes back to read the posts:: Mine will be coming soon! ^.^ If the access denied doesn't hate me some more. EDIT Eklipse, you should edit the 3000th post. You said 300 at the bottom not 3000. I just noticed it xD
Just call me Siri.
2:46pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
::Journey:: Hearing a screech, Patchpelt blinked her emerald eyes repeatedly to get the sand out of them. Jumping up, she hit her head on a low branch, and scampered out of her napping place. Looking around to see what the problem was, the calico warrior soon noticed that it was only Brightleaf, not some two-leg attack. "We are almost out of the forest," Patchpelt mewed. "Lilac has been guiding us." Shuffling her paws, Patchpelt added, "You should thank her, Brightleaf, since she is the one who carried you all this way." Sniffing the wounds on Brightleaf's shoulder, Patchpelt was pleased to scent no infection. Lostfoot does well, she thought.
Just call me Siri.
2:59pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Woot! One hundred and eight words for Patchpelt that didn't get denied! ::had a much larger post that wouldn't go through:: Sorry about that, gals. The Access Denied is making it really difficult for me to post. BiC ::Camp:: When Jadepaw didn't answer him for a long while, Swiftdarkness huffed with impatience. Tail-tip twitching back and forth he decided that when the little apprentice finally awoke, he would give her the worst day of chores any apprentice ever had. The tabby she-cat might be amazing at everything, but her attitude really chaffed Swiftdarkness. Trotting away with a grumpy look, Swiftdarkness instantly sobered when a blood-stopping yowl pierced the camp. Speeding to the source, Swiftdarkness felt sick to his empty stomach. Eaglestar lay at an odd angle on her back, as if she had fallen from HighRocks. But she is so strong, he thought, never would such a mighty warrior fall like that. Rainfeather was there, protecting her leader from too many curious stares. When Rainfeather meowed something of the gathering, he shivered. Will Eaglestar awake for it? he wondered. But his worry seemed pointless when the cream-white she-cat got up suddenly. Eaglestar looked hurt, but she denied any injuries. Walking away with only a little limp, Swiftdarkness had to admire her. "Eaglestar is strong, it must be killing her to see her clan suffer like this." Swiftdarkness meowed to Rainfeather. Looking at the large, same size as he was, she-cat, the ebony warrior meowed, "See if you can get her to eat something. Every cat in the clan has eaten a small amout of prey, it is her turn." Turn. The thought of taking turns eating prey would have been laughable only six moons ago, but now it was their life. "I hope this doesn't last long, or I won't be able to survive." He knew he would though, for his kits. He was all they had left. So he would survive at all costs.
Just call me Siri.
3:45pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Here's an idea, copy your post befor you post it, so it doesn't get erased.))
3:46pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 3:46pm Sep 15 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((What, what did Jadepaw's mentor say to her? I didn't see the post, Siri.))
4:05pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 4:08pm Sep 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: It was on page 150. I'll repost the only part you want to see, since yeah. I don't know. BiC Swiftdarkness called out, “Jadepaw, it’s time to wake up!” Edit: OoC: Oh, Fullmoon, I do have them copied. On a Word Document, but I don't see the point anymore since I can't post them anyway. =/ If I'm the only one that can read them, it's no fun. Though, I keep getting the feeling that I shouldn't post so large...seems as though I'm the only one that likes to do it and read a lot. I'll be trying to cut back on my posts from now on.
Just call me Siri.
4:21pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 4:37pm Sep 15 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh no, I love your jinoumgus posts!))
4:25pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Fullmoon, ok. I just wasn't sure because a lot of the times it seems as though you didn't even read them because Jadepaw goes off and does something random. Then I'm just confused, but I tend to go with the flow anyway. Still, I'll see about making them smaller...::goes back to making Silentheart's and Starpaw's bios::
Just call me Siri.
4:37pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh, I'm sorry for a random question, but where would I post a thread about asking people to donate? (To get to a certain goal of money for a certain thing))
5:25pm Sep 15 2010 (last edited on 5:27pm Sep 15 2010)
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The Basics: Name: Silentkit (Silentpaw) {Silentheart} -Copperfire- Age: 24 moons Position: Warrior Gender: Tom Birthplace: IceClan? Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Icy, bright blue Coat Color: Off-hued red with slightly darker tabby stripes Scars: Minor Distinguishing Features: -to come- -link coming- The Personality: Loves: His clan Likes: Solitude, thinking, keeping to himself Dislikes: Cheetahwind, opening up, being helpless Secret(s): I have come back from StarClan as Copperfire when I am really Silentheart. Weaknesses: Jealousy, bird hunting Strengths: Fierce, protective, cunning, fighting Pet Peeves: Anything to do with Cheetahwind. The Other: Scent: Pine needles; sharp and musky Crush: Mistsoul, Patchpelt Family: Deceased; mother, Shimmerpool; uncle, Fallenwind; adopted mother, Falconwing. Mate: N/A Offspring: Nope. Additional Information: Silentheart is a more in-depth character then many, always thinking about things (mostly negative might I add), pondering of the future, worried about others, and also worried for himself. He is a very self-loathing cat, blaming himself for any mistakes if he present, hasting himself if he accidentally says the wrong thing to another, or just down right believing he is not good enough to be part of the clan. He sees the bad side of everything rather then the good side, making him more depressed then he lets on to be. Actually Silentheart is a very depressed cat, always down about everything, and believes the worst about everything. That’s one of the reasons he refuses to be very sociable. Of his social skills, his temper always seems to be what most cats see about him, all of the other clan cats seeing a cold, aggressive, loner. It's all an act. Silentheart actually is a sweet cat at heart, though he plays it off. He would die to help his clan mates, any of them, or would rip off a paw in the place of another. If you can catch him in a good mood he can be funny and gentle, smiling slightly even. But only around friends. He also has a jealousy issue, and does not mind to play upon it and tell of another cat when they get to close to what's his (aka why he hates Cheetahwind). All-in-all Silentheart is a bit of a cold cat, showing his caring side rarely or only around certain cats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Basics: Name: Luoke (Starpaw) {Starwalker} Age: 13 moons Position: Apprentice Gender: Tome Birthplace: Unknown Residence: IceClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Vibrant, clear blue Coat Color: Silver-white Scars: None, but has missing patches of fur. Distinguishing Features: Skeletal figure, emaciated -link coming- The Personality: Loves: Intellectual conversations, Likes: IceClan, learning from the medicine cats, helping others with their problems Dislikes: The looks he gets for his size and weight, Secret(s): I don’t think I will make it to my warrior ceremony… Weaknesses: Brittle bones, weak body, fighting, defending Strengths: Intelligence, hunting, quick learner Pet Peeves: Has yet to find one. The Other: Scent: Dew and mint; fresh yet fragile. Crush: -Open- Family: Adopted father, Panthergaze -Alcarié- Deceased, mother. Mate: N/A Offspring: No, no, no! Additional Information: Starpaw's mind works in mysterious ways. For as cat as young as himself if is extremely smart in the ways of the world, always willing to give advice about mates, or arguments, or is fine with being an ear to talk to. He is not sure how or why he is as smart as he is, but says it's because he was alone with Panthergaze for a long while and grew up having to learn. But inside Starpaw is extremely uncertain of himself, not knowing fully where he fits in or even if he can handle being a warrior. Due to his tiny size and little to no physical strength he knows full well that he'll pretty much never be able to be a full warrior and fears in his heart he will be forced to become an elder at his young age. He also tends to be vain about his appearance, though he does not show it. He worried about what others whisper behind his back about his and his emaciated size. Also Starpaw is petrified to fight, always seeing the face of the fox that slaughtered his family instead of an enemy warrior. But due to his intellectual smartness, though, he enjoys watching Mistsoul and Nightfall work, he always enjoys being able to learn new things. OoC: So, there is Silentheart and Starpaw. ^.^ Now I feel like I know them enough to post in them! ::goes to create their posts::
Just call me Siri.
5:31pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh, um wow. O_O Nice. XD))
5:44pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; This Roleplay is Amazing! Just had to do that! I Love my rainbows. It makes me feel nice! xD Siri:: 0-0. You are so Right I will do that! xD bic;; <<Journey<< Brightleaf looked at Lilac, "Thank you," she meowed, "Was it hard carrying me?" she asked, I hope I wasn't that much of a big deal to move. she thought then got up, winced from the scratches on her shoulders, which were plastered with herbs, and sat down. Looking around the group of Cats she meowed, "How do you think the Clan is doing.... Back home?" she asked, Looking around, scanning each cat's face. "I really hope we can find a new home soon before they get destroyed..." she murmured, not really wanting to create to much of a sad subject for the group of joureying cats that have traveled so much. Feeling a desperate worry for the cats back at her home, she shivered. >>Camp>> Rainfeather watched in distress as her leader walked on toward the medicine cat den. "Okay..." she meowed, Turning her head away from the sight of Eaglestar in pain, she sat down where Eaglestar had fallen, looking at her white paws. How much longer will we go on like this? she asked herself silently. Waiting for something else horrible to happen Rainfeather remembered that the missing cats that were on a journey, that only she knew about. They will find us a new home! she thought confidence flooding through her, she knew they would. But the only question nagging at her was, "How long will we last?" she murmured. Wishing that she could tell time like StarClan, she decided that that would be much much easier. Knowing the future would be valuable, but it would consume cat's minds for what would happen.... Thinking otherwise, Rainfeather padded to the outside of the leader's den, just so she could be hidden in the shade of the high rock and watch the Remaining Clan cats at the same time. Her ice blue eyes were dulled as she watched how slowly her Clanmates moved.... Listening around her, she seemed to notice how grumpy most of them were getting. Tipping her head to the side she got up, flicked the while clumped snow off her fur and padded to the warriors den. Padding inside, she scented Crimsonfang. Padding up to the ginger tom, she prodded his side. "Wake up!" she hissed, "I will be waiting for you outside, I want to hunt.." she meowed, then padded out, trying not to Wake Thistlestorm. Looking into the medicine cat den, she seen Eaglestar with her kits. "Eaglestar..?" she meowed, "May I be excused for hunting?" she asked, feeling as if she needed to get out of this camp. "I would go with Crimsonfang.. If that is alright." she meowed, sitting down in front of the den. Rosepaw looked up at Eaglestar, her crystal colored eyes wide. "Hi Eaglestar!"she meowed, exited that her mother woke up. "I-i...." she paused, wondering if her mother knew why she was in the medicine cat den. "I was so w-worried.." she meowed, scarred at the fact her mother just lost a life. "I hadn't known if you would wake up.." she continued, shivering. Excitement pierced her as she looked up at her Cream and white mother. Looking into her Crimson eyes, she saw comfort... But she knew that was not what Eaglestar was feeling. Nightfall knew that other cats would think differently about her if the secret was revealed. "But Poisonheart doesn't know.... And she would do just that," she meowed, facing Gentleheart. "Poisonheart would spread it around the camp." she meowed ashamed at not telling her sister about there birth. "Please don't tell anyone!" she meowed her voice cracking. Her black fur was ruffled, and she shook her head feeling lost. "M-my father killed Rainfeather's mother.. If Rainfeather became leader, and found out about my birth she would banish me!" Feeling horrible Nightfall hung her head again. I wish I could cry out all my problems. she thought wanting to cuff her parents upside the head. "It seems so cruel that Poisonheart doesn't know though.." Letting her shoulders droop, she wanted no cat to know about this... But the pain inside her was destroying her.my Birth was a mistake! she thought and looked up at the sky, which she couldn't see. "I don't know what to do," she meowed, as she motioned up, "I wish I did.."
5:45pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; If That was another post I would die. xD
6:57pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Bump!
7:59pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Siri:> Do You mind if I copy you with that and put my Bio's like that as well? I love how you set that up! =] bic; Featherpaw padded back to camp with a rather large crow in her mouth. Keeping the bird high, she padded around the soft snow to find the fresh-kill pile. Dropping her bird on the pile, she padded around to the apprentice's and began groom her beige fur. It was ruffled after the battle practice that she had with Blackwolf. Something.... different about him. she though as she licked her white chest. ooc; Epic fail.
8:12pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Bump
9:43pm Sep 15 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; What other characters of Stray's does she have that aren't being played? Because if there's another one, I'd gladly take over it. Kestrelheart stretched while still laying nder the small hazel bush. He's had a nap and since been feeling less grumpy. Padding over to Patchpelt he mewed, "Sorry for how grumpy I was. Forgive me?" The light that had been missing for so long was back, gleamigng in his amber eyes. Eaglestar looked at her two kits and lay down in the nest beside them, pulling them both up to her chest and breathing in their differnt scents. Rosepaw, much like that of her grandmother, Eaglestar's mother, the great Rosestar after whom she was named. She was sweet and flowery smelling with a hint of muskiness. Larkpaw on the other hand smelled wildly sweet, like cloves and honey. "Don't you ever worry about me" she purred, "I'll be fine" she licked both ears on both her kits, before walking over to Nightfall. Larkpaw purred as her mtoher and sister were curled up against her, "But momma, no matter what you say, I will worry. All four of us will, because we love you and we don't want the same thing that happened to daddy to happen to you." Tears slipped out from her crystal like eyes, she knew something was wrong with her mother, "Eat momma, eat so you don't die" her pink nose quivered and more tears rolled down her cheeks and landed softly by her paws.