9:44pm Sep 15 2010
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OoC; Also, Recreeter, feel free to join if you can catch up! Its always open for new people but they often leave right away, so if you feel brave enough to push in, go ahead!
9:52pm Sep 15 2010
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OoC: Eklipse, sure! Go right on ahead~
Just call me Siri.
9:52pm Sep 15 2010
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2:18pm Sep 16 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimsonang got up and purred. "Ok let's go hunting." he mewed as he got up and stretched with a big yawn. Padding towards the entrance he waited and sat down for Rainfeather. Painfullpaw sat down and shook a bit. Sitting down he waited for Nightfall or Gentleheart. Though he was really hoping for Nightfall. He knew Nightfall a bit more then Gentleheart. Snowkit padded towards Mistsoul and watched. "Can I help?" he asked his tail in the air in greeting.
4:52pm Sep 16 2010
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5:56pm Sep 16 2010
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ooc; That made my day east! 'Eat so you don'tt die.' Wowo... And Uh The gathering...? It starts in like.... soon? bic; <<Camp>> Emeraldrain looked at Snowkit, "NO!" she hissed in alarm, "That would be horrible if one of the herbs hurt you or if you eat it!" she lectured, "No helping the medicine cats." she meowed sternly, then looked up close to him, her green eyes slightly wild. "No." she repeated, "Remember what the Raven did? Don't hurt yourself." she continued, "You can go outside and Play with Cardinalpaw," she meowed, "He looks as if he is dyeing for something to do." Turning her head to sweep up her other kits, she looked at Duskkit who made an angry screech. "Can I come?" he pleaded. Emeraldrain glared at him. "No," she meowed, "But I really want to-" Emeraldrain cut him off "No means no." she meowed, then began licking his fur, along with Sunkit's. Rosepaw looked at Eaglestar, wishing she could sound so inisent as her sister, she just sat there waiting for her mother to reply. Her cream spotted dark red fur was on end as she listened to the things happening around her. Rosepaw felt like a dried leaf, there, but not there... in the shadows and blown away easily. Next time I hunt I will be careful. Rainfeather dipped her head to Eaglestar and padded outside the den. Her long legs ached from stiffness as she walked, "Come on," she meowed to Crimsonfang. "We'd better get going before the Gathering.. It starts soon." Hoping to be back before the gathering, a slight chill ran down Rainfeather's spine... making her feel uneasy about the gathering. Something is not right.. she thought as they padded through the IceClan territory, "Lets hunt by the FireClan border." she meowed as she padded beside Crimsonfang, keeping her Ice blue eyes open and her ears straining to hear every twig that snapped, every leave that rustled... Nightfall padded back to camp, worried about the thought of some cat ((*calff Blackwoulf..Cauff*))hearing her secret and revealing it. Relaxing, she padded into the Medicine cat den. Afraid to show herself after the startling yowl she made. Padding up to where she scented Eaglestar was standing, she asked, "Am I needed now?" she whispered.
6:07pm Sep 16 2010
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Hearing what Larkpaw said Ealgestar qiuckly whispered to her two kitss, "I will." with that a tear rolled down her cheek and she said to Nightfall, "I need strengthening herbs and something for this."She nosed a nick on her shoulder blade from her fall. Larkpaw nodded at her mother and whispered to her sister, "When you're out of here, we need to talk to Jadepaw and Featherpaw and do something for mom. She's too weak" Finishing her speech she curled herself around her sister and closed her eyes for sleep, aprciating the warmth of Rosepaw beside her.
6:14pm Sep 16 2010
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Sunkit wiggled out of her mum's toungue, and raed out of the nursery. "Wow.." She blinked. Camp was so.. big! She saw tons of cats, and some of them were big enough to be lions! Her gaze rested on a cat bigger than the rest, that had came over to her. She squeaked, afraid of the big cat in front of her. Cheetahwind smiled at the kit. "Shouldn't you be inside the nursery, little Sunkit?" Sunkit curled into a ball. "Y-yes bigcat!" She raced, tail-tucked down into the nursery. She slammed into her mother's belly, and stared up at her face. She realized she was in big trouble. "Hi..." She whispered.
6:33pm Sep 16 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit made a little sad annoyed face. "Moooooooooooom. I just wanted to heeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllp." he wined obviously not happy. ((Fail post cause BLECH I'm not feeling well and my brain is dead.))
11:26pm Sep 16 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I'm practicing my short posts, but it's not working so well. I'll just give a bump until the Gathering. =/
Just call me Siri.
5:14pm Sep 17 2010
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5:15pm Sep 17 2010
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ooc; Well that is that. The computer hates me. It ate both of my posts. But Nightfall successfully got Eaglestar's disconected shoulder back in xD
5:21pm Sep 17 2010
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((Gentleheart told Eaglestar to stay off her shoulder for at least two days.))
12:20am Sep 18 2010
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ooc; Oh... well, That is me not paying attention again. bic; "Snowkit, go outside and do Something." Emeraldrain insisted. Then turned to Sunkit, "Okay, " she meowed, "Listen, both of you." looking both kits in the eyes she meowed, "I do not want to tell you this again, but Snowkit, your brother, got attacked by a raven when he went outside the nursery, not to long ago." She meowed, "Ravens are huge big black birds. You are there prey, not the other way around." Emeraldrain lectured, "So you will go outside of this very den when I say you can. In once quarter moon from now." Looking at Duskkit he looked spooked as if the raven had appeared behind Emeraldrain. The little white and light ginger tom crept near to her, stunned. "Right," she meowed, Now you just gave them night mares! she thought wishing she hadn't told them that. Shaking her head she rested it on the moss, keeping her green gaze toward the entrance of the den where she hoped Raveneyes would arrive.
12:22am Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Sorry about the fail post. I am frustrated right now....... you can tell in Emeraldrain's behavior. That is one of my problems. However my character's act, that is how I am feeling. But, most of the time the sadness feelings are not what I am feeling. xD
1:39am Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: I know what you mean, Eklipse. My characters are parts of myself. They each take something from me, and I get so emotional when writing about them because it is stuff that I am often working out. Though, Mistsoul is unique in the fact that she is just herself. Patchpelt is centered off of me, so if you like her, well, you would like me! xD
Just call me Siri.
12:30pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Siri:> Rainfeather is basically my main Character. She was made as my Warrior fursona, and mainly however she handles things is how I would handle things. xD But Yes, each of my characters play a certain segment of emotion that I am like, just like your characters!... if That makes any sense.... :P I really hope you get Patchpelt's posts working again... I think that could be reported as a glitch...? I don't know. I just really want to read one of your posts. bic; Rosepaw let out a frustrated hiss. "Featherpaw would not come." she meowed, "not even if I was for Eaglestar. She is just like that." Thinking of her sister made her frustrated. "Featherpaw will fight you every step of the way..." she continued, "But if you really want to do this I an help." she meowed, then turned her crystal gaze to her sister, she lightly set her tail on her calico shoulder. The effects of the ice water she had fallen into was slowly, but surely wearing off. Fluffing up her dark red fur she lay her head on her white paws, then flicked her black ears when she seen Featherpaw crossing through the camp entrance. Feeling a cold fire burning inside of her, she knew that her sister had just came back from battle practice. She had a shallow cut on her arm that was slowly leaking out blood. Then she realized that she was walking toward the medicine cat den. Oh great. Rosepaw thought, "Featherpaw's coming.." she murmured to Larkpaw and turned away from her, and closed her eyes. "I need something for this cut." Featherpaw meowed, her voice scratchy and worn. Rosepaw was beginning to wonder if ignoring her sister was the best thing that she could be doing, but she didn't question. "Blackwolf wanted me to check it out, it doesn't hurt though." Featherpaw meowed. But Rosepaw opened her eyes, and could tell it stung her sister, and she was in pain from it. Not daring to say anything, she looked into Featherpaw's crimson eyes and seen a challenge once she got eye contact with her. Then Featherpaw quickly turned her head and kept her gaze on Mistsoul.
12:46pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 108
Petalspirit walked outside of the Warriors Den, drinking in the scent of crisp daylight. She stopped and let the sun run through her pelt, warmth flooding her body. She shivered at the sensation. She walked over to the fresh kill pile, and pawed her way through it, knocking over a couple mice and raven. she made sure they stayed on the pile though. She finally found a little sparrow, perfect for her appetite. She sat down and cut into the bird, and started eating.
In soviet russia, car drives you :D
3:59pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 108
OoC: Hmmm... no comment guys? oh well... count this as a bump.
In soviet russia, car drives you :D
6:09pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Literate! That is my comment! xD bic; Thistlestorm padded toward Petalspirit, "Can I eat with you?" he asked as he dropped his scrawny rabbit down to the snow covered ground. Lying down, he gave his dark grey leopard spotted fur a couple of licks. Turning his bright neon gaze to her he meowed, "How has your day been?" I don't know what to say! he thought as he turned back to his fresh-kill. (( Wow That was my worst post in a loooong time xD ))