7:03pm Sep 18 2010
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Ok ok gonna get my butt in order and try making a good post. )) Snowkit padded out of the nursery and went around the camp. Lost in thoughts. I don't understand. I just wanted to help. I wouldn't touch anything bad. She didn't have to be like that. I thought she'd be proud of me. And whats wore is she's making me sound like a weakling to my younger litter mates. The snap brought him out of his thoughts. Looking down he noticed he was in the forest. Looking about he knew the scenery was different from when he padded into the camp. I must of taken a secret exit or something. He thought and padded through the forest a bit more. Thats when a wild thought had poped up. I'll prove I'm strong. I'll do something so amazing no one will think I'm week. Padding a bit more he heard the scuttling of a small creature. Looking about he noticed it was from the fern boosh not far away. Getting low to the ground he tried his best to sneak up on the small creature. Glaring he wobbled a bit and thrusted himself at the fern bush. The creaturwe noticed before hand though and booked it. Snowkit gave chase and padded after it. Using the environment to his advantage and pounced lading on the small creature biting it roughly. Without noticing how he did it he purred in triumph and padded back to camp. Eaglestar will be so surprised. I can't wait to get back. When the young tyom came back he raced trowards Eaglestars den and purred in excitement. Putting the mouse down he meowed. "Eaglestar are you there? Eaglestar may I come in?" he asked and waited for an awnser. ((HAHAHA!! Is that a good post? o3o??))
7:03pm Sep 18 2010
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8:38pm Sep 18 2010
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"Sure?" said Eaglestar hesitantly, "But hurry, the clan is leaving soon" OoC; East had an amazing aftenoon at Electro's with her and eklipse. It was intereesting. :3 And Recrater, just an FYOI the clan is starving
10:35pm Sep 18 2010
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Snowkit picked up his mouse and padded into the den. "Look Eaglestar I caught a mouse. Was I helpful? Did I do well?" he asked obviously not taking in admitting he was out of the camp a moon too early would mean trouble for him.
11:02pm Sep 18 2010
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OoC: Recrater, you have a nice flow to your words. Nice post. ^.^ Electro, I loved the big post, it was perfect. Snowkit is old enough to become an apprentice now, right? ::Journey:: -time laspe, just a bit- After the group had traveled a bit into the evening, Redpaw thought that they had actually made some ground. The soil beneath his paws was no longer deep-brown dirt but a light brown mixed with cream sand. The usually dense trees were becoming more spaced, but still thick enough to call a forest. Snow coated the ground in patches, which he tried to avoid at all costs. So cold and tired, he thought. And confused. All he wanted to do was bl ink himself back to the suffering camp. At least there, he could supress the emotions that were now a.ssaulting him with a vengeance, and rest in the warm, cozy apprentice den. Well, I would have to deal with my mouse brained kit brother and sister, though. Glancing over at Shadowpaw, Redpaw glowered. Maybe his kin wouldn't be that bad compared to the arrogant, ebony apprentice. When Patchpelt curled up under a bush that looked surprisingly comfortable, warm, and safe, Redpaw felt himself long to cuddle up next to her and ignore Shadowpaw. Redpaw felt bad for what he said before, he had been rude and uncalled for. Redpaw knew that Shadowpaw could be a great friend, but Shadowpaw's nature was just too similar to his for them to be friends. Pssh! Friends? What would I ever do with one of those? Though, deep in his heart, Redpaw knew he was fighting a losing battle. With a snarl Redpaw glared at Shadowpaw and spat at him for no reason other than his thoughts. Head held high, the ginger apprentice stalked away. His umber eyes glanced at Kestrelheart but Redpaw had lost interest in the tom warrior when Kestrelheart had first complained about watching over him. Scrathing at the snow covered sand, Redpaw aimed a pawful at the warrior, and flung some his way. "Opps," he sneered, "did I get you? I wouldn't want to make your trip uncomfortable." Redpaw barely kept from lunging at Littlepaw too, but decided it wasn't worth the effort. Pinning his little ginger ears to his skull, he sulked away from the group to nest in a lonely clump of bracken ferns. Tucking his nose under his thick, fluffy tail Redpaw closed his eyes. His thoughts in turmoil he wondered, why am I so mean?
Just call me Siri.
11:05pm Sep 18 2010
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"Snowkit!" Eaglestar mewed happily, "You caught a mouse?" Her crimson eyed glowed at how proud he was, "That's waonderful, but why did you leave the camp? You know you're not supposed to do that until you are an apprentice."
11:11pm Sep 18 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit eyes jolted wide as he had remembered he broke a rule. "U-ummm I was walking around camp at one point and then I found I was out of the camp. I guess I got lost in my thouights to notice I broke a rule. I'm sorry." he mewed his head down in embarrasment. Shuffling his paws a bit he waited for a punishment for he new he might get one. "I-I should of known where I was and headed back. I guess I wanted to prove I was strong even though I'm so small." he admitted he was a bit nervous now hoping he didn't get too big of a punishment. "I-I'm so sorry Eaglestar." he mewed again sad at his misdoing. ((Siri: Snowkit is 5 moons old but he's mistaken for a new born. Yes that small.))
11:12pm Sep 18 2010
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::Journey:: With a sigh, Patchpelt looked at Shadowpaw then Kestrelheart. Why does Redpaw have to choose them? she wondered. It was hard enough for them to leave behind the clan, but to have Redpaw yowl at them every chance he has, it was impossible. StarClan, please don't make me question you...not again. The first time she had fallen from StarClan had been horrible, but sometimes StarClan just felt so cold, distant, and unforgiving; always taking and never giving. Just give me some hope, tell me something. With a great sign, Patchpelt didn't know why she was surprised when no cat answered her silent prayer for help. They seemed to be too busy lately. Getting to her paws, Patchpelt wondered if she would ever feel happy again. She hadn't felt like her normal self of late. Bitter, mean, and snappy was all the seemed to come from her when all she wanted was to be energetic and happy again. When did this start? Drawing closer to Kestrelheart, she hesitated. "Don't be angry at him," she mewed softly. "He..." Didn't mean to? It sure looked like he enjoyed it. With a harsh stare in the direction that Redpaw had retreated, Patchpelt rasped, "Have you had another dream, since we've began?" Leaning forward, Patchpelt licked a spot on the tom's shoulder where snow for Redpaw's attack had begun to melt. Her emerald eyes were weary, but she would hold strong. Patchpelt had to or else everything would fall apart. I feel like we are so close, but it could be so far.
Just call me Siri.
11:14pm Sep 18 2010
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OoC: Electro, he sounds so cute. ::huggles Snowkit:: ^3^
Just call me Siri.
11:16pm Sep 18 2010
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OoC; -Im confused. She's talking to Kestrelheart right? And she licked him? -fail!- I had a ad ending to good day, rather, a great day.
11:37pm Sep 18 2010
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Lostfoot padded at the back of the group his attitude calm and quiet though the red apprentice was pulling his strings a bit too much. The apprentice surely was ticking him off and he didn't like the toms attitude. But in all he kept to himself.
11:44pm Sep 18 2010
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OoC: East, yeah. I'm sorry for being confusing. Patchpelt was just licking a bit of snow off his shoulder after asking him if he's had a dream. >.< I'm sorry to hear about that, East.
Just call me Siri.
11:48pm Sep 18 2010
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K well seeings as I hardly play Goldwing I'm making another character in her place. Desired Name: Snowpaw Position: Apprentice in Caveclan Family: Caveshadow (Mother) and father is unknown. Mate: nope Crush: Cardinalpaw Age: (not needed) around 7 moons. Additional Info Gender: she cat Appearance: http://zombiekitty3.deviantart.com/art/I-thought-I-knew-you-132641125 the calico. Not the red kitty. Picture is old. Personality: Sweet calm and respectful. But she is seen as a headstrong cat with a fierce attitude in battle. But truthfully it's a mask so she isn't hurt by Hawkstar. He makes her very nervouse.
10:04am Sep 19 2010
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ooc; Posting now... bic; <<Journeying << Brightleaf gave a sharp glare at Redpaw, What is his problem? she wondered as she quickened her pace to get away from the rude apprentice. Closing her eyes she felt the darkness seep into her fur, letting everything disappear ...... "Brightleaf!" The hiss sounded from behind her, "Brightleaf!" It was a familiar voice, yet one she hasn't heard for moons... Turning she seen a powerful red tom cat with a white tail and piercing green eyes. "Redstorm!" she meowed, recognizing Eaglestar's mate, "Why are you -" Redstorm quickly cut her off, "The land waiting to be found is two 4 sunrises close, but beware or the dangers from the sky, and below..." he murmured then padded around Brightleaf, star-filled fur beginning to vanish into the distance of the stars........." Redstorm! What do you mean!?" Yowled Brightleaf, but Redstorm was gone.... Opening her eyes, Brightleaf realized that she had just had a dream from StarClan, about the journey! Feeling happy, she padded over to Patchpelt, then wondered, Would the dream be important enough? she shook her head, Not till I figure out what it means. Redstorm's words hung in her head and she couldn't seem to escape them. Feeling trapped she wondered why she got the dream and not one of the other cats...? >>Camp>> Nightfall looked at Eaglestar's shoulder, feeling the separation, she meowed, "I can fix it so it will hurt less for the gathering." Swinging swiftly around to the fragrant herb den, she grabbed a few selected herbs and set them in front of Eaglestar. "Okay eat these, and..." remembering something, Nightfall turned to the herb den once more, "I will be right back," she meowed, then padded into the herb den, feeling gently around for the soft bark of the stick she was looking for. Feeling a soft prick in her pad she grabbed the stick, and gave it to Eaglestar. "Bite down on this.." she meowed, feeling under pressure. Please StarClan let me execute this perfectly! Once she heard Eaglestar Bite down on the stick, she positioned herself to Eaglestar's shoulder, "This will hurt, but that stick will help." she meowed, remembering that Emeraldrain had used that exact on for her kitting. Pushing in as hard as she could, the normal snap didn't happen. "I am sorry Eaglestar, " she meowed once an Idea shot to her head, "I am going to have to use my jaws to do this." Positioning herself once more she gave a hard push, and a sharp click shot through the air. Nightfall wanted to jump up and down like an exited kit, but she held back. "Wow," she meowed, "I did it! " Then she padded up to Eaglestar, "Rest till the gathering, then there should be allot less pain." she re*censored*ured her, happy she didn't mess up Eaglestar's shoulder. Rainfeather padded into the camp with a tiny mouse after the hunt with Crimsonfang, dropping it on the fresh-kill pile she padded over to Eaglestar, "Who do you think will be coming to the gathering?" she asked, her Silver fur fluffed up from stress. "I could announce it if you want.." she meowed, keeping her icy gaze on Eaglestar.
6:13pm Sep 19 2010
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ooc; Bump!
10:05pm Sep 19 2010
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11:56pm Sep 19 2010 (last edited on 10:41am Sep 20 2010)
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::Camp:: Head hanging low, Swiftdarkness glumly entered camp. He had caught no prey on his solo hunt. The forest had been eerily silent and the stream had the starting of ice at the edges, making it impossible for him to try for a fish. Though I don't know how to catch them on a good day, he thought. Looking at the medicine cat den, Swiftdarkness felt guilty for not being able to provide for his leader. Eaglestar, once strong and beautiful, was withering away to nothing. It was disheartening to see, but he knew she felt the pain even more so because she had to watch the whole clan slowly die. StarClan, Falconwing, please give us a sign. We need peace! he prayed as he padded to the medicine den, hoping to lighten Eaglestar's mood. "Look what the warriors brought in," he rasped in a deep, soothing meow, "some fine looking she-cats." Winking at Mistsoul who playfully wrinkled her nose, Swiftdarkness looked to Eaglestar. Her once glossy, cream-white coat an envy was now dull and matted. "Eaglestar, I would stay and protect the clan, if you would like, or go and guard you at the Gathering. Whatever you please, " he meowed. Looking up, Swiftdarkness gazed at Rainfeather. Strong and willful, he was proud to have her as deputy. "I will help spread word of who is to come, as well, when you *choose." Swiftdarkness wanted to suggest some warriors and apprentices, but that would be rude to Eaglestar and Rainfeathers authority. Instead, he kept his thought to himself. Their choices would be wise as always, anyway. He was sure of it. But there is Emeraldrain and her kits to guard as well as Echovoice, he thought and hoped that they remembered them too. OoC: * = Edit. I always mix chose and choose up. x3
Just call me Siri.
4:48pm Sep 20 2010
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Snowkit padded towards the nursery and overheard Swiftdarkness. Rushing in he purred and mewed. "I can protect them! I'm strong! I'm not weak or anything. I'm willing to gaurd them!" he mewed and purred excitedly. "Please~ please oh please oh please let me gaurd the nursery please~~~~!" tail up and a bit fluffed he purred hoping they would allow him to do so. "Eaglestar you know I caught that mouse today and I'm not even an apprenice yet. Maybe I can do this as well. I know I'm small but I'm not weak!" he pleaded wanting to prove he was strong more then anything.
4:59pm Sep 20 2010
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ooc; :P I am not sure....... Should we skip to the gathering East...?
6:16pm Sep 20 2010
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ooc; BUmp