6:49pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC: Please no skippy... D= I wanna go to a Gathering...we haven't had one in a long time. ::giggles at Snowkit:: So cute! <3 BiC ::Camp:: Looking at Snowkit, Swiftdarkness wondered if he grew white hairs on his black pelt at the thought of a kit, Snowkit for that matter, guarding the precious nursery. No larger than a newborn, the ebony warrior doubted Snowkit could do much in a fight, and the remembrance of the raven almost getting Snowkit was still fresh in his mind. His shoulder often ached because of the injury he sustained in rescuing the kit. As gently as he could Swiftdarkness meowed, "No, Snowkit. You can't guard the nursery." He purposely put an emficis on the kit when he spoke. "Though, I'm sure that you siblings would love to play. Why don't you go shuffle some moss with them?" Swiftdarkness knew that it was cold to dishearten Snowkit like that, but he couldn't let him get away with any of those ideas. I can't believe Eaglestar didn't punish him to the nursery for straying from camp. We need prey, but not at the cost of our kits. Shaking his head with his sapphire eyes close, Swiftdarkness hoped that this famine wouldn't last much longer. The clan couldn't go on like this. OoC: I have something I want to say at the Gathering. o3o Kinda exciting. Some happiness to brighten all the loom and gloom.
Just call me Siri.
6:50pm Sep 20 2010
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-Late page?-
Just call me Siri.
6:58pm Sep 20 2010
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Jadepaw walked up to Swiftdarkness. "Can we do some fighting training?" She asked hopefully *Fail*
7:08pm Sep 20 2010
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::Camp:: Swiftdarkness looked down at his tabby apprentice. Now she comes to me, he thought. Looking at Rainfeather and Eaglestar, he hoped that they didn't judge him incompetent because his apprentice had to approach him for training. It's not my fault she didn't come earlier. With a large breathe, he was about to deny her but the hope shining in her eyes stopped him. Swiftdarkness remembered the days that he had been an apprentice; he would about fall over his own paws whenever he got to go training. "Sure," he meowed softly. Glancing at his two leaders, Swiftdarkness rasped, "I will be in the training hollow if you need me." Padding out of the den, Swiftdarkness looked down at Jadepaw. He wanted to scold her for not answering him that morning, but his fears of her lashing out on her friends, like Grayheart did, stopped him. "We could have been training if you came to me when I called this morning," he informed her solemnly. Looking up at the gloomy, gray clouds that covered the sun, Swiftdarkness knew that it was just a little past sun-high; which left plenty of time before the Gathering. When they reached the training hollow, Swiftdarkness meowed, "Come at me with all you've got, Jadepaw." And I pray to StarClan you don't beat me down like a mouse-brained kit.
Just call me Siri.
7:15pm Sep 20 2010
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Jadepaw ran at her mentor, makingit look like she was going to ram him, but jumped at the last second, twisting onto his back and flipping him over, and pretending to chew at his unprotected belly. If he striked, Jadepaw had a plan to defend herself.
7:16pm Sep 20 2010
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((I hope you guys don't mind how Jadepaw is really really good at stuff...))
7:29pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC; Fast forward to gethering... ;P Eaglestar sat on the branch of a huge tree, the one that each leader sat upon to adress the clans at each gathering. She watched as cats from each clan poured in, all looking hin, her clan ven more so than others. She sighed and cast hercrimson gaze over to Lonstar and the new leader of FireClan, whose name she did not know, and nodded permitting them to go first.
7:31pm Sep 20 2010
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::Camp:: Not that he was surprised, Jadepaw dominated at fighting. With her agile moves and quick thinking, Swiftdarkness was taken down. His weak body threatened to break if this was to continue. He just couldn't function anymore. Maybe Snowkit should protect Emeraldrain and Echovoice, I can't even seem to defend myself from my untrained apprentice. With a rumble of laughter, the ebony warrior meowed, "StarClan have mercy. Jadepaw, you are going to beat me at everything." Rolling over, he gently pushed at her so that she would get off his side and stop the nibbling on him like he was fresh-kill or something. "I'm hungry too, but you don't see me eating any naughty apprentices," he mumbled to himself. "I would say let us continue," he began, "but I think you're more ready than I am." I need to talk with Eaglestar, he thought. She will be proud. Without looking back, Swiftdarkness went to find Eaglestar at the medicine cat den again. Glancing at Rainfeather he was slightly ashamed to admit this in front of her, but Jadepaw didn't deserve to suffer anymore. "Eaglestar, I can't teach Jadepaw." See that's not so bad. "She see prey that I don't, smells them all the way to fourtrees just like you, and can catch anything," he mewed truthfully. "I just took her fighting, as you know, and she beat me in two simple moves that I should have seen coming." I'm just getting old. But in his mind, Swiftdarkness knew that it was more than that. I am weak and I can't teach her anything. I never could. I should be learning from her. "Jadepaw needs a better mentor than me, please, I can't teach her. If anything, make her a warrior. In an as.sessment test, I am sure she will pa.ss wonderfully." Going silent at last, Swiftdarkness could only hang his head. I am pitiful. What happened to me? I used to be so strong. Though, he knew. It was because Falconwing, his sweet Falconwing, had left him alone. Not even his kits could fill the gaping hole in his heart where she had been. I want to be with you, Falconwing, but our kits.
Just call me Siri.
7:32pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((B-but they're still in the training hollow!))
7:32pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC: Err...oopies. I will edit his post then....
Just call me Siri.
7:33pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC: O.o Fullmoon, we posted at the same time...Cool! @.@
Just call me Siri.
7:37pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Jinx you owe me a soda!))
7:41pm Sep 20 2010 (last edited on 9:12pm Sep 20 2010)
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::The Gathering:: Cold and calculating topaz eyes peered into the clearing where the Gathering would take place. Twigstar, still not used to her new name, hesitated. How will the other cats take this? she wondered. Looking to her side, she nodded to Stumpfoot, her deputy. "Let us begin." With that TreeClan bust through the bush and leapt from trees, as they raced to the Gathering. Her muscular, thin legs coiled as she soared in one jump up onto the Great Rock. Looking at Eaglestar, she nodded in greeting. Whispering, so that only the eerie albino leader could hear, Twigstar mewed, "Wait for me after the Gathering."
Just call me Siri.
7:42pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Where does it say who's go9ing? (Sorry, didn't see it.))
7:43pm Sep 20 2010 (last edited on 7:44pm Sep 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Your Can of *Cla.ssical Soda has been sent to Fullmoon. For the win! xD *It didn't...so just guess? o.o I don't know...
Just call me Siri.
7:47pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
7:57pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC; Cats going to Gathering Thistlestorm. Jadepaw(If fulleh wants) Larkpaw Rosepaw featherpaw Swiftdarkness Hawkmask Rainfeather Nightfall Raveneyes. How does that sound? -fils at these things-
7:57pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: You don't fail. I think it is good. =)
Just call me Siri.
7:59pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Jadepaw's eyes were glowing she was at a gathering! She looked at all the other cats, her eyes wide.
8:02pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; I said, "Skip to the gathering" Not skip the gathering! xD Lol Siri! bic; >Gathering.>> Darkness surrounded the gathering place as a huge tom cat prowled through with his warriors behind them. All murmuring about what will happen. The huge black tom stopped, his on the ends of his fur were white making his fur look like spikes, "Silence!" he hissed, "What happens, will happen." All of his warriors were shocked at the sudden outburst, and the tom led them into a vast clearing with many cats. Padding through the shadows, he unleashed a magnificent leap onto the gathering stone. Looking down on the crowd of cats, he realized that some shocked faces appeared as he stood there. He turned to the light of the moon, his piercing amber eyes shining. Turning back to the cats, a striking white stripped dark grey she-cat looked up at him, " It is beginning.. " she meowed, "Tell what happened carefully Wolfstar." She warned. Lifting his head to the crowd confidence seeped through Wolfstar's fur. "Don't worry Riverbreeze, " he meowed," I will, and all the cats will know the real story." Vowing that he could tell the story properly with no lies, he looked around the crowd and spotted a familiar white flecked silver she cat. She looked toward him, Rainfeather! he knew it was her from her impeccable ice blue eyes. She turned away from him quickly. Well then.. I haven't seen her for seasons.. he thought Then turned to Twigstripe who seemed to be taking Lonestar's place at the gathering. ooc; Ahhhh wolfstar, you are so clueless. Rainfeather felt scared feelings inside her, Why is he up there? Fear for her mother shot through her, Where is Pheonixstar? And.. and I thought Sevenstripe was deputy not HIM! Remembering her kit-hood friend made her feel uneasy. They had been friends, and met eachother between each Clan, then something changed Wolfstrike... he turned on Rainfeather and Almost killed her. No. I am not speaking to him. she thought, and she would in-force it.