8:08pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC: D= I have to go eat! Please don't finish the Gathering until I come back, I want Twigstar to talk...::poofs before her mother bites her face off::
Just call me Siri.
8:09pm Sep 20 2010
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ooc; Bump ... ?
8:10pm Sep 20 2010
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ooc; Okay Siri. Post a bump when you get back on.
8:11pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC; Fr something I have lanned to work, Twigstar and Wolfstar must speak before Ealgestar >:D
8:13pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC: Woots!!! My mother said I have fifteen minutes to post. ^.^ ::goes to work::
Just call me Siri.
8:24pm Sep 20 2010 (last edited on 9:13pm Sep 20 2010)
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::The Gathering:: Looking at the strange new tom, Twigstar didn't know if she liked him or not. He was exurting a strong and lethal arua, but he didn't seem to advance on any of the other cats. Well, StarClan did order peace on the night of the fullmoon, so I hope he doesn't fight. Her topaz gaze eyed him one last time before she looked to Hawkstar. Shivering, she couldn't even stand the tom. He didn't deserve to be standing up here with so much power. Filth. When Eaglestar merely sat patiently, Twigstar decided now was her time to speak. "Warriors!" she called out in a powerful yowl. Her regal head held high, Twigstar meowed, "A great tragity has come to TreeClan. Lonestar has died." She paused in respect because she still couldn't believe he was truly dead, Lonestar had been noble and wise. Taken to StarClan too soon. "Two-legs have become vicious. They come with new monsters, and, in protecting his clan, Lonestar fell to them. So I have gone to Moonstone and claimed my new name, Twigstar, and my nine lives." Looking down, she motioned with her tail to a deep-brown tabby tom, "Stumpfoot is now deputy." Her topaz gaze filled with fire as the next words scorched her throat, "Though Lonestar is gone, TreeClan has and will protect itself. We are strong, stronger than before because of our loss." Pointedly looking at Hawkstar, Twigstar didn't bother telling the other warriors that the filthy tom had come to the boarders and taken prey. She and her patrol had taken care of the problem, attacking them without mercy. "In good news," she mewed, "Firpaw has become a warrior. His name is now Firtail!" Pride filled her eyes as she looked to her kit. No cat but Lonestar and Gentlefern had known. Dipping her head, Twigstar mewed, "That is all."
Just call me Siri.
8:26pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC: o3o ::eagerly awaits Eklipse's and East's post:: What do you think of that twisty~ It will make more sense when Twigstar gets to talk with Eaglestar later. ::smiles wickedly::
Just call me Siri.
8:37pm Sep 20 2010 (last edited on 8:38pm Sep 20 2010)
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ooc; Kay, I will do Wolfstar. Wolfstar gave a deep breath and puffed out his chest, as he could see the other leaders were waiting for him to explain. "FireClan has had many troubles before, but none have been as serious to what happened recently," he began carefully, "First, Pheonixstar's deputy Sevenstripe died from an illness. Or so we have thought. " continuing her let his amber eyes rest on some cats, "Snowdarkness our medicine cat purposely killed her by giving her death berries instead of the correct herb." Looking at the crowd some of the cats were casting him frighten looks, "We had thought it was just a sickness at the time, and Pheonixstar was also suffering from it. She went to see Snowdarkness and died because he gave her the deathberries as well. " He looked down at the cats and seen Rainfeather's eyes clouded with sorrow, "After that, we found out, because Larkspur seen it happen and confessed. All happened on the same day." Turning back to the crowd, he meowed, "Larkspur also interpreted it." Breathing in again he meowed, "My name is Wolfstar, and my deputy's name is Riverbreeze. Other thing have also affected, but not weakened FireClan. The twolegs are cutting farther into our territory, and soon we will have none left. Also, the old ScarletClan warriors have joined our Clan, and helped support ud after both our leaders died." Stepping back, Riverbreeze gave him a curt nod, and he waited for the other leaders to go next. Name: / Larkspur Gender: Female Position: Medi cat Crush: open Mate:forbidden Appearance: Larkspur> Snowdarkness> Down
Personality: Kind, shy and gentle. She has been everything that Snowdarkness wasn't. Age: 16 moons What Clan: FireClan From What Clan: FireClan Others:: no
8:53pm Sep 20 2010
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Eaglestar stood and waited for the dark tabby, Hawkstar to go before she spoke. Hawkstar stepped forward and meowed harsly, his voice booming, furs bristling, CaveClan is doing greatly. We are prey rich compared to all you fools, and our defenses our string like always. It is cold for us, down in the tunnels and caves in which we live but that will not stop us from taking territory if we need to do so. So! With that being said, we are thriving." there was an evil glow to his poison green eyes as he padded back a few paces to let Eaglestar speak. Eaglestar snarled under her breath as the filthy evil cat spoke, adressing each cat like he owned them. "IceClan," Eaglestar bgan, "Is facing a rather difficult LeaafBare as we all are, prey is low, and as a clan we are many and we have four new apprenices, Featherpaw, Jadepaw, Larkpaw and Rosepaw., we have many mouths to feed, and cats hav been sick." Her crimson eyes flashed with indignation as she continued, "But, this does not mean that we will not dfend with the strength that we have for the entire time we have been a clan." Her tail twitche and she stared Hawkstar down, seeming to be speaking directly to him, "We can and will defend our borders to the best of our ability to keep out anything an evryhing unwanted, everything evil and disgusting." Hawkstar looked back her. His poison green eys into her blood red, "At least my clan isn't full of cripples." He sneered at her, curling his lips up and showing his fangs, "We will win" and he lept at her. OoC; Also! Blackwolf is at the gathering. lol ;P
8:58pm Sep 20 2010 (last edited on 8:58pm Sep 20 2010)
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OoC: ::tears:: I didn't even really know Sevenstripe or Pheonixstar, but it is sad to see that they are dead. ::cries:: Death is Too Familiar. ='S ::waits for East's posts:: Oh, and I love their names Eklipse. o3o I also ate as fast as I could. x3 So now I can post as much as I want!
Just call me Siri.
8:58pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 779
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!! I had three paragraphs of epic long post and I lost it alll!!!! TT^TT Traumatized and distraught.))
8:58pm Sep 20 2010
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Jadepaw let out a loud screetch. "STOP! THIS IS A TIME OF PEACE! YOU'RE LEADERS FOR GOODNESS SAKE!" The clearing was silenced, and Jadepaw felt very small. How could she just do that? All of a sudden, clouds covered the moon.
8:59pm Sep 20 2010
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((I hope that post is okay.......))
9:02pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC: Three posts at the same time! o3o This is a record.
Just call me Siri.
9:20pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC; -gasp- Electro! That ucks ! Eaglestar fell back with a terrified screech as the tom, much larger than her attacked. He nly paused for a heartbeat as he turned to Jadepaw, "Perhaps I finish you first? Do you think I give a damn about StarClan? Or what they think? No!" he turned back to scrath Eaglestar but her threatened her daughter and it gave hr strenght(so cheesy XD) and she pushed himm of her the best she could.
9:22pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 779
Snowkit sat infront of the nursery his fur bristling at what Swiftdarkness had said earlier. Glaring into the shadows he bristled. Seeing a shadow zip through the shadows and back in he bristled more (If that's even possible he's pretty mad) he growled and got up. "Who are you? Come on out. Now!" he oredered and looked about. As he looked to his left he was rammed into and thrown onto his side. Growling he got up and lunged noticing the tom was gone and landed face first into the snow. Getting up again he looked around was attacked again. The tom was playing with him and he didn't like it. Growling he thrashed his paw into the air and lashed snapping his jaws at the enemys quick moves. Teasing after teasing after teasing he frew impatant. "Enough of this! Coward! Come fight me like the bloody tom you are! I-l-" he yowled but was cut mid sentence as he was bowled over and pinned to the ground. Trying to pry himself away he stopped and fearstruck him like a thorn in a pad. There above pupiless blood red eyes stared into amber wide fearful eyes. "W-who are you!" he ordered. Chuckling the tom spoke. "Foolish Snowkit." he meowed smile big enough to be considered the chesire cat he continued. "I'm you." he mewed and dissapeared as he lungedv towards his throat. Jumping up Snowkit stared wide eyed at where the tom once stood and panted. Shaking his head a bit he glanced at the spot. Padding towards the medicine cats den he hoped one of them were there. Who was that? What does he mean by I'm you? How can he? I'm me. I'm here. I must of been halucinating. He re*censored*ured himself and continued padding away. Fool. Snowkit I'm real. I'm you because I'm in your head. I'm the fear that keeps you awake. The shadows on the walls. I have alot of torturous plans for you my little Snowkit. I'll make sure to destroy you're snaity. And all the bravery you have now. He heard and stopped stiff like a tree and eyes wide in shock. Fear swept over him once again and muc stronger then before. He was nervous and this tom was going to give him fear and pain. He thought he'd never sleep again for fear of this toms torturous plans. Gathering Hawkmask listened intently to the leaders and glared prickling at the Hawkstar. Hearing Jadepaw yowl she felt happy that this apprentice knew the rules of the gathering. Looking up she felt anger swept across her fur making her warm. "Please...Starclan is still with you all. I'm begging you. Don't send yourself to the darklands Hawkmask. I'd never see you again. Niether would your kits. We all wait patiently about you." she heard Smallpine beg into her ears. She held her breath and swallowed. I'm sorry Smallpine...but I just can't. They've haven't helped Iceclan in need of help. We need direly. And they watch us suffer. She hissed in her mind. Hearing him sigh she felt his presence leave her side. Blackwolf glared up expectantly. Hoping for the worst of the two leaders and growled darkly at the devious though eating at his mind. (Haha!! I think I'm getting better at these big posts. X3))
9:23pm Sep 20 2010
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Jadepaw made herself as big as she could. "Don't you touch my mother!" She hissed. She jumed up to where the leaders where, and stood beside her mother, tail swishing angrily. She wasn't afraid at all. Her mother was on her side.
9:41pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: =D Amazing big post Electro! ::claps:: Wonderful! Though, I am sad that Snowkit is going insane. Oh, and I don't know what to post. =/
Just call me Siri.
10:07pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 779
Ooc; Thank you Siri! X3 Snowkit no insane.))
10:28pm Sep 20 2010
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Seeing the fight wasn't getting anywhere he growled and padded through the cats and lunged at Hawkstar and pinned the leader down bringing a clawed paw up and bringing it down. Landin a death blow from the toms throat to lower abdomen and hissed at the tom snorting. "How weak. And he thinkgs he's better then us? Ha! What a joke." he growled and nodded to Eaglestar. "I am sorry to have done such a deed." he mewed and lowered his head. Caveshadow padded up and hissed at Blackwolf. "Go back to you're place Iceclan warrior. You have no place here." she mewed mad at the tom. "This is a place for peace. I would of talked sense into my leader. There was no need to kill him. I'm terribly sorry for Hawkstar Eaglestar. I wish to apologize for him." she mewed and dipped her head respectfully. As Blackwolf headed back to his place. Caveshadow took her leaders place as she was deputy and nodded to the other leaders. "If that is all then I believe we should head back to our respectful territories." she mewed and jumped down. ((Caveshadow will have a ref up as soon as I scan her picture and East gave me permission to have Caveshadow as deputy.))