10:31pm Sep 20 2010
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OoC; -dances- I love plot twist things! :D Eaglestar nodded, mouth agape, eyes wide with terror. "Caveshadow, you should have been leader long ago. You will be great." she smiled weakly at the sandy she cat, "Don't worry about his mistakes, with you as leader CaveClan will soon live them down." With that, she nodded a goodbye and went to join her clan, taking Jadepaw by the scruff with her.
10:35pm Sep 20 2010
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10:39pm Sep 20 2010
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Hawkmask got up and padded to her leader and was followed by Blackwolf. After seeing his murder she felt nervous about the tom thinking he would do that to any other cat. Hoping she was wrong she padded away avoiding the big tom at all costs. Blackwolf obviously went to instant anger and growled.
12:28am Sep 21 2010
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OoC: Plot twist, as in Hawkstar is dead? O.o It was that easy? Though, that would be a twist, much like when Tigerstar was so easily killed by Scourge.
Just call me Siri.
8:26am Sep 21 2010 (last edited on 8:27am Sep 21 2010)
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OoC; Plot twist as in, thats not all of it :P EDIT: Hawkstar didnt have 9 lives. Only one. He was a fail who nobody liked
8:45am Sep 21 2010
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OoC: That is helpful. Good thing he was a fail! xD BiC Noting that Eaglestar was taking her leave, Twigstar shook herself to get rid of the shock. Not only had Hawkstar attacked, but an IceClan cat killed him under the fullmoon. What will StarClan do about this? she wondered as she looked up at the cloud covered orb. "Eaglestar!" she yowled, numbly jumping down from the rocks. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you, I didn't want to have StarClan's wrath..." I am a coward. I shouldn't be leader, I'm not ready yet. "Just tell them all ready," a deep, familiar rasp sounded from behind the spotted leader. "Quiet, I'm working on it." Twigstar hissed. Looking around the gathering IceClan group, Twigstar took a deep breath, "Eaglestar, I want you to take Firtail." Her topaz eyes, so similar to Leopardheart's, shone with grief and pride. "He will be loyal to you, and only your Clan."
Just call me Siri.
4:03pm Sep 21 2010
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ooc; Lots of stuuf to read... BIC!; Wolfstar looked at the cats that have been battling. Wow, he thought and padded over to the edge of the rock. "This gathering is Over!" he yowled, and leaped off the rock, into the group of FireClan cats. Padding forward he caught Rainfeather's icey gaze, "You are deputy now?" he asked looking at her straggly. Then he looked down at her long black claws. "You have changed." he meowed, "Oh...? " Rainfeather meowed challengingly, "Well keep me out of your way, I don't want get in the way like before!" Turning, Rainfeather ran toward her cats leaving Wolfstar in the dust. "Stupid idiotic tom cat!" she hissed, her fur was ruffled from the awkward confrontation with her kit-hood friend. She felt like clawing his ears off if it wasn't the gathering. Rainfeather''s mind was completely off everything happened otherwise. Turning from the other cats in her Clan she looked up at the light moon and thought, StarClan what is happening to us?
4:03pm Sep 21 2010
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ooc; MINI POST! xD It makes me laugh!
4:05pm Sep 21 2010
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ooc; Random moments with Electro xD '''' hi! Pyro PWNES ELECTRO! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHA.''''
4:13pm Sep 21 2010
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Eaglestar turned to Twigstar, "No worries my friend. I didn't want to get into a physical fight either." she shook her head, "I just needed to let him know, that he shouldn't be up there, but then my warrior killed him." Tears welled up in her blood red eyes, "Will StarClan ever forgive us?" she paused for a moment after the second thing Twigstr said to her, "What!? You want me to take Firtail? I can't possibly! Why would you give me such a great cat?"
5:42pm Sep 21 2010
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ooc; Yay! Now Siri post! xD >Very into Eaglestar and Twigstar's post<<
6:00pm Sep 21 2010
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::The Gathering:: Twigstar looked over at Firtail in understanding to Eaglestar's disbelief. Though TreeClan's prey was few and far between, they seemed to be doing better off than IceClan. Firtail was an excellent hunter and warrior, no perfect, but that was what made him humbling. With long legs, lean build, and regal stance Firtail was a tom any she-cat with eyes would pad after. It almost broke her heart to look at him because of the similarities he held to her and her kin. She would be causious of a gift such as him as well. "You would have to ask Firtail," Twigstar finally answered in a tight mew. His aquamarine eyes sharp and fierce, Firtail spoke for himself, "I want to be with my true clan." He knew that his didn't make sense to Eaglestar, but Firtail didn't want any cats from CaveClan or FireClan to hear about his story. "I will loyal to you until death, and when we are safely in IceClan territory I will answer any questions you have." Which would be many at this point in time, he thought in understanding. Shifting uneasily from one paw to the other, Swiftdarkness meowed, "Eaglestar, he is strong and young, a good addition to the clan, even in these hard times." Looking at the tom, who was lean but not emaciated, the ebony warrior added, "His hunting skills are apparent." Swiftdarkness didn't quite know what it was about the tom, but the way Firtail held himself was familiar, although, Swiftdarkness had never seen such teal-blue eyes before. Who was his father? he wondered, or mother. Firtail's pelt held deep ebony rosettes and stripes over a rich twany-gold coat. Almost like... Looking at Twigstar, Swiftdarkness knew that his eyes were as wide as the moon. I get it now. His sapphire gaze rivited to Eaglestar. Please don't let him go, he thought, but he wouldn't say it out loud for that would be rude in front of another leader.
Just call me Siri.
6:02pm Sep 21 2010 (last edited on 6:33pm Sep 21 2010)
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The Basics: Name: Firkit (Firpaw) {Firtail} Age: 14 moons Position: Warrior Gender: Tom Birthplace: TreeClan Residence: IceClan? The Appearance: Eye Color: Sea-foam green Coat Color: Rich golden-brown with black stripes and spots Scars: Nope. Distinguishing Features: His regal stance and odd eyes http://www.savannahriverbengals.com/Golden-Nugget-01.jpg The Personality: Loves: N/A Likes: Flirting, being ornery, hunting birds, and running water Dislikes: Orders, cramped quarters, and liars Secret(s): I am Leopardheart’s nephew, born from Twigstar; who was supposed to live in IceClan. Weaknesses: Clear communication, commitment, and short claws Strengths: Hunting, battling, giving advice, and sharp fangs Pet Peeves: Getting water in my ear. The Other: Scent: Musky with hints of apple and cinnamon Crush: -Open- Family: Mother, Twigstar; Father, unknown; Uncle, Leopardheart; Cousin, Mistsoul. Mate: N/A Offspring: Ha! Yeah, right. T.T' Additional Information: Bossy and outgoing, Firtail is oddly charming to she-cats.
Just call me Siri.
6:16pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 779
Caveshadow gathered all her warriors and padded away with a nod to each of the leaders and headed towards her rightful territory. ((Short post cause I am thinking of the plottwist and how I'll work it out.))
6:34pm Sep 21 2010
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OoC: I did an edit so that Firtail's bio is updated. ^.^ I hope he gets accepted.
Just call me Siri.
8:38pm Sep 21 2010
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OoC; Love the detail in the bio as always Siri! Eaglestar dipped her head, "And loyal in my clan you shall be. But how is it your true clan? Were you not born, pure into TreeClan." She looked at him quizzically, "Nevermind. Blood does not matter to me so long as it is not shed, come home with us Firtail, and you will fit in." And with that, she left for home.
10:43pm Sep 21 2010
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Posts: 779
bump fast forward soon?)
10:46pm Sep 21 2010
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OoC; If its all right witheveryone, we are fast forawrding to tomorrow.
11:19pm Sep 21 2010
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OoC: I am third to the shift forward as long as the journey moves along too. I have this idea for new territory too. ::fails:: It's beautiful and I am uploading it soon. o3o I'll have you guys look at it and chose it you want it or the sand dunes, or a mix of both. I'm still surprised that Hawkstar is dead and ScarletClan joined CaveClan...
Just call me Siri.
4:55pm Sep 22 2010
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