7:13pm Sep 23 2010
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::Camp:: Firtail felt his pelt warm as a blush spread across his cheeks. Glad that his dark pelt didn't let any cat see, the tom made a shy face as he scrambled to his paws. Emeraldrain probably thinks I am a fool. Pouncing around like a kit, he thought. Not the first cat any leader would pick to be a mentor. "Now Sunkit, you don't look much older than four moons, how old are you?" he asked, truly curious. They are both so thrilled to be warriors, yet they seem so young. His sea foam eyes were light and gentle when he stared down at Emeraldrain. He hoped that his size didn’t bother her like it did most cats.
Just call me Siri.
7:13pm Sep 23 2010
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Just call me Siri.
7:13pm Sep 23 2010
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Chesnutheart, the CaveClan medicine cat was padding along her border, by IceClan territory, before she ventured in. He scente his way trying to find the camp, when he arrived he yowled out, "Is any cat there? I must speak to Eaglestar and Nightfall immediatly!" Her voice was hoarse and his tomach chruning.
7:16pm Sep 23 2010
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((Wait, how old are they? o-O three days?))
7:18pm Sep 23 2010
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Sunkit broke off from speaking to Firtail, and ran up to Chesnutheart. "Are you sick?" She asked. "Don't worry, IceClan will help you!" She gently touched the cat's paw. The fear and sick-scent churned her belly, but she wanted terribly to help the cat.
7:19pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 7:33pm Sep 23 2010)
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::Camp:: Mistsoul, having just arrived back from herb hunting, eyed Chestnutheart carefully. The tom was medicine cat of CaveClan, that she knew from her apprenticeship with Fernseed. He was wise in the arts, so what is he doing here? Deciding that hesitation wasn't good for any cat, Mistsoul rushed up to his side. "Eaglestar is most likely in her den," she flicked her tail in the direction of Eaglestar's den. "I will go get Nightfall, she is in the medicine cat den healing a cat." Without anymore than that, Mistsoul dashed to the medicine cat den. "Nightfall!" she cried, her normal cool broken, "Chestnutheart is here! Quick, go to Eaglestar's den. I will take care of Rosepaw." With a friendly and encouraging nudge, Mistsoul looked down at Rosepaw. Such a mighty apprentice, but her mind wandered back to the strange medicine cat. What in StarClan is going on?
Just call me Siri.
7:21pm Sep 23 2010
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OoC: Fullmoon, we had a two month time lapse a while back, I guess I forgot to tell you. We must have decided it when you were a bit inactive. So the kits are around three moons old now.
Just call me Siri.
7:24pm Sep 23 2010
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((Ooh, okay. XD))
7:27pm Sep 23 2010
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"Thank youi" he mewed at Mistsoul, he padded likghtly after her, "You mustn't be Mistpaw anymore, whats your name now?" He flicked his chestnut coloured tail and smiled at her warmly, his amber eyes glowing, not with happiness but with worriedness, "I have to speak about what happenned at the Gathering."
7:28pm Sep 23 2010
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OoC: No problem. ^.^
Just call me Siri.
7:29pm Sep 23 2010
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Gentleheart growled slightly. "What about me?" She said to Mistsoul. "Aren't I a Medicine cat too?" She pushed past Mistsoul, and followed her nose to the scent. "Chestnutheart??" She said, surprised. She knew him from gatherings and medicine cat meetings. She snorted, and started loking him up and down. "Oh my..." She said. She looked down, and saw Sunkit. "You get away from him!" She yowled. She plucked the kit up, and put her by her mother. "No one should approach." She said.
7:32pm Sep 23 2010
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Mistsoul looked over her shoulder, oh he's following me. "I am called Mistsoul now," she purred with pride. Though, all around her the air was tense. Something bad was going to happen, she just knew it. Shifting uncomfortably, Mistsoul looked at Nightfall, who was busy with Rosepaw at the moment. Glancing back at Chestnutheart, she meowed, "Nightfall is almost done. Why don't I bring you to Eaglestar." Not glancing back, Mistsoul knew that Nightfall would come as soon as was convenient. As she padded closer to Eaglestar's den, Mistsoul thought about what Chestnutheart said. It is about the night before, she hadn't gone to the meeting but Swiftdarkness had informed her of the bad news. Pausing outside the moss hanging in front of Eaglestar's den, she called before her, "Eaglestar? Chestnutheart has something to tell you."
Just call me Siri.
7:32pm Sep 23 2010
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"Yes of course Gentleheart, just immediatly I must speak to you. At least one of you or Nightfall and Eaglestar. Shall we go to her den to speak to her?" His amber eyes held sorrow now, worrying about if he had hurt Gentleheart. He flicked his white tipped tail and titlted his head, asking the question farther. OoC; He is very caring. Its gonna be interesting >:3
7:33pm Sep 23 2010
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OoC: xD AHH! So confused! Um...::giggles:: Everyone is invited! ::fail::
Just call me Siri.
7:36pm Sep 23 2010
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OoC; Everyone is invited? Invited where Siri? XD
7:36pm Sep 23 2010
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OoC; Everyone is invited? Invited where Siri? XD
7:37pm Sep 23 2010
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Lostfoot sniffed the air. "Dog. Two of them." he mewed tail puffing up and lashing. "I can't out run them. It's getting harder for me." he added. "Redpaw stay with me and Kestrelheart. Shadowpaw get littlepaw Brightleaf and Patchpelt to safety. If you wish when you're done you may come back. Littlepaw and Brightleaf need rest from our twoleg incounter still. They aren't as strong as they were when we left. Patchpelt Lilic. Look after them. Understood?" he mewed his tone serious and determined they got to safety. Padding back to the Nursery after he gloated in glee he saw the tom and puffed up a bit. "Intruder! I wont let you hurt my sister and brother!" he yowled and launched towards the tom. Recognizing they were a friend and was only playing he stoped and sighed in relief. "Oh nevermind." he mewed padding towards the tom calmly and sat down. "I'm Snowkit. You are?" he asked twitching his left ear sligtly at the tom and wraping his tail around his paws. "I almost attacked you thinking you were an enemy. I'm terribly sorry." he added admiting his attack.
7:37pm Sep 23 2010
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"Not with what you've got." She sniffed. "I'll go get her now." She looked at the medicine cat. "Stay here. And all of you," She flicked her tail at the bystanders. "Stay where you are as well." She bustled up to Eaglestar's den. "Eaglestar," She announced. "There is someone her to speak with you, me and Nightfall."
7:38pm Sep 23 2010
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OoC: I don't know anymore! x3 Mistsoul is confused and Siri is too. Um, so Mistsoul, Gentleheart, and Chestnutheart are now by Eaglestar's den...right? And why can't Sunkit be by Chestnutheart? Is he sick?
Just call me Siri.
7:40pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Wait what? O_o I think everyone is thinking different things at once, including me. I don't believe they're in Eaglestar's den, they're in the medicine cat den.))