7:09pm Dec 1 2009
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((Sure, Fallenwind could have a apprentice!)) Fallnwind nodded, looking out into the clearing. "Thats good to hear. But with the kits becoming apprenices, we need more kits." He murmured, whiskers twitching.
7:22pm Dec 1 2009 (last edited on 7:23pm Dec 1 2009)
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Fernseed and Mistpaw talked amongst themselves about the herb supplies and how gently leaf-bear was coming to them. “I don’t ever remember it coming so smoothly,” she said. “I mean we call ourselves IceClan for a reason, I thought!” Meowing giggles the two cats looked over to Cougarclaw, who was sleeping away. Mistpaw looked at Fernseed, “She’s looking much better than yesterday. Those would have been infected if we hadn’t gotten here in time.” Nodding the two cats debated what would be best to give Cougarclaw when she woke up later. Leopardheart walked into the camp when the sun was just kissing the treetops. I enjoy days like these, uneventful and completely satisfying. After critiquing Silentpaw’s defensive motions, Leopardheart felt comfortable with having the tom in battle. It will be a trial at first, but Silentpaw thinks quickly and has a good memory. So in battle, I doubt that he’ll freeze up like most cats would their first time. Flicking his tail to the fresh-kill pile Leopardheart said, “Help yourself, you worked hard today.” Not hungry himself, he went in search of Cheetahpaw to make sure that the tom was doing his ‘job’. Seeing Cheetahpaw carrying some mice to the Elders den, he turned to find Swiftdarkness to simply share tongues with. I haven’t done that in a while.
Just call me Siri.
7:37pm Dec 1 2009
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Swiftdarkness was coming back into camp after freshening his own nest with new moss. I want Falconwing to be as comfortable as possible. Sighing he thought, why do kits take so long to have? I don’t want Falconwing to go to the Queens den, I’ll get lonely. Is that too selfish? Flicking his ears dismissing the thought, he looked up to see Leopardheart walking over to him. “My friend, it’s been too long since we last talked!” called Swiftdarkness. Nodding Leopardheart sat by him, “Swift, do you remember when we were apprentices together?” Swatting at Leopardheart he replied, “Of course! We aren’t that old Leo.” Chuckling at the use of their nicknames for each other, the two talked about simple things: leaf-bare, prey, techniques, and mates. Nuzzling Leopardheart on the shoulder Swiftdarkness asked, “Will it be hard? You know letting her go?” Looking into his eyes, Leopardheart told him seriously, “The first night is the worst. But it’s worth it, sharing your mate with the kits. I can’t remember a happier day for myself.” Biting Leopardheart on the ear, gently, Swiftdarkness yowled, “What am I? Crow food! Are you just going to throw me out whenever you want!” Laughing the two toms play-fought until the camp was dark.
Just call me Siri.
7:42pm Dec 1 2009
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Jadewing walked up to her mate, and meowed, "I can't wait to come back to the warriors den, only a few sunrises and I will be able to come on patrols!" her eyes round with excitement,she purred again, "I feel like I did when I was first made an apprentice, happy, excited and just plain joyful" she touched her nose to his flicked his ear with her tail and walked back to the nursery.
7:44pm Dec 1 2009
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Falconwing chuckld as she watched her mate and his friend wrestle, feeling Silentpaw slink out of the den and into a shadow to groom his fur. "You two are wore then kits!" She purred, sitting outside the den togive herself her own grooming. "I hope yor not going to behave this way around our kits, or you'll give them bad habits." She meowed, eyes shining
8:04pm Dec 1 2009 (last edited on 11:49pm Dec 2 2009)
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Leopardheart and Swiftdarkness looked at each other, both with their furs bristled in embarra.ssment, “I think we might.” Said Swiftdarkness at the same time Leopardheart said, “No worries, Falconwing.” Turning on each other again, Leopardheart said, “You haven’t had enough yet! Well then here’s some more!” Jumping at him again, the two rolled and tumbled together almost knocking into Silentpaw. Who yowled at them in return.
Just call me Siri.
6:06pm Dec 2 2009 (last edited on 6:06pm Dec 2 2009)
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Redstorm padded toward eagle star. He hoped she wouldn't see his new scars he had gotten from Badgerface, one of his Former Clan mates, on his Journey to find more water. He blinked twice and stared forward, his green eyes seemed to look red in the setting sun.
6:13pm Dec 2 2009
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"Hello Redstorm, where did those scars come from? Any more trouble from the rogues?" as she asked that second question she got a nervous feeling, but pushed it away knowing there was no reason. She stood there, staring into his eyes for what seemed like an eternity, until Tigerfang walked by chuckling to herself. Eaglestar's earss burnt and twitched with embaras.sment.
6:18pm Dec 2 2009
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"Umm... yes.. those" Redstorm murmured " Badgerface attacked me. adn , I couldn't fight back.." Anger flowed into his eyes. "But I should have been able to." he said angrily.He sighed, and turned away. He felt un-usefull that he let another cat slap him around like that. As he padded off he thought if Eaglestar thought any less of him.
6:20pm Dec 2 2009
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Fallenwind watched Redstorm walk off, and twitched his ears in sympathy. "Perhaps he should see Fernseed, get his scars tended to." He muttered to his leader, looking at her.
6:28pm Dec 2 2009
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Redstorm pricked his ears, as if something was going to attack he quickly turned to see that nothing was there, exept for Rainfeather. "Hello again brother." she meowed. Redstorm lifted his head "Hi.." he mumbled. "WOAH! thise are big scars!!" She comented. "Whats the matter?"she asked sharply. "Uh.. nothing, nothing.. I just though I was of no use so I would just go back to... hunting or something more importent" He meowed as he began to pad off leaving his sister. A glint of sorrow shone in Rainfeathers eyes and she turned and padded away.
6:29pm Dec 2 2009
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Eaglestar bounded up to Redstrom and mewed, "You know, I won't think less of you for not fighting back. In fact I kind of admire that fact, that you didn't feel the need to attack" she felt her insides warming up, there was something about this cat that made her tail curl up wioth happiness.
6:35pm Dec 2 2009 (last edited on 6:38pm Dec 2 2009)
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He looked up "That is nice of you to say, Eaglestar." he murmured. He thought about how nice it was of Eaglestar to tell him something like that. It was a change from his long journey, cats teasing him and angering him. He shook his head and steped forward. "You know," he said gently "she took Quailkit to ScarletClan; and I faught back but it wasn't good enough to save her." he said calmly. (( SCARLETCLAN: A GROUP OF EXILED OR RUN AWAY ALBINO CATS THAT TAKE ALBINOS TO JOIN THERE CLAN, AND TAKE REVENGE ON THE WARRIORS THAT EXILED THEM. this clan has very good fighting warriors and has recrutes from all the tribes and clans, almost imposible to be stoped))
6:42pm Dec 2 2009
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Eaglestar was upset by his response, did he feel for her the same way she felt about him? She hoped so, and as she said, "Oh, Quailkit! Ivynose must be distraught, oh dear. I'm going to go see her" she touched her nose to his ear and ran to the nursery to see her sister. Jadewing pressed up against her mate, and said,"You know, Eaglestar and Redstrom have been spending a lot of time together."
6:44pm Dec 2 2009
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Redstorm growled. but he realy didn't feel that way. He liked Eaglestar alot. Then hurdled off.
6:59pm Dec 2 2009
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When Eaglestar reached the nursery ivynose was laying there with only one kit, Robinkit. Ivynose was laying with her head on her paws, eyes glazed and looking at nothing while Robinkit dcried at the loss of her sister. "Where did she go momma?" the little she-kit wailed. Ivynose looked at the last one of her ltter and sighed, "Do you remeber that queen who came in here?" the little kit nodded, "Well, she took your sister, her name is Badgerface, and she tried to recruit me, Dovefire, and Eaglestar to join them. It all because we have red eyes." The little kit looked frightened and Ivynose pulled her in close, "Don't worry, nothings going to happen to you" and with that Robinkit fell asleep. Eaglestar just nodded telling Ivynose she knew what had happened and ran back to Redstorm.
11:59pm Dec 2 2009
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(((When did Ivynose have kits?! I didn't hear about them, but now that I know I'll keep it in mind for future reference.))) Leopardheart pressed against Jadewing, looking down into her eyes. "I noticed that as well." he commented. Thinking to himself, I wonder how Fallenwind feels about that. Shaking his head, he murmured in her ear, "Good night. We'll be together soon again." Walking into the Warriors den to finally get some well needed sleep. The day was long but uneventful. Tiring him more than he thought.
Just call me Siri.
8:11am Dec 3 2009
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((I dont know either, it just sort of, like had to happen XD Sorry for the confuion)) after having a quick chat with Redstor, Eaglestar walked to her den. She had a boring, uneventful sleep, but awoke gasping for breath. Why does this keep happening. I'm not having normal sleep. This just isn't right. Shaking it off she padded into the camp and took a deep breath. The air is crisp, it's leaf-fall, clearly Leafbare is ion its way. She shivered, the air was cold. With nothing to do she walked to and lay down on the basking rocks, for her clan to wake up.
4:02pm Dec 3 2009
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5:55pm Dec 3 2009 (last edited on 6:00pm Dec 3 2009)
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"Why hello Eaglestar." Rainfeather meowed. She new she wouldn't get a responce, so she padded off. Redstorm walked into the clearing, almost like he was expecting something to happen. "Flamerige," He meowed "I new you were there, you could have stopped badger face, from taking quailkit, you could have faught with me." He meowed angrily. I never trusted him he though. "Quainkit followed me it wasn't my fault." he mumrmerd, knowing Flamerige would probley appear. He hoped that when he did Eaglestar would come.