8:30pm Sep 23 2010
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Awwwwww ok and Eastie...Hugs/ Tank you~~~~~~~ cries happily))))
8:31pm Sep 23 2010
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9:45pm Sep 23 2010
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ooc; DIES< Rainfeather is... is leader...? xD . on the other hand..... >.< I am sooooo behind! >Hides in emo corner.> I am sooooo confuzed. bic; FireClan>> Snowshread looked at Amberflame. "Right," he meowed as his white fur began bristling again. betraying his Clan? I never thought of it! he thought then turned to Amberflame, casting her a hopefull glance at the senior warrior. "Follow me." she meowed, her voice harsh as she led through the snow. Quietly, the FireClan warriors led the IceClan cat down a large path, and they heard rushing water ahead. "Almost there." Amberflame meowed, her green/ amber eyes doubtful. "Try and keep up." she snapped, and broke into a run, her strong legs caring her far. Snowshread was at her heals, then they ended up at an huge river. With smokey water swiftly running, it lapped up and the snowy sand covered shore. Dark grey rocks jabbed through the leaf bare ice, and Snowshread leapt neatly onto the rocks. "Go, now." meowed Amberflame, glancing at the warrior. "The ice will crack under your wait if you land on it," explained Snowshread. "So don't fall." Then he continued leaping from pointed stone to stone. The rocks led them to the middle of the large river, a sand mound was covered in soft pebbles, and Amberflame leaped off of her stone. "This, is pebble p*censored*." meowed Snowshread. "Careful, the rocks are closer to the water." leading the two other cats, the river became deeper, wider, and quicker. Placing each paw precisely, and swiftly, he dogged the ice cold water and leaped farther away to a stone. Tall twigs shot through the ground, Amberflame took the lead. Her calico fur streaked with sand and water. leading out of the twigs, he looked ahead. "This is rockpath," Amberflame meowed. Then she ran down the curved path to a beautiful camp, with trees covering it's sides exempt where the middle river was. And white sand sand covered the camp, revealing water plants. There were stone dens, and a high pointed rock sticking out the end of the camp. All the cats had there paws wet, and looked at them in strange. Padding toward the pointed stone, her paws skimming the water, she stood outside the den. "Wolfstar," she meowed, "You have a visitor." meowed Snowshread. Then the huge black tomcat padded out of the den, his fur in spikes with white tipps. "My warriors have brought you here," he hissed, "It must be for a good reason." Camp<< With a heftily sigh, Emeraldrain meowed, "Fine..." she meowed, "But not to long! " she called after them. Flicking her tail, she was happy the kits were off of her back for just a few moments. "Not before me you wont! I am going to be the leader some day!!" hissed Duskkit and leaped on Firetail's tail. Battering at the orange tail he meowed, "I show no mercy to.." he drank in the cat's scent. " Other clans warriors!" he spat and harshly climbed up the cats tail. <<Journeying>> Brightleaf took a step back from Redpaw. "Uhmm." she meowed, then padded over to Lostfoot. The apprentice had spooked her. He quoted the exact thing Hawkstar had said... Shaking off the cruel memory, she wondered what was ahead of them, and if Redpaw would actually sink his claws into it.... with ought it sinking its claws into him. <<Camp again<< Nightfall rushed to the up to Chesnutheart. After she had heard Mistsoul's yowl, she ran right towards the CaveClan medicine cat. "Can I help?" she asked. Fear striking up inside of her as she thought of what could be happening.
9:48pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 9:48pm Sep 23 2010)
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ooc; I am sorry.... I am just confused.. My post was horible!........... >.< I don't know.... hewlp?
9:54pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 10:28pm Sep 23 2010)
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ooc; And here are some FireClan cats... xD There. I admit I coppied Siri! But it is a good Idea! The Basics: Name: Amber (Amberpaw) {Amberflame} Age: 29 moons Position: Warrior Gender: She-cat Birthplace: Two-leg place outskirts. Residence: FireClan. The Appearance: Eye Color: Stripy amber/ green. Coat Color: Dark calico, thick fur. Scars: A long scar on her side. Distinguishing Features: A split tail, it looks like she has two tails. http://www.petcatguide.com/calico-cat-closeup The Personality: Loves: Never. Likes: Fighting, her Clan, and Revenge. Dislikes: Cats better than her, cats that are crushing on her, frogs. Secret(s): My father was killed by my mother. I never grew up properly, I was a loner named Amber. Weaknesses: Fear of frogs, split tail (not very good balance), blurry vision in left eye, swimming. (Making it hard for her to fit into a Clan that lives on a river.) Strengths: Battling, bigger size, sharp claws. Pet Peeves: Frogs.... infront of me.... When other cats are there, It makes me seem week. The Other: Scent: Sharp, but tangy, smells of parsley. Crush: -Open- but she won't notice. Family: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring: I hate kits. Additional Information: Vengeful, full-scale planning type. Brilliant cat actually. But uses it for the wrong reasons. The Basics: Name: Snowkit (Snowpaw) {Snowshread} Age: 19 moons Position: Warrior Gender: Tom Birthplace: FireClan Residence: FireClan The Appearance: Eye Color: Light grey blue Coat Color: Pure white Scars: one on his back leg. Distinguishing Features: Broad shoulders and bigger ears. 
The Personality: Loves: N/A Likes: Water, swimming, and Climbing Dislikes: his pink nose, having white fur, and bossy toms. Secret(s): I am half rouge. My father was a Clan cat and my mother, a rouge. Weaknesses: Easy confusion, slow runner, the sight of blood or an injury. Strengths: Hunting, outstanding hearing, webbed paws like all FireClan warriors, strong swimmer. Pet Peeves: Being called 'Web feet,' or 'Scared' for being stunned by blood. The Other: Scent: Minty, like water-mint, with a tang of pine. Crush: nope Family: A rouge named 'Velvet' and his father is unknown. Mate: N/A Offspring: Really? No. >.< Additional Information: Ruff, touchy, but can be the best friend. Name: Gingerpaw Gender: Female Position: Apprentice Crush: open> But she won't like anyone.. Mate: no Appearance:
Personality: Very agressive cat, you might say. But she has a different side to her that is for sure. But how you find it is the question. A brief history: Both parents ran away from the Clan life, leaving her in the Clan alone. That is what she struggles with. What Clan: FireClan. From What Clan:FireClan. Others:: Nope!
10:34pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Bump to fix this....>3
11:07pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 1,771
403 Access Denied!You are not allowed here, sorry. Just go die. T.T
Just call me Siri.
11:08pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: Hates a certian calico warrior again. T.T And now a ginger apprentice. ::hates being denied::
Just call me Siri.
4:47pm Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; What is this!?!!?! It is starting to make me angry. Siri, have you tried to edit a post, then paste your current post on it? It worked for me once. But if it still doesn't work, I would love to tell the res owner people. Or at least post it on the 'Bugs' forum page.
4:52pm Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Yes Nightfal" mewed Chestnutheart happily, "Would you ome with us to Eaglestars den when we go up, we have a matter of importance to discuss." He glanced around and his nose twitched, 'I feel rude t to say this, but does it not smell like... blood?"
4:55pm Sep 24 2010
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5:21pm Sep 24 2010
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Gentleheart's neck hair stiffened. She sniffed the air. Chestnutheart was right. The smell was blood! She condemned herself for not smelling it herself. She rushed ahead of the two, and bolted into Eaglestars den. What she saw was horror. She.. she couldn't stand it. She stood, transfixed at the sight in front of her. "Nigghtfall!" She managed to croak, hoping it was loud enough for Nightfall to hear the urgency.
5:40pm Sep 24 2010
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ooc; >> cries<< Her kits will be depressed! DX bic; Nightfall breathed in the sick scent of blood."No..."she meowed, "I smell it too..." she put one paw firmly on the stepping stones, andleaped onto it. Grasping balance, she leaped onto another stone. Then the next, and stepped up onto the high rock, the wind buffeted her fur, spiking it up the wrong way. Something is horribly wrong. she thought as she scented the mas.sive tang of blood. "What...?" she meowed, then padded into Eaglestar's den, her paws light and then she coughed when she stepped in a huge pool of blood. Scenting again as tears flood to her eyes, she unmasked the scent the blood was hiding. "Eaglestar?!" she screeched, and ran to her leaders side. Blood was still oozing from her neck, and Nightfall knew that nothing but a cat could have done this." Please.." she murmured, "Wake up!" Her paws soaked in blood, she shook Eaglestar, but her body was limp. Feeling a stab of longing, she faced down at Eaglestar, Who did this ? she questioned, Why did you do this StarClan we needed her! Nightfall felt like spitting those words out loud, and slashing the StarClan warrior's ears off. Turning her head, sorrow soaked through her like the blood soaked through Eaglestar's cream and white pelt. "StarClan, What right have you to do this to us?" she yowled, and ear splitting screech following it. Her fur prickling with fear she ran her paw down the leader's throat. A clean scratch. she thought, as her instincts screamed for her to get away. "She isn't going to come back this time...." she hissed.
5:45pm Sep 24 2010
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Gentleheart put her head in Nightfalls' fur. "What are we going to tell the others?" She breathed. "Eaglestar has been leader since before I was born! I didn't think she would die.. I wasn't here to save her..." She put her paw on the wound, just as Nightfall had. "Oh my.." She whispered. "This was a planned a'ssualt.... by another cat!"
5:54pm Sep 24 2010
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"Don't you think I know that?!" spat Nightfall, her anger flaring up inside her. "Sorry.." she muttered. "What are we going to tell her kits?" she questioned, most of her sadness replaced by anger. "They were horrified when Redstorm died... this is even worse for them." Letting a long frustrated hiss she added, "I am sure they heard me." Turning to the outside of the den she called, "I think we might need you lot to look at this." she lashed her black tail, then padded back in to where Eaglestar was, sadness coming back to her. Feeling utterly alone she knew that they would have a new leader soon... but Rainfeather would never be as good as a leader as Eaglestar. "Eaglestar has been my leader since before I was born...." she murmured. "I didn't think she would just... die."
6:04pm Sep 24 2010
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"I think we should tell them." Gentleheart gulped. "We can't hide it forever. and we have to bury Eaglestar."
6:09pm Sep 24 2010
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Chestnutheart was shocked as he lept up into her den, "I don't mean to intrude, but I must tell you, what I came to speak about with you is no importamnce compared to this, and if it be your deputy's wish I will not speak a word of it to my clan." He shook his head, bothered, by not only the blood, but ithe message, he didn't want to keep it from him, "I I came here to speak to Eaglestar, to tell her, Hawkstar idid not have 9 lives, so she mustn't worry about her warrior killing him, it is bad yes, but not near as bad as it could have been." He took a deep breath, "Again, sorry for intruding."
6:12pm Sep 24 2010
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Gentleheart twirled around, accidentally clawing Chestnutheart in the cheek. "You must leave!" She hissed. "Do not tell your Clan! Now go!"
6:30pm Sep 24 2010
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Chestnutheart was startled by the ferocity in Gentlehearts words, as well as her actions, "I already proised I wouldn't" He snarled, "And I'm on my way" he lept down and dashed out of their camp.
6:42pm Sep 24 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Sep 24 2010)
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Nightfall looked at Gentleheart, "Chesnutheart, if you need to speak to some cat, I can lead you to our deputy." she offered the medicine cat, shooting a glance at Gentleheart, We have no right to do so. she reminded herself. Looking at Chesnutheart even though she couldn't see him she meowed, "It really is no trouble." ooc; Below here is a list of cats names for Rainfeather's leader naming ceremony. You must type a paragraph about the life the cat is giving her. And something else This cat that you volunteer must be a part of StarClan (Obviously) And has talked to Rainfeather more than twice and played a part in her life. I would like volunteered cats to follow the bolded words above. Rmail me the paragraph please. And also tell me what number of life you would want, and what life being given. All the cats already written down there are for her ceremony, and I will not remove them. Thank you to everyone who will send in a cat, please read bottom to see what gift to give to Rainfeather. 1:Redstorm> Courage 2.:Open slot... 3:Ivynose> Endurance 4:> Wisdom> also open. 5:Larkwing> Trust 6:Pheonixstar> Faith 7: >Love> >This is a given one. Please choose a correct cat to do this... 8: Open slot... 9: Eaglestar> East, I need you to Rmail me the paragraph for this one.