7:00pm Sep 24 2010
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((I will be wisdom.))
7:01pm Sep 24 2010
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7:32pm Sep 24 2010 (last edited on 3:02pm Sep 26 2010)
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Blackwolf nodded to the leader. "E-eaglestar wishes to attack Fireclan and destroy them by tomorrow at Sundown. She is making plans and wishes to give her troops time to prepare for the attack. Even the kits will die if they do not join her." he paused taking a breath. "Some of the others are like myself but I decided to come warn you on my own." he added keeping his head low. "She even gathered rouges loners and kittypets to join her side. Some have murdered. They want the bloodshed. Please...you must do something." he mewed. Trying desperately to get the leader to join.
7:32pm Sep 24 2010
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OOC; Also Blackfeather Hawkmasks sister I decided to make dead. She was very inactive and I have no thoughts on what to do with her.))
8:26pm Sep 24 2010
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8:27pm Sep 24 2010
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Blazewing padded into camp, with the new body she didn'tget nearly as cold as before. Her fur was now much longer and thicker. As she walked she pas.sed a familiar looking shape, Leopardheart? she thought. No, it can't be. Could it?! She padded over to Firtail and mewed softly, "Do I know you?"
10:22pm Sep 24 2010
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12:34am Sep 25 2010
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1:18am Sep 25 2010
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OoC: ::fail:: I've been trying to post, but I can't do anything with my calico warrior or my silver she-cat. =( Though, if it is OK with Fullmoon, may Leopardheart be Wisdom? ::if it is not too much to ask:: I always thought of him as full of knowledge.
Just call me Siri.
8:44am Sep 25 2010
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ooc; Sorry Electro :C But Rainfeather had to know them when they were living. And they also had to interact with her.... xD. But Rainfeather wouldn’t mind Timberfur! Fullmoon: With what cat will you do wisdom...? Because you must choose one first before you call the life :C, I believe that Leopardheart is the one that owns that life best if you can not find another cat to match him to it as well as he does. >>FireClan>> Wolfstar looked at the the IceClan warrior. "I see," he meowed, "Amberflame, Snowshread and Riverbreeze," he meowed, "Come into my den. You too." he meowed flicking his tail at the dark grey warrior. He seems very very familiar. He wondered if he had known this cat before. Padding inside the den, he sat down at the far end, the grey warrior sitting at the entrance end. "What do you think?" he asked Riverbreeze. The white striped grey she-cat rested her blue gaze suspiciously on the IceClan warrior before she meowed, "I am not sure," she meowed, "I suppose this is rather truthful..." she added to her-own statement. "I agree Riverbreeze." Looking at his older warriors he meowed, "Do you have anything to ob ject?" Amberflame still looked confused, but Snowshread shook his white head. Amberflame opened her mouth and meowed, "Do we have enough warriors to attack them though?" she asked her voice sharp. "I believe we can speak about that later." meowed Riverbreeze. Giving a nod to Wolfstar, she confirmed that all the warriors agreed. Breathing in Wolfstar turned to the cat, though the conversation was short, he didn’t intend on the attack happening so… quickly. I still can’t get over how framiliar this cat looks…. He lookes like Blackpaw………… Shaking that feeling away he remembered that Blackpaw was dead, but this cat sure did look alike towards him. “What is your name?” he asked, Amber eyes still questioning.
9:24am Sep 25 2010
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ooc; Bump
11:44am Sep 25 2010
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((Siri can has.))
11:53am Sep 25 2010
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Desired Name:Molly Position:Loner Family:Deceased Mate:None Crush:Open(Possibly from Clan?)
Additional Info: Gender:Female Appearance:  Personality:Muhnn... She's tough cookie! ;D
12:09pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 42
I wish to become a loner that lurks inside of CaveClan's territory.May a lost cat such of me join? Name: HawkHeart/Claw Position: Loner; was cast from her clan for being a medicine-cat-to-be and loved someone Family: sadly, all is deceased ;( Mate: forbidden, but had one kit: StarMoon (was born to become a prophecy, but was killed by a flood) Crush: none. if she ever had one again, it would kill her to remember her old mate Age: 3 years and 6 moons Additional info:Her history. As a kit, she was a crush to StormKit. they played,hunted, and grew up together.As APPRENTICES, they had their best years.But when the time came, they became warriors: StormClaw and HawkHeart. 9 moons after they became warriors, StormClaw was murdered by a rival clan member; SkyFur. That very next day, she woke up to StormClaw dead beside her and screamed loudly, waking up every cat. She ran into the rival clans territory and drove SkyFur far from his home. when she returned, she was thought to be a warrior, but she revealed "I was made a medicine cat. I am very sorry, but I bear StormClaw's kit, as I have found out about." The leader, SunPelt, stood to her and cast her from the clan. she broke into tears and ran far from home, into LightClan territory. She was accepted by pity, and had her kit there. She left after she got her name, StarPaw. She became a warrior and set out to find her mother. She later found her and traveled for 8 moons with her. They found a flooded river and it sucked StarMoon up. She was devistated, and renamed herself Claw. Now she only has hope to discover........ Gender:She-cat Appearence: www.catfacts.org/cat-facts.jpg Personality: Clam, shy, and jumpy. NEVER likes another tom around her. She always is sweet to younger cats, yet she is strong.
12:09pm Sep 25 2010 (last edited on 2:34pm Sep 25 2010)
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Posts: 42
((I wish to become a loner that lurks inside of CaveClan's territory.May a lost cat such of me join? Name: HawkHeart/Claw Position: Loner; was cast from her clan for being a medicine-cat-to-be and loved someone Family: sadly, all is deceased ;( Mate: forbidden, but had one kit: StarMoon (was born to become a prophecy, but was killed by a flood) Crush: none. if she ever had one again, it would kill her to remember her old mate Age: 3 years and 6 moons Additional info:Her history. As a kit, she was a crush to StormKit. they played,hunted, and grew up together.As APPRENTICES, they had their best years.But when the time came, they became warriors: StormClaw and HawkHeart. 9 moons after they became warriors, StormClaw was murdered by a rival clan member; SkyFur. That very next day, she woke up to StormClaw dead beside her and screamed loudly, waking up every cat. She ran into the rival clans territory and drove SkyFur far from his home. when she returned, she was thought to be a warrior, but she revealed "I was made a medicine cat. I am very sorry, but I bear StormClaw's kit, as I have found out about." The leader, SunPelt, stood to her and cast her from the clan. she broke into tears and ran far from home, into LightClan territory. She was accepted by pity, and had her kit there. She left after she got her name, StarPaw. She became a warrior and set out to find her mother. She later found her and traveled for 8 moons with her. They found a flooded river and it sucked StarMoon up. She was devistated, and renamed herself Claw. Now she only has hope to discover........ Gender:She-cat Appearence: www.catfacts.org/cat-facts.jpg and has a bobbed tail Personality: Calm, shy, and jumpy. NEVER likes another tom around her. She always is sweet to younger cats, yet she is strong.))
12:27pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 42
12:31pm Sep 25 2010
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Blackwolf twitched his ear and looked at the leader questioningly. "Erm...Blackwolf, Wolfstar." sitting down where he was he tilted his head slightly at the clan leader. Wondering why the leader had asked with such a look on his face. "I-is there something wrong Wolfstar?" he asked. Wondering at the look he thought maybe he himself had the same look. He looks alot like Wolfpaw. I wonder if he is. Shaking his head he looked up "B-brother?" he asked squinting his eyes a little. "I-is that really you? I thought you were dead." he added remembering the day they had last seen eachother. Staring into the leaders amber eyes he looked for anything that could confirm his accusation. "Brother! It is you! I thought you had died. How come you never came back to Iceclan? Mother missed you greatly." he stated smilling at the tom before him.
2:22pm Sep 25 2010
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ooc; Iamaura: We only rp IceClan CaveClan is only played at Gatherings, and FireClan is played in my post above because one of the IceClan cats is in FireClan. And please use brackets (( or these> ]] when you are not rping. It eliminates confusion. :) Fullmoon:> I love that Character. Reminds me of my dog..... Which is named molly xD >: Post coming:< Wolfstar looked at him, confused. "Wait..." he meowed, "You are My brother...? Blackpaw?" he meowed getting up to touch noses with the cat he thought was dead. "I never came back to IceClan because a cat told me you were dead, but ... they were wrong." he ended hissing. His amber eyes were glazed with happiness, and the other warriors padded out of the den awkwardly. "I can't go back now... as you can see." he meowed, "But you can join me..." he suggested quietly so that Riverbreeze didn't hear, his hopes up.
2:29pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 42
((then i shall do so. and ok))
2:31pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 42
((and you can call me my warrior name or iam))