2:53pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackwolf purred happy to see his long lost brother and smiled even more to know he was alive. "I'm sorry Wolfstar...I can't join Fireclan. I have an apprentice in Iceclan. But maybe after I train I will join Fireclan." he mewed and purred in happiness. "I'm so glad you're not dead." he added feeling like a kit would when they see their mother again after being lost. But he didn't care he had his brother.
2:57pm Sep 25 2010
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3:42pm Sep 25 2010
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ooc; Just a quick question, Iam. So will your Character be in IceClan now? And plus> I don't lead this rp, you have to ask East of you are aloud to join :< Feeling fire with Blackwolf's decision he meowed, "You want to go back to IceClan after what they are doing?" he questioned, unable to keep his neck fur from lying flat. Amber eyes blazing he realized that his brother would probably say 'yes' and go back, So I will treasure this moment, before he goes back withought getting angry. he thought, and forced his fur to lie flat. "I respect you decision." he meowed finally, then padded out of the den, beaconing Blackwolf with his tail. "Even if you would have joined, " he meowed, "You would stand out, like me when I first was here." Comparing Blackwolf, and himself to the other natural FireClan cats, they were all lithe, ling legged, very fast and slim, unlike him and his brother, broad shouldered and strong. "Amberflame was a rouge, and Riverbreeze is her sister. Snowshread is half CaveClan," he added, in case Blackwolf was wondering where they came from.
6:02pm Sep 25 2010
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Posts: 779
Blackwolf nodded at the information and kept his eyes on what had been pointed too. "When I'm done training Featherpaw...I'll join Fireclan. I promise you...even if joining this clan makes me stand out...I'll remain loyal to this clan. Iceclan isn't the ideal home for me. And I might pursaud a few to join me if I can." he added hoping he was alowed to do so. "If I'm allowed that is." he added looking at Wolfstar now.
10:50pm Sep 25 2010
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9:53am Sep 26 2010
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Wolfstar let out a deep sigh. "You will always be welcome here.." he murmured. Then turned to Blackwolf, "Now you should get back to your Clan, if they want you." Lifting his feet, he padded over to Snowshread. "Escort Blackwolf back to the IceClan border, Take Gingerpaw." he finished, then padded over to Blackwolf, "I will see you later then, goodbye." A couple seconds later, Snowshread emerged with the striking Gingerpaw, but wolfstar knew that Blackwolf would see her differently... Turning to pad into his nest, he walked through little puddles of water, and stared out of his den wondering. Why did you come here Blackwolf..? Lying down slowly, he wanted to Escort Blackwolf back himself, but he new he couldn't trust him as much as he wanted to. But is IceClan is so big, and gathering rouges, Will FireClan be big enough to face it?
11:30am Sep 26 2010
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Blackwolf nodded to Wolfstar and headed back to his border with the two escorts he was given. When he reached the borders he nodded to both the cats and went onto his own territory. "I'm thankful that you both escorted me back. Give Wolfstar my thanks as well." he mewed and left to go hunt. "I will see you both when the battle rises." heading back he cleaned himself and rolled into the iceclan scents to disguise the fireclan scent he carried. When he was sure the scent was gone he went back to his clan and noticed Eaglestar lying in the camp. "What happened?!" he asked and padded towards his dead leader acting as i he never knew what had happened.
3:03pm Sep 26 2010
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Sitting beside his mother he looked about but kept an eye on his siblings. Even though they weren't his real kin he saw them as his kin. Purring at the fact they were ok he left his gaurd and looked about. Thinking about speaking to Mistsoul about the strange scent and the encounter he had over the night he looked up to his mother and lightly mewed "Mom can I go and talk to Mistsoul? She looks really lonely I'd like to see if I can give her some company." he purred looking over at Mistsoul and back to his mother. "Please~?" Hawkmask sat down and looked at the small kits play with their new older friend but still friend to them. She purred as she watched the warrior play with them and padded towards them. "Hello. Mind if I join you?" she asked looking at all three wondering if they were going to turn her down or not. But she really hoped they didn't. She wanted to be able to play with the kits and possibly get to know Firtail a bit more.
4:34pm Sep 26 2010
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OoC; Anyone can join, just try and keep up with the epicness XD
4:46pm Sep 26 2010
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Rainfeather padded into the camp, her Neck fur beginning to rise at the heavy scent of fresh blood. Padding wearily through the snow, she noticed a Cream and white pelt in the middle of the camp. Padding up to the body, she recognized Eaglestar. Shock grasped her and she took a step backward. "What happened?" she asked herself, not noticing that Nightfall was grooming the leader's dead body. "Not sure," replied Nightfall. "Wasn't death, that is for sure," Nightfall continued between licks, "It was done by a cat." She finished, then turned her gaze on Rainfeather, shocking how harsh it was. Then she walked away, toward the medicine cat den, leaving Rainfeather. Breathing in Rainfeather reminded herself, You are deputy. Fear, grief, and worry swept through her and kept her on edge. You are leader now... A familiar voice spoke to her, echoing in her head. Shaking her head Rainfeather knew that she shouldn't be worried, but go into this with confidence... But she couldn't, not now. All she felt like doing is talking with a good friend. Staring at her leader's body in disbelief, she let her Ice blue eyes travel to Rosepaw, in the medicine cat den. The dark red apprentice was crying, and she spotted Featherpaw, angrily scratching the bark off a tree. Is it worse for them or for me? she knew that they were pretty even... Rainfeather felt devastated and she sat down and stared at her leader's body. Longing to know that her mother and Eaglestar were not murdered, stroked through her, but devastation told her that is was not possible. Tears ran down her silver fur as she pushed her face into Eaglestar's fur, though she wished it was her mothers, she curled up beside her and mourned. Rosepaw shrieked, "Why........." As tears ran down her face she moaned, "Whyyyyy......?" pushing her red face into the soft moss in front of her she opened her eyes, glazed with tears, they peered through the den entrance. Shutting them quickly again, she stumbled outside to lie beside her mother's body for one last time. Breathing in her scent, she murmured, "It isn't the same.." the scent of death interfered, and she felt like tearing a StarClan cat to pieces. "Redstorm, at least you will be happy..." she murmured. Featherpaw slashed the tree, a burning fire in her eyes for revenge. "I will tear the cat that did this to Pieces!" she hissed, making one final slash in the tree. Feeling another surge of anger, she knew that her week sister's would me mourning while she would be training. "I will be a better warrior then they ever can think of!" she spat, then slid into the darkness, her crimson eyes blazing. Emeraldrain looked at Snowkit, "If you will stop bugging me, then yes!" she snapped, then rested her head on the ground, trying to block out the squealing of the kits. Still slightly emotional that her leader was murdered and she didn't even scent the blood, she let out a huff and tried to catch a wave of sleep. "Please!" whined Duskkit, "Can she play?" Really wanting the brown warrior to play, he leaped onto her back and hissed "Got you!"
6:24pm Sep 26 2010
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Larkpaw licked the tears off Rosepaw's cheek and mewed, "Yes. Father will be happy" While tears ran down her own cheek, not bothering to stop. First her father, and the, only a few moons later her mother is muredered, "Why now StarClan?" she prayed silently, "Why now?"
6:34pm Sep 26 2010
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Snowkit slightly glared at Emeraldrain and padded away towards the she cat. "Mistsoul? C-can I help you?" he asked hoping the she cat would accept his concerns for helping the older she cat. "I-I promise I wont get in the way." he added quickly. Hoping with this he could get his troubled mind distracted and possibly find an awnser to the strange scent he always got off of Nightfall Hawkmask purred as she was playfully attack by the young tom. "So you have great warrior!" she yowled and turned onto her side trying to bat at him lightly. "But you are not strong enough compared to me little one." she added and mrrowd in laughter. She heard of Eaglestars death and wanted to keep the kits from finding out too young. I'll give my condolgences to her when the kits fall asleep.They're too young to understand the death of their leader. She thought and continued to play fight with the two kits and new Iceclan warrior.
11:12pm Sep 26 2010
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OoC: I'm sorry I haven't been active. I started college and the homework is killer. Then the access denied is horrible for my writing, gives me writers block. I will spend the rest of tonight catching up and maybe post tomorrow. I will write out my posts during cla.ss ;D
Just call me Siri.
4:20pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 779
6:05pm Sep 27 2010
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::Camp:: The news was grounding to Mistsoul. Eaglestar was gone. For good. Never to come out of her den again, never to call a clan meeting again, never to lead them to a Gathering again, and never purr her kits to sleep again. This is what you kept me from? she demanded hotly of her companion. Life is harder for the ones still living than the ones pa.ssed on. I knew this would be hard on you. Do you understand why I kept this burden from you? Gentleheart will forever remember that she was the one to find Eaglestar fallen for the last time. Mistsoul understood logically, but, at the moment, she was too emotional. Eaglestar had been a great leader: Courageous, accepting, noble, and much more. But the clan must go on. Times are hard, but Eaglestar didn't defend her clan to her death to have it wallow in mourning. She would want us to continue and have us prosper from these difficult times. Though her eyes were misted with tears, Mistsoul got to her paws. Looking deep into the medicine den she could see Rosepaw and Larkpaw comforting each other. Poor kits, first their father and now their mother. Then a hesitant mew distracted her thoughts. Looking around, Mistsoul realized that she had to look down to find who had spoken. "Snowkit," she chirped in surprise. When he asked if he could be of help she was about to say no, but when he added the last, with such a broken look in his eyes, she found herself meowing, "Of course you can help. I can find something for you to do." Leading him into the herb den, Mistsoul pointed to the two red berries in the far corner, separate from everything else. "I will let you help me, but under no circumstance are you to eat, lick, touch or even sniff those berries." Her tone was harsh, but she continued, "Those berries bring death, so be extremely cautious around them." Licking to crown of Snowkits head, Mistsoul meowed comfortingly, "I tell you this so that you can help me and not get hurt. You can also tell your littermates, I'm sure you would love to protect them and this way you can keep them from hurting themselves accidentally." Looking around the den, she found lavandar wands, the dried bud tops, and pointed to them with her tail. "I would love it if you could count those for me. When you are done with that, tell me how many there are then bring one to Rosepaw." Hoping the task wasn't too much for a kit; Mistsoul looked Snowkit in the eye and meowed, "Sound like a plan?"
Just call me Siri.
6:21pm Sep 27 2010
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Confused by all that was happening, Firtail looked around the camp. When Sunkit jumped on his back, Firtail did a little buck. His attention was so focused on what was happening around him that he didn't notice the light footed she-cat approach. Or that Duskkit was plotting his own attack. "Hello. Mind if I join you?" the soft mew of a she-cat asked. Utterly surprised, Firtail fluffed up his tail, which was quite fluffy already because it was how he got his warrior name. His strange blue eyes met with playful, yet sad ones. A IceClan warrior wants to play with kits when her leader just died? The action would have been punished in TreeClan, but Firtail was begining to see that IceClan was much different from the other clans. Though, he liked these differences, not so much the excessive loners and kittypets but everything else. The hope this clan holds is like none in the other clans. Before he could say anything, Duskkit was inviting her to play. With a playful half-smile, Firtail meowed, "I guess you're on my team..." Pausing, Firtail blushed because he didn't even know her name. "I'm sorry for being so rude, I am Firtail. May I ask what your name is?" And umf was added on the end when Duskkit aggresively jumped on his back, knocking some of the air out of his lungs. Strong kits for not a lot of prey around here. Another she-cat came into view, this one fiery orange. When she asked if he was Firtail, he merely nodded. This one seemed older, more mature. IceClan is huge, and every cat I've seen is different in some way. I wonder if any of them are kin. The puzzelment reminded him of why he came here, and he realized that it might be harder finding his kin than he thought.
Just call me Siri.
6:21pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; I am glad to hear that you are in collage Siri! Sounds fun! xD And would you mind... If I posted a thread on the 'Bugs' Forum fro the Access denied thing?
6:25pm Sep 27 2010
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OoC: Eklipse, why would you need my permission? I would totally go do a bump because it is really fustrating for me. I still can't post a lot of what I have written, and I feel bad because it is holding back the role play. So, go right on ahead. Also, college isn't all that exciting...yet. I have to get my pre-requ's done, then come the fun cla.sses. ^.^
Just call me Siri.
7:28pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Sunkit giggled, and buried herself in Firtails' fur."You're awesome!"
7:52pm Sep 27 2010
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"Oh, hi Firtail" she mewed kind of sadly, "I'm Blazewing" she mewed softly.She tried to smilebut it was hard, he looked to much like Leopardheart, "I'm sorry, if you don't want to.. I'll go" -- OoC; I still have writers block. I went to see Easy A and since then I've been wrtngly challenged