8:08pm Sep 27 2010
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Hawkmask smiled and purred. "I'm Hawkmask. It's a pleasure to meet you Firtail." she mewed softly and got up pawing the kits as they put their *censored*ault. "I hope Iceclan is to you're liking. I mean it's hard for some cats who are used to one life." Like Panthergaze and Starpaw. They were so used to eachother and their beliefs they are finding it hard to fit in I guess. I hope Firtail is ok. She quietly thought to herself as she smiled at the tom. Snowkit nodded understanding Mistsouls words completely and counted the herbs he was *censored*inged. "2, 4, 6 and 8." he counted noticing they were low on Lavender and took one padding towards Rosepaw. "U-umm R-rosepaw? I have some lavender for you. Mistsoul asked me to bring it to you. I'm helping her." he stated padding towards her. Noticing she was crying he tilted his head and sat beside her much taller body and licked her head bit putting the herbs infront of her a little.
8:10pm Sep 27 2010
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10:37pm Sep 27 2010
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10:38pm Sep 27 2010
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11:51pm Sep 27 2010 (last edited on 11:53pm Sep 27 2010)
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::Camp:: With a gentle smile, Firtail meowed, "Nice to meet you, Blazewing. You don't have to go, unless you want to." Sitting on his haunches, momentarily forgetting about the kits playfully attacking him, Firtail dumped them on the ground. Murmuring an apology, Firtail turned to Hawkmask. "It is also nice to meet you too," with a wink he purred, "beautiful." His easy-going attitude was contagious, but only to she-cats. Firtail couldn't stand a toms company for more than two seconds without cuffing them over the head. Opening his maw to flirt some more, Sunkit meowed, "You're awesome," which reminded him of his current job, kit-sitting. With a teasing grin, and mischievous eyes gazing at Hawkmask, Firtail turned around to scoop up the two energetic kits. Yowling some nonsense about taking over the whole forest, but these two pesky kits always seemed to *wren his plans. OoC: Um, word fail at the moment...how do you spell wren, as in messing things up or wrecking?
Just call me Siri.
11:54pm Sep 27 2010
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OoC: Eastie, don't have writers block. It's not so fun...no fun at all. Think of something that inspires you. I always look outside, sun-sets were a big thing of mine a while back. Describing the surroundings is perfect for filling in stuff when you don't know what to post.
Just call me Siri.
10:12am Sep 28 2010
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((How about riting 'foil' his plans, instead? Xp)) "Ohh," Sunkit giggled. "Firtail and Blazewing are in lovve!" She held Firtails' nose in her paws. "Am I beautiful?" She asked.(Oh, cheeky cheeky Sunkit! :D)
5:11pm Sep 28 2010
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Blushing a bit Hawkmask smilled lightly at him. He better not be another Blackwolf. I really hope he's not. Please please please! Purring at Sunkit she looked for Duskkit knowing he was probably planing his attack. She kept her gaurd up for the kit as he snuck around waiting for her to let her gaurd down. Snowkit padded back to Mistsoul and smiled. "There's 7 lavendars left Mistsoul. I think you may want to restock incase." hoping the she cat was still in need of his service he tought of how he would state the problems he was having. "E-erm...M-mistsoul...when you're not too busy I'd like to tell you something I don't think the other medicine cats would understand or even Emeraldrain. Plus...I think you're more experienced with this stuff. You must like being in here. I like it in here alot." he stated hoping the she cat wouldn't mind his request.
5:45pm Sep 28 2010
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Blazewing blushed and lauhed, "In love Sunkit? I think not!" she sai it in a rather fun tone. Looking at the little she-kit she dropped into a hunters crouch and said playfully, "Wanna fight?"
5:47pm Sep 28 2010
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ooc; Right, so Siri: I got the thread up, tell me if you want to add anything. :) Oh and another thing.. I need the paragraphs for Eaglestar and Leopardheart for there lives, and I also need 1 more slot to be filled. As well as Electro> Timberfur's life and Paragraph. ( It can be short! ) And fullmoon: I believe that Firtail said beautiful to Hawkmask! xD 1:Redstorm> Courage 2.:Timberfur> What life Electro? 3:Ivynose> Endurance 4:> Wisdom> Leopardheart> Siri 5:Larkwing> Trust 6:Pheonixstar> Faith 7: Dingofang> Love 8: Open slot... 9: Eaglestar> Protection for the Clan. Bic; Rosepaw lifted her tear-drenched head, her crystal eyes still flooded with tears. "I.... I don't...." she stammered, I can barley talk! "T-thank you Snowkit.." she meowed her voice shaking with sadness. She ate the odd tasting herb, it stung ehr tong like the death that her family has been through. Who will look after us now Eaglestar? she asked desperately. Her spine chilled, Who will I talk to when I need it? Rainfeather padded up to Eaglestar's den. Feeling alone, and unloved, she pushed her silver face up against the rock wall. Realizing that she didn't look more than a moaning kit when she did that, she turned to sit down. Her long silvery legs felt as if she hadn't ran through the forest for moons. Looking ahead, she noticed Firtail in the camp. What...? she asked, but then blocked the question out. Turning her pale ice blue gaze toward other things, she just stared into space. Flopping herself on the ground she let her face lye in the snow, the cold chill making her feel numb. "Did I really deserve this StarClan?" she asked. Then lifted her head and began grooming her lithe body. Everything was going wrong.
5:48pm Sep 28 2010
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ooc; I am Changing Rainfeather's age to 19 moons. I don't like her being an older cat. I want her to be a young leader. xD
6:01pm Sep 28 2010
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((Could moi Blackpaw be joy? Blackpaw died by a fox (Or badger) I think..))
6:04pm Sep 28 2010
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"Okay!" Sunkit whizzed over to her new target, and pounced, landing on Blazewings' nose. She gently nibbled her nose. "Guess what!" She said poudly. "In three more moons, I'll be an apprentice" ((I have an idea for sunkits' warrior name. What about Sunblaze?))
6:11pm Sep 28 2010
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OoC: O.o' ::twitches:: Firtail in love with Blazewing? ::laughs:: She could be his mother! xD I got the giggles after reading Sunkit's post. I'm still laughing because Firtail is peaking glances at Hawkmask~ Lol, that was funny. ::wipes tear away from laughing so hard:: BiC Mid-lunge, Firtail heard Sunkit meow innocently, "Firtail and Blazewing are in lovve!" Eyes widening, the powerful warrior stumbled and rolled to the ground, trying his hardest not to yowl with laughter. His aquamarine eyes shinning with humor, Firtail looked at the older she-cat. She was well into her years but plenty beautiful. Though, Firtail had too much pride to pad after some she-cat that was old enough to be his mother. Now Hawkmask, he thought with a smug look on his face, she looks young enough. Sitting still as stone when Sunkit took his face between her two little paws, Firtail couldn't help but smile softly when she asked if she was beautiful. Thinking quickly, the prideful warrior mewed softly, "The most beautiful she-kit in the clan." Meanwhile, Mistsoul was deeply concentrating on plucking stems from berries, a hard task to do since most of the berries were small and difficult to hold still without mashing them into the floor. So when Snowkit blurted, "There's seven lavenders left, Mistsoul. I think you may want to restock, incase." The silver she-cat spooked and the berry she had been working on shot across the enclosure. Her pale gold eyes followed it, as she bounced around pouncing for it. Peaking under her two forepaws, that she held together in front of her, Mistsoul huffed an amused purr. She had smashed the berry into a splat in her attempt to catch it. "Opps," she chirped. "E-erm...M-mistsoul...when you're not too busy, I'd like to tell you something. I don't think the other medicine cats would understand or even Emeraldrain. Plus...I think you're more experienced with this stuff. You must like being in here. I like it in here a lot." Snowkit meowed. Glancing over at Snowkit, Mistsoul cocked her head to the side. She was a little confused. "You are not feeling sick, Snowkit," she questioned, "are you?" Feeling slightly concerned Mistsoul padded over to the white tom, her right paw squishy with berry juice. Sniffing around him, she couldn't smell any type of sickness and his eyes were bright, so Snowkit looked healthy enough for a starving clan. Wrapping her slim, long tail around his itty, bitty frame, Mistsoul meowed, "You can tell me anything, and if you really like it, you can come help me any time until you become an apprentice."
Just call me Siri.
6:12pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: O.o I'm really slow at posting...
Just call me Siri.
6:14pm Sep 28 2010
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((Sunkit has no definition of age yet, you know. XD))
6:51pm Sep 28 2010
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OoC; Not actually Siri. Jadewing is old. Blazewing is young not her spirit but her body XD. "Oh really now?" inquired Blaewing playfully, "Only 3 moons! I remmber when I was just a kit and Rosest- my leader made me an apprentice! I was so happy, and I'm sure, you'llbe the best warrior there is" Her ice blue eyes shone and her fur was fluffed up against the cold. Despite the weather she was in a good mood. Unlike most of the clan, she didn't know about Eaglestar yet.
7:20pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 779
No you're not Siri. I am.) Hawkmask purred at Firtail and Sunkit. He acted so kind towards them and he was definately handsome. But to her Panthergaze was probably better looking. She still had her gaurd for Duskkit but it was faltering as she focused on the tom. "You like kits?" she asked as she padded towards him and sat beside him purring.
Snowkit shook his head at the sick question and took a little breath to think his words through. "Ummm last night...when everyone was gone to the gathering...a strange black cat appeard but he wasn't a clan cat. He didn't even have pupils. See I gfaught him off but now he's inside me and he says he wants to torture me. Also...theres a strange scent coming off of Nightfall. Almost like autumnbreeze. But I know her scent. It not that. So...I'm kind of confused." he stated admiting the night of his scaring moment hoping the she cat wouldn't think he's insane. OOC; Painfullpaw is the oldest apprentice I believe. XD He's 13 moons and he doesn't have a mentor still. East...we may need to talk on this and I don't know what type of life to give Rainstar from Timberfur.)
7:25pm Sep 28 2010 (last edited on 7:31pm Sep 28 2010)
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Watching as the others dashed away, Redpaw looked back at Kestrelheart and Lostfoot. His mind was calculating their chances of survival, which were slim at this point. The branches of the trees were too high, even for Kestrelheart or himself, so Lostfoot didn’t stand a chance of getting up into safety. As he scrutinized Kestrelheart, Redpaw noted that he might still be sore from the two-leg attack. I didn’t get injured then, he thought. Then realized something helpful, I’ve been walking slowly at the back all this time. The dogs know my scent by now, I would imagine, and I am not tired at all because of my slow pace. His mind made up, Redpaw yowled, “Lostfoot, you old tom, you need to find some sort of shelter. Or just run after the rest of the group.” Turning before he could complain, Redpaw continued as he meowed to Kestrelheart, “I’m not tired at all, so you should go find a tree with the lowest branches possible. I will run in front of the dogs, distracting them, and lead them away from everyone.”
Knowing that they wouldn’t like this one bit, he growled, “Besides, I bet you would like to get rid of a pest like me. I don’t even know why I’m offering to do something like this for a group of fleabags.” His umber eyes sparked with fight when the first howl erupted from the scrubs close by. “Better hurry because here they come.” His little ears perked toward the rustling brush, and the well built, fiery tom bared his fangs. Fur bristling, he raised his hackles and slashed his claws into the air, as if slicing through thick pelts.
Just call me Siri.
7:30pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Lostfoot growled and stood his post. "I might be older then you and have one paw but I've faught more battles then you have Redpaw. I'm fighting." he yowled and stood his ground beside the apprentice. "And were are Not. Fleabags." he hissed and glared at the red tom. He was really trying the old toms patience and really he didn't want to argue with the red tom anymore but he stood his ground and hissed as the dogs came.