7:31pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 1,771
OoC: My thing is being really stupid at the moment. I'm going to have to restart my computer...again. T.T
Just call me Siri.
7:32pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 1,771
-lp?- Or just more computer fail.
Just call me Siri.
8:12pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Kestrelheart bit back a sharp retort to Redpaw, "Listen apprentice, I've had about enough of you. Stop being so judgemental. We are not fleabags clearly, because if we were, you'd be, you've been raised with us for how long now? A few moons. You know our ways you know how we live, deal with it!" he snarled at him, wanting to cuff him over the head, claws extended. "And like Lostfoot said, we may e older, but neither of us are that old, and we've fought more battles and lost more people we've loved that you could ever think of"
8:47pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; >Faints< So much posting has happened since I was on last... xD Fullmoon: Of course! Type up the paragraph and send it to me! ~ This post is gonna be good. xD Electro: FIND SOMETHING. bic; Panthergaze awoke from the warriors den, he padded up to Hawkmask to see that some Fox heart was flirting with her. Trying to approach the situation calmly, he padded up beside Hawkmask and Firtail, who were sitting quite close, he pushed through both of them, rubbing both of there fur the wrong way. Sitting down, he knew that Hawkmask would lecture him about this, Hey, I can lecture her about this too. "Oh sorry," he meowed, half mockingly to Firtail, "Did I bump you?" His amber gaze darted back and fourth, and then he realized the awkwardness he had just created. "So, " he meowed, "Who are you again?" he asked, even though he knew the name of the TreeClan warrior. Nobody flirts with Hawkmask that isn't me. He thought, and gave his chest-fur a couple of confident licks. Flicking his tail back and fourth, he met Firtail's gaze calmly. Still trying effortlessly not to let his black neck-fur bristle he knew that Firtail would not be happy of his interference. I was here first. he declared, keeping eye contact with the ginger tom, he shot him a glance of possession; that seemed to say 'She's mine.' Turning away from the tom's aqua gaze, which made him feel uncomfortable, he licked one paw and drew it over his head. Then shook his pelt to annoy both of them more.
9:21pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Blazewing glared at the dark tom, "Why don't you buzz off Pnathergaze? Or at least be nice to Firtail?" she nearly hissed at him, "All that's happening is a nice conversation, no need to get so jealous" OoC; I'm in a bad mood. Yes. Because of TV. My favourite couple broke up DX
9:57pm Sep 28 2010 (last edited on 10:01pm Sep 28 2010)
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Posts: 779
Hawkmask glared at Panthergaze slightly but she still had a blush. "Panthergaze. May I talk with you? Alone." she spoke and got up smilling at Firtail apologectically. "I'm sorry for Panthergaze Firtail." she mewed and licked his cheek letting him know she was being sincere of the apology. Glaring at Panthergaze as she pa$$ed him she huffed and looked back at Firtail. "I'll talk to you again when I get back." she stated and smiled.
10:04pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 2,842
OoC; @Siri- I just went back and read the first page of posts. I kept calling you siritachi and it was a ll awkard, so much has changed in the year!
10:06pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc;Thaaaaanks East. Poor Panthergaze, having to withstand East's psychotic anger. xD Letting his neck fur rise, Panthergaze looked at Blazewing, his amber eyes lit with a wild fire. "I have every right to be here," he snapped back at her, "I heard that you were a loner recently here too, so we are even in rank here." he retorted, then turned away from the angry she cat. You have no Idea what love is like. he convinced himself, even though he didn't know Blazewing's past. Turning to Hawkmask, he looked at her with a certain note of desperateness in his eyes. His dark fur beginning to lye flat, he let out a silent hiss on anticipation. What is she doesn't like me anymore? he wondered, fighting panic. It is enough that she is flirting with another cat, but she seems to not care for me! Feeling as if a huge tree of depression had fallen on him, he wanted to walk into the warrior's den and fall asleep. On the other hand, he wondered how the little apprentice Starpaw was doing. But that was a distraction of what is happening in the present moment. Glaring at Firtail, he wished that he never came to the Clan, and just stayed where he was. Away from Hawkmask.
10:07pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; Sorry electro, we posted at the same time. I will make another post for you.
10:12pm Sep 28 2010
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Panthergaze lumbered behind Hawkmask, feeling as if he is worth nothing. Nothing more than a kit to be lectured. "What is it?" he hissed. I can't believe that this fur-ball is making her turn away from me! Feeling emotionally and mentally confused, he sat down, waiting for Hawkmask to say something rude, or something like. 'I don't love you, Firtail is so strong and muscular and.......' Blah blah blah! Letting out another soft hiss he stared at the she-cat, horrified of what she would say to him. She obviously likes him better. I am worth nothing. that was out of character for Hawkmask, but he knew she would state something like that. I won't stop fighting until I win her heart.
10:13pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 779
Hawkmask looked at his face and noticed the desperate look and sighed. He anger leaving her. "Look. Nothing happened. We were only talking. I promise. And you had no right to do that. What has gotten into you? I know you would probably love to go after another she cat at any given moment so why did you do that?! You may of told me I could tell when a tom is bothering me but I can also help myself. I'm not a defenseless she cat. I thought by now you would of known." taking a deep breath she sighed calming down and softening after her anger had left her "Look...I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. I'm sorry Panthergaze." she mewed and looked at him apologetically.
10:23pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 779
XD i think we posted at the same time again.)
8:27am Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 779
4:36pm Sep 29 2010
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6:39pm Sep 29 2010
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"No, " snapped Panthergaze as he looked at Hawkmask, strait in the face. "You don't need to apologize," turning around he began to pad away, then stopped and looked back at her, "You obviously have something going on with Firtail," he hissed, "it is more than a friendly talk and I know it. " Turning his amber gaze away from her, his heart aching to run back to her, and lick her forhead. No not now. she needs to show me she loves me. he thought then meowed, "Sorry I got in the way." he retorted then padded off, leaving the beautiful brown she cat alone outside of the camp. She doesn't want me. he thought, "I know she lied to me." he hissed, "But why?" he spoke again to himself, "Ha ha. I will never know."
6:40pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; No promises, but I may only be on the computer 1 time tonight. I hope I can get on again but I don't know.
6:42pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; and Siri: This is what Ohso said about the acces denied thing. Pat has stirred up some forum bugs. They should settle back down soon. If they don't then let us know and we'll focus on this problem to get it fixed.
6:51pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 1,713
ooc; I need paragraph's from Fullmoon and East. Thank you!. 1:Redstorm> Courage 2.:Timberfur> Justice 3:Ivynose> Endurance 4:> Wisdom> Leopardheart> Siri 5:Larkwing> Trust 6:Pheonixstar> Faith 7: Dingofang> Love 8: Blackpaw> Fullmoon> Needing paragraph 9: Eaglestar> Protection for the Clan. > Need paragraph
7:21pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 779
Hawkmask stood there shocked and shook her head. "No! Panthergaze!" she yowled and padded after him. "Listen to me. I'm not lying. Theres nothin going on between Firtail and I. I promise." she stated as she caught up to him. "Please! Try to understand that I'm not lying." she begged and went infront of him. Now she was the one being desperate. "Look I have no other feeling then friendship towards him. I-it's not what you thought it was."
8:05pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Panthergaze needs to get it through his thick head that Firtail was flirting, not Hawkmask. >.< *Sorry for my rashness, but it's true! No offence to anyone, I hope?*))