5:08pm Sep 30 2010 (last edited on 5:09pm Sep 30 2010)
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ooc; Panthergaze knows that it was Firtail who was flirting. He knows what he seen/heard. He is mad because Hawkmask put up with it! xD Oh and Fullmoon do you have the paragraph for Rainfeather's joy life? Everyone has sent it in so far.... xD And Siri: You know how on the Bio's you do you have it like this: Rainkit (Rainpaw) { Rainfeather} What kind of brackets would Rainstar be in? Bic; Feeling pangs of sympathy come to his heart his amber gaze reflected grief. "I know," he hissed padding toward her, "But I can't trust any other cat with you," he meowed delicately, then sat down. "I have never had any cat be so close to me like this," he continued. I know she sounds desperate but is she really telling the truth? he wondered, but knew that it would be mean to find out. "Come on," his meow was a little harsher this time, "We should go back to camp."
5:08pm Sep 30 2010
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oooc; Bump
5:28pm Sep 30 2010
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5:30pm Sep 30 2010
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Hakwmask nodded and followed behind the light tom. Should I tell him? No I probably shouldn't. He doesn't trust me already and it's all my fault. Padding towards the white tom she rubbed her head lightly against his shoulder. "I'm sorry." she added and padded away. When she got into camp she smiled at her home. "It's home...but sometimes it feels like it's not." she mewed lightly and padded towards the playing kits and warrior. Giving some time for Panthergaze she purred. "Are you kits ready for a bit of battle play fighting?" she asked as she crouched and purred more.
Blackwolf padded towards Featherpaw. "Come on. You need some training." he mewed and padded towards the training hollow. Looking back he sighed. "Hurry up Featherpaw!" he ordered and sat down.
5:37pm Sep 30 2010
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Dovefire padded onto IceClan territory and breathed in ddeeply. The smell, so familiar, yet so odd, was comforting to him. I'm home. he thought. Heading towards the camp the scent of lood grew stronger on the air. He slinked around a tom he didn't recognize who was padding with a she cat that was small, and smelled somewhat like Eaglestar. He walked into the camp and was shocked to see very few cats he recognized. He started walking towards Eaglestar's old den and mewed, "Hello? Is Eaglestar here?"
5:38pm Sep 30 2010
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Gentleheart turned around, and stared at Dovefire coldly. Two words escaped from her mouth. "She's dead."
5:44pm Sep 30 2010
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ooc; WOOOT WOOT! I ahve all the paragraphs from the people! Now to type my part. hay Electro: You know Panthergaze is black right? xD Happieness! Dovefiiiiiire!
5:45pm Sep 30 2010
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Nooo Stray made him white with black markings. XP She even posted it.))
5:54pm Sep 30 2010
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"What?" Doverfire cried, his white fur on end, "She's dead? But.. how?" His red eyes filled with tears, "What about Ivynose and her kits?" Quailfoot is safe, but the other...?" he asked.Tears dripped down his face as he thought abou the loss of his sister. His voice thick with tears he asked, hoarsely and quietly, "Who will be the new leader?"
5:58pm Sep 30 2010
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Gentleheart sighed. "Rainfeather. She'll be going to get her lives soon. If you'll excuse me, I'm a medicine cat, and I'm very tired. If you don't get out of my way, I'll feed you deathberries." She was just joking, but she wouldn't be surprised if dovefire took that to heart.
6:18pm Sep 30 2010
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OoC; Like I said I was rading through the roleplay from the beginning, and I accidently called Rainfeather Rainstar and I guess it was just foreshadowing XD "Rainfeather?" Dovefire asked shocked, "Wow. I neve would have thought." he added more quietly. Wlaking around he saw Rainfeather and mewed softly, "May I speak to you?" His black ears twitched and he shuffled his large black paws.
6:22pm Sep 30 2010
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6:33pm Sep 30 2010
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OoC; I don't wanna post it but. Echovoice hadded her kits :3 Yes I am hyper and sooooooooper tired.
7:50pm Sep 30 2010
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I has to make Sorrowkits Bio now. ))
7:55pm Sep 30 2010
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ooc; Pshhh! Well stop pointeng out my not-paying-attentiion-ness. bic; Rainfeather looked at the familiar face of Dovefire. Oh no! He probably doesn't know about Ivynose or Eaglestar! she panicked, but then realized that a leader should not be panicking! Raising her piercing ice blue gaze off her black paws to his face she meowed, "Sure we can talk," Sitting down she meowed, "What would you like to tell me?" Flicking her wispy white tail, she looked at the older IceClan warrior. Curious why he had come back to the Clan of so much death that it was bearly sustainable to its own warriors.
8:23pm Sep 30 2010 (last edited on 9:00pm Sep 30 2010)
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Siri I hope you don't mind the fact I used your bio thingy. It's just so epic. >.>;; The Basics: Name: Sorrowkit (sorrowpaw) {Sorrowlift} Age: new born Position: kit Gender: She-kit Birthplace: Iceclan. Residence: Iceclan. The Appearance: Eye Color: A nice midnight blue. Coat Color: White with a black tiped. Scars: Nope. Distinguishing Features: Her looks that resemble Sorroweyes. The Personality: Loves: not yet. XP Likes: Family, friends being around the medi cats den. Winter. Dislikes: Perverted toms. Birds. Blackwolf (He's scares her also birds scarte her). And very rude males. (Redpaw is going to be on her hate list. XD) Secret(s): She looks like Sorroweyes but she doesn't know that. Weaknesses: Birds. Blackwolf. And very pervy toms. Strengths: Fast lith and very headstrong. Can swim really well. Pet Peeves: When birds chirp back at her when she's singing. The Other: Scent: Winters berry with tint of fresh water. Crush: nope not yet. Family: Echovoice M, Timberfur F, her littermtes if she has any and Fireeys, Sorroweyes. Mate: Nien. Offspring: NIEN! O_e Additional Information: She has a very good singing voice.
8:44pm Sep 30 2010
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OoC; I'll make the other kits bio's :D Dovefire mewed, "Can I come back? Permanently?" he asked Rainfeather with longing inhis voice, "There's barely any of us left, everyone who left the clan was there, Cougarclaw, ho has pas.sed, Robinwing, Quailfoot, they're all there, but its just not for me." He sighed, "I'm a clan cat through and through." OoC; Bios! The Basics: Name: Cherrykit (Cherrypaw) {Cherryheart}
Age: Not even one moon :D Position: kit Gender: She-kit Birthplace: Iceclan. Residence: Iceclan. The Appearance: Eye Color:This colour Coat Color:: Calico :d pink nose
Picture: Scars: Nope. Distinguishing Features: Looks alot like her mother but has her fathers eyes. :)
The Personality: Loves: Mom, brother and sister, the clan, cuddling. :d Likes:Again, family friends, clan, she will love the season of autmmn because of the smells, snow, birds, mice, food X3 Dislikes:Blackwolf, Featherpaw, that she never met daddy, lizards and snakes.
Secret(s):Hmmm... maybein a bit :D
Weaknesses: Rain T3T, water of any kind, harsh sunlight and strong winds. Strengths: Hunting on the moor, darkness, and fast runner
Pet Peeves: Obonxious she cats. The Other: Scent:Fruity, like a berry,and a bit minty :D
Crush: Not yet Family: Echovoice M, Timberfur F, her littermtes and Fireeys, Sorroweyes. Mate: Nien. Offspring: NIEN! O_e Additional Information:Nuffin :3
The Basics: Name: Chestnutkit (Chestnutpaw) {Chestnutwind}
Age: not even 1 moon Position: kit Gender: Tom Birthplace: Iceclan. Residence: Iceclan. The Appearance: Eye Color: Brown/amber Coat Color: Chesnut coloured, dark brown with light gray uner belly and muzzle, (much like Timberfur)
Scars: Nope. Distinguishing Features: he looks like Timberfur but his eyes are a different colour :D The Personality: Loves: not yet. XP Likes: Life :D wind sun all seasons, except when there is no prey
Dislikes: Any cats he finds untrustworthy, Blackwolf, Jadepaw and Larkpaw,
Secret(s):Nothing :D
Weaknesses:His nightmares,Extreme cold
Strengths: Amazing fighter, kind
Pet Peeves: When other cats say "Oooh the baby boy" when they talk about him becausehe is small in stature
The Other: Scent:Like the dried leaves infall -dies inside. My favourite smell EVER- and cloves
Crush: nope not yet. Family: Echovoice M, Timberfur F, littermates and Fireeys, Sorroweyes. Mate: Nien. Offspring: NIEN! O_e Additional Information: Likes to win battles
9:41pm Sep 30 2010
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OoC; - my last dovefire post "Emeraldrain! Emeraldrain! I've come back to love you so we can run away together!" Dovefire cried out before getting pwned by a tree.
9:42pm Sep 30 2010
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Posts: 779
Sorrowkit looked about noting that there were other kits she purred. "I want to be able to go outside. Mother can I go outside?" she asked hoping the awnser wouldn't be no. "Please~~" she begged looking outside as snow fell down silently.
10:57pm Sep 30 2010
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OoC; Electro, they're like two days old. Kit-speak only XD