5:57pm Dec 3 2009
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Fallenwind scowled as a cat padded out of their den on his watch. He could not sleep, so he decided to watch the forest for any signs of the rouges. Glancing behind him, he spotted Eaglestar and cringed. Wonder what she's doing out here? Probably another dream. He itched to go to her, but decided aginst it. After all, she seemd to be pretty comfortable with Redstorm. Glaring at the ground, he really hated himself. Im sorry Shimmerpool! I hate this feeling she gives me, sorta like you did. Im not loyal to you, please forgive me. He thought to his forer mate. Few cats knew he was the acual father of Silentpaw, and he wanted to keep it that way. Just as no one knew him and Shimmerpool were mates, except Falconwing. Looking up at te sky, his eyes filled with grief, a rare change to his normal anti-social demanor. Shimmerpool, please help me!
6:58pm Dec 3 2009
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Flameridge snarled, "It wasn't my place to help you, you should have scented the kit." Shoulder fur rising with his anger he raged on, "That kit should have known better, and the same with you! There was no reason for me to help you!" Eaglestar lay on the Basking Rocks, waiting for Patchpaw to wake up for hunting patrol, Its almost time for her first a.ssessment, she thought to herself, Oh! When I tell her he will be so exctied! PUrring aloud she groomed herself and lay back down.
7:12pm Dec 3 2009 (last edited on 8:08pm Dec 3 2009)
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Patchpaw awoke slowly, barely peeking her eyes open she looked at Silentpaw. He looks so calm and relaxed in his sleep, like he used to be around me. Giving up on falling into sleep again, the little she-cat rose silently for once and crept out of the den. Not disturbing a single apprentice. Wouldn’t want all of them to be in a fowl mood like Silentpaw, what’s changed him? Shivering slightly as a breeze wisped through the camp Patchpaw looked to the fresh-kill and saw Leopardheart and Swiftdarkness talking seriously amongst themselves. I hope that when I get older, I don’t gossip like an elder. I wonder where Eaglestar is. She’s most likely waiting for me somewhere. Deciding to use her nose, Patchpaw scented the air; she left camp not too long ago. Mewing to Leopardheart that she was going to find Eaglestar, Patchpaw left camp. Smelling again, she turned toward the Basking Rocks. Trotting to help herself get warm, she soon emerged into the clearing and spotted Eaglestar. Walking up to her mentor she asked, “Am I later for the morning patrol?” Hoping she wasn’t because she would never forgive herself for being later. ((I don’t know where the Basking Rocks are located but I thought that they might be out of the camp, kind of like the Sunning Rocks. I don’t know though.))
Just call me Siri.
7:25pm Dec 3 2009
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((sure, it wasnt ever said so yeah... whatever)) "No you are not, we are not going on a patrol this morning, you are having your first as.sessment." she mewed softly, "You will have to try and catch as much prey as you can in the time you are given. I will be watching you so don't forget, because of this we will see how far you are from recieving your warrior name. We will also know what we need to work on more." she fiinished and nodded her head to get her apprentice to start.
7:32pm Dec 3 2009
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Silentpaw woke up just as Patchpaw walked out of the den. Watching her walk away, he felt a pang of longing for the easy friendship they once shared. I miss her, but she has Cheetahpaw now. He sighed and got up, padding into the camp to look for his mentor. Where could Leopardheart be? Falconwing glanced around the warrior den for Swiftdarkness, wondering where he went. Getting up, she flinched as a small cramp shot through her stomach. Looking at her stomach, she was surprised to see a small swell. Could it be? Great Starclan, am I... Bolting frm the den, she scidded to a halt at the medicine cats den. "Fernseed!"
7:33pm Dec 3 2009
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Redstorm walked into the clearing, almost like he was expecting something to happen. "Flamerige," He meowed "I new you were there, you could have stopped badger face, from taking quailkit, you could have faught with me." He meowed angrily. I never trusted him he though. "Quainkit followed me it wasn't my fault." he mumrmerd, knowing Flamerige would probley appear. He hoped that when he did Eaglestar would come.
7:40pm Dec 3 2009 (last edited on 8:09pm Dec 3 2009)
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Jumping to attention, Patchpaw nodded to her mentor. Trotting off she thought, it’s happening so fast! I can’t believe that it’s this far already. Instinctively heading for the small stream that supplied much of the water in the forest, Patchpaw listened for prey absent-mindedly. I wonder if Silentpaw gets to be tested today too. Leopardheart seems to like his apprentice learning more slowly and in-depth. Silentpaw would do better than me, I’ve never really been good at catching prey. Stopping when she heard a twig snap, Patchpaw swiveled her ears until she pin-pointed her prey. Slowly stalking it, a little magpie, until she was quite close then with lightning speed she pounced on it and killed it swiftly. Thank you StarClan for supplying us with this meal, she prayed silently. Deciding to come back for the bird, Patchpaw buried it. She continued to think deeply and hunt for the rest of the a.ssessment until Eaglestar came to her.
Just call me Siri.
7:45pm Dec 3 2009
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Back at camp, Leopardheart called to Silentpaw. “I would like to watch you hunt today,” he said, “I would have been a.ssessing you but Eaglestar is busy looking into Patchpaw’s training, so maybe tomorrow.” Seeing the disappointment in his apprentice’s eyes he could help but say, “I want Eaglestar to see how well you’re doing. I don’t want her to be distracted by her own apprentice to not see how well you’re doing.” If only they could have been judged the same day, just like Swift and I, because it makes it easier to see how far along an apprentice should be. Nodding Silentpaw forward, Leopardheart followed the quiet apprentice to the training grounds.
Just call me Siri.
7:45pm Dec 3 2009
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"I am your clan mate!" REdstorm snarled "YOU ARE ATHORIZED TO HELP!". "Quailkit had rolled in mud I couldn't have sented her!" Fur started to reaise on his deep red pelt.
7:47pm Dec 3 2009
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Sitting in the top of a poplar tree in spring. This is how a white cat blends in she purred silently. She wathced her apprentice take down several mice and birds.
7:48pm Dec 3 2009 (last edited on 7:49pm Dec 3 2009)
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"If it hadn't been for you Eaglestar wouldn't be so pset right now!" he screeched with fury and he tried to wait for the perfect time to attack
7:50pm Dec 3 2009 (last edited on 8:18pm Dec 3 2009)
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"Thats what its come down to?" he snarled "You watched me get attacked by a firce warrior cross badger!!" He flexed his long claws. He showed his long white teeth ((of course his teeth and claws arn't nearly as loneg as rainfeathers :P ))
8:01pm Dec 3 2009
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Fernseed shot out of her moss bed; one because of the dream she just experienced and two Falconwing’s desperate cry. I hope that nothing is wrong with the gentle she-cat. She’s so loyal to the Clan and Cougarclaw is still out of commission. Loping to the entrance of the den, Fernseed nearly collided with Falconwing. “Wha..What seems to be the problem?” she stammered, off balance form the she-cats nearness. Hearing and scenting that Mistpaw walking briskly up to her side, Fernseed glanced at her apprentice in a look that said, I don’t know what’s wrong yet. Looking to Falconwing, Fernseed saw a glow about her that had her thinking about, maybe not what’s wrong but what’s right!
Just call me Siri.
8:22pm Dec 3 2009
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"Of course that's wahat it comes down to, you mutant! You and your sister both, her with her freakishly long fangs and claws and you with your almost Scarlet fur" he was snarling, and of course didn't know that Eaglestar was walking up with her apprentice right behind. Eaglestar saw the two toms spitting and snarling at eacother, she didn't know what to do, so she sent Patchpaw to get some moss for the elders den, and to brning themsome prey. Watching the scene unflod turned out to be very dramatic...
8:31pm Dec 3 2009 (last edited on 8:33pm Dec 3 2009)
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"Mutant?" Redstorm yowled "I am no mutant you mangy piece of fox-dung! I like Eaglestar and I'm not about to give that up!" "Redstorm fight back!" yelled Rainfeather. Redstorm couldn't , What was wrong with him? He didn't know. "I can see he wont" she wispered to larkwing "so I will" She hurdled as fast as she could toward the fight and pushed Redstorm off and with one swoop of her claw, scratched him on the face, he crouched down and she quickly jumped on him and pinned him down. "How dare you call me a MUTANT!" She snarled loudley Flexing her HUGE hooked claws toward his face; he tryed to scworm out but it was no use. He Long white fangs started to show as she got angryer and angryer. "RAINFETHER DON'T!" Redstorm yelped. Then she finaly-
8:32pm Dec 3 2009
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Patchpaw didn’t want to leave Eaglestar but followed the orders. The two toms looked like they were going to rip each other apart and we’re supposed to be a united Clan. What are they thinking? Dropping off some of the kill she had gotten, Patchpaw went into the Elders den and collected some of the dirty moss. Carrying it out she thought, isn’t this Cheetahpaw’s job? I thought that he was the one in trouble. Sighing through her mouth full of moss, she dropped it by an old bush and gathered some new moss. Continuing her mindless job until both Spiritfeather and Windkeeper were happy, Patchpaw wished again that Silentpaw was accompanying her.
Just call me Siri.
8:32pm Dec 3 2009 (last edited on 8:47pm Dec 3 2009)
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Sorry about the double post. =/
Just call me Siri.
8:41pm Dec 3 2009
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"Stop it now! All of you! Rainfeather thank you but get off him now please!" Eaglestar growled, "Flameridge , come here, NOW!" The orange tom walked forward , "I can't have cats fighting like that in my clan this is your last warning." Flaridge thought he saw, Redstorm smirk, and that was all it took, he didn't care if he couldn't have her, if he couldn't have the clan, he jumped on Redstorm again lashing out his paws attacking him with all his might until - Eaglestar jumped on Flameridge, and yowled, "Come. With. Me. NOW. Go sit underneath Highrock." Eaglestar's voice rang out as she yowle, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath Highrock for a clan meeting"
8:49pm Dec 3 2009
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Leopardheart, Swiftdarkness, Patchpaw and Silentpaw, who was with Leopardheart, all went to the High Rock to see what Eaglestar had to say. ((Epic fail, one line post it a first for Siri.))
Just call me Siri.
8:50pm Dec 3 2009
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Whats going on?" Ivynose asked larkwing. "I don't really know, but it must be about that fight..." She remarked. Rainfeather looked at the ground, not knowing what wo say to her injured brother. She padded away, he didn't seem to mind. She sat ontop of a pointed stone "What have I done, I am a mutant." she murmered quietly. She flexed one of her claws, they werelong black and hooked. "Why am I such a freak?" she asked Starclan.