9:00pm Dec 3 2009
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"As you all know, there are some cats who just arent born for the way of a life of a Warrior" Eaglestar spoke, "One of those cats happens to be Flameridge," the caln gasped and Jadewing asked her mate quietly, "Is he too soft or something because I for one-" she was cut off by Eaglestar, "As we all know and learn as a kit, is that we are one clan, and we work togethr, I can't have my warriors fighting eachother in the middle of the camp." her mew was becoming a snarl as she said, "Flameridge because of your cease to attack Redstorm, you are banished from this clan, you were a good warrior, but I can't trust you anymore. Anyone who see's you on our territory after sunset has my permission to attack, and kill if neccesary. Goodbye" Flameridge snarle, he had been expecting this. He turned to face his clan who were still standing there looking shicked, "Who wants to join me? Anyone?" Kestrelpaw, Flameridges nephew stepped up to him and snalrde, "I hate you! You let me down. You were one of my role models. I can't bellieve you did this" He tore up teh earth as he walked to join the rest of his clan. Snarling at the kit Flameridge asked, "Anypone else?" He was starting to get desperate and it was obvious. Eaglestar just looked at him and said cooly, "Go" And with that, off he went.
9:19pm Dec 3 2009
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Cougarclaw limped out of the Medicine den, and heard Rainfeather mumble, "Why am I such a freak?" Looking at the she-cat Cougarclaw decided to sit by her. She saw suprise and smiled in encouragement. "You were made by StarClan, and just the way they wanted you. And besides, my claws are just as long as yours there's just not curved." Lifting her paw she showed Rainfeather, "That's how I got my name."
Just call me Siri.
9:21pm Dec 3 2009
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((Oops, late post. That happend before Eaglestar said that stuff.))
Just call me Siri.
9:25pm Dec 3 2009
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((tis okay siri))
9:26pm Dec 3 2009 (last edited on 9:27pm Dec 3 2009)
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Rainfeather smiled. "I am called a mutant because I was geneticly testid on like my mother and brother, My claws are my greatest strenth as are my fangs, and when I used myy claws today ... they weren't out as far they could be." She said warmly a glint of hope flashed in her eyes. "Now if you will excuse me" she said calmly "I have some unfinished buisnes to do." (( sorry guys I have to go ))
9:35pm Dec 3 2009
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((Bye eklipse!~)) Cougarclaw looked down at her paw, did I say the right thing? She looked so sad. What did she mean geneticly tested? I don't know if I want that answered though, the way she said it. Sighing, she looked up when she heard yowls of protest. Seeing Fernseed and Mistpaw advancing with a gleam in their eyes, Cougarclaw turned and limped back to the Medicine den as fast as her hobble could go. I was hoping that Graypaw would finally get his new mentor, too bad I came all the way out here for an exile. Hearing the growls and hisses of angry medicine cats, Cougarclaw tucked her tail. It's not worth the wrath of medicine cats who planly said, "Stay in your nest!"
Just call me Siri.
8:35am Dec 4 2009 (last edited on 6:48pm Dec 4 2009)
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Rainfeather looked at her claws again, ash hit her paw against the ground and sliced a piece of sun flower, she new she should have explained it better to cougarclaw that about the testing things.. My claws are longer than tigerstar's and they continue to get longer, I wonder what she would think of her if she new I was icehearts kit... she new her claws were about a cm longer than cougarclaws but she didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. one cat had one dumped her because of her fangs and claws. She tiped her head to see the sun just setting, "Now it is MY time..." she meowed. Flashes of red went through her eyes... ((She used to be a half albino so red eyes but since she was tested on her eyes have been blue ever scince, but when she is at her full anger they return back to red.))
4:09pm Dec 4 2009
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Silentpaw watched Flameridge go, but diddn't feel hateful towards him, instead he felt a sliver of respect. Flamerdge was a powerful warrior, cunning and a good fighter. I wonder if I coud find him, maybe learn some moves. Purring at the thought, he knew he would be in m*censored*ive trouble if he got caught, and padded slowly out of the camp, following Flameridge's scent. "Flameridge!" He called quietly. Falconwing smiled brightly at Fernseed, then faltered. How was she going to explain this. "Uh, Fernsed, I was having trouble sleeping because my stomach hurt, still feels a little queezy acually,andnoticed it was swelling, does this mean anythig?" She asked. Falenwind watched Flameridgewlk out of camp,a satisfied look on his face. One less traitor. Now where is Silentpaw? Loking around, he hoped to see his son sitting around, he diddn't. Bounding over to Patchpaw he was disappointed not to see hm. "Patchpaw, have you seen Silentpaw?"
4:57pm Dec 4 2009
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((Recap? And what's with this 'new Clan' made out of albino cats thing?))
5:37pm Dec 4 2009 (last edited on 6:11pm Dec 4 2009)
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(( ok redstorm came back from his journey and quailkit followed him, quailkit is albino so Scarletclan [a clan made up of all albinos] stole quaikit, and badgerface, one of there warriors, scratched redstorm on his face then took quailkit. However flameridge seen redstorm get beat up and didn't help defend, even tho they r in the same clan, redstorm confronted flameridge in the camp and flameridge said some insults and attacked redstorm, eaglestar tryed to stop them but in the end reainfeather pushed redstorm off him and sliced his face, then she thretand to kill him, but Eaglestar stoped her. He got exiled and if he is seen on there taritory after sun-down, he is aloud to be driven off the teritory or killed if needed. Rainfeather and Redstorm are bro sis, and there mom was geneticly tested on and they tested redstorm and feathertail to. Red storm used to have dark brown fur but once they gave him the needle and set him into the wild, he settled into ice clan he sheded and then his fur turned deep red Feathertail used to be albino, and normal, but once she got her needle and got sent into the wild she grew GIANT claws longer than Tigerstars and LONG fangs, her eyes turned blue after awile, but when she gets angry they turn back to red, she was once a member of scarlet clan she got stolen from ice clan cause of her eyes, but once her eyes turned blue she was kicked out of the clan and rejected because of her claws, she tries to keep her claws a secret,but only few cats know about them. On her back foot she still has the scarlet clan marking. scarletclan also scratches there mark into there members ))
6:04pm Dec 4 2009
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The sun was down and the moon was up, Rainfeather was in a tree;Watching flame ridge leave, quickley, she jumped to the second tree, moving quietly. She pounced falling through the air; then she landed on him. "This is ice clan teritory." She said calmly. Letting him get up she watched him closley, "You are cornered." she spat. He seemed to sudder, though it might have just been her mind playing games with her. She flexed her long hooked claws out and then striked swooping and swooping just like he had done to redstorm then she finaly hit, his neck.
7:40pm Dec 4 2009 (last edited on 11:50pm Dec 4 2009)
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Fernseed grinned at Falconwing, “I think I might know what this case might be.” Jogging into the Medicine den, Fernseed looked around until she found the bundles of lavender, taking a bite of it. She brought the mouthful to Falconwing and dropped it in front of her, she said, “Lay this in your nest, it’s soothing. It should lull you to sleep.” Nodding Falconwing asked, “Why don’t you just give me some poppy seeds?” Shaking her head, Fernseed replied, “You don’t want to do that to the kits.” Seeing the shock on her face, Fernseed said, “Don’t worry Mistpaw and I will be there when they arrive.” I can only hope that I’m ready when they do. But Mistpaw will keep me calm.
Patchpaw looked up at Fallenwind and saw concern on his face as he asked for Silentpaw. Patchpaw mumbled, “No, I haven’t seen his since the meeting ended.” I wonder why he looks so sad. Though I haven’t been in that bright of a mood lately either. I wish that I had Silentpaw to talk to, Cheetahpaw is nice but I liked how Silentpaw was…well silent. He always knew when to talk and when to listen, though I never gave him a chance to talk much. Her heart sinking, she dipped her head in respect to Fallenwind and excused herself. Is this my fault? Did I not give him a chance? Seeming to shrink in on herself, Patchpaw went to find Mistpaw. At least the kit, I mean apprentice, still talks to me.
Leopardheart watched as Rainfeather showed no mercy to her former clan mate. He had stumbled upon them fighting in his quest to find Silentpaw, which he was having no luck at. If I had gotten here sooner I would have stopped this senseless killing. Flameridge had been a fellow warrior for a long time and only age, stress and weakness made his mind cripple to it’s own desires. Baring his teeth at the sight he thought, it’s unfair to kill him tonight. Sunset has barely come to us and he didn’t even get chased. Repulsion toward the needless crime, he waited until Rainfeather left, leaving Flameridge unburied for the crows to pick at. Scenting the air, Leopardheart walked over to the warrior. May StarClan take you and bring back the cat that was hidden within you. Digging beneath a bush, Leopardheart moved Flameridge into the hole and covered him. Very few cats deserve to have such punishment after they loose their lives. Hoping that Silentpaw had come back to camp, Leopardheart decided that it would be best to turn in for the night. But stopped by the stream to clean himself well. Thinking, I hope that Jadewing will love me always and remind me to keep loyalty, love and happiness first and foremost in my heart.
(( Long post! O3o Cougarclaw will be better soon, yeah to the medicine cats! ))
Just call me Siri.
9:38pm Dec 4 2009 (last edited on 9:39pm Dec 4 2009)
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"Well, you care for him like a clan mate, don't you." Rainfeather meowed. She flexed her claws. "Oh, well..." She murmured. She hoped back up on the tree, a glimmer of red flashed in her eye. She narrowed her eyes "I expected more from you..." She said calmly to Leopardheart. What am I dooing? Why am I questioning him?!" Iceheart! get out of my head!!" She snarled "ARGHH!!" She yellped. {{ Got to go see you tomorow, or not XD !!}}
12:20am Dec 5 2009 (last edited on 11:33pm Dec 8 2009)
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(Morning) Cougarclaw stretched hesitantly expecting to wince at pain but it never came. Wow, these medicine cats sure do know what their doing. Fernseed seems pleased to have Mistpaw as an apprentice and with our clan being so large we need them both. If not one more! Looking in on the two she-cats, Cougarclaw decided to let them rest and thank them in the afternoon when they would surely be awake. Walking into the clearing, Cougarclaw took in a deep breath of crisp morning air, and brilliant hues of red, orange and violet decorated the sky above the treetops. Everything seems so peaceful. Going over to the Apprentice den to get Cheetahpaw, Cougarclaw noted that the whole clan was quiet after Flameridges exile. A brave warrior that fell into the merciless pit of rage, I can only hope that I teach Cheetahpaw well enough to keep him well ahead of that emotion. I think today we will go out with Leopardheart and Silentpaw to train them both in fighting. Though they don’t seem to get along I can only hope that they can move that aside. Maybe bringing Patchpaw or Graypaw will help. Stopping in front of the Apprentice den, Cougarclaw couldn’t help but watch the sun rise. Swiftdarkness loved the smell of lavenders, which seemed to follow Falconwing everywhere now, in their nest. I think I should take a bath in the creek thing morning before the other warriors tease me of becoming a kittypet. Smelling all sweet and soft, nothing like a warrior tom should smell. Standing up and arching his back to get all the kinks out, Swiftdarkness dipped his head and pressed his nose to Falconwings cheek. Not wanting to leave without showing some affection but not wanting to wake her from her slumber. Meowing so softly that he, himself, could hardly hear, “Morning my love, sleep peacefully this morning.” Ducking out of the Warriors den, but not before noticing Leopardheart watching him, Swiftdarkness saw Cougarclaw looking into the sky with a look of sheer release. Only a she-cat can get comfort from the colors of the sky. Fernseed tossed, turned, meowed, yowled and soon awoke gasping. Silver dusted cats surrounded her. “I’m not truly awake am I?” she asked no one in particular. Though StarClan never seemed to talk out of place but only about what is to come or what is necessary. Am I hearing things or is that the sound of crying kits? Looking about herself franticly, Fernseed saw a dim light shinning. Instinctively following it, Fernseed soon entered a warm embrace but no the air outside had been frigid. This den smells of home, is it the Queens den? Hearing the cry again Fernseed looked down, shocked, she saw four tiny kits. This is wrong none of them are the right colors! Expecting to see the calico pelts of Falconwing or the jet black ones of Swiftdarkness, Fernseed was honestly stunned to see these kits. Why can’t I see them clearly? I just know that they aren’t the right colors, but how can I be certain when I can’t see them at this moment. Blinking she was suddenly in the open froze air outside, shivering she watched as some cat…no something took the kits. Took the kits and never looked back! Gasping awake Fernseed looked to Mistpaw who was watching her intently. Softly purring, “Are you ok Fernseed?” Mistpaw licked her cheek in comfort. “Yes, Mistpaw, all is right. I just need to talk to Eaglestar this day.” All the while in her head she though, no. It’s not ok! How could that happen? I wonder if Eaglestar has gotten this message also.
Just call me Siri.
12:23am Dec 5 2009 (last edited on 12:23am Dec 5 2009)
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(( It was four kits right East? I thought that I would bring that back because Eaglestar had had a dream about kits earlier. Wanted to have the medicine cat and leader talk. ~Night )) (( Sorry it's so long. ))
Just call me Siri.
10:55am Dec 5 2009 (last edited on 11:07am Dec 5 2009)
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The crack of dawn was bright, Redstorm opened his eyes, to dingopaw running in circles chasing his tail. "What are you doing that?" redstorm asked him "That is a dog thing." Dingopaw didn't react, instead he looked up at red warriors face "You smell strange." Redstorm tipped his head in confuzmednt.. "Don't you remember me, Dingopaw?" He asked wieraly. "EAGLESTAR!" he yowled. " Eaglestarrrr!!?!?!?" He screached "Hey stop doing that!" Redstorm spat. "Were are going to get in trouble for waking the hole clan up!" He meowed frustration. "I, don't get in trouble with strange cats.." He boasted, As his bright green eyes stared into Redstorms. "Dingopaw, were is your mentor?" Redstorm asked. "I haven't seen him for, well scince yesterday..." the aprentise said sadly. "Who was your mentor?" Redstorm asked in fristration. "His name?... flameridge." the apprentice sighed. "Oh no!" he murmured He hurdled into the forest "Rainfeather!" He shouted. He skidded to a hault to find his sister, lying on the ground, "Rainfeather?" He yowled. She didn't move, "Eaglestar!!!" What happend to her, was it my fault? Starclan help me! I am alone! He, began to run back to the camp, "Eaglestar! I need help!"
7:14pm Dec 5 2009
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Falconwing opened her eyes as Swiftdarkness left, hearing his words. He's the greatest. She thought, eyes shining with love. I now he'll be a wonderful father to our kits. Does he eve know? I'll tell him when he gets back. Purring, she lay back down and went back to sleep. Fallenwind scowled towards the forest, but brightened up as he saw Silentpaw pad back into camp, eyes glaring at the ground. Hissing he stalked up to the apprentice. "Find Leopardheart now! And when your fnihed clean the elders den, alone." Silentpaw was about to argue when Fallenwind padded towards Eagesar's den.
7:24pm Dec 5 2009
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((I'm confused. Who's Dingopaw?)) Leopardheart glared at Fallenwind. There's no need to be so harsh to him. Walking up to Silentpaw he said, "Don't listen to him. I'm your mentor, I give you the orders." Meowing jokingly he added, "Besides he probly missed a mouse and what's to take it out on you." Rubbing his head on Silentpaws shoulder he thought, I hope that he knows how proud I am of him. ((I have to go ='( I'll be back later.))
Just call me Siri.
7:27pm Dec 5 2009
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Cheetahpaw blinked open one eye. He looked around the aprentice den, looking for Patchpaw. He set his eyes on Patchpaw. He smiled, and stretched. "Mornin' Patchpaw." He said cheekily.
7:50pm Dec 5 2009
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((I don't know who Dingopaw is either, im gunna skip the apprentice ceremony, Fallenwind will mentor Birdpaw, Raveneyes is mentor to Duskpaw, and Rainfeather is mentor to Ravenpaw)) Raveneyes scouted the territory with his new apprentice, Duskpaw was a quick learner. When they ot back to the camp he quizzed her on where each border was, where the Basking Rocks, and Swooping tree were. She got them all right. They spent the rest of the afternoon practicing their fighting. Eaglestar walked into the medicine den in search of Fermseed, she saw only Mistpaw and asked her, "Do you know where Fernseed is? I need to speak with her." She sat patiently as she waited for the she-cat. ((For those of you who don't remember Raveneyes is a smoky gray tom, with very dark blue eyes, Ravenpaw looks quite a bit like him because Raveneyes is his uncle))