6:45pm Nov 17 2009
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Moonsong sat in the center of camp, basking in the light, this was the way she prefered it. The world was black as ever, but at least she could feel its warmth. Feralstrike entered camp with Moonsong, prey dangling from both their jaws. Cougarfeather lagged behind, limping on her injured paw. "Darn crows!" she muttered, sitting and licking her bleeding paw tenderly.
6:57pm Nov 17 2009
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Fallenwind sniffed the air as the scent of blood reached him. Getting up from his shady spot h padded over to the returned hunting patrol. Nodding to Feralstrike, the deputy turned to Couarfeather. "What happened?" He asked, hoping there was no trouble.
7:10pm Nov 17 2009
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Cougarfeather shrugged, "Stupid Crow attacked me, but I'm okay, nothing to worry about." she shruuged and tried to stand, wincing as the pressure on her paw made it bleed more.
7:40pm Nov 17 2009
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Eaglestar walked up to Cougarfeather "I see you had a bit of trouble on patrols today? Why don't you go to Echosong's den and get it looked at" She was nervous, half expecting the rogues to come back and attack the camp again. She calmed herself by laying on the Basking Rocks, she closed her eys for waht seemed to be only minutes. But when she awoke she was in a dark place. Not the IceClan camp where she had fallen asleep but on a wide moor. Before her she saw Rosestar. Rosestar looked healthy again, but as Eaglestar walked up Rosesttars ex pression turned grim, "Something careless this way comes" then faded away. Eaglestar opened her eyes and was surprised to see herself back on the Basking Rocks at almost exactly sunhigh.
7:45pm Nov 17 2009
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Fallenwind looked gimly at her bloody paw. "Do as she says we dont want it to get infected." Looking arund, he spotted Eagelstar, and was something wrong with her. Padding up to her, he jumped into the basking rocks. "Has Starclan spoken to you?" He flinced. "Unless you'd rather keep it to yourself."
7:47pm Nov 17 2009
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"Sure." Cougarfeather nodded, limping off to the medicine cat den.
9:04pm Nov 17 2009 (last edited on 1:54pm Nov 18 2009)
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((Starting as Patchkit because the naming ceremony has yet to take place, so she has no mentor.)) Patchkit bounced out of the nursery full of energy after her morning nap. I hope that Spiritfeather will tell me a new story today, thought Patchkit. She scrambled over to the elders Den to see her adopted mother. Slowing as she saw Cougarfeather limp away to the medicine cats den, she sent a quick plea to StarClan that there would be no permanent harm. Soon I will be able to go out on Patrols and learn hunting skills. Who will be my mentor? Thinking kindly of Fallenwind, or even Eaglestar! Patchkit entered the elders den.
Just call me Siri.
9:13pm Nov 17 2009
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((I will post naming ceremony tomorrow)) "yes Fallenwind StarClan has spoken to me. But I don't know what to make of it just yet." she said to her deputy and padded off to the nursery in search of Patchkit.She poked her head into the nursery,noticing the young was not there, walked to the elders den and asked "Patchkit, will you come here a moment?" the young cat sat in front of her and Eaglestar said, "Patchkit tomorrow after the dawn patrol and hunting patrol return you will be receiving your apprentice name"
9:25pm Nov 17 2009
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The rest of the day went by quickly and smoothly. but that night Eaglestar had the same dream...
9:32pm Nov 17 2009 (last edited on 1:55pm Nov 18 2009)
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Patchkit could hardly believe this was really happening! This is it! This is how all the warroirs and heros felt! I'm becoming like them. I really get to start tomorrow! It was all she could do to sit still and try to behave like an apprentice would. Knowing that her eyes were sparkling with delight and the faint tremors were giving away her excitement, she gave up and let out a purr of pure pleasure at the news. "Eaglestar, you will not be disapointed! I will be the quickest learner, no matter the challenges my mentor puts me through," stated Patchkit with absolute confidence.
Just call me Siri.
9:40pm Nov 17 2009 (last edited on 9:41pm Nov 17 2009)
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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Talltree for a clan meeting. Patchkit please come here. This is a proud day for IceClan, by naming apprentices we show IceClan will survive and remain strong. Patchkit, from now on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Patchpaw. I will be mentor to young Patchpaw, I will p*censored* on everything I know and teach her the skills that will make her a brave warrior of IceClan. " Eaglestarrecited the ancient traditions and touched her nose to Patchpaws as the clam chanted her name "Patchpaw! Patchpaw!"
9:48pm Nov 17 2009 (last edited on 12:16pm Nov 18 2009)
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Patchpaw, wiggled in her place by Eaglestar. Who is now her mentor, her mentor! Barely contaning her excitement she touched noses with her great clan leader. NEW ADDITION Desired Name: Leopardheart Position: Warrior Family: His mate, kits? Mate: Jadewing Crush: None Age: Appropriate for a seasoned warrior Additional Info: Has been a father figure to Patchkit Gender: Male Appearance:  Personality: A warm personality to those who come to him though has shy moments that can be mistaken for rude or cold. He is often thought of as wise and well spoken. He is a quick thinker in battle and is considered courageous.
Just call me Siri.
9:49pm Nov 17 2009
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Cougarfeather chanted along with them, her paw wrapped in cobweb, "Patchpaw! Patchpaw!" she chanted in unison with Feralstrike, who purred and turned to Moonsong, "Darn!" he half-complained, "I was hoping I would get my first apprentice!" He laughed, "I hope I get one soon!" Wolfsong laughed, "In your dreams Feralstrike! At the rate you cause trouble, Moonsong will get one first!" "Hey hey hey!" Moonsong snickered, "I'll get my first apprentice before all of you because I'm the best warrior." she purred smugly. Cougarfeather held her head high, "nope, I will." the four siblings continued to bicker playfully, each making fun of each others quirks and emphasizing their own strength.
9:55pm Nov 17 2009 (last edited on 12:15pm Nov 18 2009)
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Leopardheart watched with pride as Patchpaw pranced about all the warriors glancing at Eaglestar often. He also spied four sibling warriors playfully gesting who would first get apprentices. I love my clan in this happy atmosphere. StarClan will it, it will stay this way for a long while. Catching Patchpaw bounding tward him, Leopardheart steeled himself for an excited kit. Patchpaw couldn't get enough of her new name! After talking to all of the warriors, besides Leopardheart, she raced for him. "Leopardheart! Look at me now! I can't wait to watch the camp tonight!," exclaimed the excited kit. Babbling on and on until Leopardheart kindly escaped.
Just call me Siri.
7:52am Nov 18 2009
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((New warriors)) Eaglestar flicked Patchpaws ears with her tail and said "Come now and we will explore the territory"
8:03am Nov 18 2009
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((siritachi can Jadewing be Leopardhearts mate as she has none but has kits??))
10:36am Nov 18 2009
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((Silentkit is also ready to become a apprentice, I just had to keep him as a kit because he does not have a mentor.)) Silentkit let his ears droop as he watched Patchpaw exit the camp. He sighed and went towards the fresh-kill pile, tail dragging the ground. Suddenly a warm pelt brushed his own, and he looked up into the gente eyesof his foster mother. "Dont worry little one, your time will come, and you'll become a apprentice beside Patchpaw."
12:12pm Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 1:51pm Nov 18 2009)
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((Sure thing EasternBluebird, and sorry about the mix up I'll edit my post. And you can call me Siri.)) Patchpaw follows Eaglestar with extra energy in each of her steps. Oh, how wonderful this is! Am I supposed to talk or ask questions? I have so many questions but I think that they should wait. I don't want to look like a mouse brained kit for asking silly questions. And now I get to see all the borders and territory that's ours! On their way out of camp, they past Silentkit who was more quiet than normal. Patchpaw had one question that she knew couldn't wait. "Eaglestar, I'm happy the way things are but why wasn't Silentkit given a mentor as well?" Patchpaw hoped that her mentor wouldn't mind the question because in her heart she hoped to have friends going through trials with her. Silentkit and I had fun playing together. And he's so light on his paws. Leopardheart watched the camp with calculating eyes. Their supply on fresh kill was going down but there was the morning patrol that would be coming in soon. The elders seemed to be content, basking in the new sun. I wonder fill Patchpaw has told Spiritfeather about her new name yet, but of course the elder would know she never misses any bit of news that goes around the camp. Leopardheart flicked his tail at the silly thought about an elder missing some news. Seeing that camp was doing well this morning, Leopardheart made to go to the fresh kill pile when he made a detour toward the nursery to visit Jadewing. I wonder if our kits have grown since the last time I saw them. Jadewing is looking stronger by the days, soon she can join us on hunts again. Leopardheart thought as he pushed his way into the nursery.
Just call me Siri.
5:08pm Nov 18 2009
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Eaglestar stopped her apprentice and they sat down by the Shelter Tree( a weeping willow) and told her. "Silentkit's ceremony will be next sunrise. After we are finished exploring our territory would you liike to come with me to give him the news?" the apprentice didn't answer just wiggled joyfully. Eaglestar finished showing her the CaveClan, and TreeClan borders and they walked back to camp. Padding into the nursery, with her apprentice on her tail, she asked Silentkit to come speak with her. She couldn't wait any longer "Silentkit we will hold your apprentice ceremony tomorrow at sunhigh. Be ready" she gave a curt nod and wandered back to camp.
6:02pm Nov 18 2009
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All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting please come here Silentkit. This is a proud day for IceClan, by naming apprentices we show that IceClan will survive and remain strong. Silentkit, from now on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Silentpaw Cougarfeather, you are ready for an apprentice, you will be Silentpaws mentor. I know you will p*censored* on your courage and strenght to this young cat), and teach him the skills that will make him a brave warrior of IceClan. The clan chanted his name and Eaglestar felt amazing. The clan was really thriving. It was only a quarter moon until the next gethering, and how grwat it would feel to announce two new apprentices.