12:28pm Dec 7 2009
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"Nothings wrong" Eaglestar re*censored*ured him, seeing how nervous he looker. After she said that he seemed to lighten up a bit. "No, nothings wrong its just that, umm" she stammered. "I uh. I think I love you." she swallowed, blushing extremely.
12:28pm Dec 7 2009
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"uh.. ya sorry, I was like not paying attention um go catch something and bring it to the fresh kill pile" she said to ravenpaw. I am so disorented, Iceheart get out of my head!
12:36pm Dec 7 2009
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"W-w-waa?" He stumbled and triped, then fell on his face. This is your chance Redstorm! iceheart said in his mind. If you become mates you can KILL her and take over the clan!! Redstorm got up and looked into her eyes. DO IT , Iceheart screamed in his head. Redstorm snarrled. Hope left from eaglestars eyes."NO I WONT DO IT!!!" her spat. he ran off
4:00pm Dec 7 2009
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Eaglestar was confused and pained by this, Wont do what? He doesn't love me? Whats happening. She trudged down to camp her head hung and walked to her den laying there she thought of all the fun they had, had together.
4:45pm Dec 7 2009
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((It's stretching?))
6:24pm Dec 7 2009
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((A little bit))
6:51pm Dec 7 2009 (last edited on 7:04pm Dec 7 2009)
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((Much better Fullmoon! Thanks~)) Patchpaw squealed with laughter when Cheetahpaw knocked her over. Seeing the confused look on his face Patchpaw couldn’t help but laugh more. Oops, I think I upset him. But at least he’s fighting me now, instead of handling me like a kit. Maybe all this laughing will show him how tough I really am! Bounding up to Cheetahpaw she went for a straight forward attack. Expecting her to flint to the right at the last moment Cheetahpaw blinked and stumbled back when she swatted him on the nose. Dashing to the side Patchpaw tried to get away only to fall over Cheetahpaws foot, falling on her face she puffed up and yowled at him, “That wasn’t funny!” Feeling herself blush from the tip of her tail to her nose, which still hurt a little from the face plant. Cougarclaw couldn’t help but purr with held in laughter. These two couldn’t be anymore hilarious if they tried. But they show that they know how to fight and defend, not matter the strike. “Ok, that’s enough you two. Can’t you train seriously?” she teased and said, “Let’s get back to camp and along the way find a mouse or bird to take back.” As the three walked back listening for prey there seemed to be a cat coming, or a dog. With all the noise it’s making it’ll scare all the prey to fourtrees! Jumping back when Redstorm burst through the bushes, they watched him go. Looking at each other in turn they all shared a look that said, what’s his problem?
Just call me Siri.
7:03pm Dec 7 2009
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((Jeesh, with the page strech this took forever to read.)) Silentpaw turned and tried to catch his breath as he faced his mentor. Smiling, he padded over to Leopardheart and flicked his shoulder with his tail. "You diddn't fail me, not in the least. If anyone failed me its myself." And Eaglestar. She always looks at Patchpaw and Cheetahpaw like their the best. Well, i'll show her and all the others. "But I'll make up for it, i'll become the best warrior I can be and I'll have you to thank." He purred. Fallenwind twitched his whiskers in humor at his apprentice. At least she's patient, thats good. "Well, first we're going to explore the territory." He meowed, and padded off.
7:07pm Dec 7 2009
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Cheetahpaw chortled slightly, and pawed at Patchpaw. "Is it alive?' He tried to plant a horrified look on his face, but a smile broke out. "Oh no! I killed Patchpaw with my foot! Whatever will we do?"
7:30pm Dec 7 2009
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Patchpaw mocked death, as Cheetahpaw poked her, but when she heard that she was killed by a mere paw, then she leapt into the air and batted Cheetahpaw on the cheeks. “I come back from StarClan to haunt you cat!” she meowed. Purring in giggles she bounded away like a bunny. Glancing over her shoulder she saw Cheetahpaw stalking her, “I’m no dinner mammoth!” she yowled and danced around his paws as he tried to catch his “snack”. Cougarclaw rolled her eyes at the pair. I wish that Leopardheart would show more trust in Cheetahpaw like Patchpaw, then Silentpaw might follow in suite. Though I’m more interested in what had Redstorm so upset. I can’t smell any danger or rogues but I will have to be careful and maybe ask him later. Flicking the pair on the ears, Cougarclaw said, “I thought I was training for warriors, not playful kittens.”
Just call me Siri.
7:33pm Dec 7 2009
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Cheetahpaw stopped in mid-tackle. "But it's fun, and we are fighting! Er-sort of." He said sheepishly. He got off Patchpaw and padded over to cougarclaw.
7:39pm Dec 7 2009 (last edited on 7:53pm Dec 7 2009)
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Leopardheart grinned at his apprentice, he’s to wise for his age. I wish that he would act like the kit that he still is at times. Knowing that wouldn’t happen unless Patchpaw and he got over Cheetahpaw, Leopardheart said, “Would you ask Fernseed or Mistpaw for something that would help me? I’ve got a bit of a headache.” It’s your age cat, you’re no apprentice anymore and Silentpaw keeps you on your claws all day. Seeing his apprentice give him a concerned look he a.ssured him, “It’s nothing much. They’ll know what to give me so it won’t come back.” Walking over to the center of camp he looked into the Queens den, wait Jadewing doesn’t sleep there anymore. Smiling he went to the warriors den to see if she was there, and if not then wait for her. I need a nap anyway. When Mistpaw saw Silentpaw coming she looked at Fernseed, who was sleeping quiet restlessly. I wonder if StarClan is talking to her again. Shivering, Mistpaw liked that StarClan had not visited her since her trip to the Moonstone. Turning back to Silentpaw, who was sitting at the entrance, she asked, “What do you need, Silentpaw?”
Just call me Siri.
7:40pm Dec 7 2009
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Patchpaw sat up and licked her ruffled fur, acting as though nothing had happened. “What are you talking about? I’ve been well behaved this entire time!” she meowed. Eyes sparkling with suppressed humor, as she looked from laughing Cougarclaw to Cheetahpaw.
Just call me Siri.
7:44pm Dec 7 2009
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"What? Liar!" Cheetahpaw called out. -FAIL-
7:53pm Dec 7 2009
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Smirking Patchpaw calmly replied, “Well I’m not the one yelling. So what does that tell you Cougarclaw?” Glancing to Cheetahpaw’s mentor she saw her needling the ground to keep from falling over laughing. “Absolutely nothing Patchpaw, you could make a mouse crawl into your mouth if you could talk to them. Now you two stop distracting me, we need to get back to camp.” Seeing them both look at her with curiosity she elaborated, “You know, before Fernseed or Mistpaw hunts me down like fresh kill.” The two apprentices smiled knowing smiles; yup they know how those two would have my pelt for staying out so long.
Just call me Siri.
8:39pm Dec 7 2009
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Birdpaw squealed in excitement. It was her first time leaving the camp! I can't wait. We are going to see the borders and and. She broke off at the sight of the vast territory, with another clans Moorland to the left, and a river to the right. Eaglestar curled up in her den, her tail wrapped tightly around her nose. She thought to herself, I wish it would have lasted. I really did love him. But he said "NO I wont" Who was he talking to? Me? Or was her hearing things? she sighed and closed her eys..
11:51pm Dec 7 2009
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((For once I don't know what to post. =o I know!))
Just call me Siri.
11:56am Dec 8 2009 (last edited on 11:58am Dec 8 2009)
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Redstorm walked out of his den I can't beleive I said that to her, she wouldn't beleive me if I told ehr Ii was seeing iceheart in my dreams.. He sighed and walked alone the edge of the cliff. You should have said "Ilove you to!" Redstorm! Iceheart rasped. You should have listend to me!! "I hate you Iceheart!" he grouled.
4:15pm Dec 8 2009
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Fallenwind twitched his whiskers in amusment at his apprentices antics, before heading out of camp. He started by showing her all of the boarders, giving her a lecture about crossing over them, even if she was just chasing prey. The he took hr to te training ground and stopped by the edge. "This is where apprentices learn to fight to protect their clan, we'll be here tommorow, seeing what you know." He flicked her shoulder with his tail before padding towards Hawkstar's boarders last, the only boarder he had not gone to. Keeping low, he peered over it until he knew it was safe. "Never go near here without me or another warrior aboutl." He warned. "Them cats would claw off your fur before you know what happened."
Silentpaw was padding back towards the camp when calls and te sound of scuffling reached his ears. Changing courses, helooked from beyond a bush as Patchpaw and Cheetahpaw wrestling around. Fliking his ears back, he felt a pang of jealousy at their easy friendship. Why should I care? They'll still be playing arounds while im a warrior with the way their behaving like kits. He hissed and lashed his tail.

5:47pm Dec 8 2009
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Posts: 2,842
((Omg like all the guys like Patchpaw?)) Birdpaw was excited to learn about the borders and things such as that. Following her mentor around the territory she noticeed something on the ground. Whats that I wonder? She creeped towards it and inhaled deeply before bounding back to Fallenwind. "Whats that over there fallenwind?" she asked suddenly, pointing to a fox's holt. ((Holt is a fox den))