6:24pm Dec 8 2009
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((Silentpaw dosent really, he more looks at her as a friend. Perhaps in later days he might, but now he's to..uh..cold to like anyone XD)) Fallenwind sniffed the fox den and bristled. "Take a good wiff of this den quickly andr o morize the scent. Thats fox. I ou ever smell it while alone go back to camp and report it. Which is what we're going to do." He started towards camp, turning back to wait for her. "That was good spotting Birdpaw." He praised.
6:55pm Dec 8 2009
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8:24pm Dec 8 2009
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((what does lp mean?)) So excited she could hardly wait she followed Fallenwind as he dashed back to camp
8:36pm Dec 8 2009
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((I didn’t mean for it to be that way, Patchpaw is just so fun! And Stray mind sending Silentpaw over to the Medicine den? Leopardheart has a headache and went to rest. I wanted Mistpaw to greet him, because she doesn’t get out enough.)) After getting back from showing Graypaw all the boundaries and major landmarks, Swiftdarkness pressed his nose to the young toms shoulder. “You are dismissed. Enough your evening,” meowed Swiftdarkness while thinking, I’m going to go enjoy mine! Turning sharp on his paws, he bounded toward Falconwing and was purring before he even reached her. Pouncing at her, Swiftdarkness caged her with his paws, not touching her but closing in. Eyes gleaming with adoration, he nuzzled her cheek and licked her ears. “How were you this morning, Blue-eyes?” he had been calling her that often enough that she knew it for the complement that it was. Clearly too delighted to wait for an answer he curled around her and started grooming her. Between licks her asked, “Have you eaten enough? It’s getting cold now and your coat seems too thin. I’ll go find more moss.” Oblivious that Falconwing was trying to say something he continued, “That is after I spend time with you. I’m not leaving you too long am I? I can make more time to see you throughout the day.” Taking a breath to say more, he startled when Falconwing yowled, “Wait! I have something to tell you!” He stopped grooming to look into her eyes, Swiftdarkness asked, “What is it?” Did I talk too much? Is she mad at me? Is she not happy anymore? How many days has it been since we expressed our love? Not long enough, StarClan I will never forgive you if you take her away now! But instead of anything bad, he was about to get the best news since he was given his warriors name.
Just call me Siri.
8:37pm Dec 8 2009
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((Late post I believe, but I don't see one anywhere.))
Just call me Siri.
11:30pm Dec 8 2009 (last edited on 11:30pm Dec 8 2009)
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Fernseed felt nervous tension singing through her skull, I’ve been exhausted ever since Eaglestar came to talk. Is StarClan trying to give me another vision? Dragging her paws to the jaded forest-green moss, which she called solace at the moment, Fernseed collapsed. Not bothering to resist the unseen force that was manipulating her body, Fernseed fell into the strange slumber. Opening her eyes Fernseed took in the scene before her everywhere she looked there was a cat, glowing softly in a silver-azure haze. “My greetings StarClan, You have called to me.” Fernseed greeted none too adequately. Looking them in their Moon-clear eyes, she jolted when she got to her former leader. “Rosestar!” she called with a tremor in her voice. “Be at ease Fernseed, we bring you news.” Steeling herself, Fernseed curled her tail around her paws and sat up straighter. “What news do you bear, Rosestar?” she asked calmly, and was proud to say there was no trembling this time. “You are going to have a challenge ahead of you, Fernseed. With your name, power and spirit; you will make abundant what seems to be desolate but choose wisely for encouragement can change to the way, and create a tempest that can choke what has already been created.” By the end of her words Rosestar was dissipating. Fernseed panicked, “Wait! I don’t understand! Is this talking about other Clans or our Own? NO! Don’t leave!” But it was too late; Rosestar had left along with the others of StarClan. Peeking out of heavy lids, Fernseed bowed her head once more for genuine sleep. I will speak to Eaglestar later, or maybe Mistpaw.
Just call me Siri.
8:03am Dec 9 2009
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((Does Swiftdarkness not knowshe's having kits? And lp means page lag XD)) Falconwing laughed at his chatter, feeling like she was soaring though Strclan to be so close. Purring, she nuzzled his chek to think how she was going to say what she needed to. "You'll be sleeping in te warriors den alone for te next couple of moons." She meowed, licking his ear. "I have to move to the nursery soon." Silentpaw glanced around the camp, wondering where Leopardheart was. Finally he made is way to the medicine cats den. Looking inside he spotted Mintpaw and walked over. "Good morning Mintpaw. Havn't seen you around much except to collect herbs. Fernseed have you busy?" He asked, sitting down and curling his tail over his paws. He nodded in greeting to Leopardheart, hoping he was okay. Fallenwind walkd back into camp to look for Eaglestar. Oc he ound her, he flicked his tail for Birdpaw to join him. "Eaglestar, Birdpaw found a fox den in the woods, and it seems fresh." He smiled down at his apprentice. "She did well on her first day."

4:16pm Dec 9 2009
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"Hello Eagestar,"Rainfeather meowed "I need to tell you something that affects you, and Redstorm." She went on "If oyu don't beleive me..." She cut off. "well, I will tell you after." Rainfeather had a smirk on her face like she had done something bad.
6:07pm Dec 9 2009
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"Okay thank you for reporting that Fallenwind, I will organize a patrol" go gather Tigerfang, Kestrelpaw, Swiftdarkneww, Silentpaw, and Leopardheart, and of course you can go, but leave Birdpaw here" she spoke swiftly "She hasn't had any battle training yet." pulling herseelf up from teh rock she said, "I'll come to" she walked over to her apprentice and spoke to her, "Come on, we're going on a patrol"
6:12pm Dec 9 2009
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Rainfeather walked up to Eaglestar before she left and asked, "Can I come along please? I need to run." She stared into Eaglestar's eyes. For a moment her eyes turned red, then flashed back to blue.
6:15pm Dec 9 2009
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Fallenwind nodded and went to get the cats Eaglestar told him to get, bu when he spoke to Silentpaw, the apprentice was going to stay in te medicine cats den. Reporting back to Eaglestar, he trotted up to her. "Silentpaw would like to stay with Leopardheart who's in the medicine cats den. Perhaps Cougarclaw can take their place." He flicked his tail to call said warrior over.
6:22pm Dec 9 2009
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"Sure. Cougarclaw can come and same with you Rainfeather, we need strong warriors on this. We never know if there is more than one or if they will attack" Eaglestar said solemnly. Tigerfang walked up to her leader and asked, "So there's a fox here?" seeing Eaglestar nod she flexed her claws. "Well if we have to fight, that thing is going to get it. i've been itching for a fight." Seeing her apprentice look at her horrified she mewed to him, "Only joking, but it's true, a fox wouldn't want to mess with anyone in this clan."
12:08am Dec 10 2009
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((I missed everyone talking. ='( I'll post tomorrow. I gotta go to ni ni.))
Just call me Siri.
5:56pm Dec 10 2009
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((okay I have changed Kestrelpaw's colour a little bit)) 
6:33pm Dec 10 2009
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((East do you have a picture of Jadewing? And Stray do you have one of Falconwing? I would like to see the two.)) Leopardheart looked at his apprentice. “You can go if you would like, I’ll be fine here.” He didn’t want to hinder Silentpaw in anyway and this would be an opportune moment to learn. I’ve let him down, I shouldn’t be sick. Why is my body feeling so frail? I have no more strength than a kit. Sighing he took the feverfew and goldenrod poultice that Mistpaw had set out for him to eat. Turning over in his borrowed nest Leopardheart told Silentpaw, “Choose for yourself. For you are smart and will make a wise choice. I am getting old and I need my rest, and I won’t get any if you hover like a worried she-cat.” Purring, Leopardheart rested his nose on the top of Silentpaw’s head, and dismissed him. Mistpaw waited and watched the two; I think that Leopardheart is very proud of Silentpaw. Maybe he even wants his kits to become like him. Closing her eyes she thought for a moment, was it right to become a medicine cat apprentice? I will never really fight for my Clan, nor can I have kits. Flicking her ear at the last thought, Mistpaw knew that it was in her heart. I’ve never really wanted kits yet and besides the whole Clan is my life. Dipping her head when Silentpaw came by, she murmured, “He will be as good as new in the morning. He only has a slight cold.” Watching Silentpaw’s eyes show relief at her words, Mistpaw couldn’t help but say, “If you want you can take some lavender and place it in your nest so you sleep better. Or maybe in the whole Apprentice den, so that no one will get sick.” Grinning at the idea, Mistpaw knew that Fernseed would be happy she thought of it. “Do you think you could come with me to pick some more before the frost kills them off? The elders would love to have some, I’m sure.” Swiftdarkness didn’t see the light at first, she’s leaving me? Already! I knew that this- His ex pression changing from confusion to pure delight. “OH! Really? This is great!” he nearly shouted, “Wait you’re happy about this too right? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable; it’s just that I’ve never been so happy. I didn’t know that I wanted kits so bad until now. With you!” Snuggling up to Falconwing even more, he licked her cheek, nuzzled her nose and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. That is until Cougarclaw cleared her throat and said to Swiftdarkness, “Eaglestar wants you to come with on a patrol to chase off a fox. But if you’re too busy…” Looking at Falconwing with eager eyes the she-cat must have read his mind as she nodded slightly. “Cougarclaw, I’m going to be a father!” he roared. Bounding away, not before purring to Falconwing that he would keep her safe, Swiftdarkness radiated energy. I’m going to be a father with the best she-cat in the Clan! And she doesn’t mind others knowing it’s me!
Just call me Siri.
8:50pm Dec 10 2009
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Posts: 2,842
the one on the right is what Jadewing looks like, but with deep green eyes)) Kestrelpaw bounded out of the camp with his mentor and many other warriors trailing behind him. He was getting quite big and very long legged. He could run faster than Eaglestar herslef. I can't belive this! I am so fast, it feels like I have the spped of StarClan! he stopped running and lifted his nose to scent theair, "I can smell fox" he yowled to his mentor. Tigerfang and Eaglestar ran up to himm and Eaglestar pulled him aside and said, "If this goes well you will become a warrior after this. Tomorrow at Sunhigh we will hold you ceremony"
8:56pm Dec 10 2009
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(( ='( The link doesn't work.)) Cougarclaw looked at Swiftdarkness with the same mystified eyes, a warrior? I didn’t know that he would become one so soon. It seems as though Silentpaw and Patchpaw are far more experienced and Eaglestar didn’t even glance at Patchpaw when we left. The poor she-cat seemed so sad not to join her leader and mentor in the exciting battle to come. Silentpaw and Patchpaw both showed their strength the day they fought me and the other rogues. Scenting the air Cougarclaw wondered how a fox could have crept in when there were so many patrols lately. But the stench was strong and Cougarclaw knew that soon it would become stale again.
Just call me Siri.
8:58pm Dec 10 2009
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((How do I pop in?))
9:02pm Dec 10 2009
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Cheetahpaw sighed. There was nothing to do, and it would be about three moons until he was qualified as a warrior. He half-heartedly batted at his sparrow, then he thought, Patchpaw is older then me, she'll probably become a warrior with Silentpaw, and I'll be left alone without them, not feeling Patchpaw's nice, warm, joyful presence.... He stopped thinking about it, and slowly took a bite of his fresh-kill.
9:17pm Dec 10 2009
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Patchpaw felt her entire frame, which still wasn’t much, sag. Am I not big enough to be of help anymore Eaglestar? Is that why you sent me running to back to camp the day the rogues attacked? So I wasn’t something to protect? At least Silentpaw is growing; I wonder if Mistpaw has something that will help my growth. Lifting her own spirits with the thought Patchpaw went to the Medicine den and what she saw dowsed the little flame of hope. No wonder he doesn’t need me, Silentpaw would rather be friends with Mistpaw. Gloomy and forlorn, Patchpaw turned on her paws and headed for the Apprentices den. Seeing Cheetahpaw playing with his food more than eating it, she went to join him. Maybe he’ll lighten my mood. Yowling her hello, Patchpaw sat beside the larger apprentice with a bit of envy in her stare. “What do you want to do? I’m quite bored myself.” Patchpaw stated, hoping that there was no malice in her voice. She really did like the big goof but at times she thought it was unfair that he got to decide to be a warrior, while she was born into it. Maybe if I had been born a kittypet, I would have been bigger, leaner and stronger then Eaglestar would invite me on fox raids.
Just call me Siri.