8:28am Dec 13 2009
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Fallenwind stared at Kestrelpaw as if he grew wings. "Sending him in would not be a good idea Eaglestar, a warrior should do it." He meowed wondering what was up with the pained look in Swiftdarkness's eyes. He'd better be carful, Falconwing would claw off our ears if something happened to her kits father. ((Yeah, this is what she looks like)) 
12:04pm Dec 13 2009
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Just call me Siri.
12:05pm Dec 13 2009
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((Ok, thanks! For some reason I thought she was a calico 030))
Just call me Siri.
12:27pm Dec 13 2009
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((Hm, nope, she's a brown tabby. Kinda reminds me of a Falcon, the coloring.))
1:29pm Dec 13 2009
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Eaglestar nodded, "You're right. Go in Swiftdarkness. You are swift and strong and I trust you can make it out safely." dipping her head she beckoned him forward.
4:07pm Dec 13 2009
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Swiftdarkness bowed his head to his leader, walking forward he crept down the small tunnel. His eyes adjusted to the slight darkness as he shouldered deeper and deeper. I prey to you StarClan, bring these foxes out with no harm to neither them nor my clan mates. Slamming to a halt when he saw the cubs curled around their mother, the suddenly he had an idea! Racing up to the sleeping predators, Swiftdarkness snatched one of the small cubs. StarClan let this work! Shrieking, the cub thrashed in this grasp but Swiftdarkness held strong and bolted out of the hole. Streaking past the other cats, who were stunned, he ran like a member of CheetahClan straight for the boarder closest to some two-legers. Remembering an abandoned den of a badger, Swiftdarkness knew that it was plenty far away and the mother would be too distressed to go anywhere near the Clan again. Lungs burning Swiftdarkness felt the mother approaching him too quickly, I have to go faster! Dodging around a tree he got a few more tail lengths ahead, then he saw it the little den. Zooming put to the entrance he tossed the cub in with one last squeal it dropped in. Turning around to face an angry mother, Swiftdarkness was surprised when she merely hissed at him then dashed into the den to see her cub. Grabbing a branch covered in browning moss Swiftdarkness pushed it into the opening, trusting that the mother will be to concerned about this cub to not notice him leave for her second one. Hearing the bushes rustle Swiftdarkness fluffed up not knowing what to expect. Cougarclaw emerged from the bushes along with a very distraught cub in her jaws. Swiftdarkness let out a yowl of pure relief as he came over to her to take the cub. When her mouth was free she nearly exploded, “What were you thinking! You should thank StarClan that you’re alive! And the Clan wants to rip your entire pelt off!” But I saw your face when you heard of the cubs and I knew exactly what you were thinking. So I couldn’t help but aid you in your grand plan. While the others on the patrol were yowling after Swiftdarkness, Cougarclaw had snuck in and cub napped the last one and raced after him. She watched as he gently placed the fox cub in front of the den and jumped back when it swiped at him. Quickly they left, but glancing back Cougarclaw saw the mother watching them go with the cubs at her feet. Both she and I are confused about this tom. Meanwhile, Swiftdarkness was preparing himself for the wrath that was sure to come. I will take whatever comes from them. I didn’t really protect my Clan against the enemy but I just couldn’t do it. Coming into the clearing, the others were still standing around the “old” fox den and Eaglestar looked very cooled and controlled. Hanging his head Swiftdarkness, took a deep breath and straightened his shoulder fur slightly bristled he stared at his leader. “I will take whatever punishment you give me Eaglestar.” He stated with pride as he dared any cat to spit curses at him.
Just call me Siri.
5:39pm Dec 13 2009
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Falconwing had decided to patrol around the forest to ease her bordom, and fluffed up her fur as the scent of fox became strong. Following it, she staredin horror at Swiftdarkness bolted from a fox den with a cub in his mouth. Abotto folow, she was stopped by Fallenwind who looked sightly amused. Itching to claw his pelt off, she paced around until a pain in her stomach made her sit down. "Stupid tom-cats, always doing something life threatening."She growled, ad looked up as Swiftdarkness padded upad spoke to Eaglestar. She held her paws still to hear what Eagestar would have to say.
6:04pm Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 6:28pm Dec 13 2009)
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Swiftdarkness was looking at each cat in turn, daring them to spit curses. But when he saw Falconwing, he felt no stronger than a kit. Thank you StarClan for keeping her safe, I wouldn’t have been able to live if something had happened to her. Skimming over her shoulder to see Fallenwind guarding her, he blinked his thanks to the tom. Turning back to look Eaglestar in the eyes he waited for her to speak. ((It’s snowing!!! I’m soooo excited!!!! I feel like running around in my underwear!!~ XD Ramdom I know!~ But it’s really quite fun! ))
Just call me Siri.
6:10pm Dec 13 2009
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Fallenwind saw the look and nodded, scowling as Falconwing tried to wiggle away from him and get closer. "Dont make this any harder." He growled in her ear and she huffed, but layed down. ((Lucky! I wished it would snow here, then I would not have to go to school tommorow XD))
6:27pm Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 6:27pm Dec 13 2009)
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((My school is hard-core and we'll end up going anyway most likely. But I don't care, the stuff is just beautiful and inspires me to type. That's how I came up with the post up ahead.)) Eaglestar-Bump!~
Just call me Siri.
6:37pm Dec 13 2009
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Cheetahpaw sighed, and retreated to the aprentices' den. He sighed again, and he sarted crying. His eyes started to pee. He didn't know why, he just was.
8:36pm Dec 13 2009
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Patchpaw walked into the Apprentices' den and found Cheetahpaw crying. Why would he be crying! I thought that today was fun even though we didn't get to chase the fox. Not knowing what to do, she backed out of the den. Walking over to the Elders' den, she poked her head in and meowed to Windkeeper, "Could you tell me why Cheetahpaw might be crying?"
Just call me Siri.
10:01pm Dec 13 2009
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Just call me Siri.
10:04pm Dec 13 2009
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Cheetahpaw slowly got up, hid his tears, and walked back into camp, a smile plastered to his face. "You know," Said Graypaw, his voice mysterius, "Every time you hide your tears, it counts one day off you dieing? So every time you hide it when you cry, your going to live shorter." Cheetahpaw shivered. The second thing he had learned when he joined this clan, was keep away from Graypaw at all costs. Graypaw shrugged. "Jus' sayin!" Cheetahpaw shook himself, and looked around for Patchpaw.
10:32pm Dec 13 2009
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Patchpaw came out of the Elders' den more confused than before. Those old cats never talk in a way that a young ones can understand. Sighing, she shock her head to rid of her confused thoughts. Looking up to find Graypaw and Cheetahpaw talking, Patchpaw thought about going to see Leopardheart. Walking over to the Medicine Cat den she saw him resting away and decided to let him sleep. Turning around she saw Mistpaw and Silentpaw returning with lavendar in their mouths. Tail slightly drooping, she walked over to the Apprentices' den she went to sleep. Curling her tail over her nose to keep the cold away, Patchpaw knew that this type of cold could never be cured with any amount of moss. Only by the fur of a lost friend. Mistpaw had enjoyed her little advanture with Silentpaw, even if he was a lot like his name. Silent. Mistpaw didn't mind, she was quiet herself, and the peaceful walk had made exercised her mind. He's so sweet, kind and helpful. Maybe I can have him help me more often, though I can feel that he would prefer to be with Patchpaw. Can medicine cats tell these types of things? Motioning with her tail for Silentpaw to follow, they treaded quietly through the den; not waking Leopardheart. Stocking the lavendar stash with their newly collected piles Mistpaw said, "Thank you Silentpaw. Your help was greatly appriciated." Licking his cheek, the little she-cat went to check on Leopardheart.
Just call me Siri.
10:37pm Dec 13 2009
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Cheetahpaw finally spotted Patchpaw sleeping in the aprentices' den. He yawned, andd realized how tired he was. He slowly walked over to Patchpaw. He stopped himself, but then licked her cheek. Then, he went into his moss bed beside Patchpaw and fell asleep.
10:40pm Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 4:46pm Dec 14 2009)
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Graypaw sauntered over to the fresh-kill pile. His belly rumbled. he hadn't had any dinner, so he picked a small fruit-bat. He sighed and laid down. All the other aprentices' looked at him strangly, then quickly walked away. He sighed, and tears spilled down his face.
12:29am Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 7,187
(( I know its really late in the RP, but could I join? Are there any spaces that need filling? ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:50am Dec 14 2009
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((I would say go ahead but it's EasternBluebirds Rp so it's her call.)) ~Bump
Just call me Siri.
12:29pm Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 2,842
((It snowed here in October. We have like 3 inches now. XD. Yesterday it was -59 celcius with the windchill)) Eaglestar looked at Swiftdarkness. "When I asked you to stake out the den I meant to stake out the den, not raid it." Her fur fluffed up in anger and fear she continued, "For this I have no choice but to reprimand you. Yiu will be performing apprentice tasks for a quarter moon" Full of anxiety she bounded away.