12:38pm Dec 14 2009
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You better apoligise, Redstormm.. Ice hearts voice echoed in his head... NOW! his voice screeched.. Redstorm shook his head. "I will appoligise to her." he said softly to himself "but not for you" he spat. He walked out of his damp den. "I..I..can't" "I will." rainstorm smilled. "Rainfeather?"redstorm meowed. "It is ok Redstorm"Larkfeather meowed. "She is impossible to stop." She ran off, "Eaglestar, we need to talk about something." she meowed quietly.
((hey siri, it is like -50 with the wind chill were I live, no lies!! lol try running in that weather, your skin will freese in less than a minout))
((mee will finish dez things later..))
4:03pm Dec 14 2009
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Falconwing felt her paws almost give away with relief. Shooting past Fallenwind, she stopped beside Swiftdarkness and licked his cheek lovingly. "Hey apprentice duty is much better then being exiled." She shivered at the thought and hissed as something in her stomach kicked. "Getting closer everyday." She whispered. Silentpaw smiled at Mintpaw and sat own beside Leopardheart. "If you need anymore help just let me know. Your good company Mintpaw." He meowed, looking down at his mentor. "He's lucky to have you and Fernseed looking after him."
4:58pm Dec 14 2009
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((Mintpaw? Lol she's Mistpaw silly! XD Stray, I'm so excited for the kits! I kinda like the name Mintpaw, hmmm.)) Swiftdarkness bowed his head to Eaglestar’s punishment, accepting it gratefully, and purred as Falconwing approached. “I know, Falconwing. But I just couldn’t do anything to her cubs, I mean what would you do if someone was attacking our kits?” he asked gently, “No don’t answer that, I know what you would do. I would behave the same, so I didn’t want to hurt the fox.” Chuckling at himself he added, “Mouse-brain that I am, she wouldn’t flinch if she got the chance to snatch an apprentice snack.” Snuggling close to Falconwing he felt a small trust from her belly, purring in delight he placed his head on her tummy. Feeling more movement Swiftdarkness looked into Falconwings eyes and knew that his actions spoke louder than any words could describe. Licking her from cheek to ear he thought, I will do anything for you my love. Mistpaw glanced across Leopardheart, to stare at Silentpaw. He likes to be with me? Needling her claws into the moss around her, Mistpaw stammered, “Well I’m not that amusing to be around. But thank you Silentpaw.” Does he really think that I’m good at this? I know Fernseed is, she’s always been great but I’m just learning. “Fernseed is a grand mentor. I don’t know what I would do without her.” Looking back at Leopardheart she whispered to Silentpaw, “You’re lucky to have Leopardheart. I hear that he’s one of the most cleaver mentors there is.” Both apprentices’ jumped when Leopardheart chuckled.
Just call me Siri.
4:59pm Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 5:49pm Dec 14 2009)
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Desired Name:Dreampaw (Dreamwind) Position:Aprentice Family:Nope Mate:Nope Crush:Specklepaw? Age: 6 moons (Warrior time!) Additional Info: He say's he can see Starclan in his dreams, and even in the day. Nobody belives him. Not even Specklepaw. (?)
Gender:Male Appearance:  Personality:He is calm, but not shy. If his tail fluffs up, it means he's stressed, not scared. He's been in the aprentices' den for a few moons, and he's getting slightly annoyed that he is not a warrior yet.
5:08pm Dec 14 2009
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((Mistpaw? *checks bio* Gahh! Sorry I could have swore it said Mintpaw XD. Me to, I swear sometimes I feel like a proud mother.)) Falconwing purred happily and looked down at him, then her swollen stomach. "I understand. I would have been awful to hurt those cubs in front of their mother." She meowed, shivering sightly at the thought. What would I do without Swiftdarkness, go crazy. Chuckling she got up and started towards the camp, slightly off balance as her stomach swung. "I feel like a fat kittypet at times." She muttered. Silentpaw looked guiltily down at Leopardheart. "Glad your awake." He meowed. "He's a wnderful mentor, could not have hoped for better." He smiled slighltyy down athim, flicking his ear with his tail. "And your fun to be around Mistpaw, your funny yet not loud and over-talkitive."
5:44pm Dec 14 2009
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Desired Name: Specklepaw (Warrior Name: Specklewings) Position: Apprentice Family: Can't remember... Mate: None Crush: [OPEN] Additional Info: She has strange dreams that she can't explain. She shes wise beyond her years. Gender: She-Cat Appearance:  Personality: Shes really smart and calm. Usually perfecting her skills. She doesn't have many friends because she doen's know how to make them. Shes always the first to try something out and the first to get things right. Shes hardworking and tries to please everycat. INTRO~ Specklepaw wondered threw a forrest far from where she had started. Her paws ached and her fur was extremly matted and black with dirt and starclan knows what else had clung there. She was thirsty, and her belly called out for food that wasn't coming, it was clear that she was under weight as her ribs showed themselve threw her fur. She stumbled, but didn't fall andkept walking. She was only half consious and hadn't slept for days, her tail drug the ground behind her. She had heard constant pityful mews all of her journey, unaware that they were her own. Finally, she stumbled down a slope that led to the camp, she hit the ground on the inside hard and dust flew up around her. She coughed but didn't try to pick herself up off of the ground, smells flooded in around her and she could see movement as well, but she vision was blurring as her began to loose consiousness. (( thank you EasternBluebird for letting me join! XD And is this ok? ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:50pm Dec 14 2009
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((Ooh! Ooh! Pick Dreampaw!))
6:08pm Dec 14 2009
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:36pm Dec 14 2009
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((Well, I guess Mintpaw is taken now. LadyTsunade, you're wolfy thing distracts me in a cute way. -stares at the wolves-)) Swiftdarkness merrowed with laughter as Falconwing did her little “fat kittypet walk” back to the camp. “Well at least you can have the ti tle Cutest Fat Kittypet Walk, ever!” Swiftdarkness said with a lot of love and humor. Falconwing, you never cease to amaze me. Eying her fondly, Swiftdarkness pressed up against her flank to help her keep her balance. I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me. But no amount of words could describe to you how much I adore you. His entire pelt was warm from love, until he saw an emaciated she-cat collapsed in the center of camp. “What in StarClan! Fernseed! Mistpaw! We need help!” he shouted as he rushed to the strange cats’ side.
Just call me Siri.
6:42pm Dec 14 2009
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(( lol I luvs them o3o they keep me company when no one is RPing. lol yay! Someone noticed poor little Specklepaw in the middle of the camp! XD ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:43pm Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 6:51pm Dec 14 2009)
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Edit for Stray ((PS. I added both of the new apprentices' , to my first post, but I don't know who their mentors are.))
Just call me Siri.
6:46pm Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 6:51pm Dec 14 2009)
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Falconwing meowed in worry an hurried over, nosing the smaller cats pelt she listened for the medicine cats. Where are they! The poor thing. She thought, glancing up at Swiftdarkness. Feeling another cat come up beside her, she saw Fallenwind staring at te cat with sympathy. "Pease back away all of you so Fernseed and Mistpaw can get though." He meowed, voice full of authority. Silentpaw nodded at Mistpaw and bolted out of camp. Coming upon a tre with moss at its roots, he grabbed a mouth full and dashed to the nearest stream. Dipping the moss in the cool water, he hurried back to camp, ignorng the dampness that hit his chest fur. Padding up to Mistpaw, he wondered what to do with the water.
6:47pm Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 6:49pm Dec 14 2009)
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Mistpaw blushed when Silentpaw confirmed that she was fun to be around, Duskpaw always said that I was boring. But he thinks I’m funny and not too loud. Mistpaw was about to say something when Swiftdarkness’s yowl for help burst through the whole Clan. Jumping to her feet and rushing out of the den before Silentpaw even flinched, Mistpaw took in the scene with a medicine cats’ eye. Running back to the den she nearly ran into Fernseed, not bothering to wait she said, “I’m going to prepare for her, is that ok?” Fernseed nodded and said, “Get out some Water mint and have an apprentice get some fresh water for her. I’m going to have Swiftdarkness and Fallenwind carry her in.” Watching her mentor dash away Mistpaw went right to work. Silentpaw was sitting by the entrance, “Could you get some fresh water please? Carry it in some moss.” Speeding into the Medicine cat den she moved Leopardheart out of the moss bed, well he was already up and out of the way. Franticly getting everything ready Mistpaw was surprised by how clear her thinking was when her movements were erratic. ((Time lapse)) Fernseed had finally gotten some herbs and water into the dangerously skinny she-cat. Sneaking one poppy seed into her system to make sure that she rested well this night, I think that this has been the most frightening test of all. Mistpaw handled it well, if I didn’t have her I don’t know what I would do. Sighing in exhaustion, Fernseed sat by the unknown cat. “Mistpaw,” she whispered, even thought she knew the she cat couldn’t hear, “We need to take shifts. If she wakes up she’ll be confused and disoriented. Just comfort her and give her water ok? I have to talk to Eaglestar.”
Just call me Siri.
7:05pm Dec 14 2009
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"Hello Mistpaw" Cinderstar meowed. his red eyes shone in the light. He smiled showing his long fangs. "Do you know were dingopaw is." His voise was calm. ((Cinderstar is the leader of scarlet clan , you know the all albino clan. He has a black mussle underbelly and tail and of course white black and Red eyes. He is intimidating, and uses that to get to the cats for what he wants. He needs to get dingopaw to join scarletclan, kuz dingo paw is a half albino cat, it is no use trying to fight him though he is like a albino tigerstar. and knows secrets from all the clans and tribes because he has albino's from all the clans and tribes. albinos are called blood eyes when you roleplay.))
7:06pm Dec 14 2009
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(I dont know either, I think thats up to East. I think im going to add a few more warriors with so many apprentices XD)) Desired Name: Blackstorm Position: Warrior Family: Nope Mate: None Crush: Open Additional Info: None Gender: Tom Appearance:  Personality: Playful, tends to act like a kit mostly. But is loyal to his clan and would kill for it.
7:09pm Dec 14 2009
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Silentpaw felt his hackles raise at the sight of Cinderstar, nd paddverto stand shouder to shoulder with Mistpaw. He'd let her speak, but if this tom tried anything, Silentpaw would fight to the death to protect the medicine cat apprentice.
7:10pm Dec 14 2009
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((I have one stray!! Silverflame, when I role play her my font will be well Idk ..))
7:13pm Dec 14 2009
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"And, who are you?" he asked calmly. Cinderstar looked at the other cat with is bright red eyes. "Where is eaglestar, I beleive I have to speak with her."
7:16pm Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Okay, Clan leaders do not just randomly appear, and say that they need to talk to the leader of that Clan, so they can join that Clan. XD))
7:21pm Dec 14 2009
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Mistpaw was quivering slightly at the sized and demeanor of Cinderstar. “Dingopaw isn’t here as you can see, and Eaglestar doesn’t have time to talk to you. If you need to speak with her you should know that you send your medicine cat, not yourself.” The little she-cat stated with confidence that shocked everyone. Aren’t you brilliant! He could eat you for breakfast! But how did he get in here with all our warriors up and about?
Just call me Siri.