8:31pm Dec 14 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 224
Fixed it, sorreh : P He's got gray and white along with the black now
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
8:37pm Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 8:38pm Dec 14 2009)
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Posts: 224
Woah. Double post there... Might as well start RPing Jayheart walked outside, scenting the air... Nothing unusual... He thought.
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
8:41pm Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 1,771
((Thank you so much Fawkes, I know it must have been hard. 'Cause when I get a character I'm like, "YEAH BUDDY!")) Patchpaw jerked back, “Gra..” she stammered, “Graypaw?” Looking around camp, she noted that everyone was busy around the Medicine cats’ den, nudging Graypaw into the Apprentices’ den she looked him over. Is this Graypaw? Or Tigerstar? “Listen, Graypaw, I know you can fight it! Think of anything that you love, Tigerstar won’t understand he was too viciously ambitious.” Patchpaw meowed franticly, I might tell one other cat. Fernseed. She’ll know what to give him so that this doesn’t happen again but I’ll wait to see if he can handle it on his own. Purring into his ear Patchpaw continued, “Tell me a story you like Graypaw, one about the legendary Firestar and Sandstrom.” Relaxing as his behavior returned to normal, she nuzzled his cheek. “Talk to me anytime, I may talk a lot but I’m a really good listener too.”
Just call me Siri.
8:43pm Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 1,771
((Fawkes, I hate to do this to you but remember to use OOC's (Out of Characters) now that you have a character use OOC/ or (( )) or [[ ]] or {{ }} So that we don't get confused about your posts. Thank you!~ Sorry to be a pric to you ;^; I really don't want to be.))
Just call me Siri.
8:46pm Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 1,771
(( Added Jayheart to Master Character List on my First Post, ps. Fawkes got the 500th post! WOOT~))
Just call me Siri.
9:12pm Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 2,842
Kestrelpaw seemed to have chosen the wrong time to try and speak to Patchpaw. He walked into camkp and saw one of the ScarletClan leaders standing there. Snarliong he leaped onto the toms back and dug his clws into his shoulders. Tigerfang was apalled by this. He was never this brave. Probably showing off for one of the she cats Launching herslef also iunto the tom trying to help her apprentice she spat into his crimson eyes, "You ill never be as good a leader as Eaglestar."
9:18pm Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Graypaw's eyes brightened, and Tigerstar shrunk back, hissing. "I love the great journy, you know, the one where they have to leave home?' Soon Graypaw was chattering away, happy.
9:31pm Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 2,842
((Fernseed has been revamped))
10:59pm Dec 14 2009 (last edited on 12:06am Dec 15 2009)
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Posts: 1,771
((Pwwetty!! @;@ -drools- I'm going to post Mistpaws bio, being that she never had one.)) Leopardheart snarled, “STOP! What has gotten into you?” Glaring at Kestrelpaw and Tigerfang he spat, “He’s not worth our time! Eaglestar will merely speak with him and he will leave. End of story, there’s no need for an attack.” Forcing his fur flat on his back Leopardheart prayed to StarClan, please let this work. I don’t want a fight here in camp, how did he even get in here? Looking about he saw Fernseed stalking toward them. Now that is one angry she-cat.
Fernseed stopped when she was nose to nose with this intruder. “What is your business here?” she asked with malice. Filthy good for nothing! Why did Leopardheart call of their attack? I would have let them tar into him then watch as he bleeds out one of his lives. “If you’re here to get Dingopaw you should have come. We won’t let him go, ever. Besides a gathering is close, why didn’t you wait for that, hmm?” Fernseed sa.ssed even more, and then strained herself to settle down and not get worked up over this piece of fox dung. Tigerfang is right, this so called cat will never be like Eaglestar.
Just call me Siri.
10:04am Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 1,771
((Look at my first post on page one near the bottom. It has all my bio's on it, also East could I add another warrior?))
Just call me Siri.
10:09am Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Finally Graypaw got tired of talking to Patchpaw, and he sighed. "Nobody'll play with me, my mentor bearly even trains me, and I'm probably never going to be a warrior." Then, his eyes became like Tigerstar's, cold and dark. "And it's all your fault!" He roared, attacking Patchpaw with his claw unsheathed. ((Something needs to bubble up exitment. ;))
10:44am Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 1,713
((East says shure!!! she is beside meh!)) ((This is Easteh. The ScarletClan has 3 leaders and they dopnt go to gatherings. They are kind of like bBloodClan they arent reaslly evil but they hate the clans that through them out))
10:49am Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Elcipse:East is in your house? o_O))
12:07pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 1,713
((yes, yes she is.we have been friend since we were 5 yrz old!!!)) Cinderstar quickley turned over and slashed his long claws down kestrelpaws side,he quickley pinned him down so quickley turnig and spinning, he had used a move that none of the cats have ever seen befor, but it was effective. Kestrelpaw squeeked and gasped for air. "Let me talk to Eaglestar, NOW!" he spat. "I wanted to make some peice or atleast fawnstar did, but now I have no choise I will take all of your bloodeyed cats, by force if I have to." he snarled, then let go of him "And don't bother coming to MY territory, the sand dunes. Badger face and falconeyes will tear you appart." he grouled. He calmed himself dow, "now, Eaglestar?" he meowed. His red eyes blazed with fury. He seemed to look like rainfeathers kin because of his long claws and fangs. He flexed his long claws, his long tail twiched in frustration.
3:51pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 2,092
Fallenwind hurried to the medicine cats den to stand infront of Kestrelpaw in a protective stance. Baring his fangs, th tom-cat unshealthed his claws. "If you would, wait outside the den or even better, outside the camp for Eaglestar. She will talk with you there so our wounded can beteneded to." He growled, trying to keep the hatred out of his voice. Silentpaw hissed at Cinderstar anf was about to attack wth the thers whe they were stopped. Leaning over he whispered into Mistpaw's ear. "Do you know why Cinderstar wants Dingopaw? Does it have something to do with their red eyes?" He asked.
4:04pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 2,842
Eaglestar mewed, "Cinderstar. Here we do not call any cats wit red eyes Blood Eyes. It is offensive and used to cause pain." losing her cool she snarled at him "I have no use for you, and I want my warriors. Nothing else to say."
6:07pm Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 6:08pm Dec 15 2009)
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Posts: 1,713
Cinderstar let out a Menacing hiss of anger showing his huge long teeth. "Oh, I bet your old leader would disagree to that statement, He screamed That at me when he exiled me from this clan many countless moons ago, just because I was blood eyed and do you remember Rose-eyes? I bet you do... yuor old leader named her Bloodeyes.." He snarled, "I will never give back quailpaw and she will become a Scarletclan warrior, and fight against you CLAN." He said calmly. "And this Rainfeather she cat, She was once a scarletclan cat too." he remarked. "Now. I must be leaving." he spat, and then jumped into the trees and seemed to fly because of his jump. other white cats flew over the trees and dissapeared in the night.
6:35pm Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 2:41pm Dec 17 2009)
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Posts: 1,713
New character Name: Falconeyes Position: warrior Aditude: savage Deion: exept silver eyes 
and just incase knowone knows larkfeather looks like
6:39pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 1,771
Patchpaw screeched in pain as Graypaw attacked her, help! I need someone to help him, it’s not his fault. Why hasn’t a medicine cat noticed this? Curling into a tight ball Patchpaw couldn’t even defend herself against the merciless violence. “Graypaw, please stop. You’re kinder than this, think about the elders, your mother! They all love you!” she cried. Shrieking when his claws ripped one of her ears Patchpaw roared, “You idiot! Swiftdarkness is giving you time to find yourself! So that this won’t happen! You can’t give in, that gives Tigerstar an advantage.” Tears fell down her cheeks, to mix with blood. In one last attempt she said, “I’ve never had anyone love me. I never knew my mother or father. I don’t even know if I have brothers or sisters.” Patchpaw didn’t feel anymore blows, or much of anything else, so she put her paw down to look at Graypaw. He had a horrified look on his face, Patchpaw didn’t want to be around anyone right then so she bolted from the den. Racing through camp and out into the forest, Patchpaw finally slowed when a light headed feeling surrounded her. Her vision was hazy when she saw a silver-white she-cat coming up to her, confused and hurt Patchpaw meowed, “Mommy?” Then darkness captured her.
Just call me Siri.
6:40pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 1,771
((eklipse, you have a page stretcher. Could you make the bottom picture smaller.))
Just call me Siri.