6:44pm Dec 15 2009
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((PS. I'm going to introduce "Mommy" in my next post, so no respony to the Patchpaw one please.))
Just call me Siri.
6:44pm Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 6:48pm Dec 15 2009)
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Graypaw stared at his paws, his eyes huge. What had he done? Suddenly, the voice of Tigerstar came into his mind. Your a monster, a murderer. "I'm a monster, a murderer." His eyes were completely glazed over, and he went limp. He slowly walked out. When the aprentices came to him, h just said under his breath. "I'm a monster, a murderer." Graypaw's eyes had now turned lifeless and blue, and he padded silently out of camp, saying the same theing, over and over again. "Monster......Monster....." Graypaw found a cave, and slowly fell asleep. "You have done good, little one. The Tigerstar blood in you is strong." Purred Tigerstar as he was pulled into dream. "Yes....master...." Graypaw's eyes were still lifeless. "Now, the first task at hand, is to destroy the deputy of the Clan, and if you are not chosen, kill the leader when the time is right." "Yes, master. I will fullfill your wishes, and soon, you may destroy the earth with me!" And the dream was gone.
6:47pm Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 6:49pm Dec 15 2009)
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((And you know what's freaky? He'll become a warrior, verrrrrry soon. ;))
6:52pm Dec 15 2009
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Silverthaw padded up to the wounded little kitten, looking down at her she was surprised by how small she was. What are you doing out this far little one? Glancing about she saw the tall-tale signs of where she had come from, blood covered the leaves. I think I should return you little one. As gently as she could, Silverthaw lifted the kitten up by her nape and began the journey back to where she had come from. Poor little thing thought I was her mother, we look nothing alike. She’s so small and fragile. How did she get these wounds? Coming into a slight clearing she p*censored*ed a gray tom-cat who was mumbling something she couldn’t quite make out. Peering around apprehensively, Silverthaw slowly entered the strange camp. Setting her precious package down she suddenly realized I’ve walked right into a Clan! Seeing a rather nasty scene in one of the far corners, by what seemed to be a den, Silverthaw looked around for anyone that could help. Spotting a tan she-cat that looked like a legendary cougar, Silverthaw meowed, “I think you should come help this little one.” The other she-cat looked horrified as she raced over.
Just call me Siri.
6:54pm Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 6:54pm Dec 15 2009)
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((Get's the chills from fullmoons post.)) ((PS. I'm adding Silverthaw to the Clan =3 Bio will be up in un momento!))
Just call me Siri.
6:54pm Dec 15 2009
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((Where are they? Jus' askin'.))
6:59pm Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 7:01pm Dec 15 2009)
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(( In the center of camp. Silverthaw was looking at the Medicine den with the fight just ending.))
Just call me Siri.
7:01pm Dec 15 2009
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((Oh, okay!))
7:03pm Dec 15 2009
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Graypaw's eyes slowly fluttered open. And he instantly stood up. He then remembered nearly killing Patchpaw. Graypaw gulped. He just couldn't go back to camp. Go! Go! You must kill the deputy. Suddenly, he started walking, and he came into camp. He hid himself in the aprentice den.
7:04pm Dec 15 2009
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((the thing with Cinderstar is in the camp)) "At least they had the strength to lead. And don't you ever speak about my mother like that!" Eaglestar snarled. Raveneyes inhaled in shock, notmany cats knew that Eaglestar was the daughter of Rosestar, formerly known as Bloodeyes before joining IceClan and becoming a great leader. Turning so fast Eaglestar swroe she caught a glimpse of Rosestar from the corner of her eye. "GET. OUT. NOW." she roared, "Get out now. Or face a battle. If I were you I would go. I have many strong warriors here. You have yourself and who else? That's right no one"she tried to play with his mind. To psych him out but it didn't seem to work. Kestrelpaw's side felt as if it was on fire. He clamped his teeth together so he wouldn't screech in agony.
7:16pm Dec 15 2009
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Desired Name: Silverthaw Position: Warrior Family: Considers Patchpaw her daughter. Mate: N/A Crush: -Open- Age: 14 moons Additional Info: Found the Clan while returning Patchpaw. Has stayed ever sense. Gender: Female Appearance: Has a silver pelt with white and dark gray accents. 
Personality: Silverthaw is like her name, icy, brittle and affectionate. Silverthaw has a cold exterior but once you get into her heart she's as loving as a mother. New to the life of a Clan, Silverthaw isn't a fighter but now loving the Clan she will fight for what she loves. ((Silverthaw's bio =3 This is getting epic again!))
Just call me Siri.
7:22pm Dec 15 2009
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Leopardheart drew himself up to his full height, which rivaled Cheetahpaw, and stalked up to stand next to Eaglestar. Stating more clearly than words ever would that he would attack, and kill, for his leader and at his leaders command. If you have any brains left in that empty head, you’ll leave now cat.
Just call me Siri.
7:28pm Dec 15 2009
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((im going to RP Ravenfeather, the savannah cat/serval that was Grank's cuz i like the name. fullmoon could he possibly be related to Cheetahpaw?)) Ravenfeather drew himself out of the warriors den, the exploration of the territory earlier today had tired him out, but now he was refreshed and feeling good. That was until he heard yowling coming from the camp. He ran out and saw Cinerstar standing there. That mangy peice of fox dung, he has no right to be here. Slinking around he stood himself beside Leopardheart. Stretching out to his full height like Leopardheart did he was more than a head taller than the ScarletClan leader. Eaglestar saw that he made no move to leave or speak he simply just stood there glaring at her. She let out a battle yowl and threw herself unto him. He was in the middle of their clearing as she was on Highrock,the extra height gave him an advantage but her more strength. Landing directly on his back seh dug her claws into his back.
7:29pm Dec 15 2009
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Mistpaw shook her head, “I don’t have a clue what’s going on but I heard once that Dingopaw is part albino. And that’s what he wants right? All the albino cats right, for this ScarletClan?” Mistpaw meowed to Silentpaw. Spotting Cougarclaw bounding over to her, Mistpaw asked in a worried tone, “What is it?” “It’s Patchpaw, Mistpaw she’s hurt really badly.” Cougarclaw said quickly. Nodding Mistpaw disappeared into the den to grab some cobwebs and poppy seeds. Rushing over Mistpaw gasped at the ruin that had been Patchpaw’s face and shoulder. Dipping her head she trembled, come on! You need to help her! Get to work now, get some water and clear out the wound then use the cobwebs. When she wakes up give her some poppy seeds. Nodding to herself she got to work, ordering Cougarclaw to go get some water, while brushing away some of the dirt. Seeing a shadow looming over her, Mistpaw looked up and thought she was seeing StarClan. “Who are you?” she whispered. The stranger answered, “Silverthaw. Do you need help?” Looking down Mistpaw thought, all the help that StarClan can give me.
Just call me Siri.
7:36pm Dec 15 2009
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((Yes, that would put MORE epicness. :3))
7:38pm Dec 15 2009
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Cheetahpaw joined the four (counting Eaglestar) that were in front of cinderstar. He was younger, so slightly smaller, but was still very large, compaired to the other cats.
7:41pm Dec 15 2009
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Ravenfeather hurtled towards the black and white tom as Eaglestar was flung off. She landed on the sandy ground with a loud THUD. He roared in anger and leapt unto the exiled leaders back.
7:49pm Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 7:49pm Dec 15 2009)
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Leopardheart hissed his fury at the so called leader and attacked with his deadly accuracy. Slashing the other tom across the eyes and down his cheek, Leopardheart had gotten his name on the battle field. For you love with the same pa.ssion, as the wild Leopard ancestors. You also attack with their feral bestiality. Showing no mercy for this tom, who had dared his honor his leader, Leopardheart soon was in a battle rage. ((I gotta go ='( Luvs~))
Just call me Siri.
7:52pm Dec 15 2009
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((NO!!!!!!)) Cheetahpaw sprung into action. he stood side-by-side with ravenfeather, and he was lashing at Cinderstar's throat when he looked into Ravenfeather's eyes. His... eyes? He shook his head, and then clawed cinderstar's Butthole backside.
7:56pm Dec 15 2009
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Ravenfeather pulled back, he wanted this tom gone, not dead. He stil snarled and growled along with the other cats but ran over to his leader who was still ying on the ground eyes shut. He hauled her up unto his back and trudged to the medicine den. He couldn't help but notice how familiar the pelt of Cheetahpaw was. Where have I seen this before? He tried so hard to remember that he thought his would explode. Yes, that's right that's Taela's kit. **Taela is his sister. Oh hoh hoh