11:14pm Dec 15 2009
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Fernseed had wanted to talk to Eaglestar but when she saw Ravenfeather walking in with her leader slung over his back she thought, not like this. Did Cinderstar really behave this irrationally? Shaking her head, Fernseed realized that the beloved leader was loosing another one of her lives. Eaglestar, you now have seven left. May you use them with care. Meowing to Ravenfeather, Fernseed said, “Just lay her down on that open moss bed.” Approaching her leader with care, Fernseed pressed her nose to her cheek, wondering, can you feel this in your trip to StarClan? Closing her eyes tight, Fernseed waited patiently for Eaglestar to awake. Unknowingly, leaving little Mistpaw to care for the wounded Patchpaw.
Just call me Siri.
11:22pm Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 6:19pm Dec 16 2009)
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Cougarclaw was sitting next to Silverthaw; both the she-cats were hovering next to Mistpaw, waiting for her next instruction. Sweet tiny Patchpaw, how could any cat do this to you? Thanks to Mistpaw nothing is seriously wrong. She saw that the wounds were shallow and all the blood made it look worse. “It’s not too bad.” She had said, but I’m still worried. Poor little Patchpaw hasn’t gotten up yet. Right as the thought past Cougarclaw watched as Patchpaw blinked her eyes open. Confused and disorientated, Patchpaw tried to get up only to mew in pain quickly laying down again. “Easy Patchpaw, Mistpaw is helping dress your wounds. You don’t want to move around too much.” Cougarclaw said gently. She felt the other she-cat relax and looked her in the eyes. Whispering Cougarclaw asked, “Why is she so important to you? You’ve just come here, haven’t you?” Silverthaw nodded, and answered, “I have just arrived but while I was in the forest I saw her. She’s so tiny, like a kit, that when she called out to me I couldn’t help but fall in love.” Cougarclaw nodded, it was that way with my brother. The only reason he left me was because his mate had pa.ssed on and left him two kits to care for. If he ever needed help I was there for him. It’s so easy for them to wedge into your heart.
Just call me Siri.
2:05pm Dec 16 2009
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Speckles woke up, there were a lot of noises and different smells washed over her. She was ok until she realized she couldn't see, everything was a blur and too loud. "Where am I?" She called out, trembles starting to overtake her. ((Sorry for any Inconvenience, I'm not sure where she is right now... >_>'))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:33pm Dec 16 2009
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((tis okay Tsudane)) Eaglestar tensed as white light ovetook her. She opened her eyes and saw not Rosestar but Owlfeather, the medicine cat before Echosong. "What am I doing here Owlfeather?" she asked, her voise hoarse. "You have lost another life young Eaglestar, you must be careful. Continuue like this and lose all your lives before you have had a year to be leader." he responded. Nodding she took in his words and drifted back to sleep.
5:51pm Dec 16 2009
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Silentpaw was looking between the groups ofcats, feeling usless. When a voice sunded behind him he jumped and hissed. Whirling around, he nodded in greetins to Speckle. "Your in the Iceclan camp, safe." He meowed and walked over, castng one worried look over his shoulder. "May I ask who you are?" He meowed politly,
6:07pm Dec 16 2009
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Rainfeather scrambled along the black stuff and then- BAMM! ..she screeched she had been hit by a monster, he twoleg came out of the monster and picked her up, Rainfeather lay limp in its arms, as the twoleg put her in a cage and road off in the monster. "W-w-were am I?!?" Asked rainfeather drowsely. The metal cage surounded her and she looked around, she pushed the ugley kittypet food away from her. "Hello??" she meowed loudley. The twoleg opend the door and grabed her cage "LET me out!! I don't belong here!!" She screached. The twoleg set her down on a wooden table, she seen it pick up s shiny thing with blue stuff in it."NO!!"
6:15pm Dec 16 2009
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Fernseed lifted her head at the sound of a different meow, who was that? Suddenly remembering the she-cat that stumbled in the day before, Fernseed jumped up to talk to her. Seeing Silentpaw rea.ssuring her, Fernseed purred, “Thank you Silentpaw.” Look at the she-cat she stated, “You need to stay put and gain some weight. I’ll get a mouse for you.” Going over to the little pile that was for Mistpaw and herself she grabbed a mouse and dropped it in front of the other cat. “When you’re done I would like to know how you got here, you’re in very bad shape and it concerns me.”
Just call me Siri.
6:22pm Dec 16 2009
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Falconwing grummbled ashe sat at the entrance of the nursery, wishing she could do something, anything to help her clan. Growling, she lay her had on her paws and ignored the kicking in her stomach. It wont be long now, and i'll be a mother. She thougt, ga when thethught chased the gloom away. Seeing Patchpaw laying there, she could not not do anything. Geting up, she walked over and touched Mistpaw's shoulder with her tail. "Your doing a wonderful job." She meowed.
6:22pm Dec 16 2009 (last edited on 6:24pm Dec 16 2009)
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Mistpaw blinked her thanks to Falconwing but meowed, "Be careful, you're pretty far along now. And as you can see, we're a bit busy." Patchpaw was persuaded to get up, with the help of Mistpaw on one side and Cougarclaw on the other. She started too stumbled toward the Medicine cat den, my shoulder hurts. Oh! I need to talk to Mistpaw or Fernseed about Graypaw, he needs to have their help. Squeaking in pain when she put too much pressure on her front right paw, she wanted to cry. Now it will be forever I get to be a warrior, I’ll have to watch all my friends get theirs while I have to wait. I might not ever get my name, now that I think about it. I’m so small. Shrinking down, Patchpaw just wanted a crow to get her, but then she saw into the den. So many hurt cats, Eaglestar!
Just call me Siri.
6:25pm Dec 16 2009 (last edited on 6:25pm Dec 16 2009)
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((LadyTsunade, your cat is in the Medicine den.))
Just call me Siri.
8:06pm Dec 16 2009
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New Charrie XD Name: Stella Postion: Rogue/Kittypet Looks: ((at bottom of post)) Personality: rude snappy short tempered, a bit like Dustpelt. ((Might join the clan)) Eaglestar awoke gasping for breath, "Cinderstar... where? Redstorm , any cat hurt?" her head was spinning and she saw Kestrelpaw laying beside her grroming himself. Kestrelpaw saw that his leader awoke and padded softly over to Fernseed, "Eaglestar's awake" he whispered. Stella growled at the newcomer, "Shut up will you?! I need to rest." seeing the fear on the silvery gray she cats face she added, "It doesn't hurt too much, trust me." 
((has one blue eys and one that green)) ((tail is the blue on the bird in this pic was a kittypet, they dyed her tail and then genetic testing and such))  ((that is a Superb Bird of Paradise))
8:10pm Dec 16 2009
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((Can we like, time-skip-skip-skip, cuz, there's nothing to do, and I want Graypaw to become a HUGE cat- not bigger then a savannah cat though-.))
8:57pm Dec 16 2009
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The twoleg exetied the room."Calm down, they are just going to give you a needle." meowed a rouge in the corner cage, "I-i-i-was here before." she murmered. "What is a needle?" She asked in confusion. "They poke you with the tube thing and put stuff into you."The rouge replied. "I have been here before," she studered. "I mean when I was a kit, They gave me a needle and returned me back to my camp,-" "Wait wait" the rouge interupted, "You are a Clan Cat?" "Yes." replied rainfeather. "oh...Go on." meowed the rouge shecat. "Then after 1 moon,............My claws and teeth grew so long, and sharp... Other cats thought I was evil and- and...... I decided never to show anycat my claws. again." The rouge looked into her eyes for one moment, then turned away."Well may I see, you may as well show me, we will be stuck in here for a while." Rainfeather flexed her claws, the rouges eyes widend. "I have never seen..." she notised sadness in rainfeathers eyes. "By the way, my name is Pheonix." "and my name is Rainfeather." she meowed, trying to forget where she was. "I was originaly from a tribe, My full name is Pheonix that flies in the rain." She meowed hapily. "I thought you were a rouge!" Meowed Rainfeather. Pheonix let out a purr of amusement. The twoleg came into the door,"hold still!" whispered Pheonix biting her lip. The twoleg sprayed some powder on Rainfeather and she fell limp, then the twoleg put the needle into her side and she screeched in pain, she swat at the twoleg. It slamed her into the cage and moved it beside Phoenix's then left the room again. "Are you alright? " Pheonix shrieked. "I feel.. different." Rainfeather replied wearily. Rainfeather finally sean Pheonix fully. " You have a red tail?!" she Meowed. "yes" pheonix replied sharply. Rainfeather looked at the green floor,"I just want to go home."
9:43pm Dec 16 2009
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((So I'm a bit confused about -Stella growled at the newcomer, "Shut up will you?! I need to rest." seeing the fear on the silvery gray she cats face she added, "It doesn't hurt too much, trust me."- Where is this supposed to be? Is genetic testing in one of the series, I haven't read them all so I don't know.)) Fernseed turned away from the emaciated she-cat and walked over to Eaglestar. “How are you feeling?” she asked. “Do you need anything?” Swiftdarkness had wanted to fight but he didn’t leave Falconwing’s side. Without queens our Clan would never survive. We need to have kits for next season’s apprentices. Licking Falconwing on the cheek he purred, “Thank you for not joining in the battle. I think that Leopardheart could have brought the other one down by himself. Though, that old tom can still run faster than a WindClan rabbit.” Swiftdarkness said remembering Leopardheart chasing Cinderstar out of the camp.
Just call me Siri.
11:13pm Dec 16 2009
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Fernseed dropped a mouse in front of her. She was hungry, so she ate it quickly and wished she hadn't. A sharp pain shot threw her stomach, a result from not eating for a while then eating a large meal. "I am Speckle." She replyed hoarsely. "What is... Iceclan?"She asked, confused.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:27pm Dec 16 2009
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Patchpaw, who had just come in, said, “IceClan is the greatest Clan in all the forest. Where did you come from, the twolegs?” My whole body hurts, I wonder if Mistpaw would give me another poppy seed. Or maybe a death berry, no! Don’t think like that Patchpaw, Mistpaw said that I would get all better in one moon. Praying to StarClan that Mistpaw was right, Patchpaw looked the new cat over. “Are you feeling ok?” she asked warily as if it would cause the other cat to break down.
Just call me Siri.
11:39pm Dec 16 2009
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Speckle looked up at the newcomer, "Wonderful." She answered her simply,she didn't understand half of what these cats were taking about. Twolegs? Clans? Speckle flicked her ear absent-mindedly as she tried to sort everything out. "I don't... know what atwoleg is. What kind of cat is that?" She asked, looking up at Patchpaw.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:05am Dec 17 2009
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Silentpaw chuckled in amusment. "Two-legs are those giant creatures that stands on two legs. They have a patch of fur on their head." He meowed to Speckle. Looking at Patchpaw, he suddenly felt guilty he diddn't notice she was hurt before. "What happened?" He askd, somewhat un-sociable.
10:46am Dec 17 2009 (last edited on 2:32pm Dec 17 2009)
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((This is East again, the rogue and Rainfeather are at a science lab or something. And they aaare talking about a nedle)) "Dingopaw's gone!!!"Ivynose yowled, "my little warrior is gone and that scarletclan took her"She yowled. "I have no need to attack and neather do you." cinderstar echoed. he was hidden and unsaen."But I need to show you something......" "Dingopaw?!" Ivynose shreaked. "I bet this cat is framilier to you.." he meowed. All of the sudden, a albino spotted cat jumped down from what it seemed like the sky, she smiled. her scarlet eyes blazed as she looked at ivynose, in her mouth a little redeyed cat, dingopaw. "I say hello to.......Quailfoot." "Quail...foot?!" ivynose echoed as the white spotted cat didn't move. Cinderstars sent dissapeared. "I will be taking this." she rasped she jumped up and vanished. "Quailpaw........what did they do to you?"Ivynose wispered. She leaped up and started spazing. She bagan to cry,"Why?????!?!?"she yowled.
2:38pm Dec 17 2009
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((This is a pic of Pheonix[pheonix that flies in the rain])) exept she has a red tail :P twolegs dyes her tail rose 0>o 