3:58pm Dec 17 2009
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Posts: 2,842
Eaglestar just stared, she had been so scared aboutthe deram. It took her a while to realize that Fernseed was talking to her, "What? Oh, yes, I'm fine" she stutters
7:38pm Dec 17 2009
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Patchpaw stared at the sandy floor of the medicine cat den; she tried to bat at her tail but cringed and slouched a bit more. “I had an accident,” she meowed quietly, “It’s not as bad as it look. Mistpaw took really good care of it.” Silentpaw doesn’t like me anymore, what did I do? Shutting her eyes tight Patchpaw forced herself not to let tears fall. He’s not gone, I’m such a mouse-brain! I can’t even appreciate what I have with him. It’s not as good as it used to be but cats change and Silentpaw in no different. “I need to go,” Patchpaw said quickly, “This place is a too crowded with me here anyway.” Leaving the den swiftly, Patchpaw realized that one pain, even heartache, could out way another pain. Limping her way to the elders den, Patchpaw startled when Silverthaw came up beside her. Silverthaw hated to see the little she-cat look so down. “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked gently. Heartache is a tricky one; the cat has to be ready to talk about it because if you force it out it can damage other tender feelings. Seeing Patchpaw cringe away at the thought Silverthaw changed the topic immediately, “You should tell me about this Clan. I was once in one myself, but that forest was poisoned by violence, and betrayal.” Spotting the curiosity in Patchpaw’s eyes, Silverthaw continued, “This Clan, IceClan correct? Seems much more stable, you have a wise leader and a faithful deputy.” Noticing that Patchpaw was shifting uncomfortably, trying not to put weight on her right shoulder, Silverthaw asked, “Where’s the elders den? They should happily invite us in, so that they might hear a story.” Patchpaw nodded rapidly and lead the way, such a sweet little cat.
Just call me Siri.
7:44pm Dec 17 2009
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Posts: 1,713
"Eaglestar!!"Ivynose panted "Dingopaw's gone!!" she shuddered. "and and ...." she paused. "Quailkit........"
7:52pm Dec 17 2009
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"Is a warrior? Yes, I heard. You here a lot in the medicine den." She cringed as Fernseed changed the dressing on her wounds. "She goes by Quailfoot now, correct?"
7:57pm Dec 17 2009
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"Yes. yes.... I wanted Redstorm to be her mentor here." Ivynose narrowed here eyes. "Redstorm.... it was all his fault!!" she spat.
8:34pm Dec 17 2009
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"Why? How was it his fault? He didn't do anything?" she snarled at her sister and unsheathed and sheathed her claws before adding, "You are my sister and I know you very well, and I turst you" she took a deep breath, "And I know that you know he is innocent, you just need someone to blame for your grief."
11:18pm Dec 17 2009
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Posts: 7,187
"Oh. Don't you mean no furs? And i didn't come from them I came from... from.. I came from..." Speckle looked at the ground and layed back her ears. /Where did I come from?/ She asked herself. "I can't remember." Speckle said sadly.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:04pm Dec 18 2009
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Posts: 2,842
Kestrelpaw heard Speckle mrmuring and mewed softly to her, "Thats okay. WE will help you get back, and if you don't want to I'm sure Eagestar will let you stay."
12:46pm Dec 18 2009
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"Hi Eaglestar." Redstorm meowed. He was in a good mood today. fro some odd reason....
1:08pm Dec 18 2009
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Eaglestar voice softened when she talked to Redstorm, more like she was mewling like a kit compared to her yowling at her sister, "Hello Redstorm, how are you today?"
1:12pm Dec 18 2009
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Redstorm blushed."Very good what about you?"
1:26pm Dec 18 2009
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"ummm, kinda in pain. Stupid Cinderstar should go back where he cme from" heaving herself to her paws Eaglestar beckoned for Redstorm to follow her. Turning to Mistpaw and Fernseed she added, "Don't worry, I won't be long."
1:29pm Dec 18 2009
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All of the sudden Redstorm felt a jolt of happieness.HAHHAHAHA SHE LIKES ME BACCK LOLOLOLLOLOLOL
2:02pm Dec 18 2009
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Sitting underneath the Shelter Tree she spoke to Redstorm, "every time I try to say this someone interuppts us. There is something very important. I love you."
2:05pm Dec 18 2009
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Posts: 1,713
Redstorm smiled, then licked her head affectionately "I love you too."
2:15pm Dec 18 2009
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I can't belive this is happening! Eaglestar thought to herself, "I thought so. But I could never tel for sure." She rested her head against his, "Come one lets get back to camp" ((time Lapse)) Eaglestar lay on the rock above her den, it was jus as good as the basking rocks on the trritory.
5:03pm Dec 18 2009
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5:20pm Dec 18 2009
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Red storm walked over to Eaglestars denn with a plump rabit in his mouth, "I thought you might want this." he said softly.
5:30pm Dec 18 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Cheetahpaw walked over to Patchpaw. she looks hurt pretty bad. She'll probably die. Cheetahpaw shook his head. Stop talking like that! "Are you okay?" He asked softly. Then he furrowed his brow. "Where's Graypaw? I seem to be the only one who noticed, seeing as everyone's too focused on 'Poor Quilkit!'" He rolled his eyes. "I know it's bad when we lose a kit- to another Clan even- but what about graypaw?" Cheetahpaw found that it was fun talking to Patchpaw, and as he said more, he realized how much he kinda-just kinda- missed Graypaw.
5:38pm Dec 18 2009
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Posts: 2,842
Ravenfeather saw Cheeatahpaw talking to Patchpaw and walked up, "Mind if I interupt you? I need to speak with Cheetahpaw privately" Purring Eaglestar accepted the rabbit and mewed, "Come one up we can share."