1:59pm Dec 20 2009
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(Rainfeather was like tested on again, -sigh- and she was with two other cats, Stella and Phoenix, Stella is a rogue and Phoenix is a tribe cat, I am annoyed currently by stupid people stealing my homework. -nothing to do with this but whatever- Stella is joining and Phoenix is leaving for her tribe again -sigh-))
2:30pm Dec 20 2009
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((Should I have Swift go get Mistpaw or Fernseed?))
Just call me Siri.
2:32pm Dec 20 2009
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sure ^0^))
2:49pm Dec 20 2009
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Swiftdarkness looked Phoenix over, doesn’t look like strong enough to make the trip. Walking up to Eaglestar he inquired, “I could go get Fernseed. She’ll give Phoenix a checkup and I’ll ask if she has any traveling herbs that Phoenix could take.” Looking over at Phoenix, “It’s a long trip I’d imagine.” When Eaglestar nodded, Swiftdarkness ran back to camp and went straight to the medicine cat den. Spotting Fernseed he said, “There’s a cat that is going on a travel. Do you think you could help?” Fernseed tipped her head, “Of course. Just let me get some supplies.” Walking into the storage, Fernseed began gathering all the necessary herbs. I think I’ll bring some cat nip and a poppy seed for the cat as well. I wonder what the cat’s name is. Coming back out Fernseed had all the herbs bundled in a leaf. “Let’s go,” she mumbled through her mouthful, “And what’s this cat’s name?” Swiftdarkness said, “Phoenix. Would you like me to carry that?” Fernseed shock her head, “I can take care of these myself. I’m not helpless you know.”
Just call me Siri.
2:53pm Dec 20 2009
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"I just need a check up."Pheonix meowed drowsely. Rainfeather couldn't help but feel awkward around everywone.
8:17pm Dec 20 2009
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((Thanks)) Silentpaw glanced between the cats, fur fluffing up along his spine. Im not sure about these cats, their realy...odd. He thought aggressivly. Flicking his tail in annoyance, he padded off towards the medicine cats den. Sticking his head into the den, he smiled slightly at Mistpaw. "Hi! Do you ned anything such as herbs or somthing?" He asked, sometwhat embarrased.
8:39pm Dec 20 2009
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Fernseed did a checkup over Phoenix and said, “Well I think you should take one night to rest before you leave. There’s a den by mine where you can sleep. You can leave before dawn or stay until dusk, if that’s all right with Eaglestar?” This cat looks much too weary to be traveling so far and alone. Maybe I should go with her until the ends of our boarders, and through the other Clans since I have free p*censored*age. I should also take Mistpaw to talk to other medicine cats. No, I’ll have her talk to the others at the next gathering. Mistpaw felt a flicker of warmth go through her belly when Silentpaw came to see her, err help me. He wouldn’t come to see me. “Um…yeah I do…uh” she stammered, “Hold on.” She fled into the den that held the herbs to see which ones need to be restocked. Mouse-dung, I really wanted to have Silentpaw’s company for a while. Walking back up to Silentpaw she said in a down tone, “I guess not, I thought that we would need to collect more cat nip but it seems well enough.” Not wanting him to go she thought for anything that might make him stay. “Oh, we could see if the elders need anything.”
Just call me Siri.
8:50pm Dec 20 2009
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Silentpaw watchd as she looked around the den, and felt his heart drop as she said shead nothing to do. Oh, well it would have been good to visit her for a bit. About to walk out, he stopped as she suggested to visit the elders, and tured back, eyes bright. "Sure!" He meowed eagerly.
8:52pm Dec 20 2009
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Eaglestar nodded, "Of course, I will not turn down a cat in need." Stella limped into the camp, sniffing the air she she could taste the bitter sweet herbs. Walking to the nursery she asked, "So this is where the queens and kits are right?" When Eaglestar noddded she walked over to the Medicine Den, "And this is where the herbs are?"
8:53pm Dec 20 2009 (last edited on 8:54pm Dec 20 2009)
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"grrr.." Pheonix growled "I will go see Eagle than.."
9:01pm Dec 20 2009
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Falconwing looked u as Stella looked in the nursery, eyes glazed over with pain. Sh was gld she had made a nest in the shadows so no cat could just look in and see her. Curling up ino a tight ball, she tried to squelch the pain in her stomach as it spasmed and cramped. Great Starclan help me. If my kitting has just started I dont know how im going to survive this. Gruntng in pain, se shifted again so she would not yowl in pain. I hope it's supposed to hurt this much!
9:14pm Dec 20 2009
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"Redstorm, I have to tell you something....." Rainfeather rasped. Redstorm walked up to her, "What?"He meowed in slight frustration. "When the twolegs catched me-" "The twolegs catched you?" Redstorm meowed. "Well where would I have been fishing" she snaped."But anyway, the tested me again....."she meowed regretfully. "W-what happend to you then?" he meowed eagerly. Rainfeather flexed her claws to full lenth. Redstorm's eyes widened. "Those are twice as long!" he Meowed loudley "Keep quiet!" she spat. "I thought they were out at full lenth already! " he meowed quietley. "I can't put them in al the way....... " she looked up at him.."And your eyes, they are red!" He meowed. "Don't tell anyone though they will make me work to beleive I am trustworthy again!" she snaped. She padded away, Now you are finaly my daughter... Iceheart rasped Rainfeathers eyes widend.
9:17pm Dec 20 2009
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Stella padded into the Medicine Den and asked, "Can I please have something for my leg?"
9:20pm Dec 20 2009
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((AH! I missed so much in such a little time. I'll post in like two minutes!))
Just call me Siri.
9:26pm Dec 20 2009
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Fernseed looked up and said, “Of course! Sit down there and I’ll be right back.” She had flicked her tail at an empty nest of new jade-green moss. Now where are those chervil leaves? Ah! There they are. Grabbing the leaves she began to chew them into a paste, while walking back to Stella. “This will sting a bit,” she meowed between chews. Then she spat the paste onto her paw so she might rub it onto her leg. “Your leg will be as good as new tomorrow,” Fernseed meowed.
Just call me Siri.
9:27pm Dec 20 2009
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"Iceheart?!" she meowed trying not to draw attention. Yes it is me, I have come to lead you to leader of Iceclan! "I will be leader when I am deputey, and that will not be for a while." she murmured. Of course I know how you could get to that path quicker, by a short-cut.. he rasped. "I take no short cuts" she wispered. Stuborn, you are but you will be mine tomorow.
9:33pm Dec 20 2009
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Mistpaw beamed at Silentpaw as they went to the elders den. She hesitated when she saw Patchpaw sitting by Silverthaw and Spiritfeather. “Do you need anything? Or would you mind telling us a story?” Mistpaw asked tentively. Swiftdarkness speed straight to the queens’ den when he got back from hunting. I hope that Falconwing is hungry because I kept the fattest rabbit for her. Entering the den he didn’t spot her at first but then he saw her in the back corner of the den. “Hey sweet love, how are yo-“ he stopped when she whimpered quietly in pain. “What’s wrong? Is it the kits? Should I go get Fernseed?” he demanded nervously.
Just call me Siri.
9:35pm Dec 20 2009
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Flinching at the intial sting of the poultice Stella hissed silently, "Thanks, my name is Stella" she said dipping her head in respect, "What is yours?"
9:37pm Dec 20 2009
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"My name is Fernseed." the she-cat replied kindly. "You should be good for the night. Go look around if you would like and if there's too much pain come back and I'll help you."
Just call me Siri.
9:43pm Dec 20 2009
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Silentpaw shifted his paws nervesly, keeping his eyes eiter on the elders, but more on Mistpaw. He refused to look at Patchpaw, after everything between them had been lost. H nodded toward the elders, then tried,but failed, to smile at Patchpaw. "This is not awkward." He whispered to Mistpaw, feling his skin flush when his shoulder fur brushed her own. Falconwing barley heard Swiftdarkness as another spasm ripped throught her. Paing, she clawed at the ground helplessy. Throught the black spots that clouded her eyes she could make out Swiftdarkness's black pelt. "Dont leave me." She whimpered, convlusing. "Somethings worng."