10:24pm Dec 20 2009
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"Thank you very much" Stella replied drowsily and limped off towards the Warriors Den. JAdewing heard whimpering coming from the Nursery and poked her head in, "Whats wrong?" she asked. Then seeing Falconwing flinching in pain she said "I'm going to go get Fernseed" and then pelted off to the Medicine Den. Once she arrived she yowled, "Fernseed! It's Falconwing, I think she's ktting, but something's wrong!"
10:25pm Dec 20 2009
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((Page Lag?))
10:37pm Dec 20 2009
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Patchpaw felt her heart break. I’m hideous, no one can look at me. Head dipping until her nose touched the ground, she thought, Silentpaw didn’t wait long to get a new friend either. I guess I was too talkative and annoying. Maybe I should just help the Clan by leaving, I’m only eating their already scarce prey. “I need to get some sleep, I’ll leave now.” Patchpaw meowed quietly as she slipped p*censored*ed Mistpaw and Silentpaw. Look at them, they look so happy and relieved that I’m leaving. Walking out of the den Patchpaw kept going until she was well into the forest. I should think this through, where would I go. ((Fernseed post is coming))
Just call me Siri.
10:49pm Dec 20 2009 (last edited on 10:51pm Dec 20 2009)
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Cheetahpaw scanned the clearing for Patchpaw. He needed someone to talk to. She was the only one he could... well, talk to and be comforted by. He started scanning more franically. Where is she?!? He saw Patchpaws' tail as she left camp. "Patchpaw?? Patchpaw??" His eyes widened. I need to go get her! He raced across the terrain. A thorn jabbed into his paw, but he didn't care. All he cared about was Patchpaw. Finally, he cought up to her, being faster and bigger. "W-w-whats.... wrong?" He panted. "Why... did... you leave?" Suddenly, tears pricked his eyes. He finally felt the pain of the thorn.
10:49pm Dec 20 2009
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Fernseed looked up horrified, “Wrong? What could be wrong?” Looking around for Mistpaw she hissed when she couldn’t find her. “Jadewing, could you look for Mistpaw? I’m going to Falconwing.” What should I bring! I’ve never dealt with a kitting before and something’s wrong! And where is Mistpaw! Grabbing a few poppy seeds and some watermint she hoped that this would enough. Dashing to the queens den Fernseed nearly clashed into Swiftdarkness in her hast. “Easy, Falconwing, I’m here now. I’ll help you but you need to take this first.” Fernseed meowed as she placed a poppy seed near her mouth. There’s too much blood, oh StarClan please help me. Fernseed paused when she felt Echosong’s presence by her side, “Easy Fernseed just relax. I’ll be with you.”
Just call me Siri.
11:04pm Dec 20 2009
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Falconwing yowled as a convulsion made her body jerk, and the scent of blood terrified her. Wanting to get up and run, she hissed as another spasm hit and a small pressure relived a little of the tension. Shaking like a leaf in leaf-bare, she pushed herself up, forcing the world to stop spinning and glanced at a small sqiurming kit. Jerking in surprise a nausious sensation hit before pain. More fres blood hit her nose and she could feel her furn her hind legs being matted with blood. Yowling again, she could hear a second wail of a kit. After what felt like moons to her tortured body a third kits meows sounded. Flopping to the ground, she prayed to Starclan to take her and make the pain stop. Unable to make a sound, Falconwing could almost feel her life blood slipping from her along with a fourth kit. Rolling her eyes, she listened for the fourth kits wail and heard nothing. She knew the fourth kit was dead, jus as she new her name. As the world started turning dark, she swore she saw the beautiful silver pelt of her best friend and dead clanmates Shimmerpool. Please, I want to join you and my kit! Theres to much pain. She coul hear her shallow breath almost like it was another cat. Oh my poor kit! ((In case the post was confusing, this is what happened. Three of Falconwing's kits surivied, one died. Falconwing p*censored*ed out from blood loss and is close to joining Starclan, she wont die.))

11:21pm Dec 20 2009 (last edited on 11:22pm Dec 20 2009)
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((Thank you Stray, I didn't know what Fernseed should do because I didn't know how many kit's there was going to be. Could I have a she-kit called Midnightkit that looks like Swiftdarkness?)) Swiftdarkness felt torn, our beautiful kits! But Falconwing looks so drained. Heartbroken when Fernseed took the fourth kit and tried desperately to make it breath but the little kit was with StarClan. “Falconwing,” he meowed softly, “Don’t leave me. I love you so much and our kits need to see their beautiful mother.” Curling around his mate he purred into her ear as he gazed at the three gorgeous kits. “Stay with me. Let me be selfish a bit longer.” Swiftdarkness rasped. “My love.” StarClan please don’t take her from me, I’m not ready. These kit’s need their mothers love and kindness.
Just call me Siri.
11:23pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Could I beh ah kit too?))
11:24pm Dec 20 2009
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((Wait, I got an even BETTER idea! Can I be the dead kit that's in StarClan?))
11:28pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 1,771
((Fullmoon, why would you want to do that?))
Just call me Siri.
11:31pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Because, I hash a plan.  tle="Wink" />))
11:40pm Dec 20 2009
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((Of couse Siri, and sre fullmoon! I'll fill out my kits bio in a second)) Falconwing glanced aroud the blackness, surrised to see herself floating. Everything was calm and sweet, but it was not right. Wailing into the darkness, she wanted her kits, she wanted Swiftdarkness. Beliving before she loved Shadepelt, she now knew what love was and it was in the form of a black tom-cat who was aggressive and cold to most yet sweet and so caring to her. Wailing again, she hated herself for being so weak. "Swiftdarkness! Swiftdarkness where are you!?" She yowled. A voice suddenly broke through the darkness,and she wantd to follow, tried. A light showed up ahead, and she pelted towards it, breaking thourgh what felt like water to look into her mates eyes. "Im not going anywhere with out you." She whispered weakly, the turned her gaze towards the kits. "What shall we name them?" She thought for a second and looked at a black tom with white splotched on him. "What about Shadowkit?"
11:40pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Hullo, Siri? I just posted to your char, Patchpaw. *Points*))
11:48pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 1,771
(( XD Sowwy I missed it. I'll post in un momento!))
Just call me Siri.
11:57pm Dec 20 2009
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Patchpaw looked up at Cheetahpaw and saw tears in them, “What’s wrong?” She was panicked now, is somecat hurt? Is he hurt? She thought when she saw some blood on his paw. “I’m fine,” she lied coolly for the first time, “I just needed some air. Are you ok?” Lifting his paw with hers, Patchpaw began to lick it clean so he wouldn’t see her own tears. When she saw the torn she murmured, “This might hurt a bit.” Patchpaw did a quick tug and the thorn came out. Setting his paw down she looked up at him with her tears falling, “I don’t think I can stay.” Crying Patchpaw burrowed into his chest.
Just call me Siri.
12:01am Dec 21 2009
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Swiftdarkness yowled in relief when Falconwing opened her eyes, thank you StarClan! Oh, the striking words that she said too. “Shadowkit is perfect for him, Falconwing. It’s lovely.” Swiftdarkness meowed in her ear gently, “What about the little black she-cat. Midnightkit?”
Just call me Siri.
12:03am Dec 21 2009
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Posts: 2,092
Silentpaw saw the look of pain in Patchpaw's eyes and was unsure wha to do, so he followed, about to ask what was wrong. Until he saw her with Cheetahpaw, and saw th ay they seemed to look at each other. Swollowing his hurt, he whirled around and padded back to Mistpaw, sitting down beside her he looked at the ground. "Im a awful cat." He murmured to himself, shoulders slummped. "Wasen't Ferseed looking for you?" He asked, not liking to sound to selfish.
11:44am Dec 21 2009 (last edited on 11:46am Dec 21 2009)
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Cheetahpaw looked at her, taken aback. (Finally! I can use that! XD) "What do you mean, 'Can't stay'?" Hee looked over her, looking for what she meant. Does... does she mean... leave, the Clan?? "Do you mean... leave the Clan?" He asked fearfully. I don't want her to go! I'd hate not seeing her when I need someone to talk to, or just someone to play with or have fun with...... if she leaves, I'll be..... alone.......
12:41pm Dec 21 2009
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"I smell dog!" Pheonix Meowed in alert. she spun around to hear The swift footsteps of the dog running through the forest. She seen its green eyes adn large ears "Those eyes, they look like..." she paused, the tall dog ran through the bush and Stoped and snarled, robinkit squeeled. "Get away from her!" Hissed rainfeather. "W-a-a???" She yowled. The muscular dog stoped and looked into her eyes, "Spade?" she meowed. The dog turned his head and sat down behind her. "Hows everything going on down here?" The dog barked. "Very good it is good seeing you " she meowed. The dog wagged his tail and talked to her" The dog... can speak cat?" Falconeyes meowed angerly.
1:03pm Dec 21 2009
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