7:24pm Dec 22 2009
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((=o oops as well.))
7:24pm Dec 22 2009
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((Kow patties and Fat prunes! XD))
7:25pm Dec 22 2009
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Posts: 1,771
((What? O3o))
Just call me Siri.
7:27pm Dec 22 2009
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((It's a silly LP. XD *Laughs at all the clueless people in the wordl*))
7:35pm Dec 22 2009
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(( *Is laughed at because she is a clueless person in the world* =3 About Cheetahpaw and Patchpaw, I would prefer they stay in the Clan. You?))
Just call me Siri.
7:46pm Dec 22 2009
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Posts: 2,842
((FYI. The only cats who know why Eaglestar has a replacement are Fernseed, Redstorm and herself.)) Purring with delight Eaglestar meowed back, "That's great! Two strong toms leading our clan/"
7:49pm Dec 22 2009 (last edited on 7:49pm Dec 22 2009)
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Posts: 1,771
((Wait the Clan doesn't know she's having kits? I'll change my post~))
Just call me Siri.
7:56pm Dec 22 2009 (last edited on 7:59pm Dec 22 2009)
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((Don't mind this post))
1:53am Dec 23 2009
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Just call me Siri.
11:47am Dec 23 2009
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"How are you doing Eaglestar?" Redstorm asked as he padded up to her. He licked her head affectionately.
2:13pm Dec 23 2009
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"Good, what about you?" Eaglestar purred softly touching her hos to his. Walking towards the Basking Rocks she saw her sister, Ivynose glaring at them. Ivynose had been angry because Redstorm hadn't been able to stop Badgerface the ScarletClan warrior. She yowled at her sister, "Ivynose, if you keep blaming him you'll never feel better about anything." thinking about what she had just said she added, "And, you won't be happy for me onc I have my kits" she half snarled
6:29pm Dec 23 2009
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((Siri:It would be kinda epic if they did leave.... and make a new Clan called CheetahPatchClan! XD but if you want them to stay... up to you.))
7:04pm Dec 23 2009
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Silentpaw glanced around the camp for Patchpaw, hoping she was okay. He noticed she was acting uncharacteristic when he left the elders den, and hoped he did not offend her. Getting up with a small smile as she padded back in the camp, he stopped short as she seemed so happy with Cheetahpaw. Swollowing his anger and frustration, he whipped around and hissed as he ran into Fallenwind who was looking down at him with a strange, almost fatherly, look in his eyes. "Still mooning over Patchpaw? I thought you got over her after Cheetahpaw stole her away?" Silentpaw scowd and looked at his paws. Does the whole clan know I like, liked, Patchpaw. At least they dont know my feelings about Mistpaw, that would be bad. Great Starclan I'm acting love struck! "No! I finished with her and am concintrating on becming a great warrior." He snapped. Shaking his large head, Fallenwind, ruffed the apprentics head fur with his paw. "You can have other things in life besides you warrior cerimony." He commented darkly. "Yeah, ask him about Whisperwind!" Falconwing, who was sitting beside Swiftdarkness yowled, giving Fallenwind a 'look'. The deputy sighed, a pained look in his eyes. "Silentpaw, I dont want you to hate me after this, and im so sorry." Silentpaw had a sinking feeling. "Im talking about this because I loved your mother, Silentpaw. And I thought it would be better for you not to know me for who I am to you because I am not someoe to look up to." Silentpaw stared at Fallenwind, suddenly knowing where he was getting to. "No!" He growled. Dont let it be true! Everything is falling apart! "Yes Silentpaw, Im yor father." Stummbling away, Silentpaw stared at him as if he was a ghost. "N! You did not share tounges with mother when she died, you sat there imp*censored*ivly. You watched as I was handed to Falconwing to raise, to grief stricken to even remember my name and said nothing!" He could feel tears pricking his eyes as he recalled that faithful day, with so much bood and yowls, the feeling of his mothers cold wet pelt as he pushe her around trying to wake her up. "Your not my father! Leopardheart is more of a father then you!" He snarled, whirling around and bolting to the apprentices den. Laying in his nest, he wondered if Fernseed had any deathberries to end the suffering. Falconwing pushed her nose into Swiftdarkness's fur, hating the thought of her first son hurting again. "Poor Silentpaw." She whispered, then ducked into the nursery to curl around her three kits.

7:20pm Dec 23 2009
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Kestrelpaw heard what Fallenwind had sid to Silentpaw, What?!? He's Silentpaw's father? I shouldn't let anyone know this. He continued walking around the camp looking nervous and worried.
7:30pm Dec 23 2009
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Fallenwind sighed and shook his head. Please lt me have done the rigt thing Whiserwind. Swollowing thickly he spotted Kestrelpaw walkng around. "Have you see Birdpaw? Its training time." He tried to keep his voice even.
7:57pm Dec 23 2009
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"Umm, She's over there" he pointed towards the tree stump with his tail.
9:58pm Dec 23 2009
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"Where is eaglestar?"Rainfeather asked to Ivynose, then looked and seen redstorm walking. "Eaglestar? where!!" she spat at him. "Uh, are you ok Rainfeather?" Redstorm asked weraly. "NO! you fox dung." she spat. Redstorm thought to himself, She has never called me that, come to think of it only Iceheart called me that........ Oh no! Iceheart! "You are Iceheart arn't you.." he snarled. Rainfeather smiled, "Oh and how would you have known that.." she asked. "You or I mean Rainfeather, have never called me Fox dung ever in your lifetime." he said flatley. "hrmm.." she meowed quietly. She looked around to see that no cats were there. "Think fast!" she spat as she grabbed his scruff and flung him into a nearby tree, he fell limp, she smirked. "And you think you are going to get away from that, Iceheart?" spat Ivynose, stepping out from the bush of deep green leaves."I was hoping to but then, you came along." she hissed, then quicley swooped at her and tried to scratch her with her beastley long claws, Ivynose ducked and Rainfeathers claws skimmed the top of her snow coloured ears. they swooped and lunged until both of them backed off. "I hate you!!" spat Rainfeather, as she swooped and scratched Ivynose. "You were in a bad litter!!" hissed Ivynose,as she tried to dodge the attackes and steped back and back, as she was skimming the cliff ontop of the old badger den. She steped back just as Rainfeather scratched her eyes and steped in some sort of trap. It pulled to her leg tight and she swung up onto the tree branch, just as she started to get pulled by it she hooked one of her claws in Rainfeathers pelt, and swung her off the cliff. Ivynose dangled from the rope trying to get free. Rainfeather held onto the edge of the cliff trying to pull herself up onto the gress. Pheonix came bounding out from the bush "I heard screeaaa?!" she paused. she Quickley climbed the tree and cut the rope with her claw, then she ran over to the cliff to see rainfeather dangeling off it.She looked onto her eyes, Those wern't her eyes, the were eyes of a cat that had evil in its heart. She closed her eyes and scratched her paw and let her fall to the ground. "I-i am sorry..."she heard Rainfeather meow as she fell. Pheonix ran over to Ivynose, she blinked and blinked, "Why can't I see!!" she shreeked in pain. Pheonix grabed her scruff and pulled her to the medi cats den, then left... To helf Rainfeather. Redstorm sat at the front of the badgers den and looked at her unconchis sister.
11:36pm Dec 23 2009
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((Is a little confused about eklipse's post but I think I got it. Medicine cats have been busy!)) Swiftdarkness felt for Fallenwind, he has new burdens and now Silentpaw doesn't accept his as his father. Giving his chest a lick, he sighed and went into the queens den to "bother" Falconwing, as she puts it. I just can't stop looking at them. My own family, I never thought I would like it so much but now I don't think I could live without it. Walking around Falconwing, he curled around her back and rested his head on hers while purring.
Just call me Siri.
11:46pm Dec 23 2009
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Leopardheart, who was looking for Fallenwind to talk about naming Kestrelpaw and maybe even Silentpaw, stopped short of the other tom. Silentpaw considers me more like a father to Fallenwind. Looking at Fallenwind's angry, yet sad, body language Leopardheart didn't know how to approach him now. I need to do this, it for the Clan. I can't dance around because he might be angry at me. Making up his mind, Leopardheart walked over to Fallenwind. "Before you go," he started, "Would you mind talking with me about Kestrelpaw?" Seeing that he had Fallenwind’s attention he continued, “He’s been an apprentice much longer than Patchpaw and Silentpaw. I think it’s time that we observe how far he’s gotten then have his naming ceremony at sun down.” After a bit of pause Leopardheart asked, “What do you think?” I hope that he thinks Kestrelpaw is ready. I saw him fighting and he’s quick and agile.
Just call me Siri.
11:48pm Dec 23 2009
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((Fullmoon, I would like them to stay.)) Fernseed looked at a wounded Ivynose with confusion. "How did this happen? What hurts the most?" she asked quickly as she dashed to get some poppy seeds and cob webs.
Just call me Siri.