8:51am Dec 24 2009
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Falconwing purred and licked her mates cheek. "I never thoughti;d be here again, I forgot how much I missed it." She meowed, looking lovingly down at the three scraps of fur. Chuckling as Shadowkit growled at his sister, she nudged the only tom closer with her foot. "The clan better watch this one, he'll be worse then his father." I cant belive I can love other kits as much as I loved Silentpaw, but how wrong I was. Fallenwind sighed and kept his temper in check. He was acting as leader now, and Leopardheart deputy, and acting like a badger was not going to help anything, even if ths cat was more a father to his son. Thinking, he remembered watching Kestrelpaw fighting with the other apprenties, beating them. "I belive your right, its time Kestrelpaw became a apprentice. Would you mind asking him to get some sleep, he'll be awake the rest of the night."
8:52am Dec 24 2009
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12:58pm Dec 24 2009
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Leopardheart dipped his head, “Of course.” Relaxing, when he hadn’t even noticed he was stiff, as Fallenwind took he word on Kestrelpaw. I’m glad that his tom will be our next leader; he doesn’t let emotional affairs get in his way of supporting the Clan. Jogging away, Leopardheart went to find Kestrelpaw and soon spotted him sitting outside the apprentice den looking thoughtful yet bored. Stopping a few paces ahead of him Leopardheart said, “I have news for you Kestrelpaw.” When the tom looked up he continued, “You will have your warrior’s name this evening, so you should relax. Since you most likely won’t be able to sleep, maybe enjoy a last hunt as an apprentice with your mentor.” Seeing Kestrelpaw light up with pure joy at the announcement of his naming ceremony, Leopardheart licked the top of his head as mewed, “Try to rest though, you’ll have a long night.” Cougarclaw looked around the camp and huffed. Where is that annoying apprentice of mine? He can always do everything right off the tail and he was a kittypet. You’re an apprentice so you can learn, why didn’t Eaglestar just announce him as a warrior anyway. Grumbling to herself, she walked over to the fresh-kill pile and noted that it was running a bit low. I guess I’ll go catch some prey and maybe I can pry Swiftdarkness away long enough to come with me. Trotting over to the queens den, she poked her head in and asked, “Swiftdarkness would you come with me to hunt? The fresh-kill is running low and the kits won’t be warriors by the time we get back.” Swiftdarkness grouched but went with Cougarclaw, promising Falconwing a plump rabbit with his return. So the two left, and on the way out Cougarclaw saw Patchpaw and Cheetahpaw heading back to camp. “Hold on, Swiftdarkness.” Cougarclaw whispered, as she stalked her apprentice. Getting right behind him, she pounced and landed on his back long enough to swat his ears then bound out of his paw range. “Where have you been? And you turn right back around and get some prey, the fresh-kill is running low.” The she-cat ordered, and Patchpaw nodded even though she wasn’t told to but Cougarclaw knew she would catch some.
Just call me Siri.
1:29pm Dec 24 2009
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((Okay, here's my above post's edit:))
1:30pm Dec 24 2009 (last edited on 1:30pm Dec 24 2009)
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"Come on," Cheetahpaw nudged Patchpaw. "Let's go back."
1:31pm Dec 24 2009
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"Relly?" when he saw the warrior nod he squealed like a kit then quickly composed himself, "I still can't believe this is happening!"
3:56pm Dec 24 2009
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((East what's Kestrelpaw's warrior name supposed to be? For Stray to announce you know. Leopardheart is a busy tom, he loves to get things rolling right away, he would be one heck of a leader XD I like to think of him as a younger Whitestorm~))
Just call me Siri.
8:03pm Dec 25 2009
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8:53am Dec 26 2009
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Fallenwind glanced uneasily around the camp, hoping Eaglestar would be aright with what he was about to do. It was weird to him to jump upon Highrock and look over the clan, knowing he was about to perform a leaders duty when he was nothing more then a deputy. Swollowing his worry, he lifted his head and forced his fur to lie flat. "Let all cat old enought to catch their own prey join beneath Highrock for a clan meeting!" He yowled, glad his voice was steady. Glancing over the coming cats, he sighed as Silentpaw sat at the front of the apprentices den, eyes slitted in fury. "Kesrelpaw, please come forward."
10:46pm Dec 26 2009
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Leopardheart looked up at Fallenwind, I hope he understands that the Clan will be behind him. We all know how much Kestrelpaw wants to be a warrior and he deserves it. He’s trained long and hard for this and Eaglestar will be pleased to have a new warrior. Gazing out around the Clan he noted Patchpaw coming in. Patchpaw had just come into camp, after Cougarclaw made Cheetahpaw and her hunt for what seemed like a moon, and saw the gathering around the Highrock. I wonder what’s going on. Dropping her catch into the fresh-kill she dashed over to hear that Kestrelpaw was getting his warrior name. A new warrior! This is great, he really deserves it.
Just call me Siri.
10:35am Dec 27 2009
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Rainfeather walked up to Eaglestar. I hope my punishment isn't too bad... "Eaglestar?" Rainfeather Meowed Regretfully. "What is my punishment for the earlier fight?" ((sorry siri about the lateness)) "My eyes," Ivynose meowed to furnseed.."Ever since that fight with Rainfeather..... I can't see out of them.. and they are in constant pain.." she meowed as she lay on the ground, facing forward like the actualy new where Fernseed was.
3:54pm Dec 27 2009
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((Tis' ok eklipse =3 )) Fernseed could clearly tell that the she-cat was in pain. I could use some celandine to strenghten her eyes to prevent any further damage. Fernseed meowed gently, "Please Ivynose, would you eat this?" Nudging the two poppy seeds closer to her, Fernseed dashed into the medicine den to find celandine. Finding the pale-yellow flower, Fernseed grabbed a mouthful, and brought them to Ivynose. "Then chew this and swallow, the have a bitter taste but it will help your eyes." she meowed quickly and continued, "I also need to replace the cobwebs that I placed over your eyes."
Just call me Siri.
5:02pm Dec 27 2009
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Ivynose nodded to the sound of her voice, and quickley chewed and swallowed the bitter tasting flower, I hope I will be able to see again... she thought in destress. "Thankyou, Fernseed" she meowed Trying to sound happy.
5:22pm Dec 27 2009
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Eaglestar looked quickly at Rainfeather and half snarled half meowed, "Apprentice duties for 3 moonbs"
5:30pm Dec 27 2009
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Fernseed licked Ivynose's ear affectionately and rasped, "I'm going to do the best I can to get your eye sight back. I'll have to talk to the other medicine cat's though, so it may take some time." But taking the time is better than giving up and never getting her sight back. ((eklipse, you do want Ivynose to get her sight back, right? Just to be sure, you never know what to expect.))
Just call me Siri.
7:23pm Dec 27 2009
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((This is taking a while, im going to have Kestrelpaw just walk forward and say yes. Sorry for powerplaying DX )) Fallenwind nodded to Kerstrelpaw as the apprentice walked forward. Padding to stand in front of the apprentice, he gazed over the clan, glad to see the approval in Leopardheart's eyes. I dont know what i'd do without his support, he's older and wiser then me, more respected by the clan. Sometimes I feel stupid next to him, like I dont desverve my post. Sighing, he faced the apprentice again, amber eyes gleaming in delight. "You have been a loyal apprentice, quick to learn and always ready to serve your clan even if its just cleaning out the elders den. This is long past due." Remembering the words, he spoke loudly. "*Mentors name* are you satisfied this apprentice is ready to become a warrior?" He asked, glad the hear said mentor agree. "I Fallenwind of Iceclan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Kestrelpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?" He asked, looking down. "I do." Kestrelpaw replyed evenly. ""Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name. Kestrelpaw from now on, you will be known as Kestrelheart, Iceclan welcomes you as a full warrior." He touched his nose the the apprentices head then stepped back, looking around as the cats jumped up and called out the warriors name. He glared at Silentpaw, who looked angerily away. The apprentice padded towards the medicine cats den. "Your watching the camp tonight, dont forget." He teasede Kestrelheart.
Silentpaw watched silently as Kestrelheart got his new name, envy in his cold heart. Feeling lost, he wished there was some cat he could talk to. He suddenly missed Patchpaw's company, hating their lost friendship bitterly. Looking at her by Cheetahpaw, he whirled around and stalked to the one place he felt somesort of peace, the medicine cats den. Entering, he slunk past Fernseed, hoping she would not notice he visited so frequently. Glancing around the den, he quietly called for Mistpaw. Guiltily, he knew he should forget the beautiful she-cat and serve his clan, buit with her plauging his every thought, that was hard.

9:14pm Dec 27 2009
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Leopardheart, Swiftdarkness, Cougarclaw, Patchpaw and Mistpaw all took up that chant, "Kestrelheart! Kestrelheart!" Each went up and nudged Kestrelheart on the shoulder congratulating him, though Patchpaw was the first as she toppled onto him shouting, "Kestrelheart! I'm so proud of you, know you can take me out on patrols!" Feeling more like herself than she had in the past few days, Patchpaw walked over to Mistpaw. "You and Silentpaw have been talking a lot lately," she meowed casually and jumped when Mistpaw yowled, "It's plenty normal!" Look at Mistpaw a little closer Patchpaw thought, why was she so defensive? That's odd, but my shoulder is starting to hurt...With a sigh, Patchpaw asked, "Mistpaw, could you give me something for my shoulder again?" Mistpaw looked at the wound and nodded while saying, "I should also replace the cobwebs. Come on, let's go do it right now." Walking to the medicine cat den, Patchpaw and Mistpaw were talking when they heard Silentpaw whisper, "Mistpaw?" Glad to see Silentpaw, Patchpaw almost greeted him until she saw him turn around. What she saw hurt her inside, he looked at Mistpaw with warmth before catching sight of her then he merely sobered. So he can't even smile at me anymore. When did we get so far? "Uh-Mistpaw it's fine, I'll come back later." she meowed sadly as she turned away. Mistpaw rushed in front of Patchpaw, "No! Don't leave, I haven't helped you yet." Patchpaw looks so sad, is it because Silentpaw has been talking to me? "Wait here," Mistpaw purred trying to comfort her, "I'll be back with a poppy seed and cobwebs for your shoulder." Even if she is upset that Silentpaw comes to me to talk I won't give him up. I like talking to him, even if we don't talk a lot. Walking past Silentpaw she meowed, "Talk to her, she won't talk to anyone else." Knowing that he wouldn't believe this, she said, "She hasn't even told Cheetahpaw how she got those injuries, maybe she'll tell you." Walking into where all the herbs where kept, she decided to wait a while, I hope they can talk this out.
Just call me Siri.
2:38pm Dec 28 2009
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Kelstrelhaert looked at pPatchpaw and purred, "Thanks! I'm so happy this day has fijally come!" He looked at Silentpaw who was slinking away looking rather upset, he asked her softly, "What do you think is wrong with him?"
5:46pm Dec 28 2009 (last edited on 1:31pm Dec 29 2009)
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(Back a bit) Patchpaw peeked over to where Kestrelheart was pointing and saw an unhappy Silentpaw. "I think he's a bit jealous." she meowed, "That's all." He should be happy for Kestrelheart, I mean he'll be a warrior soon too. Not me though, these stupid injuries stop me from even hunting! Feeling her happy demeanor start to collapse as she thought, I'll be named with the kits at this rate. Thinking up an excuse, Patchpaw said, "I need to go find Mistpaw, but when I get better you owe me a patrol!" Trying to dash off, Patchpaw ended up limping over to Mistpaw. ((Back to where Patchpaw is waiting for Silentpaw to say something.))
Just call me Siri.
6:39pm Dec 28 2009 (last edited on 6:40pm Dec 28 2009)
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((I guess not XD))
Just call me Siri.