1:41pm Dec 29 2009
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Swiftdarkness was about to hurry back to Falconwing when Cougarclaw meowed, "Let her have some time alone!" Spinning around he was about to yowl at her when she continued, "It's hard for her, not being able to go on patrols. So give her some time to rest without you hanging over her." But I don't want to miss a second of the kits or her. They fill me with such joy! Opening his mouth to argue, Leopardheart quietly meowed, "Go stretch your paws for her. She'll want a story for the kits when you get back." Looking at the older tom, Swiftdarkness huffed, "Fine." Loping away from the two, Swiftdarkness fluffed his fur and sped up when Cougarclaw came next to him. "I know I'm not Falconwing but I'm glad you came out." she said happily. "Mouse-brained she-cat's," he grumbled. Only to have Cougarclaw swipe him over the ear, "Be nice!" Smiling at the tan she-cat, Siwftdarkness purred, "Yes ma'am." Cougarclaw practically glowered at him.
Just call me Siri.
2:35pm Dec 29 2009
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Did I say something? Kestrelheart wondered, "Okay Patchpaw whatever you say." Eaglestar continued to glare but broke off as she saw her sister laying in the medicine den. She bounded up to Ivynose, "How are you?" she asked urgently. Turning to Fernseed sheasked with alarm in her mew, "Is there anything I can help with?" ((Every cat is gunna find out about Eaglestar's kits soon. And the only cat who knows is Redstorm and Fernseed, her sister doesnt even know yet XP))
5:29pm Dec 29 2009
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Fallenwind padded up to Kestrelheart and smiled warmly. "Looks ike your pretty popular with the cats. That'll be good for the future. "He meowed, thinking back to when he got his own warriors ceramony. The first cat to bound up to him was Whisperwind. Shaking off the painful memories, he looked back at Kestrelheart. "Time to start your vigil. Keep a ear out for Hawkstar and his patrols, they've been to quiet." Padding back to the warriors den, he could not stand the thought of taking all of Eaglestars stature by taking her den as well. Wonder why she stepped down for the time being? Falconwing purred in amusment as Swiftdarkness was herded off by Cougarclaw. "Thanks Leopardheart. If he spends all of his time in here he'll get rusty." She meowed, before turning and entering the nursery. Curling up beside her three kits, she licked each off them on the head. Suddenly Black-kits head swiviled up and she looked into dark blue eyes. "So your eyes have opened little one? Soon you'll be able to see the rest of the clan. "She meowed softly, nuzzling him then his sisters. I wonder when the other two's eyes will open? She thought before falling asleep. Silentpaw was about to protest talking with Patchpaw, but Mistpaw already disappeared. Sighing, he thought about leaving the den and ignoring the other apprentice. Naw, that would just make Mistpaw annoyed at me. Sucking up his pride, he padded forward and sat a little ways from Patchpaw. Thinking of something to say, he just decided to ask. "What happened to you?"

5:43pm Dec 29 2009
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Cheetahpawwas thoughouly bored, and he sighed and hit a pebble with his paw. He then heard Silentpaw say, "hat happened to you?" Cheetahpaw spun around and hissed at him. "It's really none of your bissness, isn't it?" Cheetahpaw then stopped. What the heck am I doing?? Cheetahpaw looked at Patchpaw and slowly shrunk away, hoping to be ignored or something.
6:01pm Dec 29 2009
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"I..I am sorry what I did to Ivynose, Eaglestar.."she meowed in sorrow. She sighed, "You may as well exile me..... none of my clan mates will ever trust me again." she meowed, trying to hold in tears. "Redstorm doesn't even trust me anymore.." She wished she could bury her head in the gras s and durt and be invisible. Iceheart, I wish you were NEVER my father!! she thought in her mind as she curled her tail around her paws.
6:15pm Dec 29 2009
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Silentpaw snarled viciously and sparng to his paws, unshealthing his paws. "I think I asked Patchpaw, not you kittypet!" He snapped, lashing his tail. Its your fault me and Patchpaw are no longer friends. "You dont belong here anyway, why dont you just leave so all of us can get on with our lives! I'v heard what your mentors says, and that you dont listen." He yowled, amber eyes flashing. "You'll never be a good warrior."
6:24pm Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 6:25pm Dec 29 2009)
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Cheetahpaw curled back. "If you think that way, I think I'll just leave! I wish I hadn't even dreamed that I would be a warrior! You're all a bunch of cowards anyways!" He then looked into Patchpaw's eyes and saw that they were brimmed with hurt. Because of me...... He ignored Patchpaw, and rushed for thhe entrance. A bramble got stuck in his fur, and it clung like a bur. Cheetahpaw ignored the pain. He wanted to get away. From him, the Clan....... but not Patchpaw. Cheetahpaw kept running and running. Graypaw looked up. Another cat? He then saw Cheetahpaw, bruised and bleeding. "Wha' happened to you?" Graypaw asked.
Cheetahpaw shot up. "Graypaw?" Graypaw nodded. "Yup, this is were I live now."
Cheetahpaw looked around. There was a waterfall on one side, and five holes in the other. Five, aprentices, warriors, elders, leader. "This was a camp wasn't it, once?" Cheetahpaw asked. Graypaw nodded. "I think so."
7:21pm Dec 29 2009
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Silentpaw snorted as Cheetahpaw ran out, letting his fur lie flat. "We're the cowards, I think not. Your the who runs away, first your kittypet life, then the life of a warrior when things get hard. I was right, your no good for our clan. "He spat after him, not daring to look at Patchpaw. "Call me what you like Patchpaw, I dont care. You've seemed to look right through me after he got here!" He growled, getting up to pace. "You've acted like he was a cat from Starclan come to save you." He murmured, feeling his anger diminish, replaced by sadness and guilt. "Npw what happened?" He asked, trying to change the focus.
10:49pm Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 11:35pm Dec 29 2009)
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Midnightkit stretched her tiny paws as far as she could and hit Littlekit in the process. Pulling back to sit on her hunches, she again went to open her eyes, then to her amazement brilliant shapes appeared. Letting out a startled meow, she hurtled toward the familiar scent of Falconwing. Tossing her head around wildly Midnightkit took in her surroundings. Feeling the comforting lick of her mother Midnightkit looked up and saw her for the first time. Her dazzling aquamarine eyes gazed into Falconwing’s. She closed her eyes in a long bl ink to understand that she could again open them. Looking at her littermates, Midnightkit yawned as she felt the pull of sleep. Not bothering to fight it, she looked at her mother again and yawned. Curling up tight, Midnightkit wrapped her tail over her paws and nose then slept and dreamed for the first time. Fernseed looked from Rainfeather to Eaglestar in confusion. Did Rainfeather do this to Ivynose? Shaking her head, Fernseed looked to Eaglestar and meowed, “I have everything under control. Ivynose should heal fine.” Looking at her leader nervously she whispered, “In your condition, you shouldn’t worry so. Rest Eaglestar, you have wise warriors taking care of everything.” With a rea.ssuring lick on her leaders shoulder, Fernseed added with humor, “And if I don’t say so myself. You have wonderful medicine cats.” ((The next post is really only for Stray but anyone can read it. It's just long))
Just call me Siri.
11:33pm Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 11:34pm Dec 29 2009)
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Patchpaw jumped when Silentpaw suddenly yowled, "You'll never be a good warrior." No! Don’t do it! It was uncalled for and Patchpaw saw how much it hurt Cheetahpaw. About to aid the former kittypet, Patchpaw was horrified when Cheetahpaw nearly roared, “You're all a bunch of cowards anyways!" Stop! Please don’t do it! Cheetahpaw ran, and Patchpaw desperately wanted to follow but she couldn’t. Cheetahpaw could outrun her on a good day, when she was wounded like this Patchpaw had no chance. Jerked back to reality, Patchpaw looked at Silentpaw, as he paced like one of the legendary jaguars, yowling, "Call me what you like Patchpaw, I don’t care. You've seemed to look right through me after he got here! You've acted like he was a cat from StarClan come to save you.” Shaking her head Patchpaw thought, this is why we’ve drifted apart? Because I helped Cheetahpaw come into the Clan? Wanting to cry with joy at how simple it was, yet wanting to mourn the fact that she could never have a friendship with both cats. Patchpaw bowed her head, not knowing if it was from her relief or misery. StarClan, why have you been so cruel? You give me two cats that see the world so differently that their paths would only cross as enemies. Lifting her emerald eyes to Silentpaw, Patchpaw heard him ask, “Now what happened?” Now what happened? Now what happened!” Rearing back, Patchpaw didn’t know that she had screeched the last until Silentpaw looked at her in alarm. “You ask what happened, when all along it was you!” she couldn’t seem to stop, “It was you that built a wall between us! Cheetahpaw did everything that you wouldn’t!” I need to stop, I have to stop! With an inner fire lighting her eyes, Patchpaw went on, “You deserted me! I wanted to help our Clan by making Cheetahpaw feel welcome, he would have been another warrior someday. He had loyalty, even if he didn’t listen well! But you let your jealousy and hatred cloud your judgment, not seeing that all I really wanted was your affection! I always went to you but you would turn away and Cheetahpaw would come to me.” Tears were falling as she hissed, “He was nice to have but all I really wanted was you!” Frustrated by the drops of water Patchpaw swatted at them, not realizing that her wound opened up again and was bleeding slightly. Her emotions in turmoil Patchpaw chocked out, “Silentpaw I’m so confused and scared.” Looking back at him with desperation in her eyes, please understand the old Silentpaw would, “I don’t feel safe anymore.” Wanting to have the feeling of protection, of being loved, Patchpaw crumpled onto the ground. Her instincts telling her that her mother or father would soon curl around her and purr her to sleep. But I will have no such mercy. (( I really didn't know how frustrated Patchpaw was until I started writing then all her emotions built up and I couldn't stop. I think I'm too attached to her because I started to cry when she did and my heart feels for her! -I don't even have a smilie to show how I feel-))
Just call me Siri.
12:38pm Dec 30 2009 (last edited on 12:39pm Dec 30 2009)
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Silentpaw stared at her in amazment and confusion. His mind told him to run, to flee the pain he had caused and let some other cat deal with it. But thats what caused all of this in the first place, me running and letting Cheetahpaw take care of her. But his heart would not let him. I need to deal with this, since it was my fault. Im so much like Fallenwind. He refused to call him his father. Keeping things that needed to be said bottled in. To hate feeling weak and powerless. You say you wanted my affection, well I wanted yours but I was not sure how to say it, to show it. Sighing in frustration, he walked slowly forward and sat beside his one time best friend. "Silentpaw, I'm so confused and scared." He heard her murmur, and he flinched. Its all my fault, everything always is. "I dont feel safe anymore." Unsure what else to do, he lay down beside her and gently licked the tears from her cheecks. "Your always safe Patchpaw, no matter who your friends or more with. I'll always be there to protect you, no matter how much it hurts." He whispered, curling up beside her. Closing his eyes, suddenly another pair of eyes popped into his head, one he loved almost as much as he loved Patchpaw's. What am I going to do about Mistpaw! She's special to, one of the only things that kept me going. ((That was hard to write, being as I suck at anything mushy.))

2:08pm Dec 30 2009
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((Stray, that's alright. I'm not too good either, Patchpaw is just a mess right now. )'= )) Patchpaw wanted to shred Silentpaw for carelessly saying, "Your always safe Patchpaw, no matter who your friends or more with. I'll always be there to protect you, no matter how much it hurts." But she quickly remembered that not one cat knew how she got this scars. Will he really stay this time? StarClan, please, is this the right cat to tell? Feeling as though StarClan was giving her as many answers as bare-leaf gave prey, Patchpaw looked up at Silentpaw and saw indecision in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, Patchpaw lied, “I was hunting by myself and a crow attacked me.” Looking away, Patchpaw saw Mistpaw hiding in the leaves of the other den. “Tell Mistpaw that I was tired.” She whispered to Silentpaw as she got up, “I’m going to sleep.” Lifting her head with one of her dimmed smiles, Patchpaw meowed, “See you tomorrow Silentpaw.” The little she-cat walked away, but to the elders den not the apprentice den. Mistpaw crept out of the small alcove and went to Silentpaw, “She didn’t tell you did she.” Looking around, Mistpaw could help but feel jumpy, every time we talk like this I feel like someone is watching. What if someone finds us? “Silentpaw, what should we do?” Hoping that he understood that she was now talking about them, when did my feeling get so messed up like this? Maybe I did make this decision when I was too young.
Just call me Siri.
4:10pm Dec 30 2009
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((That is some beast posting...))
4:11pm Dec 30 2009
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((I don't no what to wright now!))
7:15pm Dec 30 2009
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((siri when I read your really ong post it reminded me of Dawson's Creek 0>0)) Eaglestar heard her apprentice yowling and Silentpaw mewing and padded up to her and mewed, "Ravenfeather will be taking over your trainuing for a while" She stared into Patchpaw's eyes, wondering if she would ask why.
9:03pm Dec 30 2009
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((I know, poor Patchpaw)) Silentpaw watched Patchpaw walk away, and was about to go after her when Eaglestar approached. Sighing in aggervation, he called himself ten types of idiot for messing everything, including that conversation up. Great Starclan why do she-cat half to be so confusing! Of course instead of answering him, they sent his other confusion out. Jumping guiltily as Mistpaw approached, he could not help but feel a tug at his heart at the sight of the medicione cat apprentice. Why did she half to become medicine cat, then things would have been a lot less complecated. Not with Patchpaw, but with following the warrior code. Glancing around the den then out into the clearing, he made sure not cat was watching. "She told me, but I think she diddn't want me to tell. Just dont say I told you, but she got attacked by a crow." He whispered, not wanting any other cat to hear. He tried to think about her last words, "What are we going to do?" He was not sure, but he knew Mistpaw was special. "I dont know Mistpaw. It seems that being a medicine cat is what you really love doing, and I dont want to take that away from you." Sitting down, he flicked her shoulder gently with his tail. "It's your choice." He looked at her, hoping his eyes did not reviele what he felt, not wanting to make it hard on her.

10:13am Dec 31 2009
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Duskpaw saw her sister speaking with Silentpaw and decided to have a little fun. Sneaking up behind her she tapped her ligtly on one shoulder and then darted around in front of her and yowled.
4:31pm Dec 31 2009
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Silentpaw jumped up with a hiss, backing quickly away. Itching to sink his claws into Duskpaw's fur, he glanced out into the camp, hoping no other cat's were around. "Must you sneak up on cats like that?" He asked. "You'll give some cat a heart attack." Fallenwind padded into the camp and sighed as he looked for his apprentice. Poking his head into the apprentices den, he called out Birdpaw's name. "Come on, we might as well hunt for a bit, and work on your crouch."
9:51pm Dec 31 2009
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((I epic fail, I'm not going to post today. So yeah. luvs~))
Just call me Siri.
9:52pm Dec 31 2009
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((Darn! I probably cant get on tommorow))