2:39pm Jan 1 2010
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((lonleyyyyyyyy... I am so lonleyyyyyyyyyyy...))
2:40pm Jan 1 2010
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((lonleyyyyyyyy, I am so lonleyyyyyyyyy...))
8:24pm Jan 1 2010
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((Eklipse, please don't spam. ='( And did you want Ivynose to get her sight back or no?)) Patchpaw looked up into her leaders' eyes and say a spark of joy. She doesn't want me. Dipping her head in respect, and to hide the tears, Patchpaw meowed, "If that's what you think is best." Her little frame seeming to shrink even more with this new blow, Patchpaw limped to the elders den. Not even my mentor can make me a warrior. Finding a nest in the back corner Patchpaw lay down to sleep. No, tomorrow I will show them all wrong. I will be pleased with what I have and I will make my life my training. Even Eaglestar will be happy, then she might even take me back. Mistpaw gave Duskpaw a cool stare, which was slightly shocked. Looking between Silentpaw and Duskpaw she thought, Duskpaw is too cunning. I think Silentpaw and I shouldn't see each other as often for a while. "I have to go see Patchpaw even if she insists on being too tired." Walking away from the two, Mistpaw blinked at Silentpaw in appreciation. "You tried, and I thank you, but now I must try." Duskpaw looked a bit confused so she clarified, "Patchpaw isn't saying how she got hurt. Those wounds were not from a crow." Waving her tail in dismissively Mistpaw walked away. ((Sorry I didn't post before, but I was at a party and I had only five minutes on the computer.))
Just call me Siri.
11:19pm Jan 1 2010
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((no, I hadf to add zeh drama XD ))
11:31pm Jan 1 2010
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((eklipse, ok. It's going to be hard playing a blind cat...why didn't I think of it! =3 )) Fernseed had never seen a cat with eyes this bad. I've done all I can but she still can't see. Exhausted and hungry, Fernseed tried to think up more cures. Traveled to the other clans but no medicine cat has ever had a cat with eyes this bad. They had all said, 'We can't save her'. Looking up into the dark shades of silverpelt, Fernseed sighed. Starclan help me. I might get a dream tonight on how to help her. Looking around for Mistpaw, Fernseed spotted the sleek grey she-cat coming back from the elders' den. "What were you doing there?" Fernseed asked when Mistpaw was closer. "Patchpaw insists on sleeping there while she's hurt, so I went to re-dress her injuries." Mistpaw replied. Nodding Fernseed said, "Could you check on Falconwing for me, I haven't slept a wink in what feels like a moon." Mistpaw meowed, "Sure!" Dashing off, Fernseed knew that the little cat liked to see the kits. I think she didn't know what she was getting herself into when she became my apprentice. Shaking her head, Fernseed peeked over at Ivynose who was asleep, then headed for her nest to hopefully get some answers from Starclan.
Just call me Siri.
2:27pm Jan 2 2010
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(( I am exited, she will get her vision back for one day though, then it will totaly black out.. AND NEVER COME BACK!!!)) "Fernseed?" Ivynose asked. "Will I get my site back?" she asked like a crying kit. "STUPID EAGLESTAR" Rainfeather spat as she swat the tree along way from the camp. "STUPID ICEHEART!" she hissed "Stupid aprentises!!" she snarled as she swiped at the tree slicing its bark off. Waaaaiiiit... she stoped. If I get quail kit back and dingopaw back..Maybe more respect..... she thought looking up at silverpelt. She sprinted into the bushes,as fast as she could. A jolt of adrenaline shot through her side. I am doing the wright thing.. "Hello, Cinderstar." she meowed as she entered the sandy scarletclan territory. There was no answer. there they are!! she thought as she seen dingoapw and Quail...paw?? curled up beside each other. she ran to there side silentley, "Come on!" she wispered to dingopaw. he got up, the tall cat looked at her and then she could tell he remembered her. "Get your sister and come follow me!" she meowed.
2:48pm Jan 2 2010
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Falconwing looked up tiredly as Mistpaw walked, stretching slightly as to not jar the three bunndles beside her. "Hello Mistpaw. I have not seen you in a while, I hope everything is alright?" She asked slightly worried. Sniffing each kit, she sighed with relief as all of them seemed fine, growing like weeds thought. Letting her head fall back to her paws, she waited for the medince cat apprentice to say what she needed. Silentpaw watched Mistpaw leave, a small ache in his heart. Maybe I should start staying away from her, make things easier. Padding from the den, he made his way to the camp entrance and slunk out, ignoring the fact that her could get into trouble for going out without a mentor. Well if a fox kills me or something, its not like the clan would care that much. My father does not care for me, Patchpaw seems to hate me now, Falconwing is with her own kits, he flinched at the thought, missing curling up in the nursery beside his foster mother. And my own mothers dead. Starclan really seems to hate me. Grummbling, he stalking a mouse for a few moments, and when he caught the small creature, he let his anger and frustration out on it. Once finished, he scowled at the sight of the scrap of fur no long fit to eat.

3:22pm Jan 2 2010
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Eaglestar bounded after her apprentice as she walked towards the elders den, looking rather upset. "Patchpaw! Come here please!" she yowled, tail swishing, "I wasn't finished speaking with you!"
4:06pm Jan 2 2010
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"Hey!" Rainfeather meowed. "Eaglestar." she apeared out of the bushes with two other cats following her. Scratches ran down her face, as well as her silver pelt. "I have two cats here, I think Ivynose would like to see them." she meowed softley. "This, is Dingofang, formaly know as dingoapw."
5:33pm Jan 2 2010
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Mistpaw looked at Falconwing and noted that she looked a bit tired. I'll have to tell Fernseed that she needs some time out of the den. So someone else will kitsit for her, she needs fresh air. "I didn't mean to wake you but how are you doing?" Mistpaw asked quietly so she didn't wake the kits, like she had their mother. One that was pitch as black rolled over in her sleep to swat her brother. They're so cute! Leopardheart had been sleeping in the warriors den, enjoying the fact that Kestrelheart was sitting guard this night, when something awoke him. Looking about the den he noted that no one else was meowing in their sleep or leaving. Leopardheart felt him fur bristle at the base of the neck, walk out of the den he saw Silentpaw leaving. Where is he going? Following the young tom, Leopardheart remembered yowling in his sleep. Maybe it wasn't yowling in my dreams but a real fight. Have Patchpaw and Silentpaw finally given up? He stalked the apprentice easily, being a senior warrior Leopardheart could even suprise Eaglestar from time to time. When Silentpaw caguth a mouse he took out such rage on it that Leopardheart cringed. What happened to the Silentpaw I knew? So put together, strong and willing. He would have come to talk not broken code to hunt alone and disrespect Starclan's gift of food. Stepping out of the shadows Leopardheart loomed over Silentpaw, his eyes glowing their erie topaz. "Silentpaw, I think we should talk." he meowed, "You've had a hard time lately." Watching him closely Leopardheart continued, "Tell me anything. I won't judge you, Silentpaw. You are mine to teach and I can't do that until I know you." Leopardheart has brought Iceclan many warriors but Silentpaw will be his hardest. He's so willing to take all burdens alone, but no cat should do this. Sitting down in front of Silentpaw, effectively hiding the ruins of the mouse, Leoparheart curled his tail around his paws. "I would like to teach you more, but first you must educate me. I need to know how you think, what you feel, anything you can tell me." Then Leopardheart sat quietly waiting to see if Silentpaw would open up to him, be vulnerable to him. To trust him like no other cat in the clan. How I wish he was my kit. Fernseed woke up easily when Ivynose asked "Will I get my sight back?" Yawning away sleep, that was short and nearly nonexistent, Fernseed walked closer to the other cat. "Ivynose, it's not up to me now." She meowed, "Starclan is in control. I have done all that I can." I really have. Fernseed added, "I would like to think that you are though." Looking at the wounds covering the cats face Fernseed said, "It seems to be healing." Patchpaw looked at her leader, "I'm sor- She was quickly cut off when Rainfeather came back with two cat's behind her. She was covering in scratches. I'm not important, she thought as she turned to face away from Eaglestar and Rainfeather. Rainfeather is a warrior so Eaglestar can tell me in the morning, if she remembers me. Shaking her head, Patchpaw thought, stop it now! Be happy you're alive, tomorrow Eaglestar will remember you.
Just call me Siri.
9:35pm Jan 2 2010
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Silentpaw nearly yowled as Leopardheart snuk up on him, fur fluffing up in fear. When he noticed who it was, the apprentice cringed and sat down with his head bowed. Listening to his mentors words, he suddenly felt stupid and naive next to the senior warrior. I wish I was more like him, so ready to help others, even when they dont deserve it. Trying to get his thoughts together, he remembered something he'd rather keep to himself, maybe. "I just want to be a good warrior, to do nothing more then serve my clan then join my mother in Starclan." He muttered. Trying to think staight, he met Leopardheart's eyes, then quickly looked away. "I just dont know anymore Leopardheart. My path used to be so straight, so even on how I was to become a warrior, eat, sleep, train. Any you want to know why? Because I remembered my mother telling me how great a warrior my father was, how proud she was of him and that she wanted me to be just like him." He was surprised how fast the words came out. "I diddn't know who he was, but I wanted her to be proud, so I tried my best from then on. But when my mother died, I felt as if my life-line had been cut and that nothing else mattered. But Falconwing saved me, not my father who Whisperwind loved so much." He spat the word father as if it was vile. "The everything else happened, I was good friends with Patchpaw, I really liked her, still do I think. And Cheetahpaw showed up. He showed so much promise as a warrior, he was strong and fast, a natural clan cat. I tried harder and pushed all other cats away so I could fufill my mothers wants. Stupid mistake!" He spat, ashamed to feel his eyes shine with unsaid hurt. "She really seemed to like Cheetahpaw, and it hurt. So I acted like a idiot, probably still am." He whispered, sinking his claws into the ground. "Now come to find out the cat my mother loved so much and seemed me to want to take after is the cat who hates me most!" He snarled. "How couls Fallenwind not say anything to me after my mother died! He did not even mourn her, because I was with her the whole night. Was I not good enought for him!" He yowled, getting up to pace. "Now theres Mistpa-." He stopped quickly, eyes widening with horror at what he said. "Forget I said that." He whispered again, sitting down and bowing his head with self hatred. This could get us both in so much trouble.

1:58am Jan 3 2010
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Leopardheart sat still for some time, processing all that Silentpaw had said. He’s taken on so much more than I thought. Why hadn’t I noticed it before? With his tail covering his paws, he knew that Silentpaw couldn’t see his long claws pierce the earth. Taking a deep breath Leopardheart didn’t quite know what to say, so he did something. Standing over the apprentice for a moment, Leopardheart walked forward and wrapped his tail around Silentpaw’s shoulder. “This is why you are an apprentice,” he meowed gently. “You need to take your time learning.” Not knowing what to really say, Leopardheart continued, “Fallenwind is a…quiet cat.” Trying to keep his words clear and open Leopardheart prayed to Starclan that he said the right things. “Fallenwind mourns your mother, his mate, everyday. You just don’t understand his ways.” I have to be more stern when it comes to Mistpaw though. I can’t let that get out of hand. “Patchpaw is still your greatest companion in this clan. No one will replace the bond you two have. Just don’t stress it or push it farther than it’s meant to be.” Knowing that was much too confusing, Leopardheart continued, “Give it time. Just like the sprout in leaf-bare it’s shrunk with the harsh times but soon when leaf-green comes it will be nourished again.” Resting his nose on his apprentices’ head, Leopardheart murmured, “And choose what’s best for the clan when it comes to Mistpaw. Or will she brave Fernseed?” Realizing that he was getting much too personal Leopardheart stepped back. “Don’t answer that, only Fernseed and Eaglestar need to know of that. Just come to me whenever you are in need.” Motioning with his tail for him to follow, Leopardheart headed back to camp. “It’s been a long night and you need your sleep. Tomorrow I’m going to train you hard. I hope to make you a warrior soon but I have to talk to Fallenwind first.” He's coming to his eighth moon, a young warrior. Maybe in one more...
Just call me Siri.
2:33pm Jan 3 2010
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"Dingopaw! Quailkit! Come, follow me, we are going to see your mother." when they just sat there she yowled "Now!". Turning she saw her apprenticen walk away, "Rainfeather, take these cats to Ivynose, I have to go do something" Once Eaglestar caught up with her apprentice she mewed, "Ple*censored*e stop walking away form me when I need to talk to you." she saw the hurt in Patchpaws eyes and added, "It's not that I don't want you, you are the best apprentice I've ever had, but soon. Soon I won't physically be able to mentor you."
4:49pm Jan 3 2010
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"Come with me...." Rainfeather meowed softly. I hope Ivynose will forgive me with what I have done to her. she thought as she began walking. "Where would you be taking us?" Quailkit asked as she moved up beside Rainfeather. "To see your mother...." she meowed shortly. "I never new my Mother." Quailkit meowed briskly, "As well as I." added Dingopaw. Rainfeather stopped how could they not remember there mother? she wondered. She looked at Quailkit, she didn't seem to be a kit anymore, then she looked at Dingopaw, he didn't seem to be an apprentice anymore. "You guys were born here, not in ScarletClan!" she meowed trying not to offend them. Quailkit didn't speak. "Ivynose will refresh your memories." she meowed quietley as she walked up to the medicine cat den. "I can seeeee!!!?!" Ivynose meowed once she exited the medicine cat den she looked left, then right to see is this really happening!? she though."Quailkit! Dingopaw!" she meowed happily as she ran toward the tall cats. She looked at them from top to bottom, "You aren't kits anymore....." she meowed sadly. "I am Quailfoot." she began. "I am dingofang.."added Dingofang. "You..you.. seem familiar......." Quailfoot meowed. "Well of course I am your Mother!" meowed Ivynose surpressed by her answer. Dingofang ran up to her and gave her an affectionate lick, "Hi Ivynose." he meowed tenderly. "Ivynose?!"Quailfoot meowed, "I thought.... CinderStar said...."
5:01pm Jan 3 2010
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"I'm going back." Cheetahpaw suddenly announced. Graypaw looked up. "I'm coming back too...... I-I want to see the damage I've done to......." He gulped. "You know." And so they silently padded towards camp. Once they were in camp, they both scanned the clearing for Patchpaw. Graypaw was the first to spot her. "I know you probably hate me....." He said slowly. "But I'm really sorry." He bagan licking Patchpaw's ear.
6:41pm Jan 3 2010
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((Patchpaw is bouncing all over the place! O3o I had her in the elders den, but I'll just have his sitting in the middles of camp on her way to the elders den.)) Patchpaw looked at her leader and thought, soon she won't physically be able to mentor me? I don't understand. Looking Eaglestar over, Patchpaw saw no wounds and when she walked there was no limp. Unlike my walk, she thought bitterly. "Eaglestar I don't understa- For what felt like the millionth time, Patchpaw was interrupted. Feeling her usual viper mouth temper coming up Patchpaw turned to yowl at the rude cat, only to shrink back in fright. All she could do was stare at Graypaw with wide eyes, like the mice they caught daily. When he spoke she flinched but he continued, "I know you probably hate me..." He said slowly. "But I'm really sorry." Patchpaw was immobilized with terror as he went to lick her ear. When his cheek brushed her whiskers instinct took over. He’s going to eat you! Run! Hide! Hurt him before he hurts you! Patchpaw struck Graypaw’s vulnerable chest with her foot, claws still sheathed. Surprising everyone, even herself, with the power as Graypaw gasped for breath. His lungs effectively empted from the blow, Patchpaw shrieked as she flew backwards, never taking her eyes off Graypaw. What is that noise? There was useless mews coming from nowhere, when Patchpaw realized she was saying them. “Don’t hurt me. I’m sorry I didn’t help you, just stay away from me. I didn’t do anything.” Forcing herself to stop, Patchpaw was a good two fox lengths back from the three cats. Graypaw looked distraught while Cheetahpaw and Eaglestar looked confused. Not really noticing Eaglestar or Cheetahpaw, Patchpaw whispered, “Is it you? Or is Tigerstar there?”
Just call me Siri.
7:06pm Jan 3 2010 (last edited on 7:19pm Jan 3 2010)
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Graypaw's eyes swelled with tears. "I thought you forgave me..... But you didn't...." Tigerstar took the pain, and now had half-control over Graypaw. Graypaw slowly inched towards Patchpaw. "You didn't forgive me...... No, you didn't.... you just watned me to burrow in my pain..." Graypaw screamed, a scream filled with so much pain that anyone hearingg it would try to block the noise that gave them pain as well. He looked painfully at Patchpaw. "You can, right now....... just kill me.... kill me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed again, and Cheetahpaw's eyes filled with tears unbearable, and he ran to the aprentice's den. He couldn't take it's power............. Lostfrost stayed her ground. She'd already felt that pain............
7:19pm Jan 3 2010
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7:28pm Jan 3 2010
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7:41pm Jan 3 2010
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Silentpaw followed Leopardheart into camp, tail drooping in exhaustion. When he entered camp, he was tempted to see what he comotion was, but decided not to as he saw Fallenwind exit the warriors den, face hard. Turning to Leopardheart, he dipped his head and smiled slightly. "Thank you Leoardheart, i'll take everything you said to heart." Fallenwind padded up to the group of cats, amber eyes gleaming in fury. Shoving through the cats, he stopped in between a screaming Graypaw and a the frightened Patchpaw. "Silence Graypaw!" He snarled, cuffing the apprentice genty over the ears. "No cat is going to kill you." He meowed, voice softer now. "Would oeone please go calm down Cheetahpaw before he freaks out." He sighed, wondring how the clan became s dramatic. "And Patchpaw, your still not well, why dont you go speak to your foster mom? Calm down a little." He itched to lie down and contemplate on what to do.