8:40pm Nov 18 2009
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Patchpaw disengaged, looking quickly at Silentpaw hoping that he would be fine, and ran like the Cheetaclan. Leopardheat, Fallenwind I hope your close!
((( I have to eat but I'll be back soon! Mouse dung, right when it got good =/)))
Just call me Siri.
8:50pm Nov 18 2009
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((okay I'll be one for a couple hours XD)) Jadewing agreed and went into her happy place, but was disrupted by Patchpaw running into the camp her eyes wide with fear. Dovefire ran up to her "Whats wrong Patchpaw?" his red eyes looking at her. She replied breathlessly "Rogues are attacking. Eacglestar told me to get Fallenwind to organize a patrol" and with that Dovefire ran to his other sister, Ivynose, and told her that they should ask to go. Ivynose padded up to Patchpaw and said "Tell Fallenwind me and Dovefire have left to help" then pelted off.
9:04pm Nov 18 2009
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OOC: sorry...I haven't been paying much attention to this RP D: Echosong was near the back of her den, arranging the herbs, and adding some new ones to the stock. The many scents of fresh herbs surrounded her, this was probably the best part about being a medicine cat. Echosong sighed a happy sigh, then continued with her work. She finaly got to the burdock root and noticed that she was low. 'I thought I had enough?' she thought. 'Well, I better go out and grab some more, we wouldn't want an infected wound getting worse.' Before she left her den, Echosong did a quick check through of the other herbs to see if they needed to restock anymore. I turned out that she needed to add a few more things to her list. 'I better take Fernpaw wth me, it would do her good to learn more about the different herbs.' Echosong padded out of her den to find Fernpaw, but instead she found some of the Clan cats gathered around High Rock.((if we call it that)) 'I wonder what's going on?' she questioned herself. Silentkit was having his apprentice ceremony. Echosong let out a small pur, it was nice to have more helping paws around. She watched the ceremony, and after the mentor touched noses with their new apprentice, and after Eaglestar said the final words to the ceremony, Echosong joined in glorious((<--phail)) chanting. "Silentpaw, Silentpaw!" After the ceremony, and after the crowd calmed down, Echosong went in a short search for Ferpaw.

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
9:14pm Nov 18 2009
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(((Is back! Hey grank, we will be in need of you soon! =o Ebil! *giggles*)))
Just call me Siri.
9:17pm Nov 18 2009
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Even though Jaykit was blind, it was still obvious what was going on around him, Silentkit's apprentice ceremony. The young kit listened from his place in the nursery, and joining in on chanting the apprentices new name. "Silentpaw, Silentpaw!" After everyone seemed to calm down, and a few of the warriors and apprentices were congratulating Silentpaw, Jaykit went on a search for his grandfather. Feeling the vibrations in the ground from other cats, Jaykit wove his way through the camp. Sweet scent of hebs flowed over his nose, and he knew that he was closing in on Echosong. "G'day, Echosong." He simply said as he p*censored*ed by. He continued his search for his grandfather, but before Jaykit could find him, caterwauling screeches sounded from outside the camp. Something was wrong, and Jaykit wanted to know. 'Only if I could see right now!' he thought to himself. He was about to take another step, when the sudden smell of Ravenfeather surrounded him. Ravenfeather was bounding up to his grandson, Jaykit. "Quick, get back into the nursery and stay there! Rogues are attacking." Before he could let Jaykit reply, Ravenfeather grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and raced over to the nursery. "Please, stay in there until we've fought off the intruders." Ravenfeather quickly looked up and scanned the camp. After that he bent his head down and nuzzled Jaykit. "I could risk losing another family member." Those were his last words before racing off to help. He was hoping he could find Fallenwind, or some of the other Warriors.

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
9:20pm Nov 18 2009
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OOC: yay!!! *throws confetti* ok...so I'm kind of lost...so..Silentpaw became an apprentice and Eaglestar is out training with him and another apprentice, and now rogues are attacking the camp, well...they're invading the territory, right?

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
9:22pm Nov 18 2009
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Eaglestar was tired but that didnt stop her. She dove once again at the big tom battting his belly with her hindpaws as hard as she could. She felt relieved when she heard the heavy pawsteps and saw her siblings and many other warriors come to attack. There was one cat, who seemed young, not old enought to be an apprentice, she just walked up to it and looked it in the eys and stared. The kit ran off frightened by her crimson eyes.
9:23pm Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 7:30pm Nov 22 2009)
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(((grank, Patchkit got to be an apprentice, now Patchpaw, her mentor is Eaglestar. Then Silentkit became Silentpaw with Cougarfeather is his mentor. And they were going to go hunting when rouges attacked. Patchpaw is now in camp calling for warriors)))
Just call me Siri.
9:27pm Nov 18 2009
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Patchpaw wanted to go back to the fight but was stopped by Swiftdarkness. He looked down at her and said, "Easy now, you should relax and let the warriors go to Eaglestar and Silentpaw." Swiftdarkness took off to help aid Eaglestar. Leopardheart yearned to fight for his clan but dared not leave the camp with no warriors.
Just call me Siri.
9:38pm Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 9:48pm Nov 18 2009)
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Jadewing was terrified for her kits. She ran around the camp rounding them up and herded them into the nursery. The she waited with Iceclaw her fur bristling ready to attack if any cat made it this far. Eaglestar didn't want to stop but did once she heard a deep tom's voice yell, "STOP THE ATTACK ROGUES" the cat padded up to her and Eaglestars blood turned to ice. It was Iceheart this cat murdered a kit and tried to kill his own sister because of who she loved. This cat was legend, and not in a good way. Trying to keep her nervs down she spoke to him cooly "So I see you are back in the forest." she sneered "Still ordering around rogues who have no-one better to follow?" Iceheart growled ad said "No one better is right. There are worse deputys I could think of. One of them being you" that was it. she couldn't take anymore she flung herself at him and put her paw at his throat and said "Get Off My Territory NOW!!" Iceheart lloked scared and nodded "okay" she let him go and his eyes turned cold agian as he pounced on her and dug his claws deep into her back. ((http://hailfeather-rules.deviantart.com/art/The-Scars-I-Bear-137076541)) ((that is where Iceheart came from XD))
9:39pm Nov 18 2009
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Swiftdarkness started to run to help Eaglestar, when he saw Patchpaw matching his pace. "What are you doing?" demanded Swiftdarkness. Picking up her speed Patchpaw put herself abreast to him and stated, "I'm going to fight! My leader needs me." Groaning Swiftdarkness let her come along knowing that Leopardheart and Echosong would take care of the camp. Leopardheart took charge calling out, "Echosong do you have all the herbs and spiderwebbing you need? I feel that there will be many wounds." Looking around franticly Leopardheart saw Jadewing and sighed with relief. I don't think I could surivive if she went into battle without me, and then the kits...
Just call me Siri.
9:43pm Nov 18 2009
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Flying through the trees Swiftdarkness leapt onto a strangle cat(Iceheart). Ripping at his pelt Swiftdarkness showed no mercy to this ruthless cat who dared attack his leader. Patchpaw was right behind going straight to Silentpaw checking to make sure he was ok.
Just call me Siri.
9:43pm Nov 18 2009
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((Dropping out sorry cant keep up ;^;))
9:45pm Nov 18 2009
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Ravenfeather noticed Swiftdarkness trying to calm Patchpaw down. He padded over to them, feeling slitly awkward towering over all the other warriors. He hoped the apprentice didn't feel like he was going to step on him. Once over to the duo he asked. "Where are they? I could offer help, and I can gather some more warriors to come along just in case if more rogues happen to show up." Ravenfeather spoke with confidence, he would protect his Clanmates, even at the cost of his life. But these were just some rogues, and luckily not some other Clan. Rogues can do damage in large numbers, but alone, they're usually no threat. Still, Ravenfeather was going to find someway to help out his Clan. Echosong couldn't find Fernpaw, she had to be around somewhere though. The medicine cat got distracted when she over heard that rogues were invading. Her medicine skills would beput to the test yet again. Now she would need Fernpaw if there were going to be injured warriors and apprentices."Fernpaw!" she called out. "I need you, we need to get the herbs ready incase if there are any wounds!" Jaykit waited patiently inside the nursery, Ravenfeather's words had stunned him, yet they touched his heart. His grandfather was right, he needed to stay in the nursery, right now, this was the sfest place for him.

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
9:45pm Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 198
OOC: thanks Siri =^_^=

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
9:50pm Nov 18 2009
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Echosong heard her name being called and noticed Leopardheart calling out to her. She was aking if she had all the right herbs. "I'm only short on burdock root and Chamomile!" She replied back. "And I have more than enough spiderwebs! I'm all set, Leopardheart!"

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
9:54pm Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 9:56pm Nov 18 2009)
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(((No problem grank. SnowyWerewolf57 aww, I wish you didn't have to go.))) Leopardheart walked over to Ravenfeather as Swiftdarkness and Patchpaw took off. "Don't bother. The rouges will be taken care of, I need you here at camp," stated Leopardheart calmly. "Do you know where Fernpaw is? That would be a good start at preparing for the warriors to come back." Leopardheart looked at Echosong and said, "Should we go get some more or will we be ok with the supply we have know?"
Just call me Siri.
9:54pm Nov 18 2009
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Jadewing felt comforted by her mate pressed up against her watching the kits pay in the corner... Eaglestar awoke in the clearing where she had been fighting. She looked around confused. "waht what happening?" she turned and saw Rosestar. The former leader told her "Clam down dear one. You are losing you first life. It will be a long time until you join me here" That calmed her down as she awaited her body to regain its strength She awoke back in real life and jumped on Iceheart and said "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you" the cat looked scared "You -you, uhh I-I-I-I I killed you." That confused her once again as she thought He was a clan cat. He knew leaders have nine lives. But He didn't know I was leader Cooming back to reality she put her paw on his throat and said "Well? Do you have one?" the evil((ebil)) glimmer was back in his eyes and he tried to flip her over agian. Knowing there was no other way she forced her claws through his thick neck fur and into his throst.
10:02pm Nov 18 2009
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((SnowyWerewolf I am sorry but I need Cougarfeather lol she is a mentor. So in this someone will rp her))
10:05pm Nov 18 2009
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Fernpaw ran to her mentor "sorry Echosong I was helping Jadewing round up her kits" she was out of breath proving she was telling the truth.