8:37pm Jan 3 2010
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Graypaw snarled at Fallenwind.-Fail-
8:39pm Jan 3 2010
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~Lpppppppppppp, yes I said Lppppppppppppppppp, I need somebodeee to hear my lpppppppppp!~
9:23pm Jan 3 2010
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Leopardheart licked Silentpaw on the ear. "I'm glad." He replied, "I would have hated for all that talk to be for nothing." Giving his apprentice a nodd, Leopardheart headed toward the noise. I wonder what's going on? When he saw Patchpaw cowering in fear, Leopardheart rushed over to her. "What happened?" he asked quickly. "Are you ok?" Glancing her over Leopardheart saw no wounds, new ones at least. What has her so frightful? Leaning in close to her, Leoparheart whispered, "Can you talk to me, Patchpaw?" Sheilding her from the view of the others. Graypaw's not looking like himself, I wonder if he has something to do with it. Patchpaw leaned into Leopardheart and barely breathed, "Graypaw sees Tigerstar, and sometimes he even talks through him. He's the one that attacked me, not Graypaw." Looking up at him, Patchpaw's eyes held unshed tears that made them a dazzling emerald color, looking so innocent. "I really do like Graypaw but when Tigerstar comes out...I get scared!" She started to tremeble, "He's what made Graypaw attack me when I said that I could help. I wanted to tell Fernseed but Tigerstar didn't like that." In a full shake Patchpaw nuzzled into Leopardhearts chest. I need to have Fallenwind hear this, and Fernseed. Maybe she'll know what to do, to keep Tigerstar away. Putting his paw protectively over Patchpaw, Leopardheart said, "Fallenwind, you should hear this." When the leader came over Leopardheart told him all the Patchpaw had said. "We need to get Fernseed over here. Maybe Starclan will tell her of a way to fix this." Glancing at Graypaw, Leopardheart said, "I think I'll take Patchpaw to the queens den. She's feel safer there." Looking at Fallenwind, then to Graypaw, Leopardheart noted that some of the other cats were gathering around. "I would suggest that a warrior guards the apprentice den, being that Cheetahpaw and Silentpaw will be together without Patchpaw. Then there's Graypaw.." Sighing, Leopardheart meowed, "Also, it would be good to send out a patrol and talk to Fernseed in the morning. I just saw Ivynose come out of her den, so she hasn't had much sleep." Patchpaw suddenly felt like dead weight, looking down Leopardheart saw that she was asleep. "Fallenwind, I going to get this cub to a warm nest." Picking Patchpaw up by the nape, since she was so small it didn't wake herm and carried her to the queens den. When Swiftdarkness looked up, from his normal place behind Falconwing, he mewed, "What's going on?" Leopardheart set Patchpaw down by Swiftdarkness and said, "Just keep her safe for me Swift." When Swiftdarkness merely nodded and curled around Patchpaw, Leopardheart blinked in thanks. Leaving quickly, Leopardheart jogged back to Fallenwind. "I will be by your side through all of this Fallenwind. Just tell me what you need, and I will get it. Tell me what has to be done then I will do it." With a dip of his, Leopardheart stood to Fallenwind's right, ready for anything.
Just call me Siri.
9:26pm Jan 3 2010
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((There Full, beat that!))
Just call me Siri.
9:39pm Jan 3 2010 (last edited on 9:42pm Jan 3 2010)
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Rainfeather sat sielently on the sandy floor of the warroir den, she drew circles in the sand with her paw I should be exiled...... I blinded... well almost blinded a cat... why didn't Eaglestar exile me?..........I am a danger to all of the cats in the clan including her. she though. Then rolled over letting the soft sand move into her silverey pelt. She pushed herself to get up. She walked over to her side of the den, the little corner in the den, enclosed in by two large bolders making a little tunle. She ducked her head and looked around. It was actualy quite big in her part, it actualy came out of the warriors den a little ways; just enough to see a little hole of golden sunlight through the roof. She layed down in the sand and looked ahead. 3 moons of doing apprentice duties.... how will that get rid of my problem.. She moved her tail over the little puddle of water in her den, than Stared at the gr*censored* growing near by What am I going to do....
10:10pm Jan 3 2010 (last edited on 10:20pm Jan 3 2010)
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Graypaw felt lost. Alone. Unwanted. Mintpaw padded up to him, and sniffed slowly. "Are you okay?" She asked gently. "No. I'm not." Muttered Graypaw. "I have thee name of a legendary warrior, Graystripe, and I get controled by Tigerstar, a cat I like to talk to hates me- no wonder, I almost killed her- and people look at me as if I'm a demon. Beat that." "Well," Started Mintpaw. "I'm a failure at everything, I don't have a mentor yet, I'll never be picked to go to the gatherings, my colour is plain, I don't have any friends, my name is almost like a medisine cat name, and both of my parents are dead and I never knew them." Graypaw stared at her, bewildered. "You care about all the little things? Why, you shouldn't do that! It's just-" Mintpaw smiled broadly. "I don't. I just wanted to show you that those are little things. You have a big heart, Graypaw, and you just need to use it on the thing that's trying to destroy you.You're alive, so live." And with that, she padded over to the aprentice den. "Hey guys!" She said cheerfully. Silentpaw 'harrumphed' and looked at the wall, and Cheetahpaw was in his own little world. "Hmm," She thought aloud. She then laid down. Time for a nap.......................... "Mom!" It was Mintpaw's mom, Honeystar. She was known for her amazing leadership, but nobody mentioned it aroun Mintpaw. She didn't even know that Honeystar was her mom, it just slipped out. "I have something to show you," She said gently. They floated out of the aprentice den, and out of the Clan's territory. "Look, what do you see?" She asked gently. Mintpaw looked at a beautiful sparkling waterfall. "Why, It's me, and a tom(Can somebody please be him? ;D).... I don't know who though...... I think he's asking me to be my mate! But I'm so..... so................. ordinary......." Her mother smiled. "No your not. You just think you are. In fact, your family was put with a gift. Only you have the power. You can create dreams, nightmares, you control all dreams, exept for StarClan's dreams. You can walk into other's dreams. This is a powerful gift, use it for good." Mintpaw opened her eyes. It had only been a minute or two. She stretched, and padded out. She was right. It had only been a minute. Mintpaw felt light on her paws. Who was the tom? It wasn't Silentpaw, Cheeetahpaw, or Graypaw. So who was it??? She then remembered her gift. Can I read minds,too? She tried, but it didn't work. Drat.
10:15pm Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh, I'm trying..... I'm trying.))
11:07pm Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((D= It ate my post! I have to retype it tomorrow))
Just call me Siri.
11:11am Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((siri, I think you are related to Erin Hunter...))
4:05pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 4:06pm Jan 4 2010)
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Fallenwind helplessly smiled at Leopardheart, glad beyond words to have the older, wiser warrior to help him. "Thank you Leopardheart." He meowed softly, thinking through all the things that needed to be done. Finally he came up with a list to get things done effectivley. Looking around the cats, his gaze landed on Larkwing who was good with the younger cats. "Larkwing would you mind to stay in the apprentices den for the night an keep Cheetahpaw and Silentpaw from shredding ach others pelts?" He asked. Without waiting for a reply the deputy, or now leader padded into the medicine cats den and nodedd to Fernseed. "Do you think yu could do something for Graypaw?" He asked after telling her the same story Leopardheart told him. Falconwing looked up from her nursing kits and smiled sadly at Patchpaw. "The poor thing, she's so young but has had so much happen to her." She meowed to Swiftdarkness.
7:39pm Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Eklipse:Why do you sat that?))
7:55pm Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((Her posts are BEAST, and she is very very very very very very very very very very *BREATHES* very very very very Deive..... But I could also say the same about you, you are very very very very very very very very very very *BREATHES* very very very very Deive. lololollol))
7:56pm Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((XD I speel them wrong, though..............XDDDD Siri is champ, I just came here to go on second place.))
7:57pm Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((See? I just spelled spell wrong!))
7:57pm Jan 4 2010
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((Siri and East, since Eaglestar is gonna have kits, and female leaders arn't aloud to keep there kits...... I am going to make up another queen that is also expecting kits that has them a day or 2 before, so that Eaglestar can give them away to her. Her name, is Jayflight. and I will get the picture later. ))
8:00pm Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((-fail- I didn't know who Erin Hunter was until I googled! XD Eklipse, I don't know about that. -Siri is no good at plots-)) With the sun rising over Iceclan; it's bright salmons, tangerines and maroons making Fernseed squint, the she-cat knew that she had slept little. Ivynose has her sight back, and I have no idea how, and she won't rest like she should. Though when Fallenwind came to her Fernseed listened. I had no idea! Graypaw kept this very quiet and poor Patchpaw had to take this on alone. Thinking about all the herbs Fernseed told Fallenwind, "I've never heard of this. I'll need to take another trip to the other medicine cats, or maybe the Moonstone." Wondering what would be best, Fernseed walked into the still dark herb and berries den. Rummaging around until she found chamomile leaves and poppy seeds. Grabbing two chamomile leaves, for relaxing, Fernseed dropped a poppy seed onto them and brought it to Fallenwind. "Have him eat these, the leaves bring strenght to the mind, body and soul." She mewed, "And the poppy seed is for a deep sleep." Though only one, because Graypaw is still young.
Just call me Siri.
8:02pm Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((*GIGGLE-SNORTS-LOUDLY-WITH-CAPS* That is funny! You do read the warriorsbooks, don't you?))
8:08pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 8:33pm Jan 4 2010)
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((Wait, so Fernseed is feeding Graypaw a poppy seed?)) Graypaw backed against the wall of the aprentice den. "I hate my life." He muttered. "Mintpaw thinks my problems aren't that big, Silentpaw seems like a total jerk around Cheetahpaw, and Cheetahpaw is so stuck onto Patchpaw. I hate the people in my life. But of all, I hate that-that-that evil thing in my mind. Tigerstar." Graypaw breathed in, as saying the name made him shudder. "If only Firestar was alive. He could help me, like he did Ravenpaw." "You called?" A muscular tabby sat in front of Graypaw. His coat was almost like flames.... fire kreepin up on the aprentice den walls, bouncing and making reflections of wisdom along it's dull brown walls...... "Firestar!" He whispered, amazed. "Do not worry, the other's can't see you." Firesta'r's voice was booming and powerful. "I might be able to help you with Tigerstar. But first...... I think you should get to know your father more." Firestar's voice cracked slightly, and Graypaw shivered. "Lostdark, I do believe you say your son before you died." Suddenly, a cat as black as coal stood in front of them. His face was in a twisted growl position. But his face softened when he saw Graypaw. "The heart of gray dawn!" The cat said. "Graypaw," Graypaw corrected. Lostdark shuffled his feet. "I thought they would change it. your mother was The little fish of dark seas, and she gave you a Tribe name." He shuffled his feet again. "She then changed her name, and then became leader. You were the only one that had mountain spirit. Did you ever wonder how you were born with a swirl pattern on your left paw? It's the simbol of a Tribe cat. And it holds the bonds no one could ever imagine."
9:04pm Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((No eklipse Eaglestar doesnt care and is going 5to have her kits ;P. )) "Patchpaw! I won't be able to mentor you. As you know I am not physacally able to do so. I am expectind kits" she mewed softly. ((FAIL))
9:04pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 9:11pm Jan 4 2010)
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((lol)) Ivynose stared at Fernseed. my own daughter didn't remember me..... "Sorry for staring I just......"she cut off. "You hate your life?"Rainfeather meowed in amazement, looking at the apprentice. "Why would an apprentice hate his life!?" she asked waiting for an answer. She stared into his eyes for one moment, then looked away. Then quickly covered her claws with her long tail hoping Greypaw didn't see them.